I have a vew questions for ya'all...

I have a vew questions for ya'all, there is alot of diversity of ideas and methods around this place and im actually curiouse why its like that. Please explain at the best of your ability from your personal perspective and dont repeat party policy or memes, im actually curiouse.

Whats your actual appeal to leftism?
Why do you desire the revolution?
How do we get a revolution?
Why is your idealogy or theory a good way on getting towards communism?

Other urls found in this thread:


i dont like cops

idk but alot of ppl will die

becuz im smart

The right wing authoritarian movement is disgusting and unproductive, working and worrying about spooks is a chore
I dont like the current form of capitalist production
Decentralized syndicalism, which would then transform into market socialism in order to develop technology to achieve a post-scarcity society
Because its for the most part not violent and people do not like violence

Yer pretty based even tho yer use cancerbook.

me wish me could be as good as yer.

Why are there so many divisions? That is because putting the means of production under the control of the working class has a broad appeal.

After reading the analyses of capitalism, both current and historical, I recognize that the system is moving toward a stage where even subsistence will be impossible for the people who actually keep everything working.

It is a damn sight less horrible than watching capitalism die slowly of it own contradictions.

Motivating people en masse with ideology does not work. It never has. What works is economic necessity. The last stage of capitalism will create that for us. It falls to us to organize workers in a way that will allow them to escape capitalism and establish a sustainable system.

It is versitile enough to adapt to changing realities but focused enough on material goals to not be distracted by useless immaterial nonsense.

Because there are various ideas a) how to get to socialism b) what is the preferred shape of the socialist economic system c) how should the post-capitalist state and society look like (assuming one wants it at all)
I was never big on right-wing, even when I was a Holla Forums user I never became a Nazi memelord.
Because the current mode of production based on the exploitation through the wage system is not that appealing to me. Also capitalism is fucking itself either way.
I'm currently thinking about muh coops and syndicalism as way to weaken the current system where I live. It's doing to be a long march though
Because it creates some ground for the further development.

For most of your questions, watch this, OP:

As for what exactly is this revolution thing, I can't help but see this as well beyond the ever relevant and needed uncompromising political stance, a relentless fight against those that want to divide you and prevent your potential from being expressed in full, and an alternative approach to economics to what capitalism gives (and takes away). There is more.

The revolution is nothing less than a way of life. You begin with revolutionizing yourself as much as you can in order to prevent or at least limit the exploitation of yourself and the environment around you.

Far above crossing a symbol on a ballot paper, it is for all intents and purposes a complete philosophy, which lets you make sense of this world of waste, cruelty and unreason, and allows you to find - if not carve - a place in it.

Flag related is often quoted saying: "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." And the journey begins with changing yourself.

I'm not classcucked.

Because I hate being forced to live in my parents basement while working and going to school because I don't have the money to rent a single bedroom apartment.

Agorism, Syndicalism, Illegalism, Libertarian Municipalism. Just fuck me up fam.


what anime


Least worse survival option.
Decency, pleasure and all around good fun.
Start out from the individual, transform our daily society, counter-economics , bottom-up preparation for when the real repression starts showing through to the masses, then agitate them.
I don't really care if it is or not, I just do what I can.

There is a certain lack of awareness of (and willingness to look for) information about actual events and lack of understanding of how to work with the data.

And the less people know about things, the more opinionated they are. Hence we have MarkSoc, LeftCom, and all the rest of the circus. IRL only AnCap and ML are not self-contradictory, and I know which one does not lead to Feudalism.

Why do I support Left? Because it's dumb not to. I don't have an income of over 1 million euro (or even dollars).

It'll happen anyway. I.e. revolutionary situation, not Socialist revolution (we might all get nuked into extinction before it happens). Socialist revolution is least painful endgame we can hope for.

By sitting on our asses. Except it will be Fascist or Pol Pot-style "revolution" if we sit on our asses. Therefore we have to organize ourselves into Vanguard - an organized and disciplined group of like-minded people to keep things civil. I cannot stress enough the necessity to have a coherent idea of what is to be done and good organizations: there is a reason why parties five or even fifteen times as large as Bolsheviks failed to achieve anything. They lacked focus and when push came to shove, they were unable to do anything.

NB: Traditionally it's called "Vanguard Party", but - as it has been repeated over and over - it has nothing to do with parliamentary parties.


Because its supported by extensive practice, which not only proves reliability of theory, but - much more importantly - gives a lot of applicable experience none of the other theories have. Consider it an AK of Left. It might not be fashionable, but it's reliable.

Does the 1st world have any ML party left?

Big and official? Nope.

