The french jew is finally making a videogame about killing white christian americans as a dindi

The french jew is finally making a videogame about killing white christian americans as a dindi

Other urls found in this thread:

So our culture is finally on the hit list


Shame too, Far Cry 2 was a fantastic "Africa is the worst place on earth and is never ever getting better" simulator. Didn't play the ones after that but I heard it's total pozz.

There's already a thread about this, and it's anchored. Looks like you aren't taking the hint. This belongs on Holla Forums.

However, it is annoying they use blatant stereotyped to the point they don't even seem to try and hide it anymore.

The only thing left is for the main antagonist to blame the Jews for his problems while making him look like a paranoid schizo and the leftist hit piece on WNs will be complete.

no it doesnt

You didn't get the first post, rabbi. It's not about "my games" when I don't even play games. Is about this leftist propaganda blockbuster about gunning down le ebil white christians being mass marketed to millions as a tool of brainwashing

Video game discussion belongs on Holla Forums.
Complain about how pozzed it is there.

I don't see anything wrong with this.

You new faggots cannot into culture war


Whether you want to or not, this thread is going to be anchored like that last one.


then we will just make new ones until you stop being stupid faggots and let us fight the culture war appropriately

That cover looks badass. I'm guessing it's SJW bullshit because those are actually villains?

And you can't into being Anonymous, OP. And yes, you are OP. Because you have the exact same posting style as OP. Prepare for another anchor, autismo.

Farcry has sucked dick for a while anyway, but the bad guys were always the cool ones. Even that poofy chink in the pink suit was a fan favorite. This'll just make white Christian survivalists seem badass.


I'm not that guy, check the IDs, smartpants.

I dont know what ID's are.


Oh boy another churned out copy paste far cry template game.
Redneck rampage was made years ago.

We have ID's on this board new faggot im not OP. The point still stand when this place was popolated by real anons not you reddit niggers we would have torn this piece of propoganda a new asshole

I bet that'll definitely bring people to your side.

It worked with
-Trump Jewish ties
-Trump Western Wall
-Syria Bombing
-"Mods are compromised for X reason, please migrate to my dead board!"

Sage since this thread is a duplicate.

The stench of cliche Hollywood bullshit is overpowering with that alone. It's lazy as fuck.

Hi Anita.

I wonder if they will let you pull a Farcry 4 and betray the so-called good guys.

lol what.

How is exposing kike propaganda sliding you dumb cunt

That game really revealed how out of touch the designers were. They thought My Chemical Romance, studded denim, and tumblrwhales were the height of trendy.

You just admitted that you will keep spamming them if they get deleted.
That is by definition sliding, regardless of what the thread is about.

sliding is when you create massive amounts of threads to kill important ones.

there are no important threads that are not stickied. Shut up newfag.

What the redpill in this game?

Literally no self-awareness or lacking in short term memory.

Lads. If Games are insufferably left wing, then leftists will play more games. So it's good, chill out about this smh.

Kill yourself.

only halfchan can be "slid" all important threads here are stickied by the mods. You are a subhuman faggot nigger retard. go blow your hall monitor whistle somewhere else

forgot to sage lads, it's been a while

So is that your tacit admission that you mods here kiked the board just to protect the jewish trojan horse Trump?

What is exposure of jewish propaganda in the mainstream affecting our kids not suitable for pol, especially when %50 of the board is just one massive counter-jihad kike-fest calling to kill isreal's enemies for isreal and the rest meaningless shite you sticky to hide the interesting posts.

To reiterate, just for shekels you sold out the entire userbase of Holla Forums to work for Kushner and push Holla Forums into a Zio Conservative limited hangout.
Great stuff Imkampfy you filthy mud-kike

stop trying to kill a discussion about kike propaganda infesting something because "it's a vidya gaem, it belongs to Holla Forums"
the propaganda aspect would be neglected or b& on Holla Forums
the place to discuss it is here
fuck you

hasbara fag go practice fellatio on the nearest gun

So any thread that's not stickied is not important?
Seems elitist to me.

Glad to see people accepting these threads are literal shills.

