The -"Anita was right" - Thread

Actually we are the minority of Gamers.
The majority of Gamers are actually shitheads who keeps supporting obviuse scam artist in the industry.

I know, it is hard to admit. Reality is a bitch


you going a long way user!

Ya dropped these?

your denial is strong and your echo chamber has a nice flokati.

Appreciate the context OP.


are you sleeping under a rock?

You can make fun of idiots and scamming fuckers without agreeing with another scammer, idiot.

The fuck am I loking at? How the hell does twitter work? Do I have to read from the bottom up? Where do I start?
What's the fucking context, OP? I know I sound like an old fuck but come on dude.

what you see is the live feed of the scam artist. The respond he gets from his 'Audience'.

top - new tweets
bottom - old tweets.

Who gives a fuck? I doubt anybody around here has fallen for Big Gaben's Skin Scam so everything going on with the gambling is irrelevant to us.

why should we give a fuck faggot?

I have no fucking idea what this thread is about.
why don't you kill yourself

as i said, we are just the minority. The large community is actually full with dickheads.

maybe anita was right.

go back to watching those femfreq epps you backed

Gamergate is pointless now. It was just the first indicators of the larger much more important cultural war now taking place.

I keep seeing this video being posted everywhere, is H3 shilling here or something?

it's just a bunch of eceleb horseshit. also
hang yourself

Not surprised anymore. The whole "gamer" identity went the same way of the "geek" and "nerd" ones. It's nothing but limp dicked faggots, tasteless drones and autistic 12 year olds.

he exposed two jewtubers as scam artist. It went viral with over 3M views. And yet, the userbase of these two shitlords are still supporting him.

I could say, they are all 12yo cooowadoodys sheeples but am i rly in the right position to call 10 millionen people that? It is actually a reflection of the cs community. 'Gamers'.

Goddamn twetter sucks so much. Keep your fucking youtube drama little child, I'm not going through that just to understand your autism.

half of his audience stands behind him, probably because they have only seen his damage control and didnt bother to check any further. everyone else thinks hes full of shit.
do some basic fucking factchecking you mongoloid.

Sounds like Anita was right



fuck off

is still a lot but i agree, more statistics would maybe help here. But i'm sure, not everyone is 12yo old on this planet.

There are 12 year olds posting here RIGHT NOW.

I know anons, it is hard to admit the reality.


Was anyone ever really doubting that Holla Forums didn't represent mainstream audiences?
I don't really see how that changes anything tbh. Unless you want to suggest we should roll over and just become normalfags.

The French Revolution was a mistake.


oh boy here comes religion argument #754 the pope is a fuckhead edition

Yeah, I don't give a shit about that.

…Anita was right.

What are you eve ntrying to say

But she wasn't. No one is buying sjw-tier games. People hate them.
No one really cares about representation in video games.
The most important division line between Holla Forums and normalfags is gameplay. Politics comes later really.

Pretty sure he is a bored redditor.

yeah sure, i will just go with listen&believe with what you said and not taking the reaction of the majority into consideration.



what are you even saying you fucking retard? also what does anita have to do with this?

wasn#t anita the one who said gamers are shit!? Well, they actually are.

any hobby or dedication with deep mechanics, a mastery or at least a simple understanding of its many complexites is ruined by mass culture. the masses commune with the masses. ideas are never furthered, only enforced until they are convictions.

which makes me wonder what makes Holla Forums different? maybe without idenity involved, renown is set on the backburner and the only real worth becomes the ideas communicated.

it's too bad that increase in population directly coincides with increase in shitposting.

eh to be fair it links to something exposing him

Honestly at this point the quality of content and discussion on RPGCodex is literally a thousand times better than this shithole.