I used to be a liberal and an antifeminist (basically somewhere between your average Facebook "lefty"-liberal and Sargon of Akkad). A couple years ago I began to drift further and further toward the right. Eventually I realized that my worldview had little to no basis in reality and I saw what I wanted to see/ heard what I wanted to hear when it came to politics. It got to a point where my idea of doing "research" was looking for articles on google that confirmed my pre-existing opinions.
I started learning about anarchism at this point in time. Started watching a shit-ton of LSR and other meme-tier leftist youtubers. Generally I value personal freedom and I always saw capitalism as coercive so it appealed to me quite a lot.
I found leftypol and while I was too stupid to get most of the memes (up until this point I was basically politically illiterate), I rather liked that it wasn't completely over run by YOU'RE FUCKING WHITE MALE types (perhaps because of my previous antifem leanings). It was also nice to finally find a lefty forum that allowed dissenting opinion and generally BTFO'd the nazi shitposters rather than getting BTFO'd by them and subsequently banning them out of anger.
This all happened a couple months ago. Since then I've been trying to catch up as far as reading goes. I'm still way behind and /uni/ isn't helping tbh, but such is life.
Maybe people on this board will be hostile to this position, but I genuinely don't desire revolution. Revolution is a necessary evil. Reformism is impractical, and even if successful, would not entirely avert the dangers of revolution.
I think we need a revolution but we should make sure that the transition is as painless and measured as possible. I am not a pacifist, but I am very sympathetic to some pacifist ideas in this context. The revolution should be about seizing private property first, if and when the bourg resist violently, we should act violently back mainly in immediate self defense. That being said I'm not dead-set in my views on how revolution should take place and they will likely change as I learn more.
I suppose I mostly answered it above, but revolution will come about when the capitalist system collapses. Revolutionary action generally comes about in the wake of a crisis. Seeing as we are recovering from a crisis at the moment, the far left will have to bide its time for a while most likely.
We also need to spread awareness. Most people are almost entirely unfamiliar with what the far left stands for and so it remains entirely outside of the public discourse. The far-right-wing has been winning the propaganda war for a while now. We need a better Youtube/media presence in order to get our message out into the public.
I used to call myself an anarchist but I realized I haven't really read enough to make any sort of decision when it comes to tendencies at the moment. That being said, I generally have an aversion to larping, Soviet nostalgia, authoritarianism, and smugness so I have trouble seeing myself as an ML, Trot, Maoist etc.