At least have some fucking respect for our culture. We don't go on your board owned by a literal Jew to make solely political threads.

I wonder what will happen when the DOX they've got on you gets release, you filthy mud-kike cunt Imkampfy

tbh that flag and not-iron cross look cool, I'm ok with them being the new ebil nahtzee symbol

Why are you sperging out so much over a single thread?

Imagine hating america so much that even apple pie is evil by association.


I am not kampfy. Neither is anyone else who actually replies to you. How do I know this, you ask? Because the real kampfy just bans you without talking to you at all. At least thats what I would do.

This is propaganda, but Ubisoft didn't make it work with WatchDogs 2 and it's not going to work now.

If we effectively mock and turn this game into shit, it'll fail. Once the higher ups at Ubisoft see SJW shit doesn't sell games more than a few times, they'll shit can the idea and tell them to fuck off.

You have to remember SJWs are there telling the CEOs and businessman side of things that games like this are safe and won't cause controversy.

Looks like a good opportunity to show people that muslims are the ones that are actually doing this. Hopefully we see a mod where we replace all the white people with muslims.

My prediction is, and I guarantee you this will be it, that you play as some faggot using extreme violence primarily with firearms to kill people the game perceives as evil, and that the game will have a strong anti-second amendment anti-gun message to it, and that the game developers being faggots from France who've never touched a gun in their lives won't see the fact that both of those things don't really gel together.

I also predict that for a game which will, and this goddamn will, have an anti-gun message, the developers will have like a zillion really stupid errors in gun handling and design. You WILL see a revolver flicked shut with someone's wrist, you WILL see magazines referred to as clips, etc, and you WILL see the devs trying to mention how evil guns are. Because nothing drives your point home about how you don't like something quite like knowing fucking nothing about that thing you don't like.

Still waiting on the game where you gun down a zillion jihadis or swedish rape gangs, ubi

You are a very important poster who should be taken seriously on this board.

Have you seen the Richard Spencer haircut?

When has a white militia every actually carried out acts of domestic terrorism on US soil? I understand the propaganda they're trying to push, but some angry white people in Montana hardly compare to the third worlders from previous games in the series.

I'd also just like to say that cover looks comfy as fuck.

Shitload of food, chilling out with your survivalistbros and your wolfbro and your waifu, getting sinners to bow before you with your gun collection hanging out. Neat sunglasses, a snazzy suit, lots of land and a church of your own… Living the life.

Seriously I'd pre order this day one if you played as that guy in the middle and those were the protagonists and the sinner guy was the villain


The left has violent fantasies of killing and torturing Trump/right-wingers/ebul republicans and projects that onto the right. They think conservative gun owners are just itching to unload them into a crowd of African brain surgeons and Mexican physicists.
Liberals fear guns because they think if they can't help themselves, nobody can.

Jewbisot is so bad at their narratives the players will probably end up sympathizing with the antagonist the way they did with Pagan Min.

Apparently the "good" ending of Far Cry 4 only takes about 10 minutes to get, and involves zero gameplay.

>wait there like he asked this is where most players fail

That they know nothing about Southern culture let alone America and they'll use stereotypes to drive an anti-gun message.

I'm going to be mildly surprised if they pull a far cry 4

I bet you people get upset when South Park makes fun of white people too.


I had to look it up, but that's fucking great. Gotta hand it to them.

from the kikepedia, farcry 1 was made by "german"roaches, and merely published by ubisoft
and all the others, 2, 3 and 4, were made by ubisoft-montreal, and we can suppose this one too
so it's quebec/canadian/murican sjws that made it, don't blame the french
also, lots of french dudes have funz

Ubisoft is cringe-worthy as fuck. Most western developers shoe-horn libtard propaganda into their games these days but the way Ubisoft does it is just so pathetic and forced.

Just look at this.

Then again, Ubisoft games are horrible in the first place so you are not missing out on anything.

I don't even know how stupid you have to be to play shit like Far Cry with that procedurally generated shit world and casual shooter gameplay.

Zelda is probably the only redpilled game this decade.

