Just reminding you that homosexuality is part of bourgeois decadence

Just reminding you that homosexuality is part of bourgeois decadence.

t. Friedrich Engels

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Just reminding you that not backing up your bullshit is part of bourgeois decadence.

Also incase of this article, pederasty isnt love for childeren but for boys wich are usually defined as being teenager so around 14 to 18. Usually teen guys who look look pretty feminine so traps and twinks.

t. guy who actually knows a thing or two about queer history

Real fucking spooky cunt

t. Stirner

This. Also im sure pedophilia and pederasty are practiced by all classes and that people are only more surprised whenever one of our heroic politicians or celebrities turned out to be a regular shitty human

It's funny how Hellenistic culture was at it's height during the pre-Christian period sodomite period (even under Rome the lingua Franca of Europe, The Mediterranean, Iran and India was Greek) and then waned once Christianity became dominant to the point now where there's no point learning Greek as an auxilliary language unless you wish to live in the sparse lands left that do.



Sounds pretty spooky OP. I love me some delicious boipussy, and if you don't you're a faggot.

Then we should support homosexuality under capitalism to kill the nuclear family and make the system collapse.

Knabenliebe means fucking little boys, it has nothing to do with homosexuality an sich.

Source for Stalin initializing the recriminalization?

But how can it be bourgeois decadence if the Romans didn't even have a bourgeoisie to fuck their qt puer delicati?

In this episode of everybody loves Holla Forums: christcom argues that fags are degenerate, fags strike back with posting twinks and shotacon.

Fags win again, can christcucks ever recover?



Moar of this


Absolutely degenerate!

So is your boner.

You have to go back.

user please i can only get so erect.

damn icons

why is knabenliebe translated as sodomy when it is immediately thereafter explained to mean boylove or pederasty?

I know, it's lovely


This surprisingly good art.

What is the difference between Knabe and Junge/Bub?

same thing

How do you feel about delicious and superior yuri?




Yukko is just too cute.

Pederasty means paedophilia you twat

Pedophilia is an attraction while pederasty is an act. Also, pederasty doesn't even have the same meaning as child abuse. It's a more specific term and can include people above the age of consent, as pointed out.

Let's get this thread back on topic


No it doesn't.

What are you, gay?

Pitching isn't gay you idiot


Gently asserting your masculinity over younger boys is the furthest from gay you can get, faggot.

The act of penetration is masculine, fucking someone with a feminine penis is just reaffirming your straightness :^)

what is gayness though?

Pederasty or paederasty (US /ˈpɛdəræsti/ or UK /ˈpiːdəræsti/) is a (usually erotic) homosexual relationship between an adult male and a pubescent or adolescent male. The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) "love of boys",[1] a compound derived from παῖς (pais) "child, boy" and ἐραστής (erastēs) "lover". In French, however, "pédérastie" has been used as a synonym for homosexuality between adult males (see Histoire du mot pédérastie).

in short
it's a fucking side, using a fucking term that is vague, on a topic that isn't even really adressed, neither in the text quoted nor anywhere else.
OP and pretty much everyone else ITT is a faggot.

why "gently" though?

That is a most difficult question to answer, but I believe I may know a way. You must go on a great quest to find a mystical object of great power. It is said that if you gaze deep into this legendary artifact, there you will find the true nature of gayness. The few ancient texts which speak of this object refer to it only as The Mirror.

It's important to be polite


Never stop.


you can be polite and rough as well
just like Uncle Joe teached us

Would homosexuality be treated as a public health threat in a Communist or socialist society?

I mean, they were ground zero for AIDS after all


the forth one is being fucked by spooks

We all are

AIDS is the result of western drug culture
it never spread out into socialist countries

what a nice get i got

but i wanted to clear something before butthurt druggy responses
i said western drug culture, this means criminalization of proles, black market, driving consumers into the hands of mafia, with bad hygiene and sterilization and dirty supplies


My bad

What does that have to do with homosexuals fucking fifty men each weekend on Fire Island?

did you mean
Because USSR had a huge AIDS problem.

homosexuality was outlawed in western and eastern nations

your claim it is that what caused the spread of HIV is fundamentally flawed

except no, it did not


But it had
which you said were the cause.

thanks for the dump bunkerism user. much appreciated.

no, it had neither this, nor any problems with HIV
it was effectively held at the east german boarder and preventive action was taken even before anyone infected was found

nice anarkiddy shitposting, boy

And even as legal restrictions such as sodomy laws have been removed and many of those same nations are tolerant of homosexuals to the point they're allowed to marry, they still carry on promiscuous, drug-abusing lifestyles.

