Just saw this on steam. Anyone have played it? Is it gud? Is it fun
New gayme Inside
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it's from the devs behind Limbo
A lot of people consider Limbo to be a pretentious platformer, but I enjoyed it
It really looks like it.
That's a hell of a coincidence. Since his thread was the first let this one fall inside the limbo get it?INSIDE the LIMBO
Limbo was ok.
Not the best platformer ever made, not the pile of shit Holla Forums makes it out to be post-artsy indie boom kneejerk reaction, just an ok platformer you play a couple of times and then forget about it.
So this will probably be ok too.
I'd price Limbo at around 5 bucks.
If this game is like Limbo, then it's probably worth 5 bucks max as well.
Don't pay more than that.
I don't know, give me a MEGA.nz link and I'll tell you.
I watched the trailer and got a real linear and playing upon the background for emotional story telling vibe.
A nervous walking simulator meets Nambla fantasy.
I watched this shit and it was enough for me.
I played it and finished it in around 3 hours. If you liked Limbo, you'll more than likely enjoy this.
Like Limbo, the story of this game starts off somewhat barebones, not explaining shit. You're a kid in the woods going right. Then as it progresses, you kind of get a decent idea of what's going on until the very end where it just gets fucking weird.
Spoilers below:
So if you've ever seen the original trailer, you see a bunch of people and you running towards some sort of container unit. You never see what's inside, but people look confused. This scene happens towards the last act of the game.
It turns out what's inside is literally a blob of humans that these scientists made. The zombie people you see throughout the whole story are actually not humans. They're actually grown, and I think this blob helps control and give them some semblance of sentience.
I would like to point out, before I continue, that this isn't the weird part.
The weird part is you manage to get into the tank and free the blob. When this happens, you, the kid, are sucked up into the blob, and for the rest of the game, you become the blob. I shit you not I could not stop laughing as you just destroy the shit out of walls and everything while you try and escape. Literally no one can stop you as people get out of the way and watch. Some people even try and HELP you just so you can progress and get out of the area and leave them alone.
You finally manage to break through the facility, roll down a mountain, and land by the seaside with the sun in your face. At this point, the blob just sits there as the camera slowly pans out and credits appear on the top of the screen.
There were some cool moments and some neat puzzles, nothing super complicated, but that last part of the game was the funniest shit I've played in a while.
So, is the game a platformer? A 3D puzzle game? A walking simulator?
Looks kinda bad.
What's the swimming monster and why are they hunting the boy in the first place?
Honestly, I haven't a fucking clue, man.
I assume that the kid is another "zombie" like all the others, but unlike the others, he's directly linked to the blob somehow. From what happened, I don't think that anyone really knew what you were (or even the kid for that matter). He could have just possibly been seen as a one off from a batch that needed to be put down. Even the scientists who gathered around the blob containment sphere saw you but didn't actually care that you were there. they were more curious as to why the blob was acting so strange (it's because you finally got there).
whats up with the worms too?
Man I like the setting but dislike games with open ended stories.
Looks like a cinematic platformer
It's possible that that's how these zombies are originally created? They start off as a worm and are then transferred to other facilities to continue growing.
Torrent or gtfo
This game uses Denuvo
Just a friendly warning before you buy it
That explain why there's no torrent. Not going to buy that shit, thank you, fam.
instantly lost all interest
Also looked it up, can confirm it's real
Fuck. Lets hope they up their prices or everyone is going to get on the Denuvo train.
Why do you guys shit on a game everytime it has Denuvo. There were some valid opinions about this game, all of a sudden some autist complains it has denuvo, then everyone is saying its shit.
Maybe Playdead is tired of you guys pirating his games that he worked hard to make them. Maybe he wants to protect his content from people like you.
Get into their shoes and think how hard it must be for them.
That sound pretentious as fuck
That is not an allowable opinion on Holla Forums.
Sounds like a pretentious poor man's I am a hero.
Now I want an I am a hero game.
Into the trash it goes. Instant sage too.
Do you know how Denuvo works?
Obviously not, because if he did, he'd be able to crack it.
Yet another thread about this shit. Fuck off and keep it to one thread
How Denuvo works is no secret
But the reason why there is no crack because Denuvo uses 64 bit encryption and so far the only working decrypter is 32 bit.
I've never seen a dumber post of a /g/ or Holla Forums wannabe trying to explain stuff he doesn't understand at all.
You have no idea what 64/32 bit actually is and you have no idea how Denuvo actually works.
It's constantly changing with it's own algorythm and re-checking itself, you'd need a new crack every milisecond to keep up with it and since nobody knows the algorythm it uses, there's no way to solve it as fast as it changes.
Keep in mind that it's current process involves writing constantly on your hard drive which can seriously fuck up SSD drives AND it's yet another resource hog that will kill performance for the sake of "safety".
If you're in the mood for a very cheap laugh, go around and look for any game protected by Denuvo. Now see if anyone is talking about it or if it sold well at all.
It's not that people refuse to buy it because of Denuvo or they are afraid the DRM will fuck their PC but rather that we live in a culture where a lot of people talking about a game probably pirated it. And by talking about it, they are essentially free advertizing, generating interest in whatever site or community they are a part of.
Until Denuvo is cracked, it essentially killed piracy. But now comes the question: was this really what you wanted? Less people talking about your game? Losing the cheapest and biggest marketing team in the whole world? Do you really wanna compete for attention with AAA now that everyone has to fork over cash to even give your game a chance? Now that people have to carefully choose where to spend their cash?
it's good and it's VERY fun, think i was erect for the 3h while was playing it. Not sure if i like it more then limbo, but so far the most fun and interesting game in what i played in this year.
