Massive cyberattack shuts down large sections of the Internet

By Kevin Reed
22 October 2016

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This is an amusing bit of irony. All the shit that the NSA lowjacked to spy on people got turned against them.

Isn't that what the security sector has been saying for years now? That if you purposefully install backdoors into everything, other people/organizations are going to find and use them?

Post more hot Asians user
Also anyone here hear about that benjamin Fishban guy on 4cuck Holla Forums?
Supposedly even trying to type his name gets you banned
What is Holla Forumss stance on internet censorship?

Most aren't big fans of it considering it is a way of counterintelligence to subvert whatever anti-government organization arise.

I can understand Holla Forums casting a negative stance on it now, but what would happen if Holla Forumss version of socialism got in and per say, one of those whom aren't categorized as "most" were to attain a significant position and attempt to start enacting plans to place a censorship?
Would Holla Forums still keep the same position as it does now, or will they lean to a more "Pro-censorship possition"?

or will it end up in a 2nd cold war?

It depends, those more authoritarian(like marxists-leninists) would probably go full apologetic mode if their peers would start censorship, those more libertarian like anarkids would remain critical. After all, history already gave us examples of libertarian socialists like Orwell criticizing authoritarianism and tankies like Sartre defending gulags.

So essentially it might cause a split in Holla Forumss lurkers? ( I mean a much more prominent split, considering the amount of left leaning political parties here)
Is it possible that their might be another exodus, or is it more likely that Holla Forumsacks who side with Censorship would flee to more "safer" online communities which follow their own Rhetoric, effectively removing posters from this board?

also is avatar fagging allowed here? I cant seem to find the board rules for some reason, although i can presume spamming and "Shitposting" are bannable

Didn't read lol

Then why post?

mein gott

I thought the attacks originated from some military base in the US?

She's so cute

Pretty much, it seems like there are more anti-authoritarians here anyways, so it's not like a lot of people would leave in case of massive shitstorm. I actually suspect there wouldn't be any such split at all, with pro-censorship people remaining and being apologetic here and there.
Left-wing subreddits are already a thing :^)
Most might be pissed off, but you might get banned only if one of our mods(Prickly cactus) has PMS. Some of the local intelligentsia avatarfags.

I know right!
Ika is cutest
its a shame its ending

You can't deny Holla Forums is reactionary towards feminist thought.

fuggen idbol :—DDDDD

Taking a position critical of feminism isn't in itself reactionary.


Thats Heresy user
The mods are heretics
Anyone who would ban Ika doesn't deserve even basic human rights, they are less than human, subhuman you might say

Probably the most likely reality, despite all the political boards desiring change in their own ways, its human nature to also desire order, at least in their own home board

speaking if reddit i heard it was dying, although i might be thinking of facebook (by dying I mean they were actually losing more users than gaining them)

tbh you would have to pretty fucking retarded to agree with feminist though and rhetoric in the first place
I suspect it isnt a coincidence that so many renowned feminists are also cucks
Although it also might be the case that cucks have always been hiding and are only now coming out with this massive social upheaval
Even in my native country 'Ausfailia" they're now forcing children to repeat Feminist Rhetoric

Speaking of reddit, I heard it was dying

Indeed. The opposition to feminist theory is not simply an emotional response to a perceived threat. Feminist theory is packed with ideological failings that beg criticism. The feminists themselves earned their negative stigma here by consistently arguing in bad faith.

depends on what exactly of feminism you are critical of though.

The only people i know who do that here are the Autists on Holla Forums
Not all Holla Forumsacks, but those Holla Forumsacks that actually believe women are incapable of doing anything a man can, They completely ignore the problems with Generalizing and genuinely believe women should belong in the kitchen
I'm personally an egalitarian, but i believe in any case it matters people should be chosen over their abilities regardless of sex

Personally sometimes i cant tell whether they're just shitposting or if they actually believe this nonsense
Still all those posts about women cheating in marriage has left me wanting to never get married
still the australian law is nowhere near as cucked as sweden or the like
i Hope

Jesus Christ I'm not looking for his exodus

leftypol would have to know something about feminist thought before it can be reactionary against it

fug wrong thread

avatarfaging with iku should be fine tbh

Feminists would have to have thoughts for Holla Forums to know about first, though. Recycling and relabeling ideas from elsewhere hardly count.

I'm 90% sargon of akuck did a pretty ok Video on feminism which was then followed by a dozen more
Pretty much explained it in a way even a cuck should understand

Thats good to know user
Its not that i would hate to be banned here, I mostly main Holla Forums after all, Holla Forums and /aus/ Are just places i find out about news that isnt covered by our extremely left leaning Government sponsored news sites

You better be careful when you're talking about such things, somebody might get pissy

People here are not against the idea of feminism itself, they just really like shitting on their noble struggles for pronouns and safe spaces. This, along with using really evil words like faggot triggers many other left-wing communities like reddit

Also you should be careful not to overuse the right to avatarfag. As I said, most attention whores here are some kind of theory reading intelligentsia, so if you want not be be told to kill yourself for attention whoring with anime, then better start reading books.

but neither do the tripfaggot's who shitpost here

Direct censorship is a terrible tool to use now that the Internet exist (Streisand effect and so on.)

