The temporary ban by the refugee-loving major of Tulln is of course a PR gag because the cuckservative party ÖVP under their new globohomo manlet leader Kurz (who is of course part of Soros' "European Council on Foreign Relations" think tank) wants to play hard on refugees before the upcoming election in October.
With hair like that and flat chested, they probably thought it was a boy.
Nolan Stewart
Samuel Adams
I feel nothing.
Brayden Diaz
Thats a really mature looking 15 year old.
Samuel Green
This bitch was 100% guaranteed refugees welcome.
Julian Nguyen
with a lesbian hairstyle like that, I am sure she will be one of the cunts that says things like "I wasn't raped by immigrants, I was raped by MEN" tarring all men with the same "rapist" brush is a huge disrespect to a supreme gentleman like myself. also, with dark hair like that, and no father in the photo, what's the betting her mum bred with a mud/ turk whatever, and she is a mutt?
Nolan Rogers
The longer these europussies don't fight back, the less I give a shit about stories like this.
Oliver Ward
They may have raped her but at least they respected her.
Carson Sanders
Yeah only dykes or chemo patients have hair that short. Wake me up when the women vote overwhelmingly for candidates that will do something about it.
They had a chance, not just once, but TWICE.
Andrew Nguyen
Deserved for voting in that limp dicked Green party kike. I'd still genocide every Muslim in the country if I had the power to do so, but they have to accept the consequences for their own inaction.
Nicholas Price
Oh thank god it was nobody of worth
Brandon Thompson
#She's 15 FFS
Camden Morris
Third time in October, but nothing will chance as people will vote for the Soros and Junker cock sucking cuck Sebastian Kurz over FPÖ. (He looks exactly like Macron - are they breading these guys in some kind of underground lab in Brussels?)
Justin Bell
And she probably liked it until after the fact.
Robert Powell
This is a 15 year-old girl, probably with divorced parents or a deadbeat/absentee father raised in a communist school system by boomer Gutmenschen. What chance did she have? If anything, shit on the parents. Retards.
Landon Walker
That is basically impossible in Germany, unless you were a problem kid from the start. Everything that applies to Germany, usually also applies to Austria. I was a liberal until 24 or something. Takes a while to undo the programming.
Brandon Bailey
Tyler Flores
The kikes and cucks are out in force.
I bet you sit there clapping if your sister was gang raped too, saying "lol serves her right for not wearing a hijab". Pathetic cunts.
Evan Brown
Is it bad that I'm neither surprised nor enraged by this sort of thing anymore? Don't get me wrong I still despise mudshits and will work to their removal as much as ever, but when dipshit normie whites get brutalized by the same shitskins they fawn over….
Wyatt White
So who is that in the op's picture ?
Joshua Rivera
You would if she constantly bragged about not dating white guys
Tyler Ross
Shitskin or kike detected. Which is it.
James Peterson
she was 15 though. This immigration storm has lasted for longer then that hopefully her being raped will red pill a lot of people.
Robert Baker
When did this girl say that? I don't see that in the report. You are buying all the cuck fantasies that the jews are selling you. Divide and conquer is the only weapon they have, and you are swallowing it whole. Females are our responsibility, they always have been - they aren't designed to be left on their own or make decisions for themselves. For all you know, this girl could be a Holla Forums poster. Now she's fucked up, because of shitskins, and you just mock her. You should be turning your anger towards the shitskins and soros and the others that let this happen. As in the ones with the power. This was a girl in an Austrian village, maybe you would have liked to hang out with her. Don't be such a defeatist, never let the kike win, never.
Elijah Johnson
Her parents chose this for her
No one is getting redpilled, this is commonplace now and people are only becoming more bluepilled in turn
Asher Reed
The "people" who make those posts are 99% shitskins and 1% kikes, they're the enemy just as much as the rapefugees are.
Jonathan Young
Make them stop supporting pro immigration parties then, take away their right to vote and then make them have white children
Go ahead i'm waiting
Ryder Ross
She got what she deserved
Henry Sanders
Yeah, because it isn't like they're brainwashed or anything, Schlomo.
Parker Roberts
Dominic Anderson
Men are brainwashed too, but resist it, women embrace it and turn against us
whos the cuck now?
Julian Rodriguez
Men resist because we're more intelligent and aggressive, it's in our nature to be defiant, women are the opposite.
