Planetside 2 Thread: The Art of War Edition

Faction: Terran Republic

Outfit: Spicy Spokes Serf Slayers (WWEW)
First, post on the PS2 thread with your character name along with a screenshot in-game on the loadout screen with a meme. Second, search our outfit by it's tag, WWEW in the outfit browser, the application must have your name with a meme, ID and post number from the thread.

The Tranu Ocean is salty everyday.
Some of you New Cheeseburgers™ are okay, don't go to the Crown tomorrow.

Other urls found in this thread:

Repostan because I'm a fag like that.

That one reddit thread from a few days ago is gold.
You've got:

Their equivalent of whiteagle: a SUITfag that responds to every post because he thinks he matters.

People memeing poorly, people shitposting le so random XDDDDD shit

And this fag.

Archive of the last thread!

someone post the full Viking PS2 guide

can anyone post the webm of the masked autist?

also posting my rarest pepe tbh

Feels good man


all those voices that are no longer with us

thanks user. for those who have no idea what this is fucking watch it its part of our glorious history.

What is this, and how do I always miss these things? I missed gunner's loli story, I missed this. Feels bad man.

nacho in charge of sounding like a faggot as usual

Autism. Don't worry, I missed both of them too. Did you miss the plane scene recreation as well?

Yep. I have both of the webms though.

it was a few weeks after my loli story. so about three months ago.

infamous, heuylewis, surge. where are all of you. i've been waiting all this time

how do i sound like more of a faggot than anyone else in our outfit?

Maybe we'll join in on the next event.

Feels bad man.

I'm just bullying you silly, though I should stop. I don't want you raping and cannibalizing my children in retaliation tbh

I really like masque's poems in the chat
A true battle bard

For someone who wanted it in wwew

They occasionally jump back from time to time, usually on the weekends, take note, a lot of us play on different time zones and the faggots here have other games on their backlog. (Looking at you Wurm Unlimited and Nacho checking on the Neptunia threads)

Might as well post some more webms. Still trying to work on that Gunner "Ding dong bannu the Tranu" Nacho OC webm.


I got the webms, but I'll keep it anyway.

Pretty good.

this is fucking perfect

i just miss playing with all the other lads who were with us at the beginning. i hope they come back. i know infamous and hueylewis play in my timezone.
please just dont take this meme further. i didnt ask for or wanted all of this.


"get off my server kid, you were entertaining 30 minutes ago!"


I suffered once, it'll all blow over




Just be glad I'm shit on making OC, would have enjoyed making you record lines I thought of.
Then que on you singing a terrible rendition of the Holla Forums hymn on the background.

this actually doesnt sound to bad. any OC is welcome but i really cant sing and i will probably sperg out reading out lines


Which will makes this even more glorious, still a lazy fuck because I'm the thread archivist of our autism and still need to find good software to make it.

such is life in the TR

just give me a heads-up when you need me.


Feels good man.

Just have fun first, and don't expect it any time soon, I'm a lazy procrastinating fuck when it comes to imageboards (I was programmed that way)

webm semi related

im sorry, what?


Who the fuck is that gay ass dude? is it the guy that visit /cuteboy/?

What created the KDR mentality this game has?

I'm really confused by how much of the game it permeates, the way this game plays is hardly very conducive to it. The weird thing is I can't recall ever seeing such a major importance placed on it even in FPS games where it was totally a legitimate thing to worry about because it actually was an arena based deathmatch thing.

Does it have anything to do with the unique status of PS2 having no real development competence behind it and almost no instances of actual new content coming up over the years since its release?

also I thought I might be able to fit this under 8mb and still have it be readable, I was

Relevant webms.

i miss you dr chase

Don't expect it any time soon you loli-loving autist, think whenever it comes to Chinese Scroll Picture boards, I'm lazy when it comes to making OC.

