
19 confirmed dead at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester

Is there any question it was a muslim?

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/watch?v=WSNhpZNM7sU&ytbChannel=Erick M

Holly shit it's true.

Their sacrifice to the blood gods will not be in vein. God bless yous.

Meh need a few more nukes before I start caring.

Stickied thread is almost full, don't delete this one you dumb ass hotpocket

So what do we know about the ones who did it?

we may never know the attacker's true motives

I'm thinking "The Dangerous Woman Tour" wasn't the best choice of names. Or maybe it was.

I was glad to see reports of the people offering lodging to the people stranded by the metro/rail system being shut down. Feels good, that.

Take a guess

awwww == FUCK ==

Initial (((damage control))) claimed it was a speaker or balloon exploding, (((NBC Jews))) reports it was a suicide bomber or a backpack bomb.

I'm not sure famalam.


What the fuck


I wonder how long it's going to take before the false flaggers start coming out of the wood works. At this point I'm down to sending them to the gas chambers.


O fug I'm late for the happening, does the MSM version seem legit so far? Is this confirmed snackbar yet?

It's just a helium balloon that went off causing a stampede.


someone youtube guy who reviews food who's pretty popular got killed

twitter.com/ PerimeterHillel/status/866809961019564033

Just on Fox.
Paki gangs will be happy tonight

RIP lolis
May you go to kek's harem. Also, I can't wait for Ariana's next singles, "23 and Explosive", "Nailed tonight", "Blow out the Speaker" and "Bombshell"

Just a wild stab in the dark, but I'm guessing brown skin and named Omar or Mahmoud.


Nobody knows yet.




we know they:

Guys, aren't we being a little premature in blaming this on Islam. I mean, c'mon, let's wait for all the facts to come in.

Should I nuke their number with calls?

There's this, not sure if it's legit.



No, you should probably kill yourself.


Wonder what he meant by this.


thread theme.

Full of nails

lel we all damn well know a mudslime did it. This is the part where we shitpost until it's officially confirmed, and then shitpost harder.

Lmao there are pictures all over the net of fucking shrapnel and burns

Get fucked Labor shills

Do you have the full set of this pic?

According to my sources John Molesta was seen at the Holiday Inn.



Nah, anons are just fucking around.



you're right however what matters is any raids or ops. We can't act till we know enough to understand what's going on, otherwise we'll just be playing into the MSMs hands
£50 betting its a kebab

my fucking sides


jesus christ i cannot believe people listen to this shit

why does he wear the mask?

What's she calling her new album?

lmao bloody brilliant.


Even if it's religion of peace, most people will accept Islam in the UK with open arms. Nothing will ever change for the UK.



Ya fell for this one my nigga.

Salty. I like it.

Fucking kek

Almost certainly a straight white male. You know, because they're so hate filled.

Speak in a deep Paki accent and ask "how much for leetle girls".

19 Ariana Grande fans dead
fuck islam


is dis CONCERT THREAD 2 something something boogilo ?

Go back to halfchan.

So what am I supposed to see?


There are CCTVs everywhere, surely theres video evidence. Coulter's Law is in full effect right now.

Getting nailed - Live Concert DVD

Dude, that was some white kid, probably a cuckchanner. I hope you have bamboozle insurance.


her most recent album is called 'dangerous woman'


left of dog face

the jews what i win ?

she looks like Jaden Smith in that first one.



Goddam LARPing faggots
Gotta check my policy kek

There should be a site where you bet on terrorist attacks. Who the suspects are, where they'll hit, etc.


impressive digits

how long has this been reported. I thought this just broke.

Not bad yourself.

Now user, at a time like this you wouldnt want to piss off people would you?
We need to come together and start having facebook posts with the uk flag over our pics.
For as soon as a terror attack happens, moslesms get the blame, if they did or didnt bomb innocent civilians.

UK is not EU
This pic makes no sense

He's at it again.



Sorry, I only made the one shoop of Ebola-chan snuggled up inside a dead horse.

God that video is pure degenerate whoredom….

Guys stahp.

Still in the EU until 2019, unfortunately.

Well, I guess Kek approves of reviewbrah.

In pieces over it, really.

That's hot.

Got another then? Would love to add to the collection.

religion of peace confirmed soon surely


There would only be semite winners.

Really a fucking snapchat filter?

youtube.com/watch?v=WSNhpZNM7sU&ytbChannel=Erick M

dude plays some peris in manchester with news

well yes, they would have inside information.


19 Dead by suicide bomber.

Enjoy your cultural enrichment Britbongs.

LEFT OF DOGFACE you doublenigger.

Its simple: guess the race user.

Muhammed's Cum Dumpster, with the title track "Bang Bang There Goes Your Daughter".



Classic workplace violence.

She should sit on the floor and put her legs on her bag on the chair as a 'cushion'.



I guess you could say Trump nailed it with his speech on Islam.

Why are they using bcrypt to hide the ips- there are much more efficient ways to do it- just sha512 hash the fucking things or encrypt them.

sage in a sticky for off topic



Should've let him post more for maximum keks when the banhammer dropped


But disabling range bans enables so many more legitimate discussions!

Thanks, mods. Always a treat to remind shills that they're under constant observation.

Oh sorry I can't read, still don't know who is that.


There are about 5-10 just spamming almost every active thread right now. We need shit still readable right now for when we get more video. We need anons finding all media asap. There's been a cover up attempt.

Just part of living in a major city, infidels.