Wow, it's almost like societal changes take time to happen.

так жить нельзя was just CIA propaganda, right?

This is just bait though, so good job.

Except the very existence of differences in heterosexual and homosexual behavior to the detriment of homosexuals (i.e. mindboggling promiscuity, chemsex) is used as proof that discrimination still exists, because "If discrimination didn't exist, they wouldn't act like that, would they?"

I know, and that's really stupid. I'm not one of those people.

this isn't just shitposting, it's anarkiddy diarreah

Would heterosexuality be considered a public health issue? They were ground zero for syphilis after all.




I normally support the USSR but
such level of tankie scumminess trigger me.

books.google.gr/books?id=J8N_BwAAQBAJ&pg=PA247&lpg=PA247&dq=gesundheitssystem sowjetunion&source=bl&ots=u65Cb-nsTV&sig=u_OnVg2691fs66pgNfYXhdu8lw0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjav7Pcp_LPAhXH0RoKHfA7Cvo4ChDoAQgpMAI#v=onepage&q=gesundheitssystem sowjetunion&f=false

Have some more.
No American sources because that's propaganda, right comrade?

anarkiddy diarreah all over the fucking place, he's completely losing his shit

Gay sex is not magically more dangerous, the problem was ultimately America's paradoxical fear of sex and hatred of sexual education that makes baby Jesus cry. Homosexual men are a much smaller segment of the populace, and being openly gay was largely taboo back then, so a lot of gay guys settled on brief, low-down meetups instead of serious relationships that could kill their reputations, which made the spread of a brand new venereal disease very easy.

There is also the fact that the Reagan administration basically wanted to let them all die from it, because social conservatives are sociopaths.

Literally just promote condom use and STD testing. That is all you need to do. After all, it's also a potential issue for any couple that likes butt stuff, including straight couples.

Everything you said was true in the 1980s.

How does it feel to know everything you said is still true in Black America?


Anal sex is more likely to result in the spread of STDs than normal sex

And nothing's changed, if anything the prevalence of HIV medication means they've just upped the promiscuity


The idea that Reagan - a long-time Hollywood actor - actually enjoyed "GRIDs killing off all dem fags, yee-haw!" is just a myth spread by narcissistic homosexuals (but I repeat myself) wondering why the US government didn't drop everything to come to the rescue of a disease that affected a fraction of the population.

In fact, it was known as the "4-H" disease at one point since the only people diagnosed were Haitians, homosexuals, hemophiliacs, and heroin addicts

The greeks raped their slaves and fucked kids and teenagers.

This was wrong, not because of homosexuality but because of hierarchy. But it's not a reason to oppose same-sex relationships of equals.


Gay sex is inherently a billion times more dangerous because of how pozzed the faggot community is. It's like playing Russian Roulette with 5 bullets in the chamber instead of 1.

/ss/ is inherently superior

Engels would have been horrified by Japan.

Stalin sent homos to the camps, Mao sent homos to the camps, Juche states that homosexuality is a burgeois and antisocialist behavior, Pol Pot killed homos with a pickaxe, Engels and Lenin frowned upon homosexuality.

Now are you magically more proficient in Marxism than these people?
The only one ever advocating homo acceptance was Trotsky and Trotskists are all capitalist puppets and deserve an ice pick to the head.


This is why we cant have nice things.

Kys my man

More like the creators of it. Marxism is a mess, when viewed without the works of Engels and Lenin.

Just admit you are a mad burgeois consumerist homo.


Pretty much. You're either Marxist-Leninist or a filthy Trotskist.
All other branches are the derivatives of these two.

Lenin was a hack that used the political power that the workers had a revolution for and co-oped it for his own personal gains and those of his supporters. Lenin is shit, barley even Marxist in anything other than name.

