>conditioning children


wew lads

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you have to go back


p e r f e c t l y
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you have to go back


You cannot make this shit up

Yes, yes! You don't want to be a bigot, right? It's transphobic not to have hormone therapy on children.

Everything is conditioning children, that's not the problem. Transgender and transsex are to be opposed for different reasons, they either take gender waaay too seriously ("waaah, I feel like a man, I feel like a woman, my body has to match my indoctrinated feelings"), or they want to destroy all alterity and subtlety of sex.

Not this shit again

Just raise your kids in a normal gender neutral way for fucks sake and let them wear and act like whatever gender role they want.

Also dont chop off bit of your kids and molest them.

Wow, what an interesting website. I'm sure this article will present all its points in an unbias perspective :^)

Thats a red flag right there and might indicate further problems with the mother and the relationship with her son, if you knew jack shit about family law proceedings.

What, a lower ranking judge? Just say what district it was held in…if this case was actually real. I wonder why she doesn't link us to the court documents.

Apparently girls can't like spongebob

Or superheroes, or Power Rangers, or, you know, literally ANYTHING that girls have had an interest in since fucking forever.

Hey OP, gonna link us to articles that contradict this Breitbart one where everything turned out fine or nah?

They don't give hormones to children you slobbering retard. The most they'll do is delay puberty until the children sort their gender shit out, and even that is pretty rare.

take your meds shillcen

It's still incredibly fucked up. Delaying puberty is not healthy, and the drugs used to do it are suspected of causing cancer.

Did I take a wrong turn onto Holla Forums street


Moving the goalposts after it turns out you were wrong

But ultimately the best solution for trans kids still figuring things out

Look at Jill Stein over here.


Your sexuality is about who you want to fuck, transsexual is if you want to have a ding or a dong.


Why not both?

I'm trans myself and even I don't support this
entirely because it will make their lives worth living and fix 99% of their problems, and I hate them and want them to suffer just as much as I do

I'm briana wu and I want Holla Forumsyps in my shriveled penis hole

Why would anyone be stupid enough to defend SJW's forcing fucking children to be transgendered?

Isn't it alarming how eager they are to declare 6 year olds or even 10 year olds the opposite gender, then force them to take drugs and prevent them from undergoing a natural puberty?

So SJW's hate the idea that a small boy was born male and they are trying to normalize transgendered people, with mutilated genitals.


because muh spooks, that's why


It's even more alarming how there's this drive for perfection, for being perfectly identical with oneself (sex exchange steams from that), etc. This mentality can already be seen in practice of genetics where any "inefficient" genes in relation to the system are eliminated (people look for reproductive partners that will produce kids with good "biocapital").

having fun playing with yourself?


i'm joseph stalin and i love revisionists and kulaks

my post is far from unbelievable

What, why?

When are they doing that? If this Breitbart can be trusted kek then at most we have an abusive mother going apeshit during a family court spate.

Not really, I find it more alarming that we still put 12 years old in pray the gay away camps where they give them drugs and subject them to psychological conditioning techniques that were outdated in the 50's. Whats worse, letting the kid sort out their gender by delaying puberty for a few years or letting them suffer complex psychological problems as a result of how they should be? which we are going to do anyway because we live under capitalism

Hello pol, i'm not sure if you are away but most trannies don't change their bits.

Why is this on Holla Forums? I thought only rightwingers were obsessed with trannies.

what exactly is the lefty position on things like trannies, gays, drugs, etc.

I don't care, it's not very important and not worth dignifying with an opinion.

I'll leave it to the right to whine and obsess about.

so basically status quo then?

Nice of you to throw drugs in there as though they're on the same equivalence.

This thread was about trannies and I'm going to stick to my original response, it's a right wing topic, they'll need to find closure on their own.

there was never such an implication

no stance = support for status quo

i'm just asking a question

Yes you did:

It's implicit

But anyway blow it out your ass, I don't care about your pet issues.

It's like asking me what my opinion on the 4th Ecumenical Council is and then claiming I have a position on the matter when I tell you I don't fucking care.

By using the word gender you're playing into their ideology. There is only biological sex, and stereotypes of biological sexes. Gender is a noun's class, that is all.

Giving them the word gender allows the Gender Theorist to pull the "Sex != gender" card, without ever explaining what gender is.

yikes bruh

And yet its only been the last 2 or so years that its apparently been so fucking common

Someone needs to fix this

It's already been made but I can't find it.

You're not triggered enough by the fact trannies exist.

Why are SJWs so disgusting at all times? It's like you """"""people"""""" are walking mongrels, sowing hatred of humanity wherever you go.

So do you think that a substantial amount of the population are transgendered?
Or is it the new lifestyle identity bullshit that's inflating who is actually transgendered with idiots who can't accept they were born the correct gender?

Spooky thread

Come on fam, "delaying puberty is not healthy" is not a scientific surmise of how this is affecting the child.

Pic related


the shitposting ITT is entertaining

So this kids mother was a fag enabler?

Yes, just like your mother and father.

Why does a kid go from being trans to being straight? Was the mother pushing gay shit on the kid or did the dad beat gay shit out of the kid?

I don't think sexuality is a choice. I think it is genetic. But this suggests that sexuality/gender expression is malleable, at least in formative years. Which raises moral questions about a parents role.

Just to be clear, I think this kid would have ended up the same regardless of who parent was and which way they pushed. I don't think we can say yet which way this one lands, but I DO think that pushing a kid against their nature into a sexuality that is not true to themselves will cause lasting damage.

I was just messing with you, I think hormone suppressants are probably the right way to go. Some people are fucking crazy and shouldn't be trusted in a room by themselves let alone raising a child, but I don't think it's smart to base decisions on these people. I think we're at one of those rare moments we're faced with something new, mostly because of the information age. But this information makes it harder to make the right decision, because as always there are people so sure they're in the right they'll lie and manipulate for their "side". But never before have they been able to do this so easily.

You make a really good point with who is influencing who. I think it would be a lot clearer with why she was denying the father access. Is it because she's a crazy manipulative bitch? Or is the father homophobic at best?

But yeah, hormone suppressants until the kid is in a better position to decide and we have gone long enough down the path to know where it takes us. Until then just try and damage the least amount of people as possible.


It's funny, actually. Sex never got freed of its male-female sense. It is in fact the word gender that got co-opted.

Gender originally meant something like 'class' or category, while sex was used for the male-female distinction. Sex as in sexual intercourse is first attested in 1929

The latter
I think its as common as its ever been, but now a bunch of parents who are mentally ill (and I don't mean that in a disparaging way) are pushing shit on their kids. Its called Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

pic related



Tbh if anything this story kinda confirms the whole model of gender as a social construct. The article doesn't seem to consider the possibility that the change in environment is what caused the change of interests. If that were the case it would mean that gender is malleable and determined by upbringing and socialization.

I'm pretty sure it's a masculine noun.

Why do these people try so hard to be Muslim or Christian? I don't understand, is it' a fashionable thing to be a religious LGBT person now?

Allah has no sex.

Allah is refered to as a male because he fucked nothing and busted a big bang into it.

TL:DR acting as the opposite sex doesn't make you so, unless you may share some of it's biology, and even then the surgeries aren't perfected.