Disabling rangebans gives way more possibilities for vol/bo humor. Comical public ban messages and hilarious IP screencaps.

He sounds like Jackie 4Chan

I'll spoonfeed you somewhat only because of those digits.

Oh shit you're right. Wew.


possible twitter censoring, won't let me retweet or save



Even when the bomber is a mudslime, as "moderate" muslims secretly praise the attacks, Britons will still exclaim praise the mudslimes for good deeds such as free cab rides.

You britbongs need to rise up, but you won't because you're soft brained BBC consuming mongoloids and lazy armchair right-wingers who do nothing put post online while you're slumped in your chairs waiting for someone else to do what must truly be done, discipline yourselves and do what must be done or you're fucked.

because it was deleted

I don't think that's a real sandnigger. Sandniggers speaking sound like they're gargling on cock, with a lot of hard H sounds and sharp "sh" noises.


Sky Jews reporting a suicide bomber.


When will Bongs rise up and remove kebab?

Saw this discussion here at every attack happening.

Nothing will happen. No one cares.

Take care of yourself and stay out of cities.


How do US officials know?

No, they will cuck even harder

Gotta screencap 'em fast.

You gonna try to dox me, big boy?

Exactly this


Some songs from Ariana's discography:

original, it's a muzzie threat before the event

Didn't those eagles have similar songs?


That makes sense. Humor is one of Holla Forums's weapons.



It hurts to say but it's true for the most part. I'm not sure we'll have enough people ready when they start to openly slaughter us.

good job mudshits.


meant for


Wow! You've narrowed it down to 870,000 possible people! If it's not a VPN, you've practically shown us their doorstep! Such 1337 haX0r skillz!


They waited until the end of the concert. They must've like the haram music.

Which one of you beautiful bastards did this?

I'm starting to sympathize with the muslims.

Fuck these cucks and their prayfor/refugeeswelcome


First step is recognizing there's a problem.

odd, I got sargon of cuckad video recommended too


Is that the Negasonic Teenage Transman?



"People's Skin and Faces Were Everywhere … In My Hair" -



is this thing real?

kill yourself, please

Imagine your digital epitaph being a picture of you with dog ears and a snout.

Would it kill them to learn some fucking English.

they're back?

Get out of here, reddit.


Asked my wife, fairly normal, how she'd feel if 19 Muslims got killed tomorrow in the US and the killer made it clear it was retribution. She said she wouldn't feel bad. Islam couldn't have picked a better target for convincing mothers that SHITSKINS need to die.

10/10 for whoever- James Woods retweeted it

I must confess I'm enjoying his sissy slap fight with thunderf4g.



Not both of them. Dzhokhar's in prison.


or is he?

And deceased feces. Can't forget the shit my man

Why learn something that won't be around in a few years?

recommended videos don't mean you're subscribed to them, it's just jewtube's shitty system.

I really like reviewbrah and he's been having a hard time lately so I hope this doesn't negatively affect him

He is … but his two sisters? Anyone have tabs on Ailina and Bella Tsarnaev?


man i wish i was a handsome retired actor millionaire who could just sit around and shitpost on twitter all day about taboo shit and give 0 fucks about it.


BBC news

it's ok, he's missing because he's currently recording the review of the explosion

Holy lel they all look like massive faggots.

Rest in pieces


God fucking damnit, dogface is alive.

mfw bongs will never recognize there's a problem

Several of the portraits are random jewtubers. Retarded normalfags are still spreading that picture like wildfire though.


this is what happens when you can air things for nothing in any shithole of a nation. had this been released not even 20 years ago it would've been seen by not even a tenth of the amount of people.

Make sure you put a British flag on your facebook profiles, goys. That'll show them mudslimes!


That is a lot of face. It's a catcher's mitt with eyes.

This is a false flag attack to cover up the news of the DNC's assassination of Seth Rich that was due to be revealed tonight on Hanity.
Bullshit, these fuckers aren't even trying to hide it anymore. I bet this evil bitch was in on it the whole time.

confirmed bomber?

wait where did the explosion happen? We might get a decent footage since the braindead kids can't stop filming every second of their lives.

Get that image to James woods!


Everyone follows a script

We all know the protocol by now -


Spoiler that shit in the future please, fucking disgusting.
what you say about the bongs is kind of true though, at this rate Corbyn is going to win. It's not fun being British.


This sounds about right.


That skin color looks like shit

Are you seriously underestimating the USA intelligence apparatus?

Kek We just can't catch the bastard

if corbyn wins, britain will get nuked.

Is it possible for mystery-meat to coalburn? Isn't that more like a pile of trash fucking another pile of trash?

Shame, maybe that would have made normalfags want these fucking animals sent back.

Big Sean

Oh no the black manlet is going to steal your girl because he gets paid by jews to rhyme words.

Surprisingly I haven't been able to find much so far.

Oh shit! Robert Zdar … of course! Didn't know he had a daughter.


when you shit into an outhouse, can you tell which turd at the bottom is yours?

How can it be a race traitor when it has more ingredients than Heinz 57? It just needs to be sterilized.

Was thinking exactly this.

Bloody well hope so, better to go out in nuclear fire than beheaded by Muhammed.

Yep, this is redpilling my mom too.

holy fuckin shit

they wont show this in the media

funny how even google image search censors this shit immediately, at least over here in cuckmany (just click on 'all sizes' after reverse search - top kek).

rip in face

eyewitness said went off at the entrance. Video shows that it went off inside, near the door. Massive blast, though.



