We've been going about this from the wrong side, anons! The answer to miscegenation is not by targetting white women, but by boostinf dissent from negro sheboons! While we immediately feel disgust seeing a nigger with a white women, the sheboon is filled with RAGE! Not just that, they're completely open about it and will berate any nigger male they find in such a situation. We must weaponize this and direct attention and traffic to the rants of sheboons who openly oppose miscegenation at every opportunity if we wish to win this battle for the bloodlines of the world.
Sheeboons, the solution to myscegenation
U wot prim8?
>He is very well educated and has an attractive paycheck
wew lad
you forget the articles in the OP
you don't post an archive for those who don't want to appear in the trackers of the sheboon hellhole blog you link to
you post a fucking mobile version of a fucking jewtube link
you don't even embed the jewtube
and the article is pure negro-church feelgood bullshit about how miscegenation is against god's will except when providence joins a nigger and a coalburner
OP, your faggotry is excessive
You know there's this cute quadroon girl at the local gas station that's been giving me the eyes and…
Go fuck yourself OP
Yeah this was a lazy one and I could had done better. almost burnt my grits and antelope and was distracted by wife while making topic. and I copypasta link from search results for jewtube vid…
This is actually a good line of thought. We've all seen sheboons go bananas about this. We need to weaponize and direct this somehow.
Niganon, I was attempting to incite us to using sheboons to guilt trip niggers against myscegenation.
I hope you like shattered eardrums
You don't think they already try?
Or maybe the meme of nigresses craving white rod is true.
Pretty sure the only solution to the "where da white wimmin at" problem is death for the males.
We have to use nigger psychology in this one. Find sheboons who are talking out and boost them to mainstream. See what gets the most reactions, meme up like we did with DraftOurDaughters using the exact style of the niggers, and then bitch at their idols, the rappers, into supporting the sheboon cause. Could also equate myscegenation with slavery by implying that white vagoo = slave chains.
Yeah, after meeting sheboons in my childhood, I learned why niggers hate their own women. As such, we could try to impress feminism onto the sheboon and convince them that they need to rule over their males as matriarchs, which then re-enslaves the niggers, destroys femenism (because sheboons now lead it, scaring off everyone else forever), solve myscegenation, AND make all niggers miserable.
Pretty sure you could get the same result by encouraging being with your own kind in everyone to encourage blacks to be with blacks and whites to be with whites as well as not wanting to be with each other.
Making the she boons the strongest in the social ladder is already the fucking problem. The ones who are doing it correctly run all that shit, it's the fucking men you need to get to act responsible. The solution is the same as it always has been.
This can work. Good job user. Time to start testing.
i's miscegenation
with an i
not an y
u pleb
Negress sock accounts too.
Just give into the Midnight Animal and kill some niggers.
We could use the We Wuz Queens! angle against them. en.m.wikipedia.org
So how do you accomplish this? Make memes aimed at blacks involving racial pride that they can share with each other on twitter? Making a sock puppet/finding a prominent black speaker who advocates for blacks dating only blacks and making them even more prominent?
420c has excellent sock names
You spelled "will immediately snatch the white girl bald-headed and then fuck the nog" wrong.
We'll need to analyze what memes niggers actually like.
Worst chan ever, run by a degenerate commie. That board deserves trolled to oblivion.
Pic related is the only solution to mIscegenation user
Facts of life
1) Shitskins in the end are immune to reason, they only understand the universal currency of violence.
2) European men have a greater capacity for violence and it is the sole weakness of our race that we don't utilize it more often.
3) A sheboon by nature doesn't understand concepts of loyalty or moral standards so making a rational appeal to an instinct they don't have is stupid.