Frogs are probably the most cucked and delusional Euro fags there are. Stop defending them.

They are also borderline stupid and ruining every Monster Hunter run online with ther sheer stupidity.

I never had a problem with white jokes. Whites are pretty famously self-deprecating and can laugh at ourselves. What I take issues with is the obvious double standard. You can only compliment these people. You can only criticize these people. I say if they want to play tribalist politics like this, let's do it. You can only criticize whites if you're not from a starving communist shithole. You can only compliment non-whites if they're headed towards an oven.

Basically you've only now got redditors, R_TheDonald and the kike-jew mods gaslighting and goading the few remaining white non-jew pol/acks left here trying to make relevant threads exposing kikery.
Only the kike-jew mods won't allow them.

How long can the kike-jew mods that destroyed Holla Forums for Kushner shekels keep this up for before finally getting the boot?

Guaranteed this is how it'll work out.
They can do whatever else they want to him, but he'll be the sympathetic character, especially if you're playing as an sjw nigger.


Based Pagan Min. Who wouldn't want to rule alongside your stepdad who literally owns an entire mountain range?

fyi there's so much pushback against keeping time-wasting discussion about vidya on Holla Forums because Ubisoft and their ilk use this place for viral marketing. By getting a rise out of Holla Forums it gives their shitty shallow time wasters attention which might spill out beyond Holla Forums.

Every time Ubisoft or Activision release some shit new game there are oddly persistent threads about it here.

Speaking as a former vidya addict, get over the habit and stop feeding the interactive Jew. Video games have been a dead art form for over a decade. Real life is the most hardcore video game of all.

Wew… That is some degenerate shit right there.

sage for lewd

Agreed in principal, but to not discuss this absolute degeneracy because its vidya shit, or because you're afraid of giving publicity to the game, is silly. Not looking at it won't make it go away.

this, to be honest

Does Pizzagate belong on /ck/?

You forgot "not anita" wanting to turn the rebels to drug trafficing, and killing a child because held a traditionally important role.
And the traditionalist guy who wants to fug said kid.

Whereas the "villian" shows a great deal of reasonableness and not wanting to kill the protag, even pleading you to stop and talk it over a few times.
Plus even by the end after you razed the country, he just leaves (if you let him)

As a Holla Forumsack you should know better than anyone, this is just a symptom of the disease and not the cause. GG failed to make a long-term difference because they failed to understand that.

Hacking away at the branches is a waste of our time and energy

I hope it's not blatant SJW bullshit, but I know that's wishful thinking with Ubisoft.
Anyone here see Red State? If they went in a direction like this, it could be interesting. If there's flagrant anti-American sentiment (like one poster above mentioned, they're trying to demonize apple pie of all fucking things), then it's a no-buy from me.

But we have to remember how they handled Pagan Min in Far Cry 4. It turned out he was actually one of the better people in Kyrat, and the apparent protagonists we were being led by were dodgy as fuck.

It is hilarious.
But I'm not entirely sure it was deliberate.

white nationalism is evil, goyim

If there is only a SINGLE person from a formerly allied country who doesn't think that hitler did nothing wrong/the bad guys won, then we're not far down enough.

Eh, I disagree. GG was a failure because it was numales with no spine and no real knowledge of what they were facing - but, mich like Hitler in a sense, they succeeded, by drawing attention and making people aware.

Again, not looking at it will not make it go away, and shit like this is prime for demonstration to on-the-fence normies as to the reality of their world.

I expect this to have over-the-top Christcuckoldry, portrayed as hypocritical, alongside over-the-top slavery. I also expect an inbreeding storyline, and probably a mandingo story line as well. The fantasies of our enemies, fed to our youth - generation zyklon is going to hate it, even as the millennials cream themselves in self-hatred.

I have no idea how that game shipped. They must have their heads so far up their asses they couldn't see that their "bad guy" was good. Maybe they had a few subversives among their writers.

But the main portion of the game is fighting alongside those shitty rebels.
If the game had a part where you fought alongside your father to purge the country and keep it better than the hellhole they want to turn it into, that would be a different story.

