What are some films with uncomfortable hard-truths I can trick family into watching over Christmas?

what are some films with uncomfortable hard-truths I can trick family into watching over Christmas?

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Blacked.com has a series of kino about the sexual superiority of the black race


Scam your fans and Hyde the evidence of having raped a child is a kike jsyk

I watched All About Eve and was surprised to find it basically exposed how the gay mafia took over Broadway. Eve and the critic character are both fags and they're the villains.

Also anything by Todd Solenz

why do conservatives have so few uncomfortable art pieces in cinema while I could list off dozens of liberal examples? Milliondollarextreme is honestly the only right-wing art I know that does this

Because the liberals are the establishment and their shit isn't "uncomfortable" it's just evil and that feeling of "discomfort" is you trying to suppress your disgust response because you've been conditioned to think it's enlightened to be a fucking degenerate piece of shit who hates your own ancestors.

Also, conservative are cuck bitches, who cares. I wouldn't call MDE "conservative".


Zeitgeist supposedly made that one dude kill someone.

Zeitgeist literally proposes a world government run by communist robots.
What's this about a dude killing someone though?

Jared Loughner's friend said he was obsessed with it and that's what made him shoot up Tucson. They could just be trying to darken the movie's reputation, though. The guy was insane with or without the movie.

1. Most media is controlled by Jews, and they don't allow conservative art. Sometimes it slips through, though.
2. The conservatives are controlled by jews, too, and don't actually care about conserving anything other than Israel and jews' money.


That's Zeitgeist 3 or something. The original first one despite being wrong about a lot of stuff (like the shape of the earth) is based af.

Even some cuckservatives are funny. They just don't get the airtime unfunny hacks like John Oliver does for whatever reason. Tough Crowd was taken off tv and it was hilarious. Instead now we have Full Frontal with Samantha Bee. Old Canadian catladies who hate republicans. Hilarious!

Goodbye Uncle Tom chronicles the story of slavery in the American south and in doing so shows the nigger beast in it's true, uncensored form.

it's also a laugh riot. don't watch it stoned or you'll just laugh throughout the whole thing.


*le sigh*

shit quality though, just torrent a better quality version. (make sure it's the english version)
it's worth it.

1. im not the "blacked poster"
2. it's not porn
3. it's pretty much the opposite of BLACKED since the nigs get CRACKED hard.

Guess I'm not watching it then :^/
Also filtered and reported.


lmao nice knowledge of history chuck
lmao it's a movie bruh they actors dougie
lmao pray you learn to spell nigga god hates retards
ehh sorta cringey but creative i guess
speaking for god? lmao have fun in hell heathen
eddie murphy was making fun of you in the 80s


Silly niggers

Schindler's List

That's a pretty minor part of what that war was really about. Let's be honest.
The British did go out of their way to attack slaver ships though, so that's something.

Highly debateable but regardless hundreds of thousands of white men died in the war that ended slavery. Fun fact Anthony Johnson the first slaver to sue and have his slaves legally recognized as property was black fun fact.

wouldn't it also be about the sexual superiority of the white race since white women are so much prettier than black women?

Seriously wtf