Do you find transgender people disgusting?

Are they suffering from a neurological disorder?

I think it will become irrelevant in a few decades when we reconstruct our genome and turn ourselves into immortal shapeshifters

also racism and sexism

Who cares? They are disgusting regardless of the cause, and should be removed from society.

No and don't care.

And by "removed from society" I mean executed and buried in mass graves in the Siberian wilderness.

gender don't exist transgender is an oxymoron

A solid 90% of people are neurotic.

Why do people care and want to hurt them?

Economics is more important than social issues.

The executions will be painless. We aren't savages.

stay spooked, fags

just leave them be. with suicide rates like theirs they will just kill themselves.



Real fucking spooky


I'd give a shit.

The only ones I hate are the SJW ones. People like Blaire White and Lexie Khan I can get behind. But Milo Stewart can go and die in a gulag.



they are literally no concern to me what so ever.

If you need someone to talk to I'm here. You don't need to try to provoke me, I'll talk to you even-handed.

This is on the off chance that you actually need someone to talk to.

Gender identity =/= biological sex.

sage'd for shit-tier thread, cuck.

Why the fuck do people even have a problem with Milo Stewart? He's like an awkward 17 year old tumblr kid who doesn't even have half bad opinions on things, he's just got that cringey tumblr way of presentation.

Blair White is a piece of shit tbh, and is basically the transgender Ann Coulter.

yes and yes


That's a loaded question, friend.

They disgust me but that doesn't matter, they should have the right to cut their penises if they want.

People in general disgust me.

of course not. if they are taking hormones and look like girls i would call them girls and even fuck them.

this is coming from someone who is straight as fuck btw, never had gay thoughts in my life

that is gay though

Couldn't care less.

So Tran Coulter?

i don't think so bro.

if the person is taking hormones and looks exactly like a really really pretty girl with boobs it's not gay because i am attracted to the femininity. when you become attracted to masculinity you are gay.

in fact if you try to say you wouldn't fuck pic related i would go so far as to say you are gay for being in doubt of your sexuality, any normal man would want to fuck the shit out of something like pic related, we don't care about stupid shit like "omg thats gay cause maybe u can see her penis". honestly

Wanting to fuck Bailey Jay is gay when milo is around and in need of being bullied.

looks like a creepy surgical doll

Nothing wrong with them, I wonder who could be behind all these posts though.

All meπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

The eternal debate starts

Time to fap again I guess

Nigger, please.
At least post some real qt trap to support your argument.

What a shit thread, post cute traps.

doesn't look that convincing to me

besides you're assfucking a dude that's gay bro

actually looks like a girl, wow

its not a dude its a tranny. like a modern day eunich. taking hormones and she has boobs. thats a chick imo idc


I think transitioning nowaday is kidna silly with the tech we have but i can understand trans-sexuals even if they are kidna spooked by gender identity instead of being a queer master race tbh fam.


a majority are people with actual mental issues, but the ones ive met were really nice and normal, so im a bit mixed.

Taking estrogen after puberty is stupid and i dislike all sorts of chems (And Surgery) may they make me more feminine or make me bare with my existance as some kind of trotskyist youtuber.


nope, some of them are cute even

they suffer from gender dysphoria.