What do you guys think?

What do you guys think?

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Your flag reminds me of the happy merchant.

It's dishonest. You have violence on the left too, although it's numbers are smaller.

You little cancer, "without virtue terror is deadly without terror virtue is impotent "

Read Trotsky terrorism and communism, and Robespierre history

with such a boldly untrue headline, you undermine whatever value there is in the rest of it

Does anyone have the socdem trolley problem image with one Rosa on one track and five Nazis on the other?


Doesn't surprise me, tbh.

Last time I checked, it was illegal amongst lefties to insult Islam

Btw have you seen the ANTIFA riots? Most violent people around, and they sure as hell ain't right wing.

whats wrong with violence if its justifiable?


We're waiting.

Hitler was a socialist

Yeah, remember night of the long knives? Those were the times!


Islam isn't really strictly a right wing movement economically. Debt is a sin in Islam for instance

charging interest on debt sorry


>killing is always bad except when we kill nationalists goy!

Face the facts lads, you marxists had your fun in the son. That was back in the fucking sixties when you pranced around in tie-dye shirts smoking pot and protesting red scum being crushed by the US war machine. Those days are over. The overton window is rapidly shifting to the right and it is all because you cultural marxists and you sub-human pets can't control themselves. The future belongs to the Right. The future is black shirts and spit shined boots.

Thanks to contraceptives, you leftist fucks don't reproduce. So in the future, there will be no 'left wing' thought.


Are you a kike? Be honest now.

I had millions of the people in my country killed by communism in the 20-30s and now we teetering on the edge of it again because you cultural marxist fucks. Enjoy your obsolence.

Vote for that US kike S█████ all you like, you will all die.

If anything there's too much pacifism.

Antifa aren't right wing, but they're not really left wing either, even if that's what some of them think. They're de facto militant centrists that try to protect the status quo from the far-right.

Nope, you killed them all.

stay mad, polack

Fuck off you fascist scum, poles truly are the niggers of europe.

Wait, you're a polish nazi? Talk about cucked…

buttmad hohol spotted


Read a book, nigger.


That is killed for the Allied side. And this includes Italy and Japan, with the latter being the source of half of the dead. Assuming the data is of course accurate since history books are written by the victors.
60mil vs 12 mil dead for the axis means that they were quite shit soldiers.

Mussolini couldn't even manage his own country and you think he could manage to kill that many?
Mind you that the deathtoll for WW2 is now 95mil according to OP.

When? Who?

Just don't. Many of post WW1 ME states were secular, including Turkey. And even they didn't manage to kill that many. ISIS is also just a drop in the ocean since their genocide
Applying this 600 CE is also retarded since the rest of your movements are in the 20. century.

All in all I'd guess OP is trying to redirect from the communist death toll in 20. century.

Yeah funny how the Colosseum was once the ultimate form of pan et circe that distracted the citizens of Rome back in its heyday, it certainly wasn't built to enlighten or awaken any minds.

yes, remember the five trillion killed at the hands of Zombie Marx!!!!


Enjoy your platinum membership for privatized water source


like we give a shite about the overton window

Kulaks deserved it.

I sure do love books discredited by their own authors

Konowale, to ty? xD

Why did he kill Otto Asser then? Really makes me think…

Obviously they didn't kill enough.


… What the fuck is this thing? It looks like some Holla Forumstard just found a trendy Photoshop tutorial and decided to make Vaporwave-inspired motivational posters out of it.

I'll read them after you do, namedropping faggot.

this guy sure loves quoting socialists

To stop the freikorps + stopping the reactionaries form returning Weimar republic back to empire of Germany.



Forgot your badge.

A bit un-Marxist tbh

Is it cold in Syria?

I noticed they wear a lot of clothing for what I assumed was a relatively warm place.

Twain had some based hot opinions