Spread it on twitter etc.


So much for moderate Mooslims


this thread is confusing. I don't know what to feel other than erect. One the one hand, sand niggers blew up, on the other hand, dumb leftist commie teenagers died and probably red pilled a few hundred in the process. And I get loli in this thread.

Honestly I'd prefer that to either starvation or being taken over.

Is Ariana Grande a Muslim?

More like Ariana Grande Explosión.

Dude no one fucking cares about this brainless trollop. her racial makeup is completely irrelevant to the matter of a terrorist attack at her whorefest of a concert

Yeah, I think there's a bit of censoring going on in the UK. There should be a fuckton of gore by now.

I believe Ms. Grande was the one who was advocating flag burning months ago.

Islam: You remember England when I said I'd enrich you last?

England: That's right Islam, you did!

Islam: I taquiyya'd.



Carlos- you can't hide.

Unsurprisingly an actress attempted to 'confirm' this as a false alarm earlier

"My husband and daughter were at AG gig at MEN and there was panic but someone came on stage and said no explosion, just a balloon." - Julie Hesmondhalgh

Remember that 'artists' are almost always on (((their))) side.

Something we must educate the ignorant on. Sick of seeing mystery meat like her and Kendall Jenner being labeled 'white'.

If you have a fake facebook account then spread the gore pics, I do it every now and then to show what's actually happening than a bunch of pixelated pixels.

doubt it. The neo-marxists and neo-liberals are so divorced from reality that they probably won't even think about it. Like I saw somebody get convinced of that identity shit. Going "yea if you say you're a panda we'll accept it." Like it was fairly light-hearted but all the same, does it ever occur to them that if you're claiming to be a fucking animal that you might be mentally unwell.

Is about the dead horse.

I bet ten zogbux she'll be on Twitter naxalting up a storm by the end of the night.

globalism is good they said, it'll save your racist white country they said=



She also said she hates America.

Yep … just a nail filled highly penetrative balloon of peace.

Anti American singer who is a fucking cunt gets her concert suicide squaded and 19 thots confirmed dead. I don't know how to feel about this one.

is the bloodstain on the background supposed to look like a bus or truck because haha-oly shit

even if they did they would take it as a complement because mental illnesses are fashionable now.

Front page of Aus news.

Well done to the genius who got this together so quickly.

disappointed that she's still breathing?


Bet the cunt can't wait to get back.

RIP in peace

whats the joke? dumbfag here :(
Normies retweet this kind of stuff all the time

even if she had nothing to do with it, we need to meme this. it is their mo.

YES. That faggot that turned Muslim could have finished the job today!

No one patrols our thots but us.

lurk more newfag.

Read the thread, young dubs, and all your questions will be answered.


She's Italian and puts on a heavy tan. Look at footage from her early days when she was fucking Dan Schneider at Nickelodeon.

The name is obviously meant to imply he's big in the pants because he's Black.


Well I guess depending on teenage girls to get some good images of the carnage is asking too much.

its her ex bf

Checked. Read the fucking thread.

gotcha the fast food review guy is in there? That is all?


U w0t?

Deep down, we can only hope she sees the light but I doubt it.

'Not All X Are Like That'

Camel-fuckers, in this case.

Yes, the fast food /ourguy/ is there.

She's not white. Stop trying to justify your lust for negros.

Not all x (Muslims) are like that. She'll be tweeting about how we can't be bad goyim and remove the threat because some towelheads are peaceful.

Fucking hell. Masons strike again.

Remember: so long as you're not seen as racist, that’s all that matters.

Cute ^.^

Reviewbrah is king



You might but I'd rather she take a permanent vacation.

Huh. Never seen that acronym.

Thanks for the vocab word.

"Terrorism has no religion, guys! C'mon! (Insert current year)." The same shit after San Bernardino.


Flip it and put it as a shadow/reflection underneath her and spread it.

and people say spics are dedicated workers.

Im 16 taking college level music theory and psychology classes with a GPA of 4.0 and an IQ of over 140 (I aced the professional test, so it could will be much higher) and I would appreciate it if you didn't make comments about my intelligence based on 4 words I said on Vola, because that's stupid.

This actually made me happy thanks user.

What the fuck. My post doesn't link your response at the top. Fucking laggy-ass site.

Is James Woods in on the joke at this point?

Spics are fucking lazy and look to get out of more work than white workers. Niggers are even worse and prairie niggers suck dickhole even more than nigger niggers

Not necessarily, but master stroke if he is.

New Zealand Herald is spreading it now

got any tips for the reflection? Using gimp tbh

Underage b&
Fuck outta here

Areas like the middle east which have no interest in anything but killing each other should be killed. Man woman and child and the earth salted. The mongols understood what to do with people who didn't bow to empire.

Snowniggers are the worst tho

my sides

in the video, the dumb idiot says 'fucking armed police man'. What the fuck was he expecting? A

I do.

the only way to break the war cycle is to literally go full kill all the men and men children and take the women, then burn the land, but were civilized now so we just let grudges build till its war time again

women give birth to the children of the victors

the women are broken and beaten, its how they made it work for all of history up untill the enlightenment

Use the overlay tool. Er … I can't describe it. Mind sharing the muzzie chick original?

I'm gonna use this as a pasta.

so, she's voting Trump 2020

If Grande's parents handed her to kikes who groomed her… isn't she a victim?

There is video of an announcer saying that. He had an American accent so I'll assume it was someone in AG's employ. He said nothing happened, everything is fine, no need to rush etc. Can't find it now but it's out there.

