How do we stop the Stirner problem?
How do we stop the Stirner problem?
By reading his fucking book instead of bait images
how do we stop the moralfag problem?
We shove fun on their faces until they like it.
b-but user, that's lewd.
why would stirnerites be against a peaceful functioning society it is afterall in their rational self interest to not live in a shithole
t. Muke
The German Ideology
By realizing that Stirner himself was spooked.
sup Muke
i'm not actually muke
does he post with the trot flag now?
that was just the young hegelians tho
I don't even understand how Stirner qualifies as a "lefty", I always viewed him as a /lit/ meme.
Way to miss the point.
He wasn't.
Also the left is dead along with literature. It's only endless spectacle until the big war / extinction and this board is even more uneducated than /lit/
how do we stop the problem of shills saying insert one of: tankies, stirners, namefags, trots or anarchists are a problem?
Stirner sorta similarly talked about how the masses are tricked by ideology like Marx did. The majority of people can't follow their self interests to the fullest extent because society collectively agrees on these abstract non-existent things like private property. It only exists because people pretend it does. Same with government. Society can't be free until they stop pretending these things exist. Marx focused on the collective of people but Stirner focused on the repression of the individual by society being spooked.
but user, tankies legitimately are a problem. How many times will you allow those fascists to genocide actual socialists untill you realize that?
Because moralfags think that Morality = nice things.
Rootless cosmopolitan detected
I think you mean solution
There is no problem, you are spooked. To become de-spooked, I recommend reading Stirner.