ITT good Vietnam games

ITT good Vietnam games

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Vietnam was a jewish psy-op and the attrocities commited during the CIA's Phoenix Program to supposedly protect "freedom" that is of our zionist masters are unforgivable. May John Kerry and Bush Sr rot in hell.


We already had this thread yesterday.

Why is Vietnam singled out for atrocities?
Most other wars were just as bad.

That song title is wrong fyi

Vietnam was the first TV war and it helped the jews create another of their pawns, hippies and liberals.

The 4th was a good day.


How did people in the 1950s go from clean shaven suit-wearing goody two shoes christians to OP's thumbnail?

When did that transformation happen. It seems too drastic.

With Jews, anything is possible.

How about games?

What, are hairy bears your thing?

didnt say the 50s were good, i just asked how it happened

Pure coincidence goy


Bad Company 2 Vietnam DLC

it's creedance clearwater, it's probably the most southern you can get, right next to lynyrd skynyrd

I didn't say they were. Are you schizophrenic?

The mod scene happened, drugs became a thing soon it became political because idleness causes thinking. As the country saw a change in politics due to the globalist restructuring and power seizes, everyone had to find their ideology to explain their world.

Seriously, the 60's are like the mirror image of the current day. It is just that ours are more filled with apathy and trinkets.


Ironically they're from the Bay Area. John Fogerty was just a huge southaboo.

Which games have the best jungles, Holla Forums?

You maggots had best post some good Vietnam vidya right now or I will gouge out your eyeballs and skull fuck you.


The only 'nam game i've ever played, i liked it but i doubt it's good or holds up to today's standards

Society changes and trends change

i could have told you that

I rather like it here.

Probably one of the best Vietnam games out there. Fist Alpha and Purple Haze are alright, and the sequel wasn't as good by a long shot.

You just had to say it, didn't you?

Real talk. Are there any food Vietnam games? The famous works in other mediums that portray it have a certain mix of intellectual deep and cynicism that i dont think most vidya directors have, and even know it would be very controversial. You would need someone who can just wave that stuff off and not let the sure to appear criticism deter from making a great game and a great work of art.

Why do you think Holla Forums belongs on Holla Forums?


Sorry I meant this


I've heard Cooking Mama: Nam 67 is pretty good

Are there any good Vietnam multiplayer games, other than Bad Company 2?