First Decree of the People's Assembly: all Holla Forumsyps must watch commies fuck their wives/GFs. Black comrades are prioritized as bulls in order to produce extra Holla Forums tears.
I'm not putting my dick in anything that would fuck your average Holla Forumsyp
take your cuck bull fetish somewhere else you fucking tard
As expected.
It might surprise you to know that not all white people are Holla Forumsyps
Nothing that gets me up in the morning more than conspiring with the globalist Jewish cabal to destroy the white race and implement the Capitalist-Communist cabal.
Why would I want to fuck the semen stained pillow of a 14-20 year old autist?
you Holla Forums folks are behind the curve
Lefties literally getting cucked out of existence.
Only because they're the only heterosexuals left in your "movement" into the grave, childless
In b4 now everybody on leftypol is a patriarch with 6+ children to prove me wrong
Nice try Holla Forumsyp
Its about quality not quantity.
What should we do to any female Holla Forumsster?
I think we should build rape gulags where they're tied down (with their faces covered, of course) 23 hours a day so they can perform forced sex labour for the people. Brothels would become obsolete.
just hang them if they continue to be reactionary
Sexual humiliation? Rape? Comrades, are you really so lacking in creativity?
Take your bullshit somewhere else
It's not rape if they enjoy it.
*upvote* epic xD