
Old one is on page 16 with over 350 replies

I made an album of the characters in the "Recall" animation like a week ago, so ima post it here to bring forth discussion of any possible upcoming characters

personally I think pic related are pretty cool, especially the second guy
he looks like a straight out 1970's electropunker

Other urls found in this thread:


His nose. It bothers me.

kill me

any tips to help me carry myself?

He looks like a merc to me.
His name is ???NT 10

Holy fuck. That's even beyond kike levels.

What the FUCK draws all these unskilled retards to competitive mode? If you're not a competitive player, get the fuck out and enjoy quick play like you were doing before competitive came out. There needs to be a higher fucking level gate on that shit.

SMT guy is clearly the best, so here's hoping he gets added as a new character.

Find some good players that communicate to play support for, get ridiculously good and carry every game yourself.


Did it ever occur to you that you are playing Overwatch? A game only unskilled retards play?

I'm currently in a team full of VC using skilled people.

Is it DotA meets CSGO/fullcancer thread?

The names are all motion blurred so you cant read them

nah this isnt battleborn

Bumplock when?



It's good to have some offense in defense. A tracer, or a genji for instance.
But yeah, I've had retards picking 4 atacks characters in Defense. It always ends up with the first point being lost 30 seconds into the match. Hilariously, sometimes they switch when we get to the second point, but half the time it's already too late since the other team is already there and kills us one by one.

There's another trope that I find funny too:
Meaning that not only you have to kill the whole enemy team to stay on the point longer than 3 seconds, every time the enemy re-groups and arrives on the point again, everyone has to scatter or be one shotted by AoE and the like.

I say these things are funny because they only happen when I play solo. If you wanna do anything in this game, you gotta have a pre-made team. Even if it means there will be another pre-made on the otherside, it still leads to great games with no retardation, win or lose.

Is there porn of it

theyre too prone to being outmobilized or overwhelmed for my taste. often my team finds the dumbest ways to get wiped out and all the 'zone control' in the world wont help, all i can do is hope to pick 3 or 4 of them off and keep it "even" for these plebs

My personal go to on payload defence maps is Symmetra. Most of the time if you're team is competent, they won't be able to get past the first point.
Just put sentries at blind spots where offense heroes try to flank from and your good to go.

Post porn and ill gift you a 5 dollar game on Steam

When did I fall so far? Where did I go wrong?

at least playing Junkrat is alright

Why are practically all Genji mains autistic?

well, it would be reaper mains, but genjis a better hero.

Because he's a Raiden ripoff for weebs.


A cowboy, a teleporting cunt, Edgier&Ninja and Jetzooka. What's not to like?
I mean, why would you want to play with Furry Weeaboo, Smurf Spider, Cold Shoulder, Broken Junk or Worstion?

It's actually because Defense is about denying area while Offense is about getting kills and these people only care about something they can have written on their report card in the end. They are far too dumb to realize when a subtle play like exploding shit wins them the game even if there's no number or metric tacked on to it.

Unlike LoL, the game can at least be fun without friends.

Now you know what Soldiers and Demos sounded like in TF2.

I'm Calderweiss #1774

I'll play with you, user. I don't mind partying up with someone as long as we're both online.

Defense stronk

Sadly LoL's prime has come and gone. Its simply way too late to get into it now that it is literally P2W



You need to get the fuck out of here.

Have you guys thought about sending feedback/ideas to Blizzard?
I doubt they'd implent shit exactly as we say, but it couldn't hurt.

I mainly want Zennyatta to be revamped:
This would make him great at keeping a single person alive, kinda like a Mercy, but as soon as he pops one or two disarmony orbs, the healing he provides goes down to bellow-lucio tier if he had all 5 of them.

I like the schtick of the Orbs, but with only one of each, he doesn't really do much with them.
Especially because you can't apply the Discord Orb while charing his RMB.

So is Overwatch already dying due to lack of profit, or is it still afloat?

my friend who has complete shit taste in games plays overwatch. I hate him more daily

Has he done worse

Overwatch might actually have more players than WoW already.

I don't know about long-term profits, but at this stage we are still very much in the aftermath of short term initial sales.

he's obsessed with smash and pokemon. He's a literal nintendrone and everyone in our skype group has the same shit taste. We bond over other shit but he doesn't know what good games are and he talks about them a lot.

All the TF2 autists are migrating.
Its the new autistic cancerous denm
You can verify that just by lurking these shit threads.

tfw kicked from skype group for much less

Most likely Autism?

you're welcome to join our skype group and meet him user.


sure. give me your skype id or add me: alovefortomorrow

Nice try.


Then why are you on these threads?
150 threads about videogames. That's a lot of videogames to chose from user. Why subject yourself to something you know you hate?

I'm fairly certain that either level or playtime is directly factored into matchmaking.

I'm level 187. When I solo queue almost every one I get matched with is 100+. When I queue with low level friends at the same Rank as me I usually get matched with a mix of levels instead.

The exception is when I get matched with premades during a solo queue, then the level ranges match that premade.

This has happened so many times, the game isn't that complex and is actually pretty fun but there is only so much you can do against people who know it so much better than you. A bit flaw tbh, match me with other noobs mainly because I'll probably be able to destroy them


Rank 59 here fwiw.
Learn to play Pharah, Rein and 76. Seriously, go play twenty games each with these guys in unranked and enjoy your free elo.
Pharah is great offensive because people are too shit to shoot her down.
Rein is just all around best tank, easiest to push payloads with and his damage is huge and tanks no skill to hit.
76 is if you are stuck in support but your team can't do shit. There's no point in you healing retards so you might as well try and gun people down and his heal and sprint makes you very mistake resistant.

If you are dead set on support, stick with Lucio for koth maps and mercy on payload. At higher level play, I feel mercy can ult to really cinch the game but with ranked 50 and below tards it's better to just have the damage from Lucio, spam those sound waves!

The only place they listen is reddit and their own forums


Go back and stay there


the way i see it tf2 kept most of the trash.

Its already full of Ruskies, BRs and children who dont even have mics you goddamn retard

the only thing sad about it is how the porn slowed down, right when poppy gets her rework too.

My friend tells me Overwatch is huge in Korea and tells me it's beat out League of Legends. I don't know if that is true in numbers or just the spotlight.

I. Win. In. Every. Way.


in times like this we have to be positive, theres always something to be angry about

They are there but surprisingly (or not really, after all) much more rare than in many other places. I've seen russians that actually could play the game, no BRs and the few kids I've seen were always so pissed that it was actually enjoyable.

happens to me at least once a day.



You type like you're twelve.

And you are comenting on a playerbase from a game you don't even play. Pic related, you are this pathetic.

Happened to me too. Less now, since I discovered how to properly play Roadhog.
You know those trapper/hunter spiders? Kinda like that:
Even better if you got a symetra and she pops a couple turrets in my hog-hole. Sometimes a genji gets the idea to dash inside and kill me. Silly genji.
Gotta be the first and only time I saw a russian on the game. Didn't understand a word, but those were 10 lines in ALLCAPS Snowrunes, so I'm guessing he was happy or something.

its like these nigs dont remember how much ass demoman could kick and only understand words instead of function

That robot looks pretty baller. I'm personally interested somewhat in Sombra, the supposed Support sniper that's been heavily teased recently.