But on the other hand, any faction with a goal for society must and will try to control the discourse to shape society, and if they wont opposing faction will definitely try.
Other techniques of controlling the discourse exist than pure "shut it down", and socialists should learn from them.

And Yui?

Theres a word i rarely hear except here
Not exactly sure what it means, Either its another term for "intellectuals", or just the intellectuals that believe that they will be in charge once their "political Ideology" come into power

If i was attention whoring i would be using more Ika reaction images rather than just cute Ika images
Regardless I dont think the mods will get prissy if its limited to only one thread I hope
After all, theres nothing more annoying than a smug avatar fag that uses their images as their main point whilst being in the wrong and I'm just posting cute pics

Anyone hear anything like this user mentioned?
Its it possible its a government attack?
Any relation to wikileaks as well, or is there an even more worthy target?

There was a thread on Holla Forums or maybe even here where someone posted something about the activity centering at a military base in I think Kansas or Kentucky.

I wish this wasnt so true, Not that its entirely correct, but it has been seen in almost every form of government across the globe that is still in power

Is their a method of Opposing this without shifting it straight onto Political sides?
Apart from direct Democracy i keep hearing about

tbh Direct Democracy, if you could actually make it safe from rigging, might not be a bad idea if you could form some sort of system to prevent people uneducated/trained in the specific part of of the policies from voting
Although thinking about it wouldn't that allow Climate Scientist to act retarded?

Can someone correct me here, is Direct Democracy when everything is voted by everyone suing electronic voting, or just electronic voting? You can probably guess I'm not to educated in it

Colour me surprised

Oh no! You mean Holla Forums has been kept completely in the dark about feminist theory even though it is jammed into every humanities class at every university? Well, we had better rectify that!

Direct democracy is not vote counting technique. It is when you vote directly on issues rather than electing deputees to make decisions.
It can exist independently of electronic voting. Electronic voting could allow direct democracy on larger scales, however it is indeed very weak to rigging.
Direct democracy is still vulnerable to subversion, maybe slightly less than representative because people are directly affected with the decisions they take, pushing them a bit more to think about what they're doing… But let's be honest, avoiding subversion and preventing retards to gain any influence is the biggest challenge from democracy in general. I certainly not have the answer to it and i doubt anyone have it.


Is there any hope someone might figure out how to get an answer?

Nigga I aint clicking on that pdf, de-geso



If that can cheer you up, i doubt any authoritharian have a convincing answer of how preventing the ruler to avoid abusing his power…

Well of to a great start…
Let's give it a try anyway…

Feminism in any shape or form is irrelevant to today in most western civilizations
If this was the middle east i would understand…


You rock.


lol what are you basing that on

That we have already achieved a state where Women are equal or more equal to men
Essentially i just remembered that the "West" includes a whole lot of shit countries as well as a few that are suffering Massive muslim immigration so i shall Discard my statement

explode for lack of possible forms of expression. If they only represent the other or the reverse side (in terms of specular symmetry) of discourse, they make it close in upon itself. Restricted to adefensive or offensive mimeticism, women run the risk of absorbing the meaning/direction of discourse by collapsing it for lack of a possible response. They then intercept the finality or intentionality of discourse. This accelerates a process of acceptable destructuration if a new language
were to make way for itself. The question then poses itself: to know whether "feminine" language would utilize a potential meaning/ direction of discourse not yet realized, remaining within the same general economy of discourse, or whether what women think and
can say will force a mutation of the horizon of language. This would explain the resistance to women entering the networks of communication, and above all, the loci - theoretical, scientific - which determine the exchange value and the laws of exchange.
What did she meant by this? My PoMofu is weak.

Aha, found it. Seems most of the internet DDoS came from an air force base in Wichita, Kansas:

>It is quite apparent that the "cyber-attacks" of Friday, October 21 directly involve facilities of the US Government. And by that, we mean, the attacks ORIGINATED from facilities of the US Government. Wichita is a key location for the origin of these attacks.

Scientists are just too dumb to understand these thinkers.

That's all folks, next time i'll do Capital!

You just made something that my university paid for into something free. You have done your part for the revolution today.

Read the whole stuff while uploading, felt like a mindfuck. I can get that oUr tought are influenced by language, but that kind of study would really gain from using more clear terms. Is there any PoMo/regular english dictionnary?

No. You just need to have a brain and read.