Ayy. Genuine question, will the concert goers get the ticket money back? The dumb degenerate whore should be punished somehow.

hard times makes strong men, strong men make peace time, peace time makes weak men, weak men make hard times

were in the beginning of the cycle again, another 30 years we may get to worldwide conflict or we end up in roman empire bread and circus times, either way we got internet, so well contune to be soft

a pasta worthy of God himself



Thanks. I'll see what I can do.

That last picture makes me hungry for a BBQ

Ah this pic takes me back

Whoever that is doesn't even have an Arabic accent.

Silly Goy Shekels are non-refundable.

England deserves it for being open to cultural enrichment and enabling Ariana Grande's fans who support a Viacom whore

Quick rundown?

Happened at the end of the show, no refunds goy.

her arms and legs were cut off


Clit was pierced before or after the procedure?

Footage when the bomb went off.


Ramadan bomb-athon 2017 starting 2 days early.

cartel murder.

my fucking sides user. wew.

BBC report declaring #notallmuslims in 3..2..1

A normal day in Mexico.


now i'm imagining this guy getting tossed from an explosion while leaving behind a cloud of glitter.




why do the cute grills have to be the craziest ones

Beat ya to it.


Pretty sure that was during the deadly assault truck attack

Someone have the pic of the guy fleeing the Times Square car shit? Shoop him in the crowd and see if anyone notices.

She also hates america and her own fans

Shit. That's better than I was doin'. Good job, user.

reminds me of a certain movie


now i'm imagining this guy bouncing off the grill of a truck while leaving behind a cloud of glitter.

half chan thread is fucking cancer.

dubs and I'll kill myself


Try rerollan

Leak taker!

typical behavior of darkie women to be honest. they're all psychopathic.



Fucks sake satan, calm down

Damn, son.



wew lad

so this was in the lobby?

These events will redpill Aryana Grande and turn her into a National Socialist.


Terrorism is part and parcel of living in a big city.

Get used to it, bigot!

remember his ID



map the colours of the background pic to the hijabi and reduce the quality to match the rest of the image

I guess they found the only place in Manchester not crawling with arabs and africans. A sad and inevitable consequence of multiculturalism.

Let us start the usual



i swear i've been to this location before in your pic

I'm so tired of it.


Eventually, leftists will start expressing contempt for the victims of such enrichments. They are clearly racist for being part of events which make right-wingers seem correct.

This is just a small price we must pay to live in the Modern Multicultural World


They shouldn't be listening to that type of music tbh

So now CNN is saying it was a suicide bomber and not a bomb left laying about. Only says "male" at this point.

Drug murder in honduras or venezuel IIRC.

I mostly mean that this pic may be as old as some of the people posting here.


best video so far, still waiting on a closer one though

All muslims out of Europe.
All jews out of Europe.

Europe for the Europeans.
It's that simple.

Really, the TRUE victims of this attack are the poor defenseless fighting age males that willingly invaded our countries for welfare.


Whyte Lone Wolf with mental illness, clearly not of the Religion of Peace, prepare your candles, and filtered facebook profile images, hold a vigil, and get ready to go on a peace march!

found it here

Twitter spread


It is the only way our children will ever be safe.


Totally a speaker blowing up

They haven't made up their minds yet.
It was in the lobby, it was outside, people got blown in through the doors, people had their lives saved by lines of stewards that wouldn't let them go past a point before the "bomb" went off. They couldn't rehearse it properly and all the witnesses with jewish names are contradicting each other.

It's like an episode of that show from the 90's where nobody knew what the fuck was going on. What was that again? Twin Peaks or something?


Too late




Ooooo. Even better for the narrative. Suicide Bombers happen "over there".

How many of the next generation just got redpilled in one night?

Satan told you to kill yourself faggot

The 'no' sounds fake.
No emotion.

brit police say 2 bombs.


inb4 Grande whips out a Religion of Peace statement before the bodies are cold.

Go to thereligionofpeaceDOTcom

Become an expert.



Damn it game is up. 10/10 though still.

Stop defaming audio equipment of peace, you bigot, or else they'll explode your face off in self defense


have you ever been near a bomb blast?
I was 15m from a nailbomb once. that left me like a stunned mullet. the people closer didn't do so well. The other time was a huge huge bomb. biggest in the UK. everything shook. There's no time for emotion. its just 'what the fuck' and intellectual analysis. emotion hits later.

I fully expect to see a lot of white british girls with their arms around some mudshit on twitter with the hash "notallmuslims" tomorrow morning.

hot off the presses


That's because it is bullshit.
The lines of ambulances were arriving in minutes according to one witness who claims he was blown into the lobby from outside.

Post any quotes you have.
Also any obviously misleading stuff.

Before this is all wiped away.




A lot of Northeners sound like that, their voice is permanently monotone.

That's what I get for taking my time.

She didn't let her memes be dreams.

Trips. Our western speakers aren't producing sound like they used to, we need to import more for our aging concert goers.

I'm so fucking sick of the "religion of peace". Imagine being such an inbred retard that you believe killing young girls at a pop concert will guarantee your spot in heaven.

I find it odd that it has been four hours now and no bodies, no blood, no smoke, no witness accounts, nothing. Despite the fact that there are cameras on every street corner we have no evidence. This could be another Sandy Hook type false flag with regard to how fake it is. Perfect timing too considering that the truth about Seth Rich was due to be revealed tonight. Convenient.


that's great

I'm betting on a full concert for 'peace' with her as the headline act; as (((their))) pets trot out to redirect attention from the global semite problem.