A long range healer would definitely be useful. Too often does Mercy or Lucio get killed by getting caught in AOEs while healing teammates

This game is so bad

I played the beta, bought it because my high school fpsbros bought it and told me to. we used to play everything from tf2 to ut to battlefield together

It's the fact that Blizzard doesn't know if this game is supposed to be casual fun or csgo ESPORTS. Everything about this game is so bad, from the tickrate to the hitboxes to how crutch the UI is and how everyone hard counters each other so you just end up cycling through 2 or 3 heroes each match.

I've shot up into the mid 60s in mm with a friend playing nothing but Mccree/76/widow. we're both fairly low level and we're still stomping double prestiges - that's how fucking bad people are at this game. also the meta is ridiculously stale with everyone devolving into tracers and winstons with the occasional dva when overtime inevitably happens.

this game fucking sucks, it's not even an fps, and here i am still playing with friends. it's just a backdrop for my weekly social interaction at this point.

you can't have custom sprays or avatars or even alltalk quickplay either.

i dont know how you guys are still having fun. maybe im just missing a soul.

Come back into quickplay user, competitive is cancer at the moment.


Get the fuck out of here Tumblr

Its Call of Duty tier peer preassure bullshit, dont fall for this scam.


Christ why is D.Va so fun? I just started playing her more and started bullying snipers and Torbs by dashing right at them. Also holy shit the damage on her pistol, I've gotten so many kills after someone goes all in on my mech and gets surprised at the amount of damage I start shitting out.

I'm one of those faggots that enjoys ranked modes and MMR if it isn't absolute cancer like Leagues so I can get my money worth out of it easily. But this shitpile is definitely a game you mostly want to play every now and again instead of consistently, it fucking burns your soul.

I want to fuck Tracer.

I've stopped playing it. I really enjoyed the game when it came out, but now the game has become awful. The vast majority of people playing it are fucking retarded and the game is heavily team oriented.

I think this user hit it on the head. Blizzard made a game that looks like it should be casual fun, but they're trying to half-assedly make it competitive for some reason.

Also, no fucking joke, any time you have to play against a Tracer, the game is like 200% less fun. I don't think i've ever played a multiplayer game that had something this fucking obnoxious to play against.

They hyped it as the next big Esport since before launch and Activision shilled everywhere.
Where you expecting something different when giving Acti/Blizz your shekels which they will use ro make more shit games and decisions?

I don't watch advertisements, television, or participate in pretty much any form of mass media. A friend just described the characters and I thought "That sounds fucking awesome" so I bought the game. I didn't really know what I was getting into

Fuck my country, fuck Blizzard and fuck me!

zenyatta and lucio both have absurd range for healers. support doesnt necessarily mean heals either, symmetra isnt much for healing. though she used to give a lot more shields supposedly.

what makes you think im having fun? im constantly wishing the game lived up to its potential. the forced competitive spirit kind of fucked it over, but we wont see that changed for a while because of how ridiculously successful it is.
turns out the forced 50% win rate does wonders for sales, as expected.

But forced 50% was in Heroes of the Storm (and I want to was first implemented in that game too but not entirely sure) and it flopped like a mother fucker.
It was DoA even with the massive amount of shilling and marketing put into it.

That's mostly because it competed with DotA and League, where autists and Stockholm Syndrome reign supreme. Even a great game like Dawngate bit the dust due to the same reasons.

its kind of a shame, i appreciate the attempt at shaking things up by putting such emphasis on objectives. a moment of silence for dawngate

May it forever live on in our hearts and may the developers never lose their spark.

should i do it alone or should i wait for my friend to get to level 25 as well?

let me post

You're fucked either way.

Don't do it at all, it's shit.


Wait for your friend, there's nothing wrong with learning more about the game by playing unranked.

Dawngate was incredibly fun moba. I even put my money to it.
Fucking EA killing everything I love

RIP Battleforge as well


ive come to the conclusion that you need at least one "explosive" character on a team. that means either junkrat or pharah, sometimes both. pharah is good at the peek-and-shoot and can be a soft counter to snipers and turrets as well as discourage clumping, while junkrat provide relatively safe indirect explosive fire that, again, discourages/punishes clumping.

honestly though, they need to add some other explosive-type character in game. at least the way the meta seems to shake out now, it favors having at least one of these characters on your team, sometimes both, and in some cases, even doubling up on one of them (i.e. i rarely see 2x pharah fail, but most other 2x heroes won't see near the success).

it just seems like clumping is such a huge thing people do. yes, for capping a point it makes sense (faster cap) but anything beyond that only requires one person to be on target, whether it's holding a payload from moving, moving it forward, or keeping a point from being capped. but so many people see the objective as something that needs to be humped, all the time, by everyone. naturally that gives characters with native aoe an advantage, so until something changes, you'll always need either a junkrat or a pharah on your team to stand a chance.

doesn't help that both are naturally quite bursty as well, especially JR with his direct nade/mine combo effectively one-shotting anything that isn't a tank.

That can be arranged.

bumplock when?

In 210 replies, dear user.


I miss Dawngate so much.


Looking for fags for Rank matches
currently I'm rank 51

post battle tag look for Shikanaito#1995


>You will never shit on pub Volucs with that anti-heal item While crossing your fingers the weeks Issue is going to have to do with his curse and him trying to fight it ever again
>You will never mine salt with Zeri from Puppet fags and shitters While patiently waiting for her comic Arc to end so you can see the splash pages compromised entirely of her psychedelic artwork ever again
>You will never zip around 5 faggots as Freya or Salous While voting for them to get their comic issues in to watch Freya getting a reworked due to her redemption Arc or Salous losing his shit ever again

I really hope the devs didn't blew their load and their new game will be as magical as the last.

i have the hots for zeri

Come on anyone up for rank I just wanna heal you

Firefall team is the same team as the Overwatch team.

"Titan" was Firefall. It was sold off so it wouldn't hurt the Blizzard brand once Blizzard higher ups realized it was a mess that would never compare to WoW.

Overwatch team made Overwatch as catharsis. Aesthetically it does have many similarities as many of the same team members worked on it, but it's on a completely new game engine.

is that zodd?

One of the unreleased races that never made it

Firefall was butchered as fuck and the original vision destroyed. Most of the project's failings is because of Blizzard upper management being fucktards.


I bet his name is Jared. Fucking autist.

Close enough, Jesse.

the people that play this game are actual morons. They think that D.Va is a tank because blizzard said so. They take everything at face value because they're mouth breathing sheep. Every match I go defense character on offense someone comments on it. This is probably one of the worst communities i've ever had the misfortune of experiencing.

Damn, I only guessed because i know a guy who knows a guy. Would be an even closer estimate if your friend was into vore, Autists share many tastes and it's uncanny.

Hes mexican so probably.

Symmetra isn't a healer either. It's Blizzard's fault for the too loose classifications.

The game acknowledges when you have no healer/builder/etc in certain situations, so I'm thinking something like:

and itll only get worse as more and more people start watching e-celebs to "learn" the meta. its already happening


I want to get off the ride

Just troll and go battle Mercy

I'm still on 57, not sure if I should keep playing and risk entering mmr hell or just wait till only good players remain.

Zenyatta would evoke far more rage imo.



yeah it is shit

that's the point of having switching……

Level does not equal good

is it first person?
can you shoot?
it's an fps……

Dont unless you have friends to play with


To be fair the amount of retards who only play hanzo is way too high. I see my team consisting of 2 Hanzos and a Widow way too often. I think people just assume the worst now, I know I always do when I see a Genji, Hanzo or Tracer on my team.