Here, practice these lines.
Then get to singing, can't think of the final lyrics yet, too many lines that keeps mentioning your meme :^)

get me the source and i'll try


His voice and accent sound like dr chase from house

Call of Duty

Fug, corrections.

i'm not gonna be able to shit out acceptable lines

huey and infamous were absolute lads. i also relieved them from platoon lead from time to time. somehow i ended up being designated squad lead.
not that i mind all those free certs

The original Planetside didn't have any of that shit, it was like CnC Renegade, there was something for everyone, and it had some military sci-fi shit with supply lines, sabotage, and pretty much teamwork.

But SOE/Daybreak now had to rush that pile of turd with the gimmick of being a MLG/Competitive E-Sports in the vein of ASSFAGGOTS, CRAPCUNTS, CoD/CS:GO.
It was 4 million to little more than 5-digits numbers playing now if I recall correctly.

tl;dr, Smedley and Higby saw big monies being made with E-sports, and rushed the game even though the development team had factions devs that keep buffing and nerfing each other, balance was shit, and there was little variety in tactics being used, and numbers means its to outman the enemy faction. And finally, they spent more fucking time on balance patches than meaningful content. Vid related.

Fucking great.

It carelessly adapted modern FPS conventions right down to the Battlefield pop up text font.

Also, the KDR whores have had the run of the place for the past three years, and with SOE doing absolutely nothing during that time they took it to mean the game was meant for them and the way they play.

There were killwhores in PS1, user. Don't delude yourself in thinking KDR whores are a new thing. They've been around since at least the birth of TDM games.

New transmission, citizen.

anyone have drawfag's two terran lewds?

probably lack of effort needed to actually have teamwork because of redeployside, spammable medkits and really no real reward for actual teamwork(capping important bases having an impact, kind of like the techplant). I think this would all be fixed if they just added a player-made quest system with rewards and add a cooldown to all the MLG shit like redeploy, medkits, etc.
Basically, if you copy any of the mechanics from Planetside Classic, you'll have a better game that isn't MLGside 2.


Or if the game had planetside 1's mechanics and slower pacing. Basically if they didn't make f2p battlefield and instead improved on what PS1 was

Dat's a bannu!, otherwise you can practice these lines in Outfit chat, you can make your own or redo some of the lines, while we have a battlebard playing this in proximity chat with some volume control.

From what I've encountered, it was mostly hacking little shitheads, and the game's gunplay wasn't that much MLG like Counterstrike, Quake, Unreal Tournament and Halo(which killed several FPS like CnC Renegade and made PS1 a niche that "my first console!" babies never heard of)

Redeployside needs to go. The HART needs to return. That'll fix a lot of population issues.

Which reminds me, if I didn't have a toaster and shit connection to Emerald, I'd have some MLG shit video with the Chaingun while At Doom's Gate is playing, ripping and tearing the Tranu cultists who worship Tranu and Burger traitors.

And back to your post, the game is just pretty shit, there's no way for support players,the ones who guarding bases far out of the front lines, or even Galaxypilots and Sunderer drivers to get comparable certs(fuck the paywall grind) and exp that's comparable to MLG statwhoring killstreaks. Too much abuse , there's not a Faction announcer that announces if the enemy faction is attacking/back-capping your bases, or where you need reinforcements, and the damn physics engine is whacked.

The game was a FPS-RPG-MMO hybrid thing, absolutely love the game back then, a lot of shit to do, but alas, it was pretty much outdated after 2 years, and new FPS games made it look like shit.


I wish we had more continents. If only they kept warpgates being connected to other continents so factions could legitimately unlock a continent through effort. Right now, players just see a continent they just locked unlocked just because another faction captured another continent. There's no reward, no need for effort to fight back for a continent.more continents could fix this, plus the coding required. There's no honorable continent locks. I would also love if there were less bases so it could make certain bases significant and actually take the fight across the terrain.
Another thing is rewarding experience for teamwork. Like in planetside 1, you could get exp for getting a kill in a squad.
Maybe increase the lore as well. Barely anyone knows why they're fighting besides the intro screen. If they could, Id have them re-hire their voice actors and add more lines.
This affects vehicle tryhards, but I would add a delay for the vehicle for getting out if the vehicle is smoking so they cant escape to save their precious kdr.
There are so many things I would fix, but the only thing that planetside 2 got right was probably decent gun mechanics.

