I'm guessing the faggot that claimed Pagan Min was white got banned and deleted, because I was going to call him a fucking retard but was on my phone at work.
Far Cry 4 was (((diverse))) as fuck. As in the good goys were all pajeets and pajeet-chink mongrels, the protagonist was a pajeet-chink mongrel with a stronger lean toward chink same as the bad guys, the "villain" was a hong kong chink, and the only two white men were Hurk, who was turned from likable dummy to homoerotic 50IQ retard muh monkey god appeasements, CIA, who went from a cool guy for you on an island to "lol I'm an asshole you killed CIA agents in a cleanup op and I'm going to reveal my master plan before throwing you out of a plane", and a torturing psychopath
that talks to his daughter on the phone in between electrocuting some old faggot. Make the white bad guys, make the asians bad guys, make the opium growing MUH WYMYN POWER character the good guy, the evil pajeet male the good guy but also bad because look muh visions muh executing traitors.
I had this thought while seeing the reaction to FC5 on normalfag twitter keeping an eye on the normalfags and what propaganda they're eating up. RE5 takes place in Africa? FUCKING RACIST REEEEEEEEEE
FC5 makes a global minority the villains because it fits their narrative this time? LOL FUCKING RACIST NADZEES THINK THIS IS BAD EXDEE
Fucking normalfags.
Kill yourself.
Oh no, that would be awful, that would completely ruin the kiked up MOBA bastardization of what used to be a good, solid tactical strategy shooter that you had to use brain power to win.
The art looks like a bad photoshop. Lighting doesn't match up, things are randomly more in focus than everything else on the same level (like that F-150 near the barn that's crystal clear while the area around it is affected by DOF), random vignette to the right that isn't reciprocated anywhere else, this is sad.
Go virtue signal somewhere else you fucking faggot.
1 was made by Crytek, completely different people. Jewbisoft in their usual manner forcibly kept the IP. Same thing happened with the Call of Juarez series from Techland, and you see what happened with that. A good sequel that adopts some consolefag bullshit like regenerating health, downgrading the engine from DX10w/EAX to DX9 w/ pure software audio, checkpoint-only saving, etc. A mediocre, broken semi-related sequel that takes place in the modern era, uses game mechanics from the simultaneously developed Dead Island, is buggy and sloppily made, and only really pulls out in having the white McCall character end up as the real good guy, while the spic FBI agent and nigress cop both get arrested for being dirty criminals. A shitty arcade cash-in that has nothing to do with the rest of the series and couldn't even be bothered to make cutscenes or get the company's composer to make new music. Sad!
Nigger, their games shit on pro-white values like the 2nd amendment all the time, and their San Andreas game glorified and showed in a positive light nigger gangster culture, claiming the protagonist was bad for ever trying to get out of being a gangnigger. Get the fuck out of here with your retarded bullshit. They're libtards through and through, just not full scale socjus.
Their games are shit, poorly put together incompetent garbage that are only liked by Holla Forumseddit and normalfags alike for being "hard" like games used to be.
They already did it in the "good' a.k.a. "don't racemix with the insane tribal cunt and get stabbed to death by her" ending of Far Cry 3, with Jason Brody's entire testosterone level and developed level of badass for no apparent reason as he freeze frames on a boat with his cuckifornia faggot "friends" that were angry at him for trying to save them all instead of staying with them except Keith, he was on the verge of an heroing the entire time because he got raped repeatedly by faggot Buck claiming "I'm a monster now ;_;"