I´ve seen enough retarded black widows who don´t do jack shit at all for the team, to immediately bully them whenever i see one.

doing gods work?


Blizzard you were so close to hitting the mark.

They'll never let you kill waves of Omnic. Those bots are the oppressed minority substitute.

they also can chimp out go rogue because of shit like the Anubis AI.

Waves of bastions then

There seems to be something wrong with people. I had to win a game single handedly on Gibraltar because I killed 4 people back to back ,no breaks, with headshots and then the turret, clearing the entire area by myself, then I turned around to see where my teammates were and there were none. So I had to rope onto the payload to ride it forward to victory. This keeps happening over and over. I will get 3,4,5 kills and be the only person who was ever there and then when I'm done no one ever was there next.

Most games I have this strange perpetual feeling of "where are my team mates?" And I was tired of going quad gold almost every single game and then losing.

I used to think just blasting the enemy team lost me games so I've been trying to be a team player, but as my brother said the other day when we played together, "You can't trust randoms to kill anything." Apparently I was wrong and this isn't a team game, it's a "kill most of the enemy team and hope the numbers advantage makes up for the fact your team mates suck and the enemy team seems to be perfectly coordinated every single time".


Let's call them "circuit-breakers"

i tried heroes of the storm. the game was incredibly boring. unbelievably boring. i was bored even when playing with friends. much like league, it literally felt like a chore and i couldn't wait until the match was over. dota is the only moba i can stomach and hots flopped because it's a terrible, shit game.

this. most sniper mains end up with a 1/1 kd and are pretty much useless the whole game. i lose 9 out of 10 games where people pick hanzo on my side and win most others.

i just use voice chat and give simple tips/tactics that some people follow and then we win


Coincidentally, Ronan was my favorite character, and in Overwtch, it's McCree

Imagine a human-disliking omic working with the other heros in a "I fucking hate you fleshbags let's do our damm job and get out" way

they're scrap lovers

the /k/ in me approves

Threadly reminder that hitboxes are STILL BROKEN for projectile weapons

Also the tickrate is fucking awful.

Hypothetical: if they changed the projectiles art asset to reflect the actual size of the projectile(like say, added a fiery bloom around the arrow), would that less trigger you?

I think its the hitbox of the character itself is altered when being hit by a projectile rather than a bullet.

Honestly if there wasn't *some* generosity playing anyone that needed to aim would be fucking impossible. This isn't a game like CS:GO where everyone is relying on randomly getting a headshot amidst the jumping. There are hitscan heroes in this game.

It just needs to be a bit smaller.

cross wiring

It makes sense to have a little leeway, but being able to spam arrows into a doorway and kill SOMEONE YOU CANT EVEN SEE is a little much imo.

how do you get teammates to go in when youre mei and you scatter 5 of them but fail to kill anyone because youre a bad shot and couldnt out dps the mercy

That thing looks like an Eva unit.

By becoming a better shot and getting headshots all day with your OP icicles. When you're reliably getting three kills approaching the objective your teammates will just naturally trickle in.

that doent seem to be the case. at least not when im playing soldier, pharah, pigger or junkrat.
they must be playing pokemon go or something

Even Pokemon Go would eventually send them to the objective


Not broken. Working as intended.


Aside from that, i've been getting better with Dva. Wish you can hit an enemy multiple times with your boosters though. Still think she needs a minor buff.

i guess they thought it was going too smoothly. maybe they were in a group because that is surreal. even the bozos it gives me would have had one or two of them switched


If you're not BR, "time" is how they pronounce "team" since their language is retarded and just butchered a bunch of english words.

I've had the pleasure of seing the legendary 4 Hanzos team.
On the other team.
As Winston.
Let me put it this way: last time my dick was this hard, I was the only Spy against a team with no pyros and 5 snipers.

And like posted, there's this hilarious trend nowdays. People started picking up that "It's a game about switching heroes" but they didn't really get the "switch when you're being countered". In fact, most people don't seem to know when to switch, wasting ults or switching at the last 20 seconds.
The most common right now is for either attack to take point A, then everyone switches (because it seems like a good time, right?) or for the defenders to switch once they lose A, but switching to attack. Because in the last stretch of the map where defense characters shine, it makes sense to take 3 genjis.

Point Gibraltar for instance. On the last point, the Defenders can even pull a double symetra without them overlapping too much (communicate a lot, and there will always be a TP up, not to mention turrets everywhere).
But the ammount of times I've had Genjis when we're defending there is absolutely stupid. Particulary when I'm Symetra, someone switches and counters me with Winston, and the Genji player keeps dying over and over to hot monkey dick withouth thinking for a second that maybe he should do something diferent.

Why must you continue hurting me so user

4 spamzos will wreck winston though. Even one spamzo is tough for him to take directly. Easy to kill but they simply outdamage him so much.

Switching to (some) offense heroes after point A makes sense. There's not really much room for flanking at point A because the attackers spawn is right there. Once they start pushing up you can get behind them. Also in hybrid payload maps you need attack to clear people off the payload. Defense is for holding territory, attack is for taking it (back).

[Your Favorite Character] takes no skill whatsoever and only retards play them.

shut up im fucked if i miss that hook. i constantly kill roadhogs solo you should just dodge it and get aggressive

I'am fairly convinced that over half of the squishies are practically useless in majority of scenarios. I have yet to see a decent Hanzo or Widowmaker let alone having an actual impact aside from Hanzo's ult. If you need long range, Torj's turret does a better job while letting you do whatever in the process.

As for switching heros, I switch when it calls for it. When its an attack escort, I first pick Troj to zone them out then when point A is captured I switch to Rein if no one will. I've been playing way to much Torj.

Has someone made a decent tier chart?

I played the best fucking Reaper game of my life in a comp game. I was like 47 and 8. I team wipe with my ultimate twice and I still lost cause my team was never on the point. Went down to rank 40

widowmaker has mobility and the element of surprise. you have lots of time to react to a torbjorn turret and while a rivet gun headshot might be enough to finish you off its still nothing compared to turning a corner and suddenly dying.
not to mention widowmaker can pick her targets while turret just focuses on whatever it sees first, which is usually reinhardt.

I just like smashing things with a hammer man.
A big hammer.
Fuck his ultimate ability though, most wishy washy hit registration in the fucking game.

Only if you use something other than that disgusting skin.

Are the competitive ranks utter bullshit like I've heard or am I just really shit at the game?


Not to sound like a dick but…
I've seen a few gameplay videos of Dawngate. Why is it considered that good? It looks remarkably close to LoL except not as cartoonish and has some extra gameplay elements that still seem to be quite basic, like the Spellbook being just 3 extra abilities you unlock at a certain level.
Granted, I didn't particularly understood the deal with the Spirit Wells and I'm sure they play a very important role but it still doesn't seem that different from the rest of MOBAs.
What does it do that Smite, Dota2, LoL or even HotS doesn't do?

