jewbisoft does it again

they even have a wheat field girl as one of the bad guys


Forgot my sage

I don’t care about the context. Know why? Because the context wouldn’t be cared about if this scene took place in a synagogue or, Allah forbid, a mosque. CAIR and all the infiltrated parts of the Europeans’ governments would be up in arms. News stations would be squealing about the countless death threats being acted upon. For months the film would be marked as nothing but a hateful and despicable hate movie of hatred against “our dear Muslim friends who only want peace.”
And if it was a synagogue? The movie would never have been made because the jews in Hollywood would have burst a blood vessel screaming, “ANTI-SEMITE!” loud enough to explode their lungs during the scriptwriting process. If it was made, the film director would be forced to apologize and all actors involved would be barred from entering most of Western Europe for taking part in a despicable anti-Semitic hate film of anti-Semitic hatred. The anti-Semitic actors would be marked as anti-Semites and would never be able to get a role in a film again. Or, if they did, it would be as sparse an opportunity as Mel Gibson’s current predicament. News organizations would be vomiting blood and Jews all over the US-of-Israel would be weeping tears, demanding political recompense for the film’s Nazi-like evil Nazidom and for triggering every Jew’s–every Jew’s–PTSD over the lost 6 quintillion.
BUT SINCE IT’S IN A CHRISTIAN CHURCH, IT’S OKAY. Why? Because Christians don’t blow people up, rape young white children for 15 fucking years, push for Sharia Law, push for Israeli genocide of the Middle East, get people fired because they remind us of an incident we weren’t even alive for but which “totally happened because my grandfather’s second cousin twice removed was turned into a lampshade!”
“But it’s just a funny scene in a movie, silly Christian! Relax!” Tell that to the victims of systematic rape and sexual slavery by over 100 Muslim men for 15 fucking years in Rotherham, Derby, and Oxford who were given no ear for their pleas and no protection if they spoke out. Tell that to the comedians, actors, documentary directors, and all other artists and politicians who get blacklisted, fired, and jailed because they say even the slightest thing against Israel, even when that country has an actual concentration camp of its own and continues the genocide of innocents because they are “collateral damage.” REMEMBER THE SIX OCTILLION! No. It’s not funny. And you people who laugh and enjoy it don’t know everything that has, is, and will occur behind and around the production of such a scene.

The communist blueprint calls also for white retaliation in the black communities, it is a very important objective for the communist party. So far they've only been able to involve a small percentage of our negro people in this war of "national liberation," the great majority want no part of it in any form. But the one sure way to change that is to have white vigilante groups striking in to the negro sections supposedly to seek revenge. We mustn't kid ourselves into thinking that the communists have placed their agitators only into the black communities, they're working both sides of the street. They want hatred, violence and bloodshed between the races and they don't care how they get it or whom they use, even children if necessary. Part of the plan calls for commando squads of black revolutionaries to drive into the white residential areas and shoot little children playing on the sidewalks for the sole purpose of drawing out of the white communities violent retaliation into the black communities. Now this is extremely important to the communists, they must have it, for in this way they plan to unite the entire negro population for protection behind the militant minority. It's not a very pretty picture.

I like how these guys pretend that they are intellectually superior, but can't even into basic geography

Fuck off with your spam.

i will die laughing if the story is like

what's a "wheat field girl?"

Who cares? Grand Theft Auto is about murdering loads of cops and Call of Duty is about killing nazis. When haven't video games been pozzed? Myst?

Arcanum had a Jewish Conspiracy and you could genocide all the jews if you wanted to.

go to google images and type in "white girl in wheat field"

Its a prominent stock image used in newer WN propaganda

A white girl in a white dress commonly seen in wheat fields in images posted on white nationalist forums as shit tier propaganda pieces.

hey pal. you just blow in from reddit?

I think the lead will be black female, Mary Sue style that just knows how to do everything, super smart, super talented, super athletic. Probably has some weak white friends she drags around and tries to save, but they all die.

Looks like Ubisoft is going to kill the Farcry franchise with this, not that I'm surprised. No one liked the Watch_Dogs 2 "lol stop 'Thruss' totally not Trump" storyline and no one besides some retards at polygon.com and kotaku.com are going to like this one.

that looks a bit more personal than the simple nuking and razing of Jerusalem in Civ 5 that is oh-so-satisfying.

I've been on Holla Forums for 4 years. Ironic how you posted a reddit cartoon with the file name "hqdefault"

First Mario, now Far Cry; what series do you think is going to be killed next?

Could be that.
Doesn't have to be anti-white.

if some company did that, and just told whiners to fuck off, they would sell millions

What? Elaborate please.