Weep and despair, it was comfy meeting players at Faction Sanctuaries and Home Continents, we only have the fucking VR room for that now.

Not even the gun mechanics are good, it's a fucking joke that everything has some shitty cone of fire and bloom instead of just hard recoil.

I wish we had this. Why don't we have this?

oh right I fucking forgot about COF, fuck that.


Healing and repairing mechanics are better. Having to find the "sweet spot" during a firefight so you can repair a MAX or revive someone wasn't very fun. That's the only positive thing I have to say about PS2.

But user, it's a game not a simulator

I can't take this dead accurate vanu heavy spam. Fuck this game, time for a long break.

Who's voice do you think is the best? I vote lassica.

Also I'm pretty sure the rhino is the most acurate lmg for heavy which I didn't know before.


I've never heard Lassica's voice. Is it waifu material?

so a shrek lookalike?

He's a pretty big guy for you

Him and shigglies are usually on at the same time at like 1am


unfortunately I wish he would go full burger and get mad

i changed my mind, gasthevanu has a manly as fuck voice

I second this, his voice sounds like his name.

anyone got that pic of the shrek "waifu" and the caption from someone on another website who said said it was waifu material unironically?

I was at the biolab's roof shooting down tranu scum.

I got off with 10 kills, ran out of trac5 ammo, and got killed after carefully planting a magical package that some tranu fuck shot, taking three more down with me.

That was amazing.

on the subject of shrek did anybody record that vanu shrek a few weeks ago? we were flying on hossin and there was this single vanu heavy in the middle of bumfucking nowhere hiding innawoods far from any base or vanu territory shooting rockets at us

this game is pretty fun with an outfit of shitposters. Enjoyed my first day with wwew and made my first oc for it. Thanks for the fun.


so when are they going to up the tick rate back to what it once was (or more), fix misaligned sights and the hit detection, give us back physx and at least try to patch simple shit like lagswitches?


Pequoud you are my greatest ally
so many kills I can't screen cap them all

Lassica stop, you're making my dick hard for that trac shot and i have to suspend my neetness for a few days of work

wtf I love shotguns now



tbh I plan on switching back to the ns-11cafter I aurax the trac-shot

This basically, the Devs pandered to wannabe E-sporters, who needed individual validation of their "skills" instead of working towards victory for their faction.

Redeploy isn't the issue, believe me.
It only chaffs those who want to ghost cap un-hindered, because it allows groups and lone wolves ANOTHER means to re-secure.
In the original Planetside, they could STILL shut down your one man Hack, and they'd at the VERY LEAST have a Mosquito to do it with, which in the original game CAME WITH RADAR BY DEFAULT!

Basically, you'd STILL get shut down, and it would be entirely by Airchavs, while low-RAM rigs like mine would be stuck walking to the front.

Yes, but first we'd need an Intercontinental Lattice, working Warp Gates, and an alternate means of capturing a Base.
Making the Lattice a Cortium Pipeline and giving each Base a Silo/Generator would probably be a good start for the last one.

Very much agreed on this, especially the Continent Locks.
The reason they feel so hollow is because they are rather meaningless; It will be at BEST a half a day before a Continent is reopened anyways by the cyclic nature of the current system.
Nothing is truly HELD, merely a token bonus is given to whoever held the most Territory/HIVEs and the map is locked in order to keep the population funneled into one another.
I noticed it back when Construction was released; Population was low enough before that only a single Continent could be unlocked at a time, but the update boon increased it to the point NO CONTINENT COULD ACTUALLY REMAIN LOCKED!
This was still when we had those really shitty Continental Population percentage based queue too!

Eh, I don't know about this…
I mean, I understand the choice when it came to dropping the Inventory System, but it did provide actual logistical limits on how long a single soldier could last.

