Seriously, who is to blame for the shitshow GoT turned into...

Seriously, who is to blame for the shitshow GoT turned into? It used to be my guilty pleasure up until the finale of season four, where it jumped the shark, and has been bad television since then. Of course my primal reaction is to blame D&D for their shitty writing, but then I remember some scenes from the first two season that were written by them which were quite good.

I mean surely they have a role to play but the problems begin with GRRM. This fat fucker never bothered to resolve his 100 plotlines because he's a fucking gardener not an architect and his story is destined to become really boring once Dany and Jon team up to battle ice zombies which make up even worse villians than the orcs from LotR. The problems of GoT and ASOIAF are structural and the TV show was destined to turn to shit, I claim.

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GURM for not writing fast enough - or at all - and probably kicking the bucket before the show is done; but most of all D&D for trying their hand at filling in the blanks with their own, writing.

The show fell apart when Tywin died, and it has been getting worse and worse each season since.

Just stfu and post your goblin

How did you know it was me?
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I don't know how he seriously thinks he could finish the books at all. Look at it, the most dense book was Storm of Swords, and realistically only 4-5 major plots got resolved there. However, there are at least 30 remaining open plots, and A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons managed to solve none of them, two books he spent over a decade on.

The best estimate is that he needs three more books, which would be arround 25 years, which is a 95% chance he's going to be dead by then. It's no point anyway, the fight against the Others and Jon and Dany teaming up doesn't interest me, neither does all this prophecy shit about Azor Ahai. GRRM started off by using fantasy tropes but to subvert them, using them as some sort of backdrop, but now the main story actually will resolve arround these elements, making it generic as fuck.

Who gives a shit to begin with the first season was watchable because of Sean Bean, the story is just fan fiction porn gore trash

What a coincidence, that's the same time everything went to shit in and out of books as well. GRRM honestly is just coasting until he dies at this point either he does realize he cannot live up to this or he is just actively stalling as much as he can. Somehow he's supposed to resolve everything in 2 books which sounds unlikely as fuck to me, unless some shit gets a major anticlimax (such as Lady Stoneheart and everything involving Varys and his Maybe Targaryn)

this is the worst thing I've ever heard in my life. wtf i love kancole now

Fuck off weebcuck

>Grum originally thought he could have Winds done by Halloween 2015
>it is now almost Christmas 2017


Is this kino?

>tfw you get tricked into believing the massive epic you are invested in is fundamentally subversive, but is instead using subversion to distract you from the more-or-less conventional plot underneath.
The obvious answer is that GRRM lost interest in the books the day the HBO money truck backed-in to his driveway. GRRM is a strange bird. You rarely see obese authors and most authors aren't too keen on socializing - finding it all rather exhausting. There are reasons for this and we are re-discovering them. GRRM is different and the difference leaves him keenly susceptible to be subverted himself. He'd rather be a fat, rich, super-fan than a devoted creator. When his emotional and material needs are satisfied, he no longer has any motivation.

GRRM is basically what you get when a ultra-nerd's mashup-fanfiction becomes publishable by changing the names, then he gets rich and famous and has no further interest in the tedium of copying and synthesizing shit he's read that he liked.

Isn't it funny how GRRM himself coined that expression? I mean he talks about the "dumptrucks of money" in every fucking interview as if this is some clever self-irony or whatever.
The conventional plot was nothing more than a backdrop to justify the back-and-forth of political backstabbing. Why is all this happening, why is it so chaotic? You don't ask this question because you realize since the prologue of book one that there is this looming threat arround, which honestly isn't that different of a device which Tolkien used: Constantly you are reminded that Sauron is this massive quasi-omnipotent evil just waiting to strike eventually, just wait for it!

It's just that GRRM's main story turned out to be rather boring, people have figured out R+L=J since book two, which isn't that much of a great plot device either, but the prelude to the actual song of ice and fire has proven to be more interesting and in part even revolutionary than the main story itself. This is why GRRM's seems to hesitant to wrap it up, and instead keeps opening up new political subplots, because he is no Tolkien and his conventional main story is going to be rather dull, especially since Jon and Dany are not his best characters. They aren't bad, just not outstanding. It's funny how Bran even emulates Frodo in such an obvious way, some handicapped but brave individual that has been chosen for some great purpose goes deep into enemy territory to pull the off-switch on the big bad guy in the last minute. The thing is, out of his recent political subplots I barely find any of them enjoyable except the Winterfell/Bolton/Stannis scenario, which I actually think are one of the best bits he has ever written. It won't save the project though.

