Why is equality good?

Why is equality good?

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Economic equality ?
Because it is the only to secure a true individual meritocracy with no restraint on the human potential

other than that inequality "being so much better than others at something" would be rewarded respect, attention love etc…. inequality that the whole of commune benefits from

Go buy some jeans and feel like consumption gives you a genuine identity

because inequality is bad

Why is that?

because when one person is above another, they're further away from each other than they could come to be if they were on the same level

What we have now is a perception of inequality in an aspect, the economic aspect. Regardless of whether it is forced or unforced or natural and so on, what we have is a homogenization of people withing the sphere where the inequality occurs, as they can only perceive and strive in the monetary aspect, or at least the quest for aforementioned survival or success suppresses and dominates their daily lives, in yet another form of alienation.

The money-making, materialistic quasi-religious view of society leads to inequality in one thing, and the associated repression, while it stamps out and destroys the manifold beauties which a single human life can entail.

Like Oscar Wilde said about material obligations unraveling to reveal creative freedom, and here I agree with>>996799 with the caveat that the end goal for me wouldn't be a meritocracy, just freedom.

“There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people.” - Thomas Jefferson

"Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact." – Balzac

"Nobody is more inferior than those who insist on being equal." - Friedrich Nietzsche


You use equality to mean treating the same but not being the same?

Not saying it is right, but after clarificiation.


I want a decent discussion/debate thread between Holla Forums and Holla Forums
never going to happen though

that's because both boards are pretty shit


1. Material equality

read Rrousseau and Oscar Wilde nigger

i didn't know that word until this thread

Full usage of human talents by allowing them all to flourish, rather than favour subhumans less smart people because of their skin colour.

Social stability and economic prosperity (Read Keynes)

Social freedom which I can enjoy, safety on the street.

An assurance that my children will enjoy rights and opportunities even if I manage to fuck up and/or end up on the bottom of the social ladder.

Here's another nice one, ultracrepidarian.

bet this nigger thinks harrison bergeron is a biting satire on socialists

What's with the far left's hysterical obsession with solidarity and always forcing people to "love" one another?

I want to be alienated from people.
There are people I hate and want to be away from.


Everyone in this thread is mentioning economic equality, then is the popular say of "in communism everyone earns the same"?

There are no wages or money in acommmunism.

But there are under socialism, will people earn the same in socialism?



Because (relative) economic equality is the best way to end relations of institutionalized subjugation and domination among humans which is the only way to maximize individual agency and freedom.

If you're a true individualist then you must also be a communist.

Money doesn't exist under communism. Under socialism income will be determined largely by work output, and will also be determined democratically. It will likely be far more equal, but not necessarily perfectly equal, and indeed I doubt anybody here would argue that a janitor should make the same as a doctor, or that a lazy worker make the same as a productive worker.


Equality of input or outcome?

Why is this good? Every society we study has social hierarchies, gender roles, social roles etc., a seemingly endless constraint on individual expression. When we study and compare the more individualistic and modern society of the West and comapre it with more traditional and collectivist societies, the colllectiviest societies come out on top on many of the things we woul consider most immportant, like happiness, sensen of fullfilment, rate of depression etc.

Why do you believe violence is bad?

Why is subjugation bad though? Wouldn't you just rather be the dominant person? Why do you want people to have freedoms when most people are worthless scum?

That's all well and good, but why do you care if this is extended to others? It really makes no sense why you should care if some random faggot has rights. Most often they don't deserve rights because they are worthless people.


Because in time my children are going to also have children and it going to be very difficult to keep them apart.

Also, usually being a feudal lord is not good for your health or children's safety.

A societal balance that represses any attempt at domination by a subgroup ensures that every bodies interests are fullfilled while not putting one above the other. Its a low energy state of society and thus the most stable.


Not really. It just leaves open to domination by another group that is more tribalistic than you are. Universalism and individualism are losing strategies. The only way to ensure not begin dominated is to dominate everyone else yourself.

Yeah! Reading is for fags!

it's not so much that equality is good as that the current inequalities we face in society are unnecessary and artificial. Inequalities in wealth and political power are generally not reflective of some natural innate ability. Thus any social toll that these sorts of inequalities cause in society (crime, political unrest, oppression, general infringement of liberties etc.) is unnecessary.

Of course they are.

It isnt

Fascists must hang

No, because if another group tries to dominate the rest, the rest of society will resist them. Hence, you need to put a lot of energy into dominating the other groups, and once you dominate them, you need to keep expanding energy to keep them down. Hence domination is high a high energy state and equality is a low energy state. Low energy states only need to resist groups attempting to overthrow it, it doesnt need to expand energy to keep it simple where it is.