You sound like a fag when you use that term.


Don't even try to ply that bullshit you whelp.

You sound like a fag all the time. Fuck off.

Reported for derailing.

Are you mentally handicapped or something?

made me think

No, I don't. SJW is numale speak, the kind of shit you hear on reddit from former GG losers. Stop using it, and call them what they are: indoctrinates.

It's fine. Don't base what you do and say on what atheist e-celebs do.

Exactly, so stop using their shitty jargon.

But it is d&c. By being elitist amongst ourselves we weaken our cause, and the Jew laughs.

Oh god, die in a fire you TRS vermin. We purity spiral here, so don't cry when you get called out for being a fag. Not liking Christianity, and saying so, is not fucking D&C, thats just a whiny Christian defense mechanism, just like 'muh pirity spiral' shit is what TRSodomites use to justify accepting degeneracy in their ranks.

No, it's not D&C.
Jew worship is incompatible with everything good in the west.

If you're on Holla Forums and a Christian then you're an idiot.
Or very naive, gullible etc if you think that a nation of Christians that conjured up 38 billions in aid for Israel isn't cucked because of it.
That they feed and house illegals.
That they go to the third world and nurture shitskins.
It's retarded.
You're not awesome because you're a christian but because you're an uncucked white, well, almost.
You still cling to the jewish solution to a jew created problem.

Muh salvation for sins that don't even exist.

Is Killer 7 Holla Forums? Child trafficking rings, religious suicide bombers, and disarmament of countries in the name of peace as a means to weaken and destroy them.

Let me guess, next you're gonna tell us how us "fellow national socialists" should also stop using smug anime girl pictures because that's not in spirit with this board?

Religion has been debated on Holla Forums since Holla Forums was /n/. Arguably it's a fruitless debate since neither side will ever budge, but as far as tradition goes it's as Holla Forums as hating jews.

Wanna know how I know you aren't from around here?

What? Where the fuck did that come from, aside from in your deranged little skull?

You didn't address anything I wrote

I'm well aware. I think it's just pointless headbutting.

Tell me!

You sound like a skinwalker, scumbag.
At least try and lurk a bit before you post and you wont stick out so much.
Fuck you, moron.

Drown yourself in semen, intl.

Combating christianity is not D&C, ever.
That's all that needs to be said in the end.

Hi, intl.

Well, what's funniest is, Christcuckoldry is the correct term for what I was envisioning.

It won't be strong, upstanding Christians they portray, it will be some uber-cuck portrayal which is done up to seem all the more hypocritical when these people are, ya know, enslaving blacks or some shit. I wouldn't be surprised if we get some "White man's burden" type rhetoric from the antagonists, which will be portrayed as hypocritical when its shown they beat/rape/kill their slaves or some shit.

But that's not a strawman, its a legitimate argument. You just tried to use a covert 'no punching right', 'muh purity spiral', 'muh religious d&c' argument, and its old, tired, and was always shit.

Big tents are not the answer.


I expect it to be a ripoff of the public perception of David Koresh.

Fuck off, you bumbling retard.

Go to church and clasp your hand in front of a based nigger priest, or something.
It's the only fun you are allowed, after all.

Fucking what?

But I didn't say that, you faggot, I said stop using the term 'SJW' to define your enemies, because that's some redditor, Sargon of Cuckadd tier faggotry in terms of rhetoric.
They aren't "social justice warriors", they're fucking Marxist indoctrinates, and the SJW terminology is used by the very people I described, and no other - that being, mega-cuck'd e-celebs and redditor GG "its about journalism and not misogyny" fags.

Oh god its you again.


There's a reason far cry images were randomly posted in threads all over Holla Forums. See and
>But the art alone has already upset some fans today. On the forum Politically Incorrect forum at 4chan, one commenter writes, “Sweet. If that is the plot I can find out who make FarCry game and NEVER FUCKING BUY ONE OF THEIR GAMES AGAIN.” Another writes, “Making the white people look evil. Getting fucking sick of this shit. You want us to become evil. We sure as fuck will.” Another goes further: “I hope they at least give us an evil * so that I can have the option to join them. If that were the case I would gladly pay $70 dollars to have a degenerate-hunter simulator.”