Like poetry.

the reflection looks better in this one

Tell those faggots this happened because there isn't enough "islamophobia"

Gong to a concert on a monday

Approx how many hours ago did this occur? I'm late checking in.


I say it's less a false flag and more a literal body harvest.

if you're not going to hate people for mass murder of innocent teenagers, when is it okay to hate people?

Northerners aren't flat, and they raise their voice a lot.
Also, several second delay between boom and no.
He probably knew about it, and then realised he was on his taxi microphone.


Best one so far. She still looks a little out of place but the reflection is spot on lad. Your digits prove it.

Look at the names and pictures. Notice something? Yeah! All female…


You want to live in a multicultural world, you're gonna deal with some multicultural conflicts. I can guarantee these kiddos loved multiculturalism and totally hate meany old Drumpf.

This shit won't stop until the majority of people, especially the younger generations, are done with multiculturalism.

whenever I see this image all I can think of is embed related

It's been about three hours but there are still happenings. Grab a seat.



American news doesn't stop because someone gets uppity in England.

Thanks m8.

Feels really bad man

Very nice. You overdid the blur just a touch on the hajji but the reflection and shadow are spot on.

youtube. com/watch?v=0s70gbdf4AY

They are always the loudest defenders of degeneracy after all.

He meant, "i am a filthy kike and i am laughing about dead goy children hehehe"

That's so fucking autistic.

alloha amarr

She would still be spreading this shit even if she was the victim of yet another muslim attack. Her next tweet will be how we whites are making muslims blow up so we need to stop.

Time to implement Argument 66.

checked for religion of peace


Pop diva fans are an egregiously overlooked source of untapped autism.

They were brainwashed to accept it. Far from love, it is an artificial response which some would have questioned and many more would now.

Mate just listen to a live stream of BBC or Sky Uk, It's 3 in the morning here and I need to go to bed, I only got up to see what the thread looked like and tell you all it's yet another fake zio attack.
They were advertising Twin Peaks with the tagline "it's happening again" and then the date 5/22 followed by "Virtual Reality is here" on Sky for the last month.
The last fake attack on the bridge was 3/22.
Time to wake up, and no I don't mean face to bloodshed unless it's zio freemasonic cabalists you want to do away with. And no I'm not an Ahmed and I wish they would fuck off home too.

A class act as always.

This shit will stop when we begin slaughtering Muslims. Government will never fix it or give us permission. Muslims get shit done, they don't wait for laws or future generations, that's why they're winning in our countries.


They would have used a white shooter so they could kill two birds with one stone.


His argument is shit though. He's all about muslims bombing us because they hate fun which is a retarded argument

what is it with the horrendous mom jeans i keep seeing in all of these pictures

What a class act Reviewbrah really is..

Thank you.


Shoo, shoo, the Molenjew


Good work anons



I am gonna go fucking nuclear, these people need to go with the rest.

Maybe so, still doesn't change the fact that they loved multiculturalism.

That's probably what's going to happen. RWDS are going to go in and start killing nonwhites and lefties.

t. Butthurt TRS fag

Confirmed retarded argument. Sandniggers bomb us because we're White and infidels.



That is fucking creepy.
Heaven's Gate much?

shit was cash, right?

The weak should fear the strong


Holy shit it's real.



They came up with that ribbon logo really fast

Degenerate youth meets (((muslim))) filth

TRS because I see through the Molenjew… okay then.


I want to protect that smile.

Why Ariana?

I heard her concerts were the bomb.

Zero rage, zero fucks given.

Checked back

how much you think the guy was paid to write these tweets for her?


Wow, that was lame. Usually you TRS shills are more lively and autistic.

Good goys remember that as bad as ISIS killing whites is at least they're helping to keep the Iranian/Shiite menace at bay in the sandbox which makes it all completely worth the CIA funding gotta break some eggs to make a spicy Arabian omolette knowhamsayn

I say old chap
what a queer experience

damn they must've called in the Navy seals


It's a happening year user

Same as usual.

Is that Mama Merkel's back, standing there watching calmly?

Give it a rest. I'm no more a shill than Moldy Jew is "one of us". The Right-Lite are idiots.

The kike reporter has been called out by MSM

news.com.au/ technology/online/social/freelance-journalist-david-leavitt-causes-outrage-with-insensitive-tweet-following-terror-attack/news-story/53cf8693d00564f0914b3bed1e2c7197

It's been happening since John Limey tell the Timey first uttered it's the Current Year.


Ramadan begins this week, so why not get a head start, right?

The most intolerable homicidal mudslimes understanding, giving, followers of islam made worse more pious by fasting & observance. What type of carnage peaceful events could we hope to enjoy?


none, thots are dumb asses, remember #notallmuslims user

You know, Mohammed and his kosher masters really haven't considered the ramifications of weeding out cucks.

what a bunch of dumb idiots. Going into a narrow space like an exit is probably the worst decision. If not a shooter, a stampede might get you killed or break your bones. What's the best strategy in such a scenario Holla Forums?

classy autism is best autism


AH HA HA HA HA HA HA, the Jew promoter lieing to them

I am watching American news right now, they are only talking about this. Seth rich fell off the fucking radar.

What video is that from?

I had almost forgotten. I can't wait for Trump's reaction to daily bombings across Europe.

I heard Andy Hardy is also missing.