Who fucking cares ?
I hated Limbo, I'm sure this is just as Mediocre and Pretentious.
Not to mention that just before release there were a bunch of 'reviewers' furiously masturbating themselves about how 'its so good, you just HAVE to play it! I cant tell you anything about it!'
Atmospheric story telling isn't a free pass to being 'good' or 'deep'
It just reeks of a mediocre game that is getting nothing but praise because the maker is part of the 'cool kids club'
That being said, I don't care if someone else tries it out and likes it. A lot of people like mediocre games, in fact everyone has a few that they absolutely love. I can't get enough Dynasty Warriors or it's Spinoffs myself. But those games get the scores they deserve, and nothing I've seen about this game says anything above 7 out of 10.
>Making sure that everyone who wants your game has to pay for it legitimately is somehow not a good way to running a business selling games
No on every account, and fuck yourself. All you're doing is trying desperately to justify screwing over people trying to make a living.
Oh and here's the counterpoint to "a copy that was pirated doesn't always translate to a lost sale"; if you're not going to pay for it anyway, what right does your kike ass have to other people hard work? And don't you dare try to pull that "we'd support and promote the game if we liked it bullshit". That is the most transparent lie ever told in the entire internet; you faggots will use any flimsy half-excuse to justify not paying for a game, from the potential politics of a gamedev (that don't feature in the game) to the excuse that "they already have good sales figures".
You asshats are the worst form of sanctimonious leeches. At least the Tumblrina shoplifting "fandom" admits that what they do is stealing.
It's not a counterpoint if it in no way addresses the previous point.
There is a pretty obvious difference between copyright infringement and regular thievery.
Also, piracy is free speech, so you shouldn't have to pay for it.
Nobody cares kike.
Into the garbage it goes.
No that is how SecuROM worked, Denuvo isnt like that.
Denuvo only checks the game the first time you run it. The game files are set in a way that Denuvo needs to create an exe file in order to run it. The exe file is specially made using your CPUID number (which is different for every cpu) it creates a 64 bit encryption, in which denuvo checks. If the key is good, Denuvo lets you run the game and it never bothers you again.
Thats why there are russian sites which sell Denuvo games for 2$. Thats called a Felix method. What it does is since you only need to run Denuvo once to play the game, they make a separate steam folder, type in their account password, run denuvo once, and you can play Doom as much as you want as long as you stay offline in that steam account.
Another thing Denuvo has is that it prevents user from installing the game on 5 different systems in 24 hours.
I'm not trying to justify anything you colossal faggot. It's illegal to pirate a videogame, it deprives them of money and all that and denying this is bullshit.
I don't make excuses for my piracy, I just like videogames way too fucking much and I don't have all the money I'd need to buy all the games I've played before, that's why I pirate.
However, I'm not talking about legal issues here, I'm talking about consequences. See that new Total War: Warhammer game that came out? Apparently, it's actually a very decent and fun game. Can you find a thread of people talking about it here? Can you find people talking about it in anywhere else at all? Compare the minority you find discussing it to any other game with the same budget that was pirated like hell.
There's been a few games that came out with Denuvo and I was interested in them, that Total War just being one of them. I can't pirate them because of Denuvo, do you think I caved in and bought them instead? Fuck no, I didn't. And many other people were in a similar situation even if for other reasons but all of them are people that are NOT gonna talk about any of those games, they aren't gonna "shill it for free" at all.
This is exactly what pirates have told people like you over and over again. You can put as many DRM as you want in your game, you are not gonna get more sales. Everyone else that pirated wouldn't buy it in the first place and all you're getting out of Denuvo is proof of this. Go look up sales for all Denuvo games, see how well they are doing. See how much interest people have in those games.
If there are 2 AAA games for sale at 60$ each and I only have enough money to buy one, I'll only get one no matter how much DRM both have and I'll only talk about that one, even if just to justify my purchase. But if I can pirate one and buy the other, I can talk about both, I can compare both and I can have discussions about both were the price is a smaller factor instead of a polarizing one.
So fuck you, enjoy AAA trash taking the spotlight and money of everyone else since Denuvo prevents any other games from being checked out for anyone else. You clearly don't care about anything other than the morality and ethics behind this and don't understand the perfectly legal but undesirable consequences of "no piracy" in a very competitive market where marketing = sales.
Are you being fucking retarded on purpose or something?
No. It constantly checks it, even WHILE playing the game. That EXE file it creates is recreated several times PER SECOND with a new encryption key, that's why "it can't be cracked".
It also has nothing to do with Steam, there are a few games that do not even need steam to run and have Denuvo.
This is literally what SecuROM did, you stupid nigger! I bought Spore, I know what it was like!
Is this some stealth fat acceptance game or something?
Denuvo confirms Denuvo is completely harmless.
Just finished it. Pretty fun, puzzles are quite simple. Audio and visuals are excellent.
Becoming a giant human scrotum towards the end is hilarious.
If you liked Limbo you will like this.
Can I complete it in less then two hours?
Probably not unless you already did/watched it once. 3-4 hrs seems average. Took me 5 but was AFK for some of that.
Want to make a longplay video, so we can watch it.
Jewtubes already did in
I would buy it and refund it if a first play though was that length, guess I will just watch it.
if they weren't shit they probably wouldn't need denuvo in the first place.