Are you expecting anything elso from jewish devs? Modern games are shit and so is this thread. Literally no one cares about this shit. Also all far cry games after 2 were horrible. Kill yourself.


In sufficient, you have to go further. I'm talking some David Koresh meets Jango Unchained meets … Fuck, I can't remember what its called now, but there was this play.

Long story short: A half-White sheboon who was one of the "writers" who signed that letter with Stephen King to disavow Trump wrote this play about a mulatto slave who fucks the lady of the house because she loves BBC and then he leads a slave rebellion and kills her then afterwards finds out she was actually his mother the whole time.
That's the level of degeneracy you need to go to for this kind of shit.



Reported again.
Go back to something awful.

Very true - so don't give them any publicity… But also don't think you can look away and make it go away.

This is the shit that needs our voices to tear it down, otherwise numale cucks like our SJW-cuck in this thread will not have the proper perspective on it, because they're faggots who get their rhetoric from e-celebs.

Add filter» ID

You reported the guy I was responding to and saying it wasn't D&C, you enormous faggot. Learn 2 ID.

Reported for spam.


If nobody buys your games you win

Remember the barbara streisand effect, dont give it to much intention. It will die because ubisoft cant make any good games anymore. They have so many really good ideas like RS:Siege and for honor, but somehow they fuck up those games. Those games should be a granted uber sucess, but somehow they fucked them up beyound whats good and evil. Ubisoft will die, not only because they're SJW but mostly because they make shit games that are no fun.


N-nonsense goyim, i'm a fellow user. Praise K*k actually I just saw this on Holla Forums and thought about sharing it here

You make this community look like a bunch of retards when you accuse anyone who doesn't like your Jew-derived faith of being from your favorite opposition organization.

Checked for why were you on Holla Forums?


Looking at how far videogames have fallen.

Fair enough I suppose.

Lol user, these faggot redditors infesting the site do not know anything outside of giving the game attention. Just wait, it will become a big deal for some time and anons will be "out-raged" over it. Theres really no difference between either side of the political spectrum anymore.


They used to make good games in the 80's.

Lel can you prove me wrong faggot?

Your condescension just poisons your message. I hope you realize that.

Fuck off to reddit.

First you have to prove yourself right, user. You've yet to do so, you've just pouted because people won't accept your notion that not looking at it will make it go away.

You can't argue your point. hah

Can you respond using comprehensible sentence that explains anything at all? If you put >muh and "shit" in your post it won't automatically get translated to Holla Forums kool kid language.

Would you rather have the majority of Whites or just a half of them (or less)? Have a guess at what that majority is.

Fuck off Sargon

lol why are you even here?


Far Cry 3 was decent, tbh

How much of this do you think was meme magic, rather than the japs intentionally doing it?

Great Holla Forumsacks think alike.

Are you retarded, mate? Holy fuck.

I … did? Do you speak English? It seems like it…
No, seriously, what?

moral relativism is intellectual bankruptcy

FC3 was pretty shit man… At least, plotwise. The mechanics were okay, for a dull sandbox shooter, I guess.

Figures, cant into arguments so you go into autistic greentexting overload. Back to reddit faggot

Still waiting for you to make an argument beyond "Just don't look at it, and it will go away".



kek, the salt from you user is amazing. You still havent addressed my points and resort to acting like a child. Git gud at debate faggot.




It looks like the original model was already cut off, because it HAD to be for her to hold it like that without clipping the model. They’re literally that retarded.








How does that even happen? I know noguns are stupid, but are they really so stupid they don't know bullets come out the barrel end? Astonishing.


That game cracked me the fuck up. They have all these different people mixing together in various communities, yet White people still magically continue to exist, as do Asians and Blacks and what have you.
Its almost like the people making these games have no grasp on how evolution works, nor how races emerged in the first place…


First image is from "Horizon Zero Dawn".

Their American flag looks cooler than ours…



I was going to comment on that; it’s both hilarious and terrifying that these people are still alive.