Has this Battle-Eye anti-cheat thing been implemented yet or was DBG just trying to scare hackers? If it's been implemented I haven't noticed any different behavior from tranu.


so proud of you boys, also goddamn one mutilator and one cycler work together like perfect harmony

mutilator+mercy means never have to reload. Trust me on this.

Please don't tell me fucking Viking is here. He's a fucking autist.

It's just a good Anti-Infantry load-out anyways, Mercy for shits trying to kite you like your some kind of Scatmax, Mutilator for everybody closer than that.

Credit to AOD, They helped a lot with the final two territories.

Fuck you we don't talk about cucks around here


that's our meta

Actual logistics would be swell.

Give me the source

There's tons of tricks to making Webm"s

Yeah I always found it hilarious how they wanted to make this game an ESPORT when the mechanics prevent that

What's scary is if you play 8+ hours of this and then go into CoD/Battlefield/Almost any other FPS game you feel like a fucking god killing other players from 200m+ away with ease

And yeah that's always been my biggest complaint with this game, all the guns having insanely huge CoF, but if they didn't have it the F2P kiddies would bail in 20 seconds of launching it

It's like the exact opposite of the 27th Stratagem; "Feign Madness but Keep your Balance"

Yeah, but the Tetris style inventory of the original game really wouldn't mesh with the faster pace of Combat, plus no jewing out on fifty different gun reskins or Loadout Slots.

the source is nearly 700mb friendo, my attempt at a webm is fine until I start moving around a lot


If its all just text, reduce the framerate

If its 30FPS and looks like crap, try 15, 10 or even 5

Was that when I was piloting the Valkyrie?

You have to admit that was perfectly pulled off, I wish someone recorded that.
I managed to get a harasser into the mining facility four times but die soon after.


Who's that

I used to play this game on vanu because all my friends played that, but always thought TR was way cooler. Maybe I'll start up again so i can play as something other than the fags.





I bet NC terrorists were salty about their alert ending early too.



And finale.

This guy is a huge crybaby. Caught him getting butthurt before.


What is the strength of TR LMGs supposed to be? They all seem like shit compared to tranu and burger LMGs, especially when it comes to the stat """sacrifices""" their """sidegrade""" LMGs make.

The main strength of the TR LMG is that it can be replaced with more dakka.

I wonder if I might've gotten him into that, if he wasn't into the series before last week.
Someone else here pops up in the 4AM threads and they were wondering about Nepneps.


you've got a nice voice

When you live with it you never notice it

Starting to take a little pride in it now since everyone points it out to me all the time

NCbro is an example for all NC. did you already get back into playing PS2 NCbro? or are you still tired of all the retardation?

i dont go to the neptunia threads? where did you guys get this from?

Reminder to ignore the 4cuck namefag. He will reply and quote a dozen post, capitalize and fullcaps random words

Smooth motherfucker, but I vote Shigglies, you can hear him shouldering all our pain for us and cast it away with autistic meme power.

I made some autism as well before i go to sleep, goodnight famoogles.

I-I play NC t-too..

From the fag that posted earlier, I dunno.
You seem like you'd like that shit too. Pedo

Like some sort of meme Jesus, Shigglies carries the weight of all the cancer of the Internet and cleanses our souls with maximum doses of post-post-post-irony. Truly the hero we deserve.

wew I wish I had recorded my mic


I've been trying to get my youtube channel off the ground

But now not really feeling it cause even midway through my NuDoom playthrough we put my mother back in the hospital (She's still there almost two weeks later) and is affected the quality of my commentary

So I'll probably play PS2 again because I really have nothing to put forwards emotionally into a lets play ATM

Will you play with us again? Last time I saw you is when we base autism in Esamir. I don't fighting you as well but i'll engi-slut for your gorgon MAX


Top fucking kek
More spaghetti for the industrial pile.

One job.