There are a bunch of smaller ML parties (with varying degrees of revisionism), some of which are growing. UK, Germany, France (for a given value of non-revisionist). Greece too, apparently.

US seems to be pretty much dead in the water, though.

I'm not part of the 1%.
I don't like being exploited. I don't like having the surplus value of my work stolen from me.
I hate the artificial scarcity and the waste capitalism promotes where there's people still dying in this day and age even tho all the food produced could easily fed the entire world population at least 2x.
I hate the abysmal inequality promoted by capitalism.
I hate the impact capitalism has on the culture where every thing gets commodified and your entire worth is measured not by being a decent human being but just by how much money you have in the bank.
And so on, and so on. There's at least a billion reasons why I'm a leftist.

Because it's the only way to get rid all the shit I've wrote above.

We don't.
We have passed the point of no return and there is no future for humanity on the horizon.
Capitalism will bring human extinction in a few decades, one hundred years at most. Maybe it's for the best, I don't know any other intelligent life forms in the universe but if I had to guess I would say that humans are probably the most stupid of the intelligent beings and the end of this joke of a species is going to be a good riddance.

There is no good way to get communism. If humans weren't so fucking stupid then people would simply naturally understand it and we would be living in communism already. Unfortunately this isn't the case.

Idealism is bad for you. Get you some materialism and the hope to along with it.



It removes what I see as the primary cause of the worlds issues as they exist today and the biggest obstacle in solving them. Capitalist exploitation and the resulting drive for profit at any costs is single handedly responsible for imperialist wars and actions, the very same actions we condemn old mercantile nations for. It is the single biggest cause of our inability to act against climate change, ranging from funding to discredit climate change to preventing solutions from being implemented because "that's not what the market wants". It is the single biggest contributor for a society where it is every man for himself, and social classes actively to to fuck each other over, even though we have more production capability than ever before. Wage labour is the cause of the misalignment between production for what consumers want and actual production, wage labour is the cause of low social mobility, which in turn causes poverty and poverty related problems, such as systemic racism, discrimination etc.

As much as the USSR was shit and badly organise, that shit and badly organised country managed to singlehandedly pull itself out of the mud, invent space travel and force the capitalist superpower to invest in these technologies. After the USSR fell, the united states also fell (for the workers). If a shitty authoritarian country like the USSR was able to do that much, and we can trace so much problems, from lack of climate change measures to the refugee crisis, terrorism and even 9/11, then image what we can do when we remove capitalism in favour of a well organised socialist system.

Why do you desire the revolution?

I don't although I will admit I have some feelings of revenge but its not likely to change without it, and trying to do it via a parliamentary route give the bourgeoisie too much time to undo our work, since they constructed their governments in such a way that breaking down fundamental structures is impossible without a coup. By going parliamentary, even with a majority, you are likely to be controlled by an outside group as you have to hold true to the procedures and steps put in place by the bourgeoisie.


fuck if i know, currently my country is in one of the worst positions for socialism.

Well I believe that we should make full use of computers to progress to a planned economy.
As a first step we should establish a simulated market (computer simulates prices, fully democratic government owns all MoP, workers operate MoP democratically according to few basic rules), which would do the job that capitalism currently does (regulate labour by rewarding those that do labour which exchange value is above its worth due to supply and demand), but better, since it reacts much more quickly and can be fancied up by creating fluctuation dampening mechanisms build into it. In addition to this, this would stop boom and bust cycles, since stock trade and trade for profit is not allowed, income can only come from labour. It will stop bubbles and debt, as well as exploitation, outsourcing and it will stimulate the economy in a positive manner for us since the demand on products the average person wants gets higher, allowing more money to be invested in that industry. Lastly, it allows us to exist in some semi-market way that allows us to exist within a larger capitalist world (which is a likely scenario). Oh, and because the workers operate the means of production, they have physical power over the government, further ensuring dictatorship of the proletariat.
After that, you start working on computerized central planning, beginning with simple products to test the waters. Due to relative economic stability provided by a simulated market, you can work peacefully on a parallel system. Then you slowly start replacing the existing simulated market with a (hopefully) superior planned economy, which comes with its own challenges.
And in case the central planning thing doesn't work out while there is still labour shortage (as in we still need to incentive people with extra resources to do the job), you can just ride it out and automate the fuck out of the economy. This will lower the price of many products (and unemployment is not an issue due to a basic income), coupled with lower working hours. Then once a commodity has become so cheap that its practically ridiculous to limit its use with money (think tap water that costs a cent for 15 litres where i live), you use a little bit of tax money to make it free. You then keep this up until you can find enough volunteers to do the remaining little labour there is for free. Then at some point, money will be so little in use that you can abolish money. Kaboom, no class, no money, and if you deconstruct the government as it exists into a not-a-state (ie an organ that democratically manages the means of production, services, decentralised military, laws in some form) then you have communism.