Sounds like something out of vid related

also, the tied up guy, who i assume is the protagonist, appears to be white as well.
Why is that other white guy a "sinner"?
Everybody in the image is white.
What are you talking about?
Where's the "dindi"

That was a typo, pretty sure that the protagonist is black since they already teased a video of a nigger being hunted down a field and going by their previous release Watchdogs 2 where you play as black "hackerz"

I'll get pissed when I actually see it, until then it looks like a "feuding family" storyline.
Hatfields and Mccoys with automatic weapons.

He's probably a faggot atheist or something.


> “The idea of doing it in Montana was the predominant idea – like many of you, we were kind of led to believe at first that it would be a Wild West motif, just to see what we thought of that idea – but that changed when they started to show us character profiles and other collateral,” the post reads. “The general thrust of this game is that it will take place in present day, and feature the protagonist taking on a Jim Jones or David Koresh-like religious cult in a small town in Montana that's been populated by, essentially, Doomsday-preppers bent on furthering their cause. So, modern-day weaponry and modern-day vehicles, plus a hilly, mountainous backdrop. Honestly, it sounded at the time like they were using that to their advantage, given that when you think of Far Cry you kind of think of mountains and hills and the kind of backdrop Montana has in spades.”

>"They showed us some basic promotional videos featuring a heavily – HEAVILY – religious angle to the evil. A person (presumably the protagonist) walking through a town that was completely empty, only to walk into a church to discover the congregation is made up of everyone in town staring in rapt attention at a shirtless lunatic leader brandishing an assault rifle in one hand and a Bible in the other. Even at the time, I wondered how they were going to handle the presentation of religious zealotry to the type of Middle America that purchases games for their kids. If they proceed on the path that I saw… they're not even trying to pretend. They're steering the vehicle into the curve,”

>“There were also some oblique references to this religion sharing some commonalities with Scientology, and I wonder if those will make the cut. The only thing about the Tom Cruise cypher that didn't seem to make a hell of a lot of sense is that he was supposed to have garnered his fame, at least in partial, from working in pornography. If anything's gonna change, I'd hope it's this element, because I'm not sure small-town America's all that ready for porno-Tom-Cruise-turned-religious-nutjob-murderer.”

An interesting note: The developer has not made the teaser vids available in the US. Fancy that…

Theres a good chance the publisher simply didn't know what had been done.

I was playing Elite Dangerous and while outfitting my ship I think the game's trying to tell me something.

Lurk 10 years before posting (so you can reach legal age).

At least they know people in America will flip their shit if the protag turns out to be a nigger but why would a nigger be in montana? Maybe it's the redman.

Mocking faggots is.

Apparently there's some suggestion from the numale faggot that leaked the info that the protag might be a cop or some other form of law-enforcement.

Wouldn't that just be the cherry on top to make it a nigger or injun cop killing White religious people? They're not even trying to hide this shit anymore.

He was probably a doctor or some sheeit, mufuggah


I've yet to meet anybody into Overwatch who isn't the paramount of numale/nugal degeneracy.

I could see it.
There could be some kind of "battling alcoholism" minigame or meter you have to keep down by drinking or you'll die.

They fucking did it now, fucking French kikes releasing a Lon Horiuchi simulator.

That actually seems very likely, leftists love doing this revenge porn stuff. Just look at Tarantino.

A blatant last supper reference with the american flag, a man, and a book in the center? So America, that man who presumably is the villain, and knowledge are up on the chopping block? Really gets the ol' noggin joggin.

I have a couple of friends into it who are just normal guys making racist jokes, shooting the shit, hunting and gaming. They told me get overwatch I am glad as fuck I didn't because of that post.

If 4cuck is to be believed this game goes like this
>they all blow themselves up(believe the only way to get into heaven is to die in 'purifying' nuclear fire, they also believe this will being about the "final war" ) - whites be the real terrorists tho

I just hope you don't play a nigger

GTFO Chaim

Ubi are finished anyway. Which is good, Tom Clancy might finally stop spinning in his grave.