Actually Trotsky was the leader of the Bolsheviks and the #1 mandate holder. Lenin was his 2nd in command and the party ideologue.

So you are talking about Trotsky who was doing German capitalists' bidding. Lenin did very little wrong.

Hello Holla Forums

Trotsky was the Leader of the red army, not the Bolsheviks. Lenin was the one in control, Trotsky was his right hand man, everyone knows this, literally everyone.

Confirmed for not knowing shit.
Trotsky only briefly (2 months) controlled the Red Army, it was contolled by Nikolai Krylenko.

He was the chairman of the Workers Counsil, until early november 1917 Lenin wasn't even present, because he was in exile in Finland.
Until the end of 1917 he was the sole leader of the Bolshevik Party.

You are a complete retard, without a knowledge of history or the works of Lenin.

Nothing wrong with camps.

If Marx would be alive today he'd probably think Marxim Leninism is absolute garbage and the 20th century communist project was an absolute failiure ;it didn't even get close to socialism.

He warned against mindlessly worhsipping ideologies and sectarianism. He advocated for constant criticism.MLs and hardcore sectarians are just as bad as Holla Forums.Wether you like it or not commies fucked up eastern europe and the balkans beyond imagnation to the point where things would've been waaaay fucking better if they remained capitalist.i fuckin said it.

It was horrible for the average citizen,especially in countries like Bulgaria ,Albania and Romania.

Stop LARPing unironically about hahah let's kill all the bourge or put them into camps.That shit won't happen in your lifetime and even if it does you won't be the ones carving Zuckenberg's neck in front of his crying kids. It only goes to show how we're exactly a bunch of alienated stupid idiotswith no concrete alternatives just like Holla Forums who fantasize about doing away with ze j00z ;and then everything will be fine.

And yes,I know this board is mostly memery but memes are jokes.Everybody can catch shitty memes when they stop being about genuinely funny things but it's just some shitty nazi pepe about niggers instead.

the US created hiv look it up

wish homosexuals those damned agents of the western imperialism were again put in their place (gulag)

frederick engels was right!

Lol no. They were fucked way before and the commies actually made them decent.

The countries were steamrolled by wars for 30 years (WW1, different revolutionary wars, WW2) and there was nothing of worth left, until Stalin brought them to their former glory.
Actually the Eastern Europe and the Balkans were industrial powerhouses under the Commies, not they are just export dumps for the German corporations.

It is sure better now, with median income of $300 and western bankers owning all the services, resources and communications in their country and ripping them off.
Not even mentioning half of the region was bombed into oblivion and there are still minefields in Albania and Bosnia.

That shit will happen in exactly 2 weeks. The DNC will rig the votes, the Trump won't accept it and rally people. And communists should support that. Support every disorder and destabilization.

Remember the 1917, when shit goes down and there is a power vacuum, communists wait for the right moment and take over.

Bolsheviks didn't send the Tsar into exile, it was Kerensky. Bolsheviks merely overthrew the temporary government.

The time is now, but it's the time for real communists, not the Trotskist pussies, who think they are making a revolution on Twitter.


Go back to whining about oppression on twitter with your ihpone, dear Trotskist scum.

This is why we can't have nice things, because in a century marxists turned from the feared warriors, who bombed politicians and political opponents on weekly basis to shitposting pussies.

go bomb a bank then you larping faggot

Oh whoops sorry I misjudged you, you're some boomer with a shitposting flag, thought you were a pseudo-Holla Forumsyp

Oh, looks like that hit a sweet spot.

So do you like supporting international capitalist megacorps, that abuse Chinese workers in slave-like conditions?



Wow, you're fucking retarded.

pederasty != homosexuality

Now THIS is dogmatism and hero worship

Xiaomi has set up it's own Communist Committee and supports communist movements in the west. They also sell decent phones.

Nope, the wannabe "marxists" will pay one of the most consumerist capitalist government supporting corporation in the world and call themselves communist.

If you support any of the international megacorps you are not marxist in any sense.
If you don't support fair working conditions for the workers around the world you are not marxist.
If you don't support free and open software, you are not marxist.


Communist society isn't something that other people will do for you. You have to do it to yourselves first.