Holla Forums Q&A?

Is Holla Forums still for Donald Trump after he sucked Saudis penis? I'm honestly curious as to what you guys think about the whole situation.

As you can tell, I'm not someone who frequents this board, so keep that in mind

I still remember the pure euphoria I had when the Donald won. But he made the mistake that he could control the Jews, one is easy to control, a group is like herding cats. Now kikes are pretending to be nationalists and are on both sides of the political spectrum.

As for the Saudi thing, that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. NEVER CAN I ALLOW ARMING THE COUNTRY THAT LITERALLY FUNDS ISIS!

Oh I was never for him, and you shouldn't be, either, goy, er, guys. Wait for another Hitler.

I was expecting to be called a shill jew for insulting the trump but i really respect your responses. I was kinda anti Holla Forums when donald was super popular here but i like the secularism of this board.

nice attempt guys
really a cut above the usual
i am refreshed

Yes, actually

I will only be against trump when liberals start saying they like him

I was against him as soon as i found out about all the kikes he gathered around him and that he married off his children to jews.
While many Holla Forumsacks will claim that there wasn't a better option, i think voting Hillary in and collapsing the nation would have been the better choice.
Judging by what he had promised, what he achieved and what he backed out of, i am not really satisfied so far.
Time will tell.

There are quite some Holla Forumsacks in lurkmode now, because mods go full retard on people who don't praise Trump and shills try to exploit this fracture point.

Not me but I'm not gonna shit on anyone who still does nor regret my vote.

You're not allowed to talk about that here, OP, it makes the moderators uncomfortable. You should consider asking that somewhere else, don't want to upset the moderation team's feelings. You owe a great debt to them, you know, how else would we know to just not reply to obvious bait and ignore shills of which they correctly identify MAYBE twenty percent


If liberals hate him, he is doing his job right.
Reminder: He is just a stepping stone.

It seems the mod are the exact thing they claim to hate.

they sound like dictatorial jews that dont listen to the people of Holla Forums from what you guys are saying. IDK, that's just the 2cents from an outsider.

Iran is Saudi Arabia's number 1 enemy in the region.

Obama funded Iran with the Iran deal.

Trump funded Saudi Arabia with this arms deal.

The ZOG state funds both sides of the war and the march of death moves on.


I know how you feel.

Well, fortunately (for you), we rarely take anything self-admitted outsiders have to say without a heaping mountain of salt, big guy.

Not me, but our vols still are.

Stop waiting for him and become him, stop believing in political solutions and waiting every four years hoping things magically get better.

Ask yourself this: Did Hitler wait for Hitler? Did Hitler sit around moping and hoping some politician would wake up one day and decide to rip of the Treaty of Versailles? Did Hitler sit around thinking "man a Third Reich would be nice" or did he go out there and carve a Reich out of a rapidly declining Germany?

Wait-for-Hitler tards are anti-white shills that don't believe that the people have agency - they are likely demoralized and seeking to demoralize others. Pic related your average justwait sperg.

The general rule of thumb is to assume that mods are compromised or will be compromised over time.
One of the good aspects of chans is that you are forced to think for yourself, as ones quality poster is another mans shill.
Mods have by no means an easy job to swim in this sea of shit and will ban you at some point in time.
It is one of the many filters to chans to get rid of normalfags, as the kind of people Holla Forums wants here would just switch IPs and continue posting.


hey, I know that shade of blue

Need to analyze and see what moves Trump makes still. It's taken some time to get to where we are, we're not getting out of here instantly either.

This. The next Hitler is here. He just needs to have some faith in himself and succumb to his ambition.

I hate how this board now cares more about what "liberals" think than kikes and power-players.
All the retarded liberals and Reagan-zombie tier conservatives are playing for the same team and no matter which side wins the white race loses.

Third position or bust

is this the /ss/ thread?
**and as long as trump is good for the US i don't
really care about international relations.**

meh as long as he let's us destroy the (((democrats))) and the (((media))) this is still a good short term victory but we really need another hitler already

Try harder leftyshit

A simple "kill yourself" would have saved both us and you a whole lotta time.

*tips fedora



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Wtf! I love Netanyahu now!