Do you guys ever watch anime abridged on YT? The humor is cringe but the female voice acting is cute

Do you guys ever watch anime abridged on YT? The humor is cringe but the female voice acting is cute.


why is it abridged? does that mean its short or a synopsis?

All media is cuckime though

yes, a short parody

oh cool. parody? oh so its like a comedy show. cool. ill check it out.

stop samefagging

uh, im not…

Weebcucks are pathetic



There are a lot of abridged anime.

get out

How pathetic are you that you have to watch shitty youtube videos just because the chick has a cute voice?

do you even



why wouldn't you enjoy so bad it's funny humor. Plus the generic structure of anime makes it an easy parody, it's not always cringe humor.

this is why people hate you weebs, you dont care about anything else and you've shouted down anybody else posting anything but anime girl shit. Fuck you effeminate role playing retards. Stay over there on Holla Forums with your tranny BO.

fuck off

I used to watch some but I think they get kind of repetitive in terms of their humor.


boooooooo fuck off

This tbh


I would brownpound the female voice actors tbh



YTP is true kino

Stopped reading there.

He's not wrong.

fuck off weeb


And they're all shit.

Team Four Star are the only people doing abridged series better than the original content, far as I know.

Too bad they're SJW faggots who delete their earlier shit if they deem it "problematic".