Consider that it's a new system, with millions of players who are just getting in to it.
That guy ranked 45? That might be his 11th game so far.
I reckon it will take a month or two until it actualy stabilizes, with the 3rd month being the more "clutch" one where noone will move much in their rank. As it should.
Right now, I do get the 50% winrate, but I don't seem to win because I play well, or because the other team was better. It's either:
That's kinda how Quickplay started too, taking a month to fully stabilize.
But it's a moot point, since I have 4 fags to play with me, and so far we get a 70% winrate together at 49 team ranking.

off the top of my head:
wards are a rare commodity, everyone has one thats recharges on a timer. so vision isnt just something everyone has all the time and there isnt one character getting gimped by having to constantly buy a necessary item for the team.
there are more jungle objectives, not just objectives that you kill when they respawn but things you have to capture and protect. those spirit wells generate cash and the workers can be killed by the enemy for a good sum of cash and experience if they picked the jungle thingie
"runes"(stat bonuses you choose before the game started) came in sets and they were free at least they were when i played giving you that flexibility or customization without a huge faggoty grind.

The two most important aspects that made the game so liked by a lot of the community and most everybody on Holla Forums - read very few people unfortunately - who bothered to give it a try are more Meta than anything else. First off was the relatively small player base that still managed to offer ridiculously short ques through the majority of the day and made it so you somewhat knew a lot of the people you ended up matched against and with. I still fondly remember that one fucking faggot from Holla Forums that primarily played the robot faggot that I kept getting matched against while playing with my buddies - one of which was a faggot that would of sucked Desecrators dick if given the chance. It was a very tightknit community all things considered and it was not cancerous in the least. All the faggots and children stuck to LoL while all the Russians and Perus stuck to DotA so you were left with the cream of the crop, or as close as you're going to get to this sort of game.

The second was the Karma system. After every game you could award Karma to everybody else who played in that game with you bar yourself. What Karma did was that it factored into the post-game rewards. You had a number wheel that randomly spun that could be affected by things such as Karma and first win of the day alongside some other planned features that didn't get released. The higher you scored - and half of the score was karma dependent - the better reward you received all the way up to unlocking heroes and skins. It provided an incentive for people to communicate, help each other out, and generally not go full CYKA during the game which only further helped build that tightknit community. With actual good rewards on the line, people were more willing to help each other out and offer advice, not to mention take advice as it also directly affected how likely they were to get karma at the end.


Then you got the game itself which covers decently. Your passive income didn't magically appear out of nowhere but instead was reliant on Workers / NPC's to consistently build it up for you through Spirit Wells which you could actively harass to curb the flow of passive cash - if not outright capture to entirely deny the enemy's passive income while increasing yours. The map was also fucking huge and the jungle in particular as the game only had two lanes, in which case actual roaming and ganking became more important and encouraged than sitting on your dick in lane like in League. The Jungle was also fun as fuck and invades were generally tense instead of "lmao I steal your buff and blink out" bullshit.

Then you had the graphic novel in which people could vote for what would happen next and that directly affected what new heroes could come out as well as balance changes. If the players voted for - say as an example - Freya to start on a path of redemption from her vengeful and bloodthirsty path AFTER killing off the guy that murdered her village, bitch would get reworken into a new character that fits her current lore. The fucking lore itself being so intermixed with the gameplay ticked off a shitload of boxes for autists like me. Not to mention the characters were fun as fuck to play while a lot of them were very well writen, Voluc in particular.

Shitload of skillshots mixed in with abilities combo-ing off one another delivered great gameplay and the role system was fucking amazing considering the type of game this is. You could pick out any hero you wanted at the start of the game and - if you were decent enough - could pick one of the four available roles that allowed you to perform a certain playstyle. So for instance if you got that one faggot locking in a third or even fourth carry in DotA when you need a support, you can easily swap to Tactician which gave you powerful enough passive bonuses that allowed you to play even the hardest character as a support.

Also skins weren't cancerous as fuck. It was basically Old DotA-2 tier where everything made sense and fitted with the character instead of the current shit it has or even League-tier retardation.

HK-47, is that you?

i forgot about 2 lanes, thats one thing that really drew me in at the time. the map was really cool, you couldnt fall on your ass without landing in some side path or neutral monsters.
map design is so important in these games and a lot of them try to keep it way too simple.

Also, can someone explain why noone build a loli omnic?

So essentially the biggest points that it had going was an actually decent community, better economy and more emphasis on teamfights. I know the feeling of a game with a very small community that ends up knowing each other and work together to make the game fun and interesting for everyone. That's kinda cool that the game did that, wish more multiplayer titles did it too.

I can't speak for the community and the economy ain't nothing special, but give Smite a chance. One thing I liked about the game was how the laning phase (one of the worst aspects in any MOBA) ended really soon and most of the game was about walking around the jungle and ganking or teamfighting. There's last hitting but it's not that mandatory and the fights are kinda neat with the way some Gods work.

Omnics were made for construction purposes, hard to justify lolis in that field.

Disney killed you

who says there arent loli omnics? if bastion, zenyatta and bigass mechs are all considered omnics there are probably all kinds we havent seen.
honestly, given blizzards stance against actual children in their games they are scared of porn theres a better chance of robololibot than squishy loli.

i do like smite, though i havent played in a year or so. the jungle is nothing special, but i like its fast pace, overall balance direction and the combat mechanics.

You cannot tell me that some faggot with money and skill didn't go ahead and build one for whatever reason.
Even if we have to resort to the "replacement of the dead girl"-story

But we all know someone would build a loli and program her lewd

I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought of this.

Eva 00 specifically.

howcome half the people who play this dont know the difference between skill floors and ceilings?

check out the links xenton provides, pretty ridiculous. you ever run in to something like this?

EVA-00's eye with EVA-01's head crest

I once played KOTH with five randies; i picked Lucio and they picked each of the five tanks. We never lost the point once. It's amazing how strong health is.

I have literally never seen anyone complain about having a Junkrat on offense. What kind of retards are you playing with?

Blizz has actually acknowledged that Zen is a problem and they plan on changing him. They said that they wanted to see how the Widow/McCree nerfs played out before altering him directly.

I've heard talk about adding a "harmony" mechanic to him, where he gets a bonus if he has both orbs out at once. I really like the idea. I think I'd buff him by making it so when he has both orbs out, he gets a speed boost and constant regeneration. This would make him much harder to kill, remedying his biggest weakness while also fitting thematically and maintaining his status as a glass cannon. It's more creative and interesting to play than a simple buff like more health or speed. In addition, I agree that he should be able to cast orbs while charging alt fire.

I don't care about the weebshit or even the cyborg ninja stuff. I picked him up because I liked his design, but really I main Genji because he's just so fun to play. Plus, a good Genji game is extremely satisfying.

I occasionally play Junkrat on defense. But they just don't have that much power to trade off their lack of mobility typically. Typically I have a lot better results as a Pharah, especially if I get a pocket mercy.

Toblerone and Bastion are mostly good against idiots, Mei is easily countered by having to deal with group fights, and snipers are bleh. They really should increase the DPS on his turret though.

I really wish they'd reverse the LoS element though. I understand slapping that on the debuff orb, but the healing one too?

I've thought about that too, and I agree. Discord is a bit too strong if it never goes away, but it's enough of a challenge just keeping harmony on the right people at the right times. It wouldn't be a problem to let it stay without line of sight.

What's it like knowing you wasted $60 on something you could have felt for free with TF2?

It may be a single purchase game but it's propped up with loot crates that you can get by leveling up or by throwing money at blizzard. They're in a nice holding pattern at the moment.

It's 40 dollary doos m8

I still feel like something like regen wouldnt be that strong anyways. I can two shot him as Pharah easily for instance, and I don't see that doing anything.

e-celebs like to spend donations opening fuck tons of crates so no its fine

so Holla Forums

why arent you doing your part by playing Zarya and oppressing those fucking omnic scum?