His faggot kids wouldn't be spoiled if he didn't coddle them.



The man is a self-parody at this point. Have you read his excerpts from The Winds of Winter? Shit not only reads like unused stuff from Dance with Dragons, it is also horribly cringey. Barristan watching a bare-chested hot female warrior and descriping her huge tits flapping up and down as she cuts down enemies has nothing to do with the grimdark style of AOIAF, it's just pulp fiction.

I don't even think they are shit, not even A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons, but I think they are pointless because they will never be finished and their premise is set out to be dull and generic.

If GRRM invested a couple more hours in coming up with an enemy that isn't just an army of ice zombies and some chosen Mary Sue with dragons he wouldn't be in that predicament.

what's aragorn's tax policy?


lmao, GRRM reveals an utter misunderstanding of Tolkien here. It's not supposed to be hyperrealistic, tactile, or grimdark: LotR is just a homage to old Anglo-Saxon legends from a guy who was nerding out about Old English. It's a different format, it's self-serving and aestheticized, that doesn't make it bad, but it's not supposed to be War of the Roses 2.0: Electric Boogalo.

Some bits could be categorized as that.

But he didn't coddle them, that's what so strange. His daughter wants to be a tranny, his eldest son fled from all responsibility and started porking his sister instead of marrying into a noble house. Finally even though he hates his dwarf goblin son he still tolerates him, even so his dwarf son has become a neckbeard fedora but with access to money so he drinks and keep brining whores with him.

And to make thing worse your incest baby grandson is a complete retard.

The shit this man had to put up with…

Wasn't it always tbh? The series was always this weird mix of bodice ripper novels and nerdy pulp. The books are pretty telling of who the author is. On the one hand it's very cucked and feminist but on the other it was obviously written by a horny and hungry fat nerd. The world building has always been sword and sorcery tier, Moorcock style.

GRRM is exhibit A in why creative people should avoid social media if possible and if required or compelled to use it, should abstain from making it about them, airing their personal feelings, or engaging in politics. Boomercucks are insufferable old shits, but the ones masquarading as enlightened liberals are the worst. The approval-seeking in that post…

It's also obvious how insincere it all is. If it had been a white character turned into a coon in an adaption he'd be virtue signaling how happy he was about it.

Cheese Mcwhiz takes no responsibility for what has become of the show.

The fucking Hobbit had the same basic story.

I feel a little bad for Tyrian. He's a degenerate hedonist, but primarily because he was never able to be anything more.


I don't believe it was destined to be shit it just kinda happened but it did not help that D&D was putting in their fan-fiction into it, it kinda made things worse.
Also maybe GURM is saying fuck it, release the book after the last season and jon snow is dead and never coming back and he pisses off a bunch of fags that loved the tv show.

How the fuck does someone write names like Karoly d'Branin with a straight face? They sound so stupid.

This is pretty much the last remaining ray of hope amongst GRRM believers

GURM wrote himself into a hole and he doesn't have the talent to dig himself out of it. He had already dug it wide and deep by book 3, everything afterwards has just been filler on top of filler on top of filler, and the more he writes the worse it gets.

But the last book was all about explaining to the reader that if you're a warg you can survive the death of your human body. He'll never kill his Gary Stu.

there has to be hope but realistically he is never going to finish the series, it's going to be a gigantic hole.

Seem pretty likely how many times has he said the 6 book is coming out? Or where that just rumors made for plebs so the can still believe there is something there?


It was never good.
t guy who was recommended the books before the show, saw they were shit and openly stated this (for some reason) unpopular fact.

Enjoy reading about people shitting themselves.

Cute Japanese goblin.

what did he mean by this?

Dany shitting herself was the best part of the last book.

Means he’s done writing and will probably transition next year.

That's because they are actually the ironic heroes.

I've always seen GoT and ASOIAF as an edgy LotR fanfic made by a leftist fatass.

I turned it off within 2 episodes when they had a battle and decided to just not show that but instead characters talking about the battle afterwards instead.

This is how modern agitprop propaganda works user.
First they make/take relatively good source materiel, keep it good for about 3-4 seasons. Then the schekel grabber take complete control, throw away the people behind the quality aka the smart people that question them and slash production, writing, etc. costs while pushing (((their))) agenda.
This is true for basically any american tv series.
I'll stick to british pre-00 ones for my series dose.

All I care is the Bannerlord mod with the additional rape mod, so I can murder and defile the book characters all I want.