You retarded cuck.
Parker Rodriguez
Point still stands then, if they have no agency and are blameless for betrayal then they have to have their societal power taken away
And thats not gunna happen
Juan Taylor
Kike. Crawl back into your oven.
Grayson Davis
Waiting. Like a cuck sitting in a corner waiting for the bull to finish so you can clean up.
Men don't wait. Faggot.
David Watson
lolwut? How does that even relate?
Jayden Bell
Oh cool so what are you doing to get women to fly right
Jaxon Gomez
Es reicht! Let Martin and H.C play the PR game, it is time to kill muslim children. If you see a pregnant muzzie, kick her, if you see a muzzie child, kick it!
Brayden Reyes
If they are traitors they deserve to die, but there is no evidence for this girl being a traitor you fucking goalpost shifting kike.
And yes, women shouldn't have jack shit to say about anything, but you kikes changed that.
But that will all change, once DOTR happens.
Justin Campbell
Plenty of young people aren't subhumans, user.
Parker Gutierrez
Another thread taken over by bitter cuckchan virgins, redditor MGTOW kikes and alt-kike larping lolberg mongrels. National Socialism means loving your race and people blaming a 15 year old girl for getting raped by shitskins is kikery at it's worst.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
We don't, you kike faggot, it's not necessary.
Ryan Hughes
If ONLY all the rapefugees were military aged men. Women and children are even worse, they will multiply exponentially and spawn a bunch of military aged men anyways. Then europe would be as fucked as the US with millions of beaner children in our schools that can't be deported. And normies dont have sympathy with deporting women and children. But all cuckservatives care about is 80% MILITARY AGED MEN!
Joseph White
Kill yourself repulsive kike rat
Gabriel Long
Can you read? KILL all Muslim, no matter age, sex or gender. Kill them all. And fuck public opinion, those sheep follow those they fear the most. Once the lists about donors and members of slightly pro open border and war fugees are complete and open for everyone to see, and the first have been punished for their betrayal, no one will care for killing muzzies in the street. You know how the Austrian is.
Anthony Thomas
Agreed. Those attitudes are despicable and a disgrace to National Socialism. Indeed to all men.
Easton Nguyen
Also gooklovers are as big of a problem as liberals virtue signalling for more refugees.
Eli Jones
At this point, I'm beginning to wonder if these threads are constantly posted just for demoralization.
Adam Baker
You get no pussy, kid. wew lad, thanks for the laugh, no wyim allowed on here though chump.
Jaxson Martinez
White girls being raped should be shoved in your coward face every day until you finally take action against it
If women are blameless for this then it's entirely your fault for allowing it to pass
Face the sins of your own inaction
Anthony Perry
15 year old fatty detected.
William Walker
This. And for every one of ours who gets raped one should cut of one of your extremities
Daniel Smith
Yep this board is nowdays full of larping lolbergs who have no idea how a proper National Socialist deals with those issues. They don't have a clue what loving your race and volk means. They don't understand this is the main motivation of everything we do. They fall for jewish subversive gender warfare because of their sexual frustration and status as omega males.
Sebastian Nelson
Fair enough, but what do you really want? These stories need to be pushed to people who aren't already enraged.
Ian Ramirez
Then push them, shove them in the faces of as many people as you can
Were facing a violent enemy, and we wont win without showing violence in turn
If we wont fight then we have no right to live, hitler himself said that
Joshua Evans
She prolly shaved her head after the rape. It's a thing traumatized girls do, also protects her from further rapes
Connor Morris
it's reality. and they won't accept it
Brayden Wood
How did this happen?
Zachary King
Good post. I have hope for 8/pol/ once more
Chase Diaz
Also some raped girls eat until they become landwhales for the same reason. mfw cute girl I was into at school got groomed by a charming paki, who then got her really drunk and had all his mates gangrape her. She was so traumatised she ate and ate until she was so fat, no man would want to fuck her ever again. What a waste. Sad thing was, her dad was a total race realist who tried hard to keep his daughter from seeing this paki. Thanks to the shitty permissive, feminised culture we live in, she always found a way to disobey him, often with the help of her mother. You can still see the pain in the man's eyes 15 years later, and his cunt wife has never accepted any responsibility for her part (what a surprise)
Luis Martinez
desensitization caused by repeated exposure to reality and despair at the suicidal stupidity at some of our folk
Bentley Peterson
Well, we have heard this same story plenty of times by now. Accept that you can't do anything about it and just worry about those near you.
