How is it that this porky piece of shit was ever able to successfully supplant Keynesian theory in economics schools with his worship of the free market?
How is it that this porky piece of shit was ever able to successfully supplant Keynesian theory in economics schools...
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It's easy to replace one ideology with another in a non-scientific discipline like economics.
Because both keynesianism and free market have crisis and are replaced by the other one when capitalism is about to collapse.
Economists, who are not Marx, are retarded. That's why.
Because of the stagflation.
I don't find the concept that there's any sort of "pattern" in waves of regulation and deregulation terribly convincing. I don't see any wave of deregulation on previous regulations in the period before the Great Depression. The evidence for any sort of waviness back and forth is a single "wave".
Muh stagflation and muh feels
And yet free market ideology didn't do jack shit to resolve said stagflation. It was the rise of credit reliance and women going into the workplace that gave Americans the illusion of maintaining the standard of living they had come to expect from the '70s.
Real wages haven't declined. That graph doesn't account for other aspects of income like medical benefits and pensions.
nazis aren't porkies.
you can't believe those three things at the same time
fascism is just late stage capitalism
Economics has not advanced since Marx.
Nobody at Holla Forums likes Milton Friedman.
1. He was a Jew and zionist
2. He promoted ZOG Occupied Government imperialism
3. He promoted free trade and open borders
4. He was big boost to the libertarian movement
There are lolberts on Holla Forums. It's where the race realist ones go.
The US government of the time was chock full of proto-neoconservatives.
The likes of Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz have been around a long time.
Also the USA had to move off the fixed dollar to fund the Vietnam war.
I think most libertarians have converted to Trumpism (economic nationalism) or driven off the board. There is very little true libertarian presence there anymore. I never see Friedman mentioned except when someone is making fun of libertarians.
Oh great, just when they had a chance at fixing themselves. At least they're heading in the right direction
Holla Forums has basically decided that nonwhites aren't genetically capable of respecting property rights, so their brand of social/racial hygiene has to be enforced for a libertarian society to work.
Previous regulations did not prevent porkies from gaming the system. When Standard Oil got broken up, J.D. Rockefeller actually became magnitudes richer.
I don't think Wall Street was regulated much in the 20s
They didnt, the US has been military Keynesian for 70 years
Wat up cuckboiiii
Right, but there's no evidence for oscillations between deregulation and regulation. Capitalism started with low regulation and reached an apex of regulation around the '50s.
Because economics are a philosophy masquerading as a science.
Bet you feel really clever after typing that out
You know "military Keynesian". It's all the rage in economic academic circles these days. The cutting edge of Econ theory even.
In part because he and his pals started a long-term planning of their ultimately successful attempt at cultural hegemony as early as the '50s.
Aha, so "cultural classicalism"? Sounds familiar…
Complete with a remote hotel in the Swiss mountains from which they plotted their evil scheme.