Bully thread, say something mean about the ideaology above you
Bully thread, say something mean about the ideaology above you
Makes shit threads on Holla Forums.
genocides actual socialists
nestor makhno was an opportunist
Ice Pick'd
I love you all
Islam is reactionary
I love you all and would fight capitalism with you forever
Islam is bourgeosie
People like you make me proud to be a Communist
We love you too comrade kebab!
Lenin's concept of a vanguard party was antithetical to socialism.
Keep splitting.
Not socialism, not anarchism, not leftist at all. needs to leave.
"Stalin ruined everyfink, reeeee"
Freud is discredited. read Jung.
"I am a little boy who is in love with my mum so everyone else is aswell"
Spends too much time sniffing his mom's panties and trying to kill his dad.
literaly what ideology
Psychoanalysis is UNSCIENTIFIC
Will support fascists over socialists because a nigger fucked his high-school crush.
Looks like hipster tech to me TBH.
Actually more resigned and browbeaten than nihilists.
shitty pessimism: the ideology.
Yurope is gay as shit
irelavant bulshit
oportunist as demonstrated by traitorous unions
literally a child
the only relevant "pirates" in the real world are either somalians or neoliberals
Ah, how little they must have had to think about, to have been able to read so much!
Fucking trots would rather saw themselves in half then reconcile their internal conflicts.
Died before completing Kapital.
I have nothing bad to say about direct action, but I think that flag is a shitty meme
i cant insult my comrades
is a literal pussy
but in all seriousness, unions are awesome and syndicalism will win
Anarchists can't win a war.
I challenge you to sexual combat
Anarchists don't actually reject state power so long as it isn't called state power, and probably smell bad too.
Glorifies failed revolutions
Pick one
Goo-goo gah gah
i fear that you guys might elavate ocalan into anudda mao
leftcoms have a stupid ass name. Wtf, how is communism not inherently "left"? Also, they are contrarians that are literally just tankies but claim to hate tankies. They also have obviously never read anarchist theory and don't understand the benefits of removing heirarchy, or alternatively, they are spooked into thinking heirarchy is necessary.
fuck leftcoms
bucha authoritarians
Literally why is this a flag
why not we have flags for otherbulshit
like this one
luck doesn't exist
probably some of the most false conscious proles in existence
hamburgers are a mediocre food
Actually, I got nothing bad to say about freud
William James > Sigmund Freud
Literally 12 yr old kids who want an ideology to justify their fetish for violence.
hands off my toothbrush
Is an actual liberal
kropotkin was a 12 yr? thats news to me.
also lenninist are authoritarian shitheads
forget about the gulags freind?
The only reason we use violence is because dialectical materialism demands it.
Fucking this. Dumbasses like muke need to read kropotkin. His criticisms about prisons will completely turn anyone off of leninism and similiar authoritarian ideologies
Cats are shit, dogs are better, they are loyal, unlike anarchists.
Fitting, that you chose a cat, actually. Demand to be fed and taken care of but knock everything over and scratch the hand of those who pet you.
Marxists are class traitors who will backstab you first chance they get and then give some bullshit excuse like dialectics to justify it
Fitting that you chose a dog. Literally eats shit and licks boots wherever they go. Would put themselves in harms way at the snap of fingers because of spooks.
Anarchists, ladies and gentlemen
What the fuck? If you die you won't be able to experience the post-revolutionary society. How retarded are you?
im sorry the soviet union was such a great place
were workers and intellectuals enjoyed lots of freedoms
which is why trotsky stayed their
I would rather sacrifice myself to establish socialism than live to see capitalism triumph. We are mortals anyway, at least I can die knowing that I did one thing good in my life.
new anarchist plan:
the year is 1848 europe erupts in a wave of sprit revolutions mikhail bakunin is fighting in the revolutions
peter kropotkin was in prison for critising the tsar
and marx is doing…. what exactly?
You people really do not know what solidarity is do you?
licking the boots of some twink from england
top kek
maybe not exactly a twink, but definitely a qt3.14
"Just don't call it a state" the ideology.
Has never read a book written by an anarchist and will deny this claim
So edgy you couldn't even choose between communism and anarchism.
probably doesnt know what communism or anarchism is
Considers punk rock to be theory.
Considers punk rock to be praxis.
Such a stick up his butt I changed my flag