But what's it like wasting your money on frustration you could get for free elsewhere (without the social justice warrior bullshit too)?

I really don't think it's that bad. For instance everyone is saying the Omnics are peaceful and are humanities friends after they tried to kill everyone, but the Ruskies are in the middle of a war with them.

It's actually kind of amusing I think, everyone was freaking out about Zaryas character because of the pink hair but ingame she's constantly insulting the Omnic characters, as well as the cyborg Genji.

Well, he should still be easy to kill. He's a glass cannon. Regen (and I mean CONSTANT regen, no post-damage downtime or anything) and speed both make him harder to wear down and more effective in head-to-head engagements. Burst damage, however, remains a strong and effective way of killing him, even when his boosts are active.
I think it's a good way to make him more viable while leaving his strengths and weaknesses intact.


I really fucking hope there will be another character who can wallride/wallrun

Shit is wasted on Lucio, give it to an new offense character

All Zen needs is 50 more health and for teammates to see his discord orb HUD element.

That HUD element is a huge one. It would let teammates focus your orb targets MUCH better.

nah man make his healing orb NOT require LOS. Top tier again.

Why even fucking play with friends if they're going to be dogshit and not even funny?
I've been trying to find a good group/team to join up with but I have no idea where to start looking.
Is solo queue really the best option to rank up Holla Forums?

Nigga if you aren't constantly Jet Set Radio and saving your own ass with it you're fucking bad as Lucio.

i have the same experience, but i only got to 58. queue with friend, everything goes down hill… now im at like 42, so many retards in this rank.

i dont know if i like that idea. that means your effectiveness almost entirely depends on the skill of your flanker(s), and theyll likely be fucked over if you need to heal someone else.

Run double support.

Zenyatta enables a flanker to have retarded sustain which would make him top-tier/viable. It use to be like this in closed beta but blizz felt Zenyatta made Tracer/Genji too strong and nerfed him to the ground.

Nigger you're fucking retarded

Who the fuck even talks like that?

This is how 1970's "electropunkers" look like

i think i agree with that nerf. plus it sounds boring for zenyatta. id rather they give him a more selfish buff.

Exactly. Pretty sure that was the entire reason for the 150 health/no mobility. He could basically sit in spawn to do his healing job.

Discord needs to be seen by your team. You shouldn't have to rely on your own damage to kill discord targets, and you shouldn't have to discord whoever is already being attacked to have an effect either. If they team gets a HUD element (IE the same big red mark zenyatta can see through walls) they can much more easily focus discord targets. This will make him MASSIVELY more useful to the team without making him stronger solo.

considering the amount of healers who dont notice a giant red CRITICAL, i wonder how that would go.

He would still be shit with a shit team, but he's an advanced support so that's to be expected.


I dont get it


He uploaded them out of order.
On the right you can see Roadhog's hook misses and then on the left you can see the hook corrects itself.

oh, right

yeah the netcode and hitboxes are awful

ive been tracer, blinked to dodge a hook, it clearly misses me but it latches on to "something" and then i teleport back to where i was before blinking, get reeled in and inseminated.
likewise, ive hooked tracers who recall before it even finishes pulling them in. this game favors people with brazil tier internet

doesn't the hook just kind of straighten itself after it hits you? even if you hit someone just barely, the hook will move to the center of your model for the actual pull.

Is there any way for me to request that my competitive level be lowered? I honestly feel like my level is too high.

Keep playing as Zenyatta.

But can I get in touch with Blizzard and request that they do it? I'd prefer to be somewhere in the 0-10 range.

I never said Lucio is bad m8 , I'm just saying I want a offense character who can go fast and wall run


So what are you fags going to do when everyone abandons the game to play Evolve™?

guess ill go play evolve™ and spend all my money on microtransactions

Most of my hooks on Tracer are her blinking away even though I hooked her.

which character would you fug and why is it the pink mech

They wouldn't do it; they'd assume you're trying to smurf. If you want to be in a lower gameplay bracket, just lose a lot. Don't obviously throw games, though, because then you'll probably be punished. Like that other user said, playing a lot of Zenyatta is a good option.

Wait, how can Junkrat be a tranny if one of his highlight intros heavily implies he has balls.

nigger don't even let the possibility exist in your mind. You don't need to refute something that has no basis.

yeah naw

Also, I bet their reason is that he's pokeing fun at his former opressive gender

Getting cunt punted hurts too. The vagoo is full of sensitive nerves.

This, though.

fucking meta faggots eat my robo cock and balls

At least you're not symetra

Don't underestimate a good Symmetra on maps with chokepoints. Those always have some hallways to the side and you can seal those off.

Does Zenya even have genitals?

Are you implying that Symmetra is bad? A good Symmetra can have insane amounts of impact and really be a problem for the enemy team.

This. Symmetra is actually a necessity on most defense maps mainly because of her incredible powerful teleporter.

She not a bad character but she's pretty shit as a support, other than the teleporter she's about as much a support as toblerone

Oh yeah, she's not a support. Needs to be reclassified to defense.

Never pick her before the round starts. Pick something like bastion and when everyone left the spawn, including a real support, you swich.
Seriosuly people will think you're just fine replacing Mercy.

Her shield is actually quite strong on flankers and in a poke scenario, where it recharges all the time.

her teleporter is good but the rest of her is entirely underwhelming

Her turrets are great if positioned well - especially at chokes where they can't easily get hit by AoE, but can grab onto people as they attempt to pass through. Giving shields to team is valuable. Her primary weapon can destroy single target tanks if they are distracted.

the problem is when they get destroyed they wont be up for a while. they dont have that much punch behind them so youre often fighting a losing battle

Eating tanks for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Her shields are pretty shit. They should replace that with something more substantial. The rest of her is fine but maybe give more health to her turrets. They're kinda useless when enemies destroy them by breathing in their general direction.

Could not find the source of it at all.

its not that theyre useless, but the effort of setting them up is disproportionate to the potential payoff. offering a distraction for a second or two is great, but when it takes that long to get one turret back then theyre pretty lousy.

This, a single decently competent player strolls through or even a near braindead winston and all your setup is gone and you won't be getting back above 3 turrets out at any time the rest of the match. Why she can't at least store the full six I don't know, Torbjorn can shit out a brand new turret six seconds after he places the first one and upgrade it to level two in less than ten seconds yet she has to wait like ten seconds for each.

I have lost every single match I played in the past week.
What the fuck is going on. I think I might have become the shitter.

so why cant winston pick up a friendly bastion and run around with him?

Bumplock when?

why even bother?


You should get EXP for ALL your medals, not just the highest imo. Although I guess people would want to play shit like roadhog more if that were the case.

If you can't hook even roadhog sucks.

But I agree, what do you get 3-5 medals for and then no reward. Yeah there's the card at the end, but people rarely vote for medals.

There are people who can't hook? That shit is easier to hit with than winston's tesla.

let me know when you break 60 try hard

I'm not even afraid of winstons anymore
This game is like playing MGR in first person to me
It might be casual but damn it's good to carry hard

Only problem is you can't reliably carry with the other characters so my winrate with everyone outside Genji is bog standard despite high stats, how can so many people be so shit at playing this fucking game and picking hanzo on KOTH all the time and literally avoiding my healing circle of zenyatta goodness, what the fuck

I thought they fixed ranked. If someone leaves from my team I will still get the full loss amount of XP.