This handy guide will show you how to get 30-60 FPS on 8 years old hardware be sure to inquire gunnernacho as to what constitutes as 8 years old hardware

1) Your user.ini should look like this:

























2) Your resolution for the sake of maximizing FPS on potato-tier hardware is recommended to be:

1280x7XX at 75% rendering

to strike a balance between being able to see shit and being able to actually hit it.

3) Go to the control panel of your grafix card of choice and allow forced override in global settings (nvidia specific), then create a special rule for planetside2_x64.exe:

Override AA transparency to OFF

Override AA to 2x

Override AF to 2x

4) If you are using an AMD CPU, especially if its the dreaded Phenom kind, unpark the FUCK out of it.

5) Set rendering distance to minimum (500) when defending or attacking a base.


Any GPU from 2004 onwards can handle 16x AF in its sleep and are designed around it even as the minimum

The only reason they still have a 2-16x slider is some games have comparability problems which lowering it fixes them (RAGE for example)

Setting 2x over 16x will have absolutely zero impact on performance, trust me on this

AA transparency on the other hand will have a huge impact, turning that off will improve FPS, but this game doesn't use MSAA anyways so it should technically have no impact

I was thinking of playing again, but I'm just so emotionally wasted all I've done is over-eat and beat myself up on the bike daily

I haven't even gamed since getting back from the hospital after talking to the doctors for two hours


Reminder that FOV in Ps2 is fucked up and makes your zoom less effective.

That's always been the case for every game with variable FOV. But situational awareness > zoom in most cases.

Just do what you can. Remember we at wwew enjoy your service to our rivals. Someone's gotta teach the NCR how to do shit.

different aspect ratios use different VFOV settings for the same values you tech illiterate savage

Oh, well vertical render is also affected.

if someone needs potato settings they aren't playing on a 21:9 monitor

Cool story bro, what does it have to do with anything?

If you dont like the FOV, change it. Its only marginally relevant to FPS anyway.

Take your time and recover, wwew won't leave ya bud and I look forward on play with or against you

if you're making a config to recommend to people who don't know enough to make one themselves, you shouldn't do stupid shit like that. especially if it doesn't matter.

Tech illiterate scum should not be allowed to play anyway.

So how are we going to kill this Galaxy?


Then what's the point of posting potato configs?


by not detonating c4 prematurely on allahu akbar mossie you put the payload on

Are the servers down?


Possibly because of new game update:
Allahu akbar flashes just got a whole lot more fun :^)


Who was asking for this?
When is VS going to bitch about this?

I like the idea of optics on pistols, some TR pistols have shitty ironsights. Though the usual application for them is hipfire anyway.


Granted I only use the pistol when I'm out of ammo. I'm just slightly upset because I'm running on shoestring certs.


I always use an IR scope with my slug shotgun anyways.
It's maximum comfiness + absurd accuracy.



Do you think we euros will be unable to play on NA when the wall is built ?

New loading screens boys.

If you're A. Wyatt Mann, you'll be fine.


im hard

What's to stop somebody from entirely walling up a road and topping it off with a skyshield then? Unless the repair module takes cortium to run, you could entirely block off an entire path with no way to take it down.

yeah same thing i'm thinking especially if you build your silo special so that theres a crack you can dump cortium into but a tank shell couldn't fit.

We did that one time. Someone built a great wall near the bridge in the north of Esamir. Their tanks were shelling us constantly but we held it for about an hour.
Biggest cert grind I've had the fortune of witnessing.

The point is that you need to research that shit to find out its even a problem.

It hurts to live.

Funny, I can't wwew on planetside universe website. All I got is that wwewslayer outfit w3ww

It's still there on the official website, so we didn't get shoah'd quite yet.

Found wwew, lads.

Thats not it m8, and its wwew, not weew

oh well might as well go be a good goyim and get a monthly membership-



Are you ready to autism, Holla Forums?
Are you really ready?
Do you understand the memes this will provide?
Cliff sundies, airborn harassers, nigger bases behind enemy lines constantly being reinforced, wwew banners at every engagement, bases with harasser sorties, and more memes I can't even dream of


you need like bazillion cert just to get the basic things.