Tennessee GOP posted this on Twitter, not sure where they found it but you can hear the explosion.

Probably none. Maybe later in their life, but as it is now, none.


Stay put. Especially if you're way up in the cheap seats. Just sit down, have a beverage, and make sure there aren't any odd packages nearby.

That might have saved lives. It's not uncommon for people to get trampled in situations like this.


Looks like the same venue.

Not enough.



Similar to how Reverend Roof stole the coverage from the TPP during Barry's tenure.

I smell a banner.

what is going on in this pic?

Also here we are having an election soon, the news all day here before this was how Corbyn ( the outsider but gaining ground and known pacifist) was refusing to condemn the IRA's bombing campaign.


It is, obviously, but I'm not sure where they found it, whether from a news source or if someone sent it to them.

it's pretty self-explanatory, user.


All attacks last year gave me this sense of deja vu.
But not this one.

Somethings different about this. I don't know why, but this felt completely unexpected.

You can really tell how many of those people were kids by their screams. They're all high pitched, like something you'd hear at school. They don't sound like the screams from other shootings.

When the year's done, someone should make a fake-bloody "2017 World Tour" with all the tour dates of the religion of peace on it.

Very accurate.

I see the Lord's hand at work here. Tonight the whole Ariane Nation must be in mourning.

Looks Jewish to me… maybe some mexicunt too.

you haven't been paying attention.

You didn't expect some mudslimes to snakbar? Fuck's wrong with you?


This one might actually be real. An actual person set off an actual bomb.

If you think about it, American media was placed in a tight spot between reporting on this and furthering the target on islamic terror in America or report on Seth Rich.


Really, I was waiting to see what they had planned, as I stated they were advertising it, in their special satanic way.

Please retweet her saying she wants all her fans to die. Let the chaos begin.


May's gov-net proposals might be met with less resistance now.

American media wasn't really reporting on Seth Rich anyway. Most of our media was focused on Trump's trip to the ME.


It's because it's a major celebrity event.

underrated dubs

Know what you mean, although in hindsight it was inevitable. Maybe because it's closer to home, for me, than the others it feels more real.

Probably, but this won't exactly work against trump.

only when it's a extreme right-wing white suprememist christian who hates fags and brown people.

he just needs a little push




Any other anons noticed how long it took before they reported on it as being a terrorist attack? Initially, it was just a 'serious incident'.

For fuck's sakes, how much more blatant can they be? Bomb at a concert? Yeah, probably an industrial accident. Better not call it 'terror'.

Honestly anons, I thought France would get the next snackbar before England.


Sounds like a fart

Not even about this tbh


BEAVERTHREAD echochmbers .

THIS IS WHY Pol IS FAILING LATELY nobody can have proper back and forth banter with out butt hurt getting the best of them

i was trying to keep the thread on talks of Islamic terrorism wile the thread turned into a racemixed pop star conspiracy to subvert the children thread

Wolfie Blackheart was and still is a cunt.

Countdown to the media requesting Trump comment from Israel

If you keep spamming this derailing shit i will ruin this board. You will never be able to discuss politics here again. Every topic I will ruin.

Fuck off, you fucking retarded autist


I know what you mean. Something doesn't feel right about this happening

Man imagine if the sandnigger who blew himself up had accomplices? Like they put bombs in the entrances and blew them as when they started exiting?

Or they had some guns ready to shoot them up? Oh man, would've set a new record.

Not enough impact. Only 19 dead instead of 50 . And maybe you finally dehumanize and face to bloodshed.

I expected that .
But not 19 kids in Manchester.

I hope he says, "If I had a daughter, she'd look like Grande."

yeah I know hey, this was just totally unexpected.

don't feel quite as bad for them now

the whore couldn't say "my thoughts are with the victims"? fucking fedora are worse than vegans.

Can't stand his face, though the worst is the

It was bound to happen sooner or later and didn't surprise me all that much. However, I feel it was planned rather recently to take media and normalfag attention from the controversy surrounding Seth Rich.

it'll be london next.

they'll destroy the shard or the eye or something.

big ben, probably.

Most of them are tween girls. Get a grip user.


she's also a feminist and a kike

This is all the establishment parties will react with. More restrictions on Natives. They will NEVER do anything to stop your children being raped and murdered. They want it, they feed on it.

a (((banker))) was telling a journalist (dave woods) to shut up about it

Also I cannot see a single officer in any of the videos. Unless they were plain clothed, it seems like they were absent for this concert.

she's brown, not orange.

Wew mein dude


Almost preplanned and premeditated

I came here tonight looking for one thing, but none of you have said it.
We have to get the word out, once this is confirmed to be a Muslim or Islamist attack, that now they're killing our daughters.

If the men of Europe can't be moved by that, then there is no hope. None.

Spread it on Twitter, Kikebook, and Reddit that the Muds are killing little girls.

I just saw a gay man on Tucker's show that admitted he's afraid to go out in public, not because he is gay, or ashamed, but because of the threat of a terror attack. He said that he looks for exits, and that he was 20-30 seconds from being in the middle of the blast tonight.

This is another chance to get everyone looking at what we know. And most importantly a chance to swing the youth our way. Remember that, at least in the US, generation z is the most conservative generation since the 1930s and 40s.

Let the kids know the truth!


Some good work going on in #Manchester

Paki Attacky

There are no men in Europe

Big Ben is destroyed

there have been female victims in every attack.

hell, remember cologne?

Wew, I hope this takes off


Laurie Penny is the scummiest; basically everything we despise. Typical Jewess and all round degenerate cunt.