The fix was that if you leave a game where someone on your team leaves, it no longer counts as a loss against you.

But you still lost your rank though? At least that's what happened to me.

Well I found a good explanation here us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20745676058

I think I'm not going to play ranked unless I get a full team I guess. Seems to happen about 1/3 of the time for me, even if it's a close match.

Fucking retarded. You don't even need to be that smart to realize why.
Thank fucking god. That means we get a shitty first month, and then 2 or 3 months of great gameplay as the leavers get banned.

Still, you're right. Play with a team of your own.
You have no idea who you're gonna match up, and frequently, it's someone dumb as shit.

Absolutely infuriating. They even had a fucking lucio.

How much have you guys spent on loot boxes?

I think I'm addicted.

I bought the second biggest one once.
Got nothing but garbage, never again.

So when will Overwatch join the f2p crowd?

$0 you fucking pleb

Blizzard would never make a game F2P

why would you be addicted to overwatch crates of all things? none of the unlockables are "that" exciting

They have to have an equal amount of autism to counter bastion players.




I'd say about 5-10 years after WoW is F2P.
Namely, when hell freezes over

I've paid $30,000 in loot boxes so far. It's so exciting.
I already have every single unlockable. Blizzard has just mastered the Skinner box so much that I can't wait to see what dupes I get.

So is it confirmed that EU is, on average, worse than NA for once with this game? Mainly because I get fucking Gold Medals away from a Mercy as Lucio when it comes to healing and Damage and Kills Medals from a Pharah, Soldier, and Junkrat as Roadhog. That's not to say NA is that much better but still, the fuck is this shit.

Don't get it. Won't ever get it.

If I could pay a small amount to get a skin I wanted with no random bullshit, I might consider it.













This is the problem with Holla Forums right here. The post you quoted was so obviously sarcastic that there's no way someone with a functioning brain could take it seriously and then this fucking post comes along and now I don't know if you're being sarcastic or are genuinely retarded.

Yeah, but you're forgetting all the 15 year olds who came here from reddit and want to fit in.
The fact he put spaces between each line should clue you in that's it's a reddit normalfag who discovered something "hilarious" today and wants to use it every chance he has.

im drunk

Just play it for half an hour faggot.
why pay for something you can get free?

The logic would be that you make so much money at work compared to unlocking by playing, it makes no sense to paly to unlock


Pretty much this. I make too much money to not spend at least $20 a paycheck on games

But you're not playing the game for cosmetic unlocks. You're playing it because you enjoy the game.
I don't work because I love working.

snibbite snab xx-DDD

Stop this meme, for fuck's sake. In his case it was badly used because he just wants to make sure everyone reads his hi-hi-hilarious post.

But a lot of people actually care about readibility and drop spaces between different points they are trying to make.
We keep going this logic train and we'll conclude that colons, semicolons, capital letters and other basic shit is all [other shitty site]-tier and before long "W3 R P0271NG LEIK D1S".

Don't drink and post anywhere else but Holla Forums.

Do you only play the game to unlock cosmetics, not because you find it fun?

Why the fuck would you spend money on things you get for free from playing the game?

I have no idea how you derived that from my post.

It's not free, you still gotta pay with time. I'm not gonna hammer on that "time is money" but consider the people that have a job and can only play the game about 1 hour every and possibly not even that.
They can't unlock things at the same speed as you or me because they don't play as long as we do, but they do have a job that affords them some more money than we have.
If they prefer to pay with money instead of spending extra time to unlock stuff, that's up to them. Doesn't affect me at all, it's just an extra option for those folks.

To be honest, I'm quite surprised you can't directly buy the currency but I suspect that would make buying what you want with actual money end up far cheaper than the current alternative. You can buy that 50 crate pack for 40$ and still not get the skin you want or enough currency to buy it.

Now that I re-read your post, neither do I…

but why overwatch cosmetics? that has to be the most boring possible thing to gamble on
oh heres a skin for a character you hate, too bad you cant trade it

Exactly why I don't see the reason. I've gotten three legendary hanzo skins, and one widowmaker skin already and I don't feel like paying for MORE of them on the off chance I get Sunyatta or Goddess

Aww yeah

Symmetra should not qualify as a support. Literally the only thing she does over Torbjorn that could be considered supportive is her teleporter. As it stands, it's silly that one person can pick Symmetra and the rest of the team feel that, yes, the support role is being filled adequately.

cause she's fugly

how do you play a good genji?

If you just listen to rules of nature while playing Genji, it'll come naturally.

land shurikens, disrupt the enemy team push, have team mates who know how to take advantage of the space created

It's almost like I'm really playing Dota.

They really should kick her into defense. Hell, 76 would fit more into support than Symmetra would. At least he can heal people.

I almost never played her until I got a skin that didn't show her heinous hair. I know realize she's pretty good, but I'd rather Roadhog if I'm playing a tank that isn't Reinhardt.
Also, is it just me or is Winston the most situational character?

Symetra's turrets slow, and die in one hit. I wouldn't really count then as a defense.

You know what's really concerning?
There are children growing up right now, and this will be normal to them.

You do get exp for each medal. I think it's 50 for each bronze, 100 for each silver, and 150 for each gold. Unless they changed it recently.

i think to qualify as support though you need to take dicks up the ass.
dont know what that means for zenyatta though, maybe theres a spiritual metaphor for anal sex

Nah, if you have one gold and one silver, you get XP for the gold only. If you have 2 gold, you only get XP for one. So essentially, in every match you can gain no XP or 3 bonus depending on the best medal you could get.

It sounds a bit stupid not fully rewarding the player for all the stuff he did until you think for a bit on what that would do. You'd see people completely ignoring their role in favour of farming medals and farming them all. People just picking Roadhog and sticking forever on the point for the Healing and Objective time medals while also damaging anyone going near. This sounds okay for Roadhog but a Pistol Mercy never healing anyone unless she doesn't have Gold Healing doesn't sound as appealing.

As it stands, the game strongly benefits a team that divides tasks. Tanks should get the Gold Medal for Objective time, Healers for Healing, Defense and flankers for Damage and Offense for Kills.

Her shields regenerate unlike Torbs armor. Everytime her shields go back up, that's 25 damage she "healed" for you. Her Teleporter is essentially a Mercy's Rez, valid for six uses that don't need to be at the same time. She's also excelent at preventing flanking and a lot of people should realize this. You aren't supposed to place your turrets where everyone else will go, put them where a Tracer or Genji is gonna sneak through. And wait nearby with your gun, can't realy blink\dash through walls, can they?

Her entire point is to keep her team alive (support) while Torbs point is to keep an area clear (defense) but instead of doing it with heal, she does it by preventing flankers from taking your life and mitigating 25 points of damage on everyone and even bringing them back to the field much faster if this wasn't enough.
People are seriously conflicting Support with Healer…

It's called buying EA games.

You have six of them. Put them everywhere.

i dont know about most situational, but yeah, theres plenty of matchups that he just doesnt work in. i like playing him cause i love big jumps but i dont like how reliant he is on cooldowns since his gun is so trashy.

Someone needs to tell me how the fuck D.Va works. I got absolutely decimated by one a few games back and I can neither get the hang of it nor understand how the fuck she did it. Support, Tank, Defense, bitch was all up in my dick and I don't understand her, she practically won the entire game for her team with her bullshit.