Can anyone help me? after downloading the update, the game keep flashing green square on my screen and stop working when try to log in.

that's what you get. Now kill yourself.


I'm gonna do something productive until they fix their shit.

wait 3-4 hours for them to release a hotfix or for everyone to finish logging in and it might start working again

i thought i got shoa'd for playing moonman


Looks like I'll just fuck with this Genesis then.

Disconnected again REEEEEEE


did you search spicy spokes serf slayers instead of WWEW at any point

Why not just go play other games

so, tell me again how to set up for battlebarding?

actually read threads, the question was answered by me alone 5 times, even the script and repeater issues


Reminder to spam it in proximity chat and not outfit chat unless it's appropriate like when we have everyone in a few galaxies travelling across the map and someone requests something.

ONLY 9.99* GOY, DONT YOU WANT TO help keep this level of quality of service

You goyim know if you buy daybreak cash we'll fix the server right?


except you can't
I tried three times to buy daybreak cash and it fuckin crashed on me. It's punishing me for wanting to be a good goyim

the digital shoah

You cant buy in game. Try the website

t. Goyim

Should have been a better goyim.

This is probably some classic but I'm curious as to the source of that webm, it feels really familiar…

Oh works just fine my dear gentile, we will charge you for those 3 attempts, but no guarantees on actually getting your good goy points

we should micspam these guys

Added to my future battlebarding playlist

If we're suggesting shit, got a whole trove of unexplainable Balkan music.


Yeah, dump me some good shit to play next time i log in






That's absolutely the wrong video, and I'm a dipshit.

its alright even god makes mistakes


Is that Alexander Pistoletov?


Kocayine (channel owner) has a library full of balkan war music, check it out.

pajeet here, please dont play any of these, this "turbofolk" "music" makes me enraged



So it works, the line 1 bar goes up an all shit good, but i get this woman voice saying "trial" every 5 seconds, is that the repeater issue? i went back to threads from early june and still found no fix

the "unexplained balkan music" that is

You need atleast one hardbass or it won't be complete

I know what turbofolk is, pajeet, I'm just hoping you'll go away.

so you like huemusic?


you dont want me to double you up and start singing along. You all do know what happens when i cave in and start using platoon chat

that kid who first appears at 1:18 is an adult and ruined for life now



Wrel apparently…

My body is ready, Haman-chan!

Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk I or II.
Because yes, even Japan got sick of how depressing UC Gundam can be.


servers when?

any moar suggestions for battleb?

if we wantpeople to get buttmad play justin bieber or some shit


We want people to get mad, but not mad enough they actually feel a greater desire to find the mute function than to bitch.


double niggers

No idea. I haven't used that at all, just saved it from an old thread in case I wanted to try battlebarding sometime.



you downloaded the trial version, that is why there is a voice that says "trial" its virtual cable issue, repeater is fine


Are the servers stable now?


I'd like some breakcore to show up at some point, but I doubt you'd be able to find a situation where it'd work.

in the mean while lets post more music for our battle bards

Why would you do this to me


Do what?

this is a gud game


honestly if you guys don't already have this kinda shit then you're pretty shit tier battle bards

like really now

how about this at ear rape volume?

Goddamnit anons

like seriously now

I bet you don't even suck dicks


That's what you get for not saving up your good goy points

You're not going meme enough
I actually like how mellow vwave is so I'm conflicted


don't forget some edge

is it bad that i actually like linkin park?

I hate how I actually like this meme genre.

are you 16?

either way my answer is this

Why don't you try now?
We're all on

fug, how could I forget this. BARD

Breaking the Habit was pretty neat. I liked the animated music video.

>growing hair to sell it my hair is fabulous nigga

just a child ruined by starting to browse 4chan after seeing the exploding van at age 11


no or "no"?



you could say she's cute

the music is the only good thing about the matrix squeals

kill me

this version of it aint me is kind of weird but it's cool too

I obviously wasn't reciting the whole thing famberghini


something for the prideful

Rip Origa ;_;7

xXx_sephorous_da_demon_kilerz_xXx theme




Why not just blast Initial D?
Here's a directory with most if not all songs

know what I want?

in game speakers on vehicles that allow you to play your music through them


come on guys stop bullying the heal slut.