What did they do that for?
Why did they do that?
How did that gun even work to begin with let along after they mutilated it..
so many questions…

The problem is who the protagonist ultimately killing this family of badasses being something other than white.
Maybe they'll really fuck up and make the villains more human than the protag, especially if he's a nigger or an injun.

Seriously christcucks are the cancer killing Holla Forums

This place used to be much more radical and nazi and if we arent vigilant they will De-radicalize us.

Lol. Lurk moar, faggots. I clearly hit a nerve to get three responses.

Would they show a white rescue another white? Because that's probably the tied up guy.

Hi, intl. Reported.

>much more radical and nazi
You meant to say natsoc? Us fellow nazis amirite.

Are you joking?

Seriously, this has to be a bot posting this shit and "reporting" us.

Zero effort. Fuck off.

Get fucked by a redwood tree.



If that was the actual prologue and not an Easter egg ending I probably would have played this steaming pile of garbage.

The theory goes like that:
When the retarded landwhale was modeling the scene on the left, she noticed that the gun is too long in the back and clips into the characters face, so she cut something of the model off to avoid that.
Then when fixing the thing they simply turned the gun around without noticing anything.


There's no point playing a ubisoft game anyway, they're all the same.

Holla Forums is infested with Holla Forums cucks now.

Calling it, the MC will be a Somali Muslim

It's Montana not Minnesota.

Faggots are already crying that it won't demonize whites enough.

You have to remember that a lot of western developers are based either in Canada or out on the west coast in California or Washington State.

Of course its a fucking lesbian kike shilling this.

Who the fuck is Jay Allen?

Modern devs are shit also >>>Holla Forums

Only profitable games for Ubisoft right now are the Tom clancy games. Which tend to be surpingly pro American

I wonder if the likeness of a certain Montanan cartoonist will be represented? If so the protagonist better watch out!

That first image pissed me off so much. It didn't help when it was revealed that the MC was literally based off of a Somali Muslim in a burqa.

Reminder that he made Ellie into a lesbian for no reason at all other than "muh diversity and inclusion". Also he said flat out TLoU 2 is going to be based around his political and personal beliefs. Oh yeah he's also close friends with Antifa Sarkeesian

guarantee you the girl will be "boohoo I wanted to marry a nigger, not a rayciss white cis male!"

Are you American?

Yeah, apparently the jews finally got tired of us bullying them for No Reason™ and they're fighting back. It's a new trend, but I think it will pass. Nothing to worry about.

lol at this whiny nerd

you have your head more up your ass than these faggots who make these shitty games

I'm starting to wonder when exactly did the radical left SJW's start infiltrating the video game world? It seems like right after GamerGate went down every single gaming company started going full on SJW.

Fuck off mods.

Watch them make the villains more charismatic than the hero and undo their own propaganda.
It wouldn't be the first time that's happened.

Meanwhile shilling your "Anyone who stops the christcuck invasion is D/C thread"

Eat a Mcshit sandwich. You dirty bot, you wont even reply with an intelgent answer that can be construed or worded as a human replying.

White city kid kills an entire island of drug peddling, murderous, corrupt non-Whites then sails home with his 8/10 White wife. I wouldn't beat down someone's door to get it, but it was ok. I will agree though, the plot was weak. The ending was very underwhelming and the fight with Vaas took place too soon.

Kylo Ren is probably the most popular character in the new Star Wars trilogy, and he's also the only white man. The community is as cringeworthy as Sonic the Hedgehog's, but there's a massive demand for Kylo and Rey to get together. Meanwhile, Finn toys remain dusty on the shelves alongside the Anonymous Flametrooper toys.

"Progressive" producers and developers try to push a narrative, but when it comes down to dollars, whites are the consumers of digital media and whites want to see their own people as the heroes.

the actor looks like a kike. he probably is one

And the new Angry Birds game is about Antifa.

how did we go from that movie to this?

He's certainly got the beak of a kike.

it was probably the movie studio that slipped in all the subtle redpilling. the actual game developers probably saw what the movie was trying to do and made a conscious effort to go the other direction.