D.Va is the aggro tank. You get in peoples' faces and kill them before they kill you. You're a meatshield, but not as tanky as reinhardt. The difference is that you can deal damage while meatshielding and also fly up to higher areas.

Winston's pretty good almost any time once you get used to him. Bastion will tear him a new one, but anyone else he can escape if nothing else.

Jump HIGH. Not only does this give you more control over where you land, but the cooldown is going while you are in the air, which means once you land you will be able to get out sooner

her "potential" dps is pretty impressive, but you have to be in closer than melee range with absolute perfect accuracy to really pull it off because her guns have massive damage falloff on top of mega spread.
the better ones are going to time their booster and point defense to disorient their targets as best they can, but there arent really many matchups that favor her, so i dont know what to say to that.

my big beef with winston is the same problem i have with the majority of the cast, he doesnt function particularly well when your team cant pull their own weight, so i dont find much opportunity to play him with this forced 50% bs matchmaking.
i usually like having one on the team and do my best to take advantage of the chaos he causes, but often they dont go in at a very opportune time. i certainly understand how that can be difficult to judge in a pub setting, but in a more coordinated one with friends for example i still dont often find much opportunity to play him.

D.Va is too paper to be meat. Use the boosters constantly, get in, get out. Plays sort of like Tracer, she's a nuisance and very hard to kill when played right, but doesn't get very many kills by herself.

I'd like to point out that Tracer is NOT the assassin most people think she is. If dives to kill a healer she has a very strong chance of ending up dead, the number of times I've solo killed Tracer as Mercy is ridiculous. Anyway it's the same for D.Va. Pick up an opportunistic kill if you can, but really just rely on her boosters to harass as much as possible.

Overkill and just asking for them all to be destroyed at the same time.
2 turrets already cause 50 DPS, 3 can kill Tracer or Zenyatta in a single second and their main point is the slow, not the damage anyway.
You find a chokepoint and you put 2 on one side, 2 on the other side and 2 somewhere near the chokepoint to punish anyone stubborn enough to pass through.
If you put them all together, it's gonna take a lot of time to rebuild, if you spread them out, you'll always have charges to replace them as they are destroyed.

Look at some nigga in the distance, hit E and Shift and fly to him. If you can't grab his dick, you aren't close enough, get even closer. THEN AND ONLY THEN start blasting your guns. You'll cause a ridiculous amount of damage if you are close enough and you'll murder the fool if he thinks he can shoot back.
HOWEVER, realize that he may run or back away. This is fine, let him go. You aren't there for the kills, you just want that nigga to relocate somewhere else.
DVa's entire point is to make snipers, engineers, Bastion and anyone else with "trench mentality" to fuck off. If you try to chase them, if you try for kills, if you engage too soon or too far, you will die.

Another important point: you're the tip of the spear. A team is all together defending an area or about to attack a point, you boost all the way behind them and start shooting them in the back.
ATTENTION: Do not do this if there's no one in your team ready to follow after you. You are not gonna get kills by diving alone into the middle of 6 very angry guys. You are there to cut escape routes and force them to turn their backs to your entire team. You are looking for Damage, not Kills.

ARMOR AND BOOSTERS MEANS YOU ONLY DIE IF YOU'RE A SCRUB. Never stay in a fight you know you are gonna lose, never fight when your team can't get anything out of that victory, never spend more time anywhere that's dangerous than you have to. Just fly away, get an healthpack and go back in.

what, you mean if bastion is already at half health?

Question: is there porn of Snowball?


Drop your ult in his face, he'll move.

Different IP, same guy.
Reflect rockets and junkrat grenades at enemy faces
When fighting pharahs, don't double jump before you dash up to them, dash, do your second jump and nail her with the shurikens with your extra airtime.
Kill the healer, it's like your one job
When you ult, don't use it when you're in the thick of it unless the healer is already dead and you're on cleanup
Ult when you're out of sight, above the enemy and will have your sword out on top of them because of the one second drawing animation. Lucio boops you away, Mercy angel dashes away, save your own dash for when they use this
Keep control of the high ground with your team so you have freedom of movement

You still don't put them where everyone goes since that's where tanks go as well and any of them can deal with your turrets very easily.
What's the point in wasting your turrets in the main hallway where any tank can destroy them so easily when they could be placed on the side lines and deal with the much weaker characters? A single turret missing from the flanking sides is the difference between killing that Tracer or not.

Reinhardt and Roadhog don't do very well at that For reinhardt to kill your sentries he has to drop his shield and get close. Roadhog has no trouble hitting them but his low ammo, slow ROF and slow reload leave him extra vulnerable if he does.

DVa can kill them easily, but if she's boosting she probably won't even notice them, leaving the sentries to kill her teammates instead. Same with reinhardt's charge, which also has a tendancy to leave him in a bad spot if you place the sentries where he ends up.

i wonder if you can kill it before it explodes. i heard that you can but im never playing bastion to find out. i know its affected by german handegg champion.

You do know you can put them on pretty much any surface, right?

i cant tell you how many times as big pig ill just walk in to a bunch of turrets, shoot a few, reload take 3 steps backwards and symmetra jumps me as if im not going to rip her in half.

If you miss your hook you are toast, but that's always the case with Roadhog sentries or no.

Reinhart has a very large vertical range for his melee attack, as I've come to find out and can take out turrets placed way high.
The pitifull 25 damage he's gonna take from them is nothing, he'll drop his shield again and be healed by the healers or the payload in the meantime.
Roadhog can just blast one and vape afterwards. He'll probably pull back first and reload giving you a breather but he's gonna come back faster than you can spam another turret.
Dva, as long as she's walking there, can just turn around and blast them and her Armor does reduce the damage they cause anyway while her Booster gives her the chance to reach a healer or healthpack afterwards.

The main point here is that, yes. You do put some damage on them and force them to retreat for a bit to recover\reload. But the amount of time they spend to come back versus yours gives them the advantage.
Your turrets either have the surprise element against squishy characters or they aren't being usefull at all.

Where you can put them doesn't matter much, forcing your oponents to commit if they want to take them out is more important.

There should be. We've got lewds of Dva's MEKA (and there should be more), but snowball's gottel a lot less love.

against symmetra? if youre in symmetras range, shes in your range.

Am I the only one that gets pissed off at Overtime?

fuck no, its the worst overtime ive ever seen

Shouldn't I be getting just tiny gains and huge losses all the time? I'm getting full ranks almost every win.

I find that I keep getting tiny incremental increases, but then when I lose, I lose a fucking huge chunk that negates my last three wins.
I'm never getting out of this pit.

Same thing with me as well. How are you doing in your matches? In my case, and I know I'm the worst person to be judging this, I'm often carrying my team and doing a lot of the work so maybe the game has that into account and gives rank not just for the win but for your contribution?

Both of those were Zarya. First one I wrecked pretty hard and even got POTM, but only one gold. Second I got no golds at all.

Game's SUPPOSED to rank you based on your individual performance rather than simple win/loss but ultimately I don't know how accurate that is in practice.

and this is my next loss, because obviously forced 50

There's no "forced 50", there's instead very few players above 58 and all of them are very skilled. If you are paired with them, expect a beating if you aren't as good as them.

Got a source for that? I doubt that they made their algorithm public but I'd like to read on what actually influences it at the end of the game. It sucks that companies never release it to the public for some reason…

I was joking about the forced 50, I know it's just bullshit. However, no one I've been playing with lately is very skilled, on either team.