But I would be A-OK with simply going to socialism within my lifetime, or even for eternity. If we will always need money for a subsection of things in life then so be it, but at least it will no longer be a life and death situation, but for luxury items.

If the queen looked like that I'd gladly become a monarchist

Whats your actual appeal to leftism?
Because I see the working class being oppressed
Why do you desire the revolution?
I hate not having enough money to move out of my parents house (I know I am pathetic)
How do we get a revolution?
By destroying the state and seizing the means of production
Why is your idealogy or theory a good way on getting towards communism?
Because it is efficient and has worked in the past

I live in an undeveloped country (Brazil) and our liberal agenda sucks. The only "good" goverments here were social-democrats or what we call "national-developmentalists".

'Cause there's no other way to get socialism. The ones who tried to get it through the "democratic" way failed, being removed from power or suffering with the conspiracies of the local bourgeoisie (like Bolivarianism in Venezuela or Allende in Chile)

For now? Class-conciousness, unifying the Left on a strong basis, agitprop…

V pobede bessmertnyh idey Kommunizma
My vidim gryadushcheye nashey strany,
I Krasnomu znameni slavnoy Otchizny
My budem vsegda bezzavetno verny!

Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot!
Partiya Lenina - sila narodnaya
Nas k torzhestvu Kommunizma vedyot!

Is that anime good?

Because i want to do my work for the activity itself rather than running after profit.

I'm conflicted about the revolution, i'm an ordinary man fearing for his life, and i would really like society to evolve peacefully.
On the other hand, i don't see the ruling class stepping down willingly even with wide protests…

With a group with sufficient logistic striking during a major crisis.
To make it succeed on the other hand…

I'm not well read enough yet to have a refined theory to speak off.

Whats your actual appeal to leftism?
I was born in a kinda poor family, but had the chance to go to a private school (free in my country, belgium) for Porky childs, I understood the very first definition of "Inequalities"
I don't want to be a poorfag anymore.
Coop and agitating
Leninism and Mutualism, goy.

I used to be a liberal and an antifeminist (basically somewhere between your average Facebook "lefty"-liberal and Sargon of Akkad). A couple years ago I began to drift further and further toward the right. Eventually I realized that my worldview had little to no basis in reality and I saw what I wanted to see/ heard what I wanted to hear when it came to politics. It got to a point where my idea of doing "research" was looking for articles on google that confirmed my pre-existing opinions.

I started learning about anarchism at this point in time. Started watching a shit-ton of LSR and other meme-tier leftist youtubers. Generally I value personal freedom and I always saw capitalism as coercive so it appealed to me quite a lot.

I found leftypol and while I was too stupid to get most of the memes (up until this point I was basically politically illiterate), I rather liked that it wasn't completely over run by YOU'RE FUCKING WHITE MALE types (perhaps because of my previous antifem leanings). It was also nice to finally find a lefty forum that allowed dissenting opinion and generally BTFO'd the nazi shitposters rather than getting BTFO'd by them and subsequently banning them out of anger.

This all happened a couple months ago. Since then I've been trying to catch up as far as reading goes. I'm still way behind and /uni/ isn't helping tbh, but such is life.

Maybe people on this board will be hostile to this position, but I genuinely don't desire revolution. Revolution is a necessary evil. Reformism is impractical, and even if successful, would not entirely avert the dangers of revolution.

I think we need a revolution but we should make sure that the transition is as painless and measured as possible. I am not a pacifist, but I am very sympathetic to some pacifist ideas in this context. The revolution should be about seizing private property first, if and when the bourg resist violently, we should act violently back mainly in immediate self defense. That being said I'm not dead-set in my views on how revolution should take place and they will likely change as I learn more.

I suppose I mostly answered it above, but revolution will come about when the capitalist system collapses. Revolutionary action generally comes about in the wake of a crisis. Seeing as we are recovering from a crisis at the moment, the far left will have to bide its time for a while most likely.

We also need to spread awareness. Most people are almost entirely unfamiliar with what the far left stands for and so it remains entirely outside of the public discourse. The far-right-wing has been winning the propaganda war for a while now. We need a better Youtube/media presence in order to get our message out into the public.

I used to call myself an anarchist but I realized I haven't really read enough to make any sort of decision when it comes to tendencies at the moment. That being said, I generally have an aversion to larping, Soviet nostalgia, authoritarianism, and smugness so I have trouble seeing myself as an ML, Trot, Maoist etc.

Finally an anime with realistic politics