It’s not about the body count at this stage; it’s about reminding people who is in charge. Islam can slaughter your daughters and still be praised in the media. They are savages but they are instructed by a higher IQ group.

Nah, all they have to do is whine that it offends them and the government will do the job for them.

The men of Europe weren't moved by mudslimes stealing their women, they gave them permission. They weren't moved by children being abducted and raped in the streets. What makes you think this will move them? Half of those girls are probably a different race than their father because of how fucking cucked they are. Europe is lost.

Agreed. As shitty as it sounds we cannot let this go unused, it is a valuable tool. Ask people when it'll end, make them realise that there is no end unless you make it end.

This is actually very likely considering that there was a stint of movies and games involving that kind of imagery in the last 5 or so years. Harry Potter, or one of the knockoffs, and Mass Effect 3 to name a few.


If a man can't protect his daughter, he might as well be dead.

Thank you so much for posting that. I only had the pic of her biting the organ and always wanted to see the rest. I hope I can find a qt Aryan gf to bathe in horse's entrails with some day.

It's because they're snackbars, user. Their IQ is just barely above room temperature. A team of 5 or so guys could cripple an entire city if they went after the largely unguarded infrastructure (electric plants, water treatment, highways, cell towers). You know, the shit that actually matters. But luckily for us, they're fucking idiots and just decided to chimp out at the nearest concert.

Sky News literally speculated that it was an electrical fault.

Didn't we already cross that bridge with Muzzie rape gangs?
Men of Europe (well, anyone is Europe) is beyond saving at this point.
Let them get bombed to extinction by their Muzzie pets tbh. Nothing of value will be lost.


He noticed it!!! He had people freak out and contact him!!! Fucking top kek!

But she survived? Muslims, can't you do anything right?

I hope they figure their shit out and absolutely cripple Londonistan or some shit, man that'd be funny as fuck.

I just remembered a strawman comic that leftists used to post whenever there was a shooting. This can be easily edited

except for, you know, all the pictures of blood.

You would think people would have a sense of shame every fucking time they do this and it keeps happening.

How often will this happen until civil war in Europe? I know that the men of Europe are cucked but there has gotta be a breaking point sometime.

The memes, jack

when they finally release the bomber's name, we need to archive his entire online footprint… contacts, pics, vids, everything

The men of britain didn't want to be called racist so they let pakis rape and traffic their daughters for years. I'm not sure what will get their hearts beating again, but this probably won't be it.

Unfortunately the European youth is more concerned with virtue signaling and white-guilt. They're all like the french, a bunch of Cheese-eating surrender monkeys

archive that tweet. when the reports start coming in that it was indeed a terrorist attack, he will delete it.

"Certain websites" indeed, lol.

((( )))

The Alt-Right thinks our video is real lol



I expect permit applications for butter knives to skyrocket tonight onward.


For some reason my gut says something's wrong. If dubs praise for anti-White false-flag.

So nothing and more nothing.

Either someone suddenly fights back and starts it or Europe dies. As no one has actually truly fought back, Europe looks like it will die.

Defeatist kike puppet.

that's because it wasn't a false flag. They didn't know what the fuck was going on

Things have been wrong for a while tbh


They'll never learn will they?

It'll start in France.

do you have the clip of stef admitting that he's learning to hate? I can't find it anywhere, and he took down the video from his channel that had it.

Mother of missing concert goer on CNN now.


Silly me, I forgot the follow up.

This was after it was already confirmed to be a terrorist attack by the way.




That's autistic.

Its almost been four fucking hours and all I've seen is the same few videos and some twitter posts.
What the fuck happened? Why isn't there more documentation? Why do none of the videos show any actual deaths? Were cell phones confiscated by the police? Why don't we already know the name of the goat fucker that did this?

This. We need to be primed and ready to go when they release his name.

Islam’s conquest is about forcing capitulation and it’s working worldwide. It is not a traditional conquest.

cologne. rotherham.

if the men of europe could be moved by the death and suffering of their women, they would have done something by now.

and if they can't be moved by the death and suffering of their women, they can't be moved by anything.

Since Britain decided to fight against their German brothers.

is review brah okay? this isn't funny niggers

wew lad

Is that so?

Maybe because pressure cooker bombs are cheap, all the components are easy to acquire in even the most cucked areas, and they are effective as all hell. That's just a guess though.
that's not discounting the fact that they are in the handbook though


yes why is tommy robinson blaming the dark aged religion for doing dark aged things.

Its like hes taking us back to the dark ages or something.


still missing.

Someone with a twatter account tell him that's actually the mudslimes

All these traitorous vermin love bringing up the IRA right now.

Speaking of France and all the le pen support coming from Americans. Are you forgetting that the French are our eternal enemies? They made deals with natives to raid new england colonies during the war. They have always trusted the brown hordes.

enjoy that enrichment bongs

the bomb seems to have happened in / outside a lobby, so if there's going to be any footage of the great kaboom it'll be from security cams … and they probably won't release those

Meanwhile, in the crab nebula, all is quiet

You're confusing jews and the tools of the jews, the police and politicians, with normal men.

Take a look at america, saturated by jews, attacking all of Israel's enemies for decade after decade.
Is that the american male.
Or is the american male letting his daughter be raped by negros.
There's a lot of that.

yea, I'm thinking Boston-type flash powder/pressure cooker bomb; maybe a smaller vessel, but in a much more confined space.