>>>Holla Forums

But seriously, that sounds bretty gud

Honestly I expect it to be worse.
I seriously see them making them like GOT because of its success. GRRM will ruin Tolkien by proxy.

Did you even need to ask?

The cutest

I appreciate you user. As one radical centrist to another GAS THOSE WHO HAVE OPINIONS

Go back to Holla Forums fuckface. That logic is beyond WE WUZ VIKINGS N SHIAT, you have no right to complain about movie companies casting black people for white characters, as you want the exact same shit. Even as a racist you can acknowledge that putting a white girl on a cover of a book with a black main character is fucking stupid.

Besides we all know your dick would be super wet if that chick gave you so much as a teasing look, you cuckmeister.

The first season when Tyrion passes out before the battle against Roose Bolton? That was due to budget reasons. In the books the battle is well described.

His writing style best reflects society at large, that their is simply too much to keep up with and you have to make a decision as to what you choose to follow and which you discard. It's not important to tie up the superfluous plots by the end of the series, only to have a number of possible options to develop an event that will influence a major plot point, and let the others go quietly unresolved because we don't care about those anyways, it's nice open world approach.

His writing style best reflects society at large, that there is simply too much to keep up with and you have to make a decision as to what you choose to follow and which you discard. It's not important to tie up the superfluous plots by the end of the series, only to have a number of possible options to develop an event that will influence a major plot point, and let the others go quietly unresolved because we don't care about those anyways, it's nice open world approach.


The books were fine until A Feast For Crows where he decided the series needed 15 new plotlines on top of the 35 current ones instead of wrapping some of them up

I'm not surprised. But let me give you the cliffnotes, gurm cares about stuff being faithful to the source material but he only cares about race. When the thicc nubian girl character is cast they pick a lanklette. That's the first point. The second one is how much he virtue signal, casting niggers hasn't been something notable for a long time now. The only time anyone cares is when they go we wuz with historical figures or when the jewish agenda gets too obvious. Yeah, Gurm, niggers are awesome and white people suck, how radical.

Kikes of course. They picked the wrong story lines and also pushed the midget. They also push the whole stronk wimyn.

One little thing they changed that pisses me off is when Baratheon guy told Ned to come to Kings landing to serves a hand of the kind he wanted to stay in the north with his wife and family and northern folks. But his wife pressured and shamed him into go. In the series it's depicted completely opposite. She wanted him to stay and he was "I gotta go, muh king". Fucking kikes taint everything.

I don't know if you are deliberately dishonest here or consumed too much Holla Forums memes. GRRM is a fat liberal idiot, this is beyond dispute, but out of all things you could justifyingly criticize him for you choose one of the few instances where he is 100% right because you fall for constant race-baiting. When his book came out, it was a different society, and replacing a black main character with a blonde white chick on the cover is simply racist. The difference is also white people weren't oppressed in terms of medial representation for decades, but the main point is, casting an actor for a character of different color is something white different to a book illustration, isn't it? An actor depends on his acting skill, physical presence, charisma, integrity, etc. whereas the only limit in illustration is your imagination. GRRM is 100% correct here to be pissed about this, if I was writing a book with a black main character I would be mad as well when some white SJW like feels like sketching up some Aryan princess for the cover. Besides, white people still have massiv supremacy in shows and movies, the two leads of GoT are white, almost all the main characters are white, the only characters who got blackfaced were marginal side characters like that merchant king from Quarth, and if I remember correctly, GRRM has pointed that out as well.

You are so deep inside the rabbit hole that you totally have become what you hate, screeching about "virtue signaling" when somebody points out the correction of an obviously racist incident. Now go back to your 100 terabyte collection of

Maybe you should stop writing about niggers, Grumm.

It's already been said to various extents, but the problem pretty simply is that it's turn into fan fiction. The writers have absolutely no idea how to write this series without the books to guide them. All they know how to do is inject their ideals into what's already there, so instead we get a lot of garbage and terrible writing.

I think as they started to catch up with the books they asked GRRM which characters would make it to the end, which plots were important and which would ultimately go no where, so he told them and they decided to cut every such plot, fold them into the characters they like, and simplify it to that cast of characters. Doing this wrote them into a corner, all those other plotlines added to the world's intricacy. What we're left with feels like shit without that padding. They can't write like GRRM. I'm not saying he's some literary god, but the conversations were entertaining to watch when he was writing them. Now they don't even feel medieval.

It's like the series was a big stack of Jenga blocks, and they decided to quickly remove all the pieces they thought were unessential right away, and now the game's boring because there's not a single piece left to play with.