Obama considered gay relationship

Obama considered gay relationship
Didn't see a thread on this. Came out a few days ago.


Obama a nigger faggot confirmed

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Considered? Have they not seen Michelle's cock?

I can sincerely say, I never want to see this fucking faggot, or anything about him ever again for the rest of my life.

Unless it's footage of his arrest, trial, and execution.


or in the form of making fun of him and showing the world what a brain dead puppet he was

He didn't hook up with her until after she got cut.


I cant figure out embedding today for some fucking reason.

we never saw him smoke

2 year heavy cocaine binge, thought about having a gay affair with his professor, cheated on michelle

class act all around, at least we have a very tiny excuse for being such fuck ups when that is who our country elected right? nah, we don't have an excuse

Didnt he end up marrying a man anyway?

sage for literal faggotry

who'd have thunk it


considered? what about when larry sinclair sucked him off while he was smoking crack (twice) as senator of chicago or whatever he was

You mean he's not already?

Pfff… considered.

And some said Larry Sinclair was just political mud slinging.

The other reason for Obama saying this garbage, is that it fits the current PC line of nonsense that sexuality is on a spectrum.
Notice that he slips in that he went straight just because it'd be easier. There he gets to join the victim class of faggots who are purportedly discriminated against.

what a surprise

is that of a faggot now. Wew.

Gay Nigger from outer space? Disclosure happening? Should we call Jaffa?

Well, he is an alien. Just not the space kind.

Hotdogman is incredibly old news. I thought this specific story came out years ago.

so Obama literally sucked Jew dick. not a wonder why he loves Israel so much and gave them billions before leaving office.



Amen, it would be great to see him stutter out how he's a faggot though

Yeah, call him. Don't have time right now, let him handle that shit.

These. These cucks can't get their shit straight.

He's saying that now so 'Michelle' can finally come out as, Micheal. I shit you not.

If he considered it that means he's sucked a dick before hahahaha.

Burgers must be so butthurt.

but OP
hes already in a gay relationship

I could live with this

This. Every image you see of him put a dick in his mouth


Hello new friend. Who is Michael LaVaughn Robinson? Who are Morrocankidsforhire.inc?

Ahahaha oh shit I wonder if him inviting that gay escort to Whitehouse was real after all

Aren't 1/3 of black males faggots? I know for sure that they have the highest rate of homosexuality of any race.


Something must be coming out soon, preparatory narrative is being set.



holy molly

the obamas had joan rivers murdered for those comments

Wouldn't surprise me because they also have the highest rate of GRIDS.

So he REJECTED a gay relationship. Even though he was open enough to the possibility to considering it.

That's not very progressive. In fact it's homophobic.


barack -why have a gay relationship when you can just have gay sex with no strings attached- obama

champion of the left.