Cooper Howard
Best post ITT.
Ethan Wilson
That's what I thought too.
I'm still having trouble feeling sorry for this type of girl, even if she wouldn't have been helped by her mother and society, she would have became a mudshark anyway. Just like her mother she was a backstabber.
Andrew Reed
damn that's terrible
Michael Gutierrez
They never will. You need to wake up and suppress them again.
Andrew Williams
Are you a shitskin? Because that would explain it. As would you being a psycopathic Jew. Either way, you don't belong here.
Alexander Lewis
Not even near as subhuman as German. The cucks + the Holla Forums fpö party make over 50% so unless u arnt a soros / jew expert there arnt left wingers if there vote for övp. Its like csu in germany wich is still better than cdu but still total cancer but not swedentier degenaracy
Benjamin Watson
Embarassing. Reported.
Ayden Barnes
nigger you are one dumb retard. women generally love voting liberal and have huge voter turnout rates, and they vote with the FEELS. it is absolutely necessary to correct women.
Angel Collins
Have you even looked at a voter turn out chart recently?
Connor Mitchell
Nothing is ever going to be changed by voting you retarded niggkike.
Go back to reddit you fucking retard.
Carter Ramirez
… What a sub 80 IQ subhuman. 6 posts of absolutely nothing.
Luke Garcia
I understand. But our girls are our future, without them we die. We need to take care of them, by force if necessary.
Levi Rivera
Adrian Martinez
David Martin
Because it isn't gonna be YOU, right? Bunch of cowards
Ayden Harris
I'm all for it don't get me wrong but don't expect me to do shit for tards, backstabbers and mudsharks.
Ian Hernandez
This is Austria. Go back to the voting trends for the Austrian election. Women were in favor of the Green candidate by some 70%.
Kevin Parker
I agree with this user. A girl this young is still super impressionable, (more than usual for a girl). A good boyfriend/male authority figure could've worked wonders. All you underageb& anons have a duty to make waifus out of the girls around you. They'll listen if you say what you need to say with confidence and love. Girls naturally conform to the men in their lives. Just make sure she's a virgin. If so, she's good to go. Waifus ain't gonna fall from the sky, and girls that age still have a pretty fair shot of being redeemed. Honestly I think finding a waifu is easier when you're young and surrounded by suggestible girls with their virginities intact. Finding one when you're older and 95% of the girls have been riding the cock carousel throughout highschool/college and most likely just want you for your money, now that's a tricky game. The worst is when you find a half-decent girl that could've been a perfect waifu, but the jews and her slutty "friends" have already poisoned her mind. It sucks man.
Thomas Sanders
Noah Baker
Gabriel Dropout, it's about an angel that when sent to the human world to learn about it and then becomes a slacker when she discovers video games satania's in it too
David Lopez
Cooper Peterson
Nah, thats just instinct to make sure the possible baby is well nourished
Aiden Smith
let's see what i have saved for austria..
Mason Bennett
Leo Miller
Good, she deserved it. The only thing wrong with the story is that they didn't then kill her. More of this is needed until people wake the fuck up.
The kike judge will probably throw the case out because it was just a huge misunderstanding…
Xavier Turner
Go home.
Blake Hill
(check'd) Lol I love those before and after rape stats in the first pic.
James Edwards
Camden Johnson
This place is fucking trash. Do you feel slightly better that you are doing nothing to fight against these crimes in the real world when you tell yourselves that these white women and children "deserved" to be raped by subhumans? Unless you are actively campaigning for White rights in the real world you are just as culpable as these victims are. I would even go as far as to say you are more culpable, at least they have the excuse of being brainwashed.
You are a bunch of kikes, if not physically then you are spiritually.
Ethan Scott
Perhaps, but don't discount the usual (((observers))) trying to stem the tide of rage.
Christian Robinson
user, you got baited by Kikes. Any rational thinking Aryan would know damn well the victims of the Zog machine are not to be condemned. Its our duty as the great men of the age to lift the lost souls out of the darkness.
Not belittle them and laugh at their failures.
Nicholas Stewart
These people make up the majority of posts in these kind of threads lately. They need to be addressed before newfags fall for their bullshit whether it's bait or not.