Maybe he should be a repair slut like me and not get bullied or else someone loses those nanites.

Guess I wont be healing engies then

we need healsluts as much as we do repairsluts
t. a fellow engineer

while we wait some cool stuff


Guess I wont be dropping ammo to medics :^)

What we need is the ones who actually roll to do their job.

Can't stop me from getting your ammo, turretboy

Thanks, user, already had 31 songs from Initial D but more never hurts

fuck this phone

I try to heal when I can, but people at 30% life keep running to the fight and dying. It only takes ~5 seconds to heal you to full health, just sit still.
t. 85% playtime as medic

Just watch me

fuck you and your kind

Oh I will

I can't wait.

Servers need to come back up, collective autism overloading the thread

mom dad please stop fighting

I don't actually do that, i enjoy servicing the many. I do use the active for the purpose I stated though because there's never enough simultaneously injured people around to warrant it usually

I never really healed anyone with active because teammates either are at full hp, dead, or it's just a single bloke

well you use it when rushing a point with others

Modules drain your silo reserves at a constant rate. If you can't get an ANT in, it won't last forever. Still annoying if you stick a HIVE in it but you can at least siege it. Also it's technically not impossible to get in the base if it has a sky shield, it's just that you have to work fast to destroy modules before you burn to death. C4 fairies could quickly destroy repair modules.

so i went to play some other games only to return to a thread blowing up because of a metric tonne of pure unfiltered autism

You're next if you don't stop with that shit

this, medics are badass but i'm still a repairslut

piccolos who don't use shield regen instantly are gay, too

The NCJews must be behind this.

Don't watch. Come to onii-chan's room, I'll make you feel better.

t. gunnernacho

The burgs are so fat that they're blocking the entrance to the server

you fucking wot?

NC are good goyim. The only space Jews here are NS.

of course nacho-kun


But it's exactly what you would say to your loli sister, wouldn't you?

absolutely not.
that'd never work


You'd offer to brush her teeth.

While we wait for the servers to unlock lets remind ourselves that the Terran Republic is the best faction and the one hope for humanity in these dark times.

its that or holding hands with her


Fixed the image to fit context

this is fuckin good

I like it.


Thanks. Still not gonna heal you

Still not going to give you ammo.



They're forward thinking for stealing someone else's work to benefit themselves and violently attacking others instead of wanting to bring up those who need help the most.


A Battlebard should play this while we defend The Crown.

Some more battlebard music while we wait for the servers to unfuck themselves.

Messed around a bit more with the decal. I don't really know what else to do with it.
What do you lads think?

I'd use it.

clipboard art tier

it's a wagon wheel pajeet


Designated wagon wheel.

You want clipboard art tier? Here's the first iteration.

to give a more helpful opinion I think the perspective is too flat

make it seem like it's about to run over some tranu scum and it would be 50 times better


You're right, I'll try something with perspective when I get the time. I can see the wheel rolling over the VS logo or one of their helmets.
The second image was the first 'sketch' I did. I wasn't seriously suggesting it.


Any way you can superimpose a faded version the face from , not the whole thing just the eyes & mouth?

we could even do some promotional videos where a TR harasser blows up but one of the wheels comes off ablazing into a tranu then

what is with the world and their fixation to fiery tires

people love to burn rubber?

also I totally forgot, it's missing one rather important thing

in the center the infinity symbol

I can do an alternate version to see how it looks when I get to redoing the decal.

I thought the tie to Holla Forums was the 8 spokes.

that isn't very obvious that but then again

I mean, I can't make the decal too busy or you can't tell what's going on. A wheel with 8 spokes, fire, having it roll over a VS Logo/Helmet and also have Gondolas face and/or an infinity sign in there somewhere. It's a bit much.

it doesn't have to be running over tranu

My point stands. The best logos are usually pretty simple.