I thought the upper limit was 100.
Now I don't feel so bad about being 42.

The distribution is extremely centralized, 42 is still very bad. In fact it's worse than 58 is good.

Actually here's the PC distribution, it's even worse.

Man, I feel like shit now.
43 here, when I get 4 other guys to play with me, we rack up wins easily with the ocasional loss.
When I go solo? It's the 9th loss in a row now. Costed me the two ranks I gained last time we all played together.

You forgot your :^) there, then.

It features a gaussian distribution where both 100 and 0 all theoretically possible but practically not. This is actually something fairly hard to explain as 50 Rank doesn't even mean you're average in the absolute sense, just average when compared with every other player. If this was a professionals league, there'd still be rank 50 but it would mean something entirely different despite the number.

The fact that there's so many people at rank 50 doesn't mean that a lot of the players fucking suck, but rather that a lot of the players share the same skill level as perceived by the game and there are a few odd exceptions on both ends of the spectrum for whatever reason.

This is fairly natural as the game is fairly new, a lot of people are still learning and adapting to it and there hasn't been enough time for the system to grade properly everyone. It will be far more interesting at the end of the first season.

Nah, look at it again.
There's an higher amount of people in the central ranks from 52 to 55 while consoles are all over the place and they feature far more in lower ranks as well.
Console players are more likely far more numerous than PC players, ence the wilder distribution but PC still has the tighest group with similar skill levels.
And this is also another point you gotta keep in mind, a rank 50 on PC may not be the same as rank 50 on consoles since the average on both also changes.

the first distribution was all platforms.

If you are rank 42, 92.4% of all PC players are better than you according to rank. You would have to be pretty bad to be worse than 92% of players in any game, given how many people are just casual trash who can't even move and shoot at the same time.

I just got play of the game as Winston, if that tells you the type of hell I'm in.

Well, time to kill myself.
My last team was just wandering around and I had to keep yelling at them to get on the point with me. It was fucking ridiculous. I feel like I'm going to have a stroke playing down here.

That's one of the main faults, yeah.
I think people are too used to the TF2 or CS:Go model where people just roam around the map and the objectives are a "maybe I'll do it, maybe not".
For instance, it's a payload map and you're atacking. A reaper passes by the payload. There's a Reinhardt on top of it.
He could stay by it for a while, since there's noone around, and push it faster.
But 90% of the time, they just move and go their own way.
In fact, most of the time I play ranked solo, I get 4 or 5 attacking characters on my team, and noone sticks to the cart. Genjis, Tracer, Reaper, even fucking 76's can't sit tight for a few seconds and push the damn thing.
Sometimes I'm defending and they do the same thing. A match I did a few hours ago had a tracer+genji+Phara constantly ganking us and spawncamping. They scored a shitload of kills. But then noticed that they only had 30 seconds left and the payload hadn't left the starting line.

It's the kind of games you win but feel shitty, because you didn't play well, the other team was just retarded.

I saw shit like this in HotS, where people played it like they were playing LoL or Dota: screw the map objectives, let's farm and kill.

For now I just advise everyone to only play ranked if you have at least a 4 man team. Playing solo is sufering.
This isn't even the most retarded piece of wisdom I've heard there, just the only one through microphone for now.

people like to compare overwatch to assfaggots, but they do it for all the wrong reasons

People also like to play classes ignoring the purposes of those classes
And then you think "Maybe I'll go Roadhog if Genji appears when we switch from defense to attack". And you do. And the Roadhog player gets angry, tells you he picked it first and leaves after the roundstarts.
I finnaly understand what lead those fine young man to shoot up Colombine.

I just encountered a twitch whore.
We lost, but the lulz had were worth it. Anyone know how many times I can get reported before something bad happens?

Back to quick play it is.

Starting to see them too.
Protip: if they pick Hanzo, or Widow, take Reinhardt. Claim that you're gonna "shield them".

What you actually do, is stand in front of them, slightly to the left. Technically, you are indeed shielding them. But in practice, your hammer is obstructing 95% of their screenspace.
Remebember to keep adjusting, since they'll try to pick around your big hammer.

Fuck streamers. Half of them pick McCree or Genji, over-extend to get a bunch of kills and a gold medal. The moment they die to some lucky shit, the enemy team comes and it's 5vs 6 while that retard comes back.

What I did was play Mercy, and then just leave her to die in places.

question: how did you know? screen name? did she announce it?

i dont follow streamers at all, so im clueless about who anyone is outside of some of the more well-known names.

She basically announced it. She was being a passive aggressive bitch about team comp, so I called her a faggot, and she was like "wow just wow reported, way to make an ass of yourself in front of 10k people" which only inspired me to go into maximum dickmode.
What's funny is that like two minutes into this, one of the guys on my team is like "are you talking to that streamslut? I blocked her annoying ass last game"
Long story short, we just spent pretty much the whole game talking shit about her, because obviously.
Her name is Lunalovebad. I googled her and her most recent game played was "social eating".

yeah, i just google her too, and boy am i sorry.

holy shit. the cancer just rolled right off my screen. i still hear the screams of my retinal cells.

good on you for giving her shit user. jesus christ how horrifying.

what to expect, boys?

20 losses in a row bumping you down to 35.

I had already people telling me to quit Tracer or Mei on attack maps, because they are supposed to be bad or something.

Mei is pretty bad in general to be honest, she just annoys shitters because 'muh stun'. People think she's anti-flanker but the flankers (Genji and Tracer) have so much mobility to get away from her it's pointless.

She is fun though, and has a really interesting (if incredibly situational) kit.

Tracer is one of the better characters in the game, though some more vertically-focused maps on attack see her reduced in effectiveness. Feel free to pick her on defense though, contrary to what people think flankers are great for gutting a push before it even starts.

This, I'm on 58 right now and went as low as 55.
Wish I hadn't played the first weeks of comp mode.

If you're going to go defense, go Junkrat. I think Mei's more fun but Junkrat's more functional.

I mainly use Mei to kill enemy healers and support characters. She´s probably the best class for this job. Even better than most offense heroes.

I would say Genji by far is the best at that job, with Tracer as a second. By virtue of being flankers, they can take out the healers in a split second and have the mobility to get out of there once the job's done, with their ults being perfect for the job too.

Genji yes, Tracer no. Mercy is pretty much helpless against a decent Genji, but can kill Tracer very easily.

Does anyone here have any trouble with aiming at Mei while she's freezing you? I don't know if it's due to the camera's flinching when you get hit, or if Mei players just A/D harder up close, or if it's something in my mind that just makes it harder for me alone.

Probably because your movement is being continuously altered. You compensate your own movement while aiming automatically, but having your speed changed constantly makes that especially difficult.

Being chilled by Mei's ice lowers your aim sensitivity.

Yes, it's a stupid fucking mechanic

No it doesn't.

I've been through this with another user, tested it personally.

i wanna say i ran in to that jackass a while ago, might have been in heroes of the storm

well the "best" meis are always laggy as shit. that might have something to do with it

Man Twitch isn't even trying to pretend their site is about games anymore are they,

i just got matched with some rank 43 guy (i'm 50 myself)
he picked lucio and i had to explain to him on chat that he needs to press shift if he wants to heal people
later on he switched to toblerone and kept trying to place towers in walls which makes them explode so we had 0 setup for defending

i guess i needed that kick to try harder at being better at this game so that i won't get matched like that ever again
