Holy fuck, is he gonna start reading?
Also we have to stop leftists giving Holla Forums ammo with these cringy pictures.
Holy fuck, is he gonna start reading?
Also we have to stop leftists giving Holla Forums ammo with these cringy pictures.
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fuck off, who cares.
Not their fault they are mongrel-breed manlets. They cannot help the fact that they were born fucked up!
Oh god, why are Trots the worst Marxist.
All that shit is on the internet, why would you buy it?
I buy books to mark them up. Also so I can read them on the bus and planes.
They look like a shitty band who tries too hard.
staring at screen for too long gives me a migraine, plus you can take books everywhere.
well muke is a shitty youtuber who tries too hard
any image that has young white men in it that are being serious about a political ideology will be made fun of, unfortunately
they're not even doing anything wrong. it's just the current generation of millennials mocks any white men that dare to be passionate about something. because only being edgy and apathetic is cool
That's just blatantly untrue
holy shit he's in the imt
i know some of those guys
second from right on 3rd pic was at imt world congress
These guys need to rethink their slogans. The current system is not broken, that is to say, the system is fucking over the prole just like it's intended to do, the system is working just fine. "Broken" implies there's something to be fixed, the system doesn't need to be fixed, there's nothing TO fix, it needs to be removed. If the system were truly broken, it would be working in our favor.
Is this a spoilt brat thread?
Posting this classic:
Lol ok.
no it's not?
picture in your mind, any group of 5 young white men
imagine they are passionate about any political ideology and took a group picture at an event of that
no irony involved
the pic would be made fun of someone
To be fair, this is true of almost any conceivable picture. A picture of a dead baby will be made fun of by someone.
I do generally agree that being outspokenly political is seen as "un-cool" these days, unless you are supporting certain special-snowflake causes.
this kind of thread is allowed.
Based BO once again upholds the immortal science of Marxism Leninism Mukeism!
i like you comrade
Oh, but it is broken. The next depression will expose just how badly it is broken.
Are you sugessting capitalism can be fixed?
Respectability politics are for liberal faggots. Holla Forums will believe literally anything, we may as well encourage muke to actually know anything.
reformism confirmed