What a bunch of clowns, the NC.

I agree. If it's simple it's easier to remember, and if it's easy to remember then it will cause even more asshurt.

I personally think we should just use the gondola one if we're trying to get a decal ingame.

I honestly don't like the gondola one since it's some meme shit that doesn't really have longevity or will attract underage cunts

Yeah, actually, now that I think about it, gondola is still pure and normalfag safe. It wouldn't be right to do this.

It's not really, my normalfag friend knows about it. It's about on the same level as vaporwave.

Well, it's at least somewhat obscure, it hasn't become "the weird long legged sad brown thing is so cute XDDDDDDD" tier.

My biggest gripe with these pictures is that, barring the TR with NC prisoner one, there's always some dissonance in everyone's actions. Some are marching forward, some are standing around, and others are just goofing around.

Did daybreak say how long the servers will be down? I need my healslutting fix asap.

it probably is and we just don't know it yet

I had a friend of mine say "do you guys know about that meme with the gondola doing nothing but with music the image doesn't have to be moving or not"



I've seen normalfags call it pedobear.

So, Debating starting a new character before the flare gun goes away and being an infilshitter that just battlebards/leads platoons and transports.

I want a character that has a 0 kdr just to show that it can be done and to have fun.

Thoughts? I'd need a good battlebard playlist and setup though.




Server is down, story time

Fuck you for sending us to a suicide mission. Next time scout the hive first

Custom eblems when?


I wouldn't enjoy a useless teammate, even if you enjoy yourself.

T-thanks daybreak.

Found a program like Virtual Audio Cable but it doesn't cost money. I'm using it now and it's bretty good so I'm assembling a micspam playlist. Hopefully it won't poz my computer.


don't try and use the cash shop, it'll crash your game

if that doesn't turn out well for ya try Krita, it's freeware open source and it's a better paint tool sai

oh wait nvm wrong kinda program


Once we all reach BR100, we should cert into battle ants. Max out cortium tanks and C-shield and charge into battle.

Also, the c-shield is basically the better version of the vanguard shield.


Almost naked*

What server do you guys play?

i have 7-8 bro's i play games with who made a clan some time ago.

Hope we can help you guys out from time to time

I love getting accused of shit I didn't do.

I'm so sorry that I'm this retarded.

I've personally set enemies to red and friendlies to green.

holy shit

Not only are we a 24-man zergfit, we also have alts for every faction. You can never escape [wwew].


you glorious faggots

why would you want to give these people money





Holy shit, that's a thing now?


Loyalty until death
Strength in unity


I just want a flare gun. Thats all I want.

The purest misoginy ever refined in Auraxis.

Needs the wwew gondo

I hope it stays capped while I'm out.

WWEW, the gamergaters of PS2. Worse than hittler and ISIS combined.

quell either way me and a bro fighting on EU cobalt right now



Anyone wanna shit it up?

link faggot?

New patch notes lads.

The reddit post says August 6th, but I distinctly remember someone advertising it yesterday, while we were taking that biolab.

sounds like the real game

Welp. I think I have this guy in my steam friendslist. And boy oh boy is he a gigantic faggot, really shows you what kind of people play Tranu.

glorious, thank you salt watch user

we have failed the republic

you have to go back


rip in pieces

Just means we'll have to last 7h 11m next time.

Mine him for salt.

One wwew is worth ten tranu niggers.


finally the phoenix is not useless anymore

brb making scythes and mossies crash by firing phoenixes near them


Making new thread.

Shitty attempt at OC

This is for you Waifu, I'll make some other ones but couldnt find many pictures I liked.


top tier waifu, a man of fine taste

And they had to construct fuck huge bases on 3 sides of the Crown to keep us from retaking C and the base behind it

kek that too, the constant stream of vanu on the jump pads was nice. at some point people other than me started placing down spitfire turrets and they'd get blasted as soon as they came in automatically.