I refuse to let the birthplace of my ancestors and people be overrun by a sad excuse of a Mongol horde. Europeans conquered the world, and then told themselves that it was bad and damn near wiped themselves off the Earth in 2 world wars.

If Europe won't fight for itself, then we have to convince them to.

Shit's ridiculous.

Refer to my posts, derailing kike.

I wish I was there.
Frankly this world is an utter disappointment.

Sticky is almost full, come on mods.

thank you user.




so i sync the happening

this fucker is primed to explode

Finish your sticky before starting another bread.


LOL they still haven't found Sam Hyde knockin' heads.


good work. Any more vids of the center stage? I want to see how the degenerate whore reacts.


Good luck with that, you're deluding yourself if you think EU can be saved at this point. It's like trying to get Panda's to fuck to save them from extinction. EU is too cucked to care.




Nice double digits and triple vid. Can you actually see any HAPPENING in the bottom-left one, or is it just sound?

Fucking hell, I have such a boiling rage for these cunts

are you one of the ones from that new evil lair opened in Saudi?

Is there anyway I can grab this CNN interview with the poor Mother of her missing child? Is it archived somewhere?

Topkek, someone has to tell her that the murder suspect is on that list


Shit! Sam, Hide!


have a good sam pic i could post?

2 soon 2 furious

fuck off with the shoops

How much have you heard of the actual inhabitants of these places.
They are blocked out of the media, imprisoned if they speak about it on social media.

You faggots constantly claim people WANT this to happen, because you believe the kike media.
The same kike media that on another day you'll call fake news.
You stupid cunt.

The top left video doesn't belong. The bombing happened after the concert while people were leaving.



Pic related

if someone tries to imprison you for your speech, it is your job to kill that person.

there is no excuse for this.

You ALL know what time it is

nope it was the last song

yep my thoughts exactly.

I mean how did we end up here; men blowing up children with bombs because of some fairy tale they believe in says it's right

we deserve extinction if we don't fix this shit soon

Nope. Stage is clearly empty.

they deserve to be trolled to death
hashtag the shit out of them

I think it's a like false flag. Just read the book "By Way of Deception" about how the likes got Reagan to bomb Libya by tricking him into thinking Ghaddafi had bombed a nightclub in Wester Germany. We''ll soon hear that it was Hezbollah/Iran and that we HAVE to go to war with them.

Meanwhile. ISIS fucking gives out APOLOGIES when they accidentally fire on the kikes. And the lemmings here will accuse me of Saracenism, don't give a fuck. This is a setup by High Kikery. Watch how the Jews suddenly "discover
a link to Iran now/


the cops will likely confiscate everyone's cellphone for evidence. If they are returned they will be returned blank.


Where'd you hear that? Everything I've heard said it'd already finished.

Was this a false flag to distract from Seth Rich?


And spend forever in a cage full of Saracens whilst you are used as propaganda worldwide to promote the fact that white people were the evil ones all along?

I've been saving everything I see

Here you go. They don't even hide it anymore:


All the talking heads are saying this is a typical Sunni terrorist attack. They're not going to blame it on Iran.

I wouldnt say this was "massive"

it's suspicious how the ny times was so quick to label this a terror attack when usually they wait days and instead spread all kinds of flimsy possibilities like workplace violence etc. so why was it so important for the nytimes to let everyone know this one was officially terror? seems a little odd.

The lighting in the top left video doesn't match up. The upper left camera looks like a professional shot, which means it should be brighter than the cameraphone shot.
There's not a lightshow happening in the video where you hear the bomb go off.
And the audio of the music would've been audible in the cameraphone vid.
Top left vid didn't capture the happening.


sooney? shit? fuck em both

Ariana's new single Not All Muslims Get To Fuck Me Just You


I would partially agree, the amount of coverage is what really makes a terror attack a big one.

maga hat?

They are saving that one for when indictments start dropping.

That's what makes me think it is a False Flag to distract from Seth Rich and Kimdottcom. Not sure tho…

Is CNN hopping on the trump train??

It doesn't matter, they are all our enemies.

Did you do that in paint?

So remove kebab or death to all?
Not a hard decision to make.


nice transparency. now can you make them looking away from me?

Give them time to "examine the forensics." Recall mack in january the like at the Israeli embassy was scheming with LLAbout to take down one of Johnson's aides because he wasn't pro-kike enough? To quote Dr. Scheuer, "never put anything past the Israelis, including 9/11/."

new thread soon

bout 1 minute in GIMP

Possibly, but I think it is more likely that this is real and the kikes are simply using it to their advantage.

lol jews

I think it was the color he set on his Snipping Tool.

Or not…

That tragedy that keeps striking has a name, and it's probably Muhammed.

Ok now I'm convinced it's a false flag.


my source was

is an asshole

I don't consider Hezbollah an enemy of European Christendom, and no, not a Saracen. They used to run Dr. Pierce's broadcast text in the Hezbollah paper. They want to Jewish monkey off their back, and we want it off ours. Then maybe the world could have peace.


If we're to go extinct, let's take out every last muslim, jew and shitskin before it happens.

working on it

how do you fix it?

something is up! the nytimes was also quick to label this "terror" when usually they wait hours or even days…now cnn too? this is shit is phoney as fuck

no sides any moar.


but we won't go extinct if all the muslims, jews and shitskins are dead

At the height of Hannity bringing this to light and more happening, twitter melt downs, this bombing screams of a method of covering the seth rich issue up and attempting to distract and bury it.