Idk but it might be making fun of them.

They've been trying for years, but they always fail. A big thing with them is "stop sexualizing womyn!", but if you look at recent successes in gaming, all of them are games that gave those types the finger, and gave gamers the sexy characters they want. Money talks and bullshit rides a scooter because it's too fat to walk.


It's not just Ubisoft, Actiblizzard and friends. Even Nintendo has joined in on the degeneracy pushing. Just one example, in the newest Zelda game, BOTW, there's a sidequest where you hook up a grown man with a pre-pubescent zora girl. I want to add that LOTZ is a game for kids. Nintendo is now pushing pedophilia relationships in KIDS games. The entire gaming industry is fucked and needs to be burned down.

Pic related.

We have to present a backlash against this. Other white people need to know they're not alone when they feel troubled by the way things are going. That means putting up a fight on every cultural front.

Also some gay shit in there. I thought Nintendo would hold out, but they have caved.

They are not hiding it anymore

Fuck knows tbh. But if it's going in this direction, then they might make references to the """Alt Right""".

This whole trailer is a reference to that pepsi ad controversy, so it isn't outside the realms of possibility.

Already probably underway. I bet r/the_donald and gaymergate isn't happy. Hopefully we can sit back and watch the fireworks.

Japs are always pushing that though. At least they still hate niggers generally. The only Western game devs who aren't total cucks are Polish.

Czechs too.

Although technically you might make the argument that since so many Poles are currently engaged as hostile migrant labour, sucking the Western countries dry and ensuring that the working-class cannot afford to have children, Poland is not a Western country, culturally or politically.

All you're doing is telling me that people who keep making these spinny images are pure cancer.

How about we get a farcry6 that's about cartels killing each other and we have the player be a white priest?

Notice how their flag flies above the US flag.

Thats actually a crime.

It's trying to tell you that the Empire is the Holla Forums-tier superpower and you should be flying a Cutter rather than a Corvette.

While it does violate the Flag Code, a section of Federal Law that deals with flag etiquette, the code serves as a guide. The Flag Code contains no penalties for violations. In addition the Supreme Court has ruled that Federal and state laws which prohibit the desecration or mistreatment of the U.S. Flag are unconstitutional.


This is gonna be good. Look at how COD MW 1&2 worked. A fucking insanely huge amount of young men joined the US military just because they liked the games. This game WILL make the niggers do the best thing fucking possible for us.

What I am curious about is how COD: WW2 JUST IGNORE COD 1, 2 & 3 EDITION will play out. Why? I fucking guarantee.. I cant wait for this actually because I have a feeling it will backfire in their fucking faces but I FUCKING GUARANTEE that there will be a level where "you liberate a gnatzi death camp slaughter house".

Yeah well Neo-Nazis are Anti-American anyway.

The founding fathers totally wanted a degenerate multicultural cesspit where white were a minority, goy!

Things still have much worse to get, history is always a good indicator of things and we havent reached a bad enough tipping point yet. Keep enjoying the chaos user

Thats where the niggers come in. Things have to get real bad for the anglo to begin to hate. But niggers are very easily riled up and extremely prone to violence. Fuck the fact that we arent already using the supposed trump proposal to cut welfare to get them to chimp. Its officially chimpin season. Lets go!

"Dual citizenship with Israel is as American as apple pie" –George Washington

Current events only faggots amirite

You forgot to add Square Enix, and also the danish IO Interactive. They managed to pozz a supposedly neutral assassination game with a white protagonist. Fags are asking IO to include cross dressing for the next Hitman game. They are going to make the Hitman a faggot.
Add all other game companies also. Video games gives you med resistant AIDS.


The funny part is that the animator probably had to get a modeler to make that special for them.

Drive anti-gun message while promoting the use of guns to kill whites.

Dubs of mental synchronicity

The problem is that they want us to complain about this for free publicity but we can't ignore a multi-million dollar production that's probably gonna sell like hotcakes either because it will just keep spawning more like it.

i looked this shit up and it seems a lot like an ATF simulator, like they're making this shit look good or something