Trump imposing 35% import tax on US companies who offshore

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It's actually pretty significant considering the federal tax on corporations is 35% as well, it's not much, but it's a start, and it's a hell of a lot better than whatever we can get out of hillary.

Trumpshills please fuck off. You are literally shilling for porky on a commie board. Stop.

Cool. How about a candidate that imposes a 100% tax on anything that was not made by a worker-owned industry?

This. Protectionism is not leftist, it's pro-local-porkies. Sometimes the working class could benefit from it, sometimes not, but the goal isn't to help the working class but to help porky.

True, but anything that hurts globalism helps us in the long run by making it harder for porkies to transcend nationality and be held accountable. It also helps empower local workers by discouraging outsourcing.

That's the key

Literally all this will do is make shit more expensive for consumers.

That's not how it works

When has it ever not worked like that?

Since ever, taxes on foreing products make things more expensive AND gives money to the state plus jobs to the people.

Last time I checked Trump's fortune was made on real estate, which isn't something anyone's manufacturing, let alone importing.

This is Holla Forums yet, when it comes to economy a lot of you sound more anarcho-capitalists than anyone else

Most anarchists are just frustrated tyrants.

They can't rule it, so they'll lash out at whoever does, and find a justification later.

Yeah? That's what I said.

Nationality is not an obstacle to them. It is a tool.

No wonder leftist movements collapse so easily and quickly. Y'all niggas are crazy.

And apparently you are incapable of understanding subtext.

35% is not the same as 100%

No, it'll give more money to Lockheed Martin plus jobs to more illegal immigrants.

Not enough money to make up for the huge loss of public expenditure under Trumpilini's plans, + any job gains will be for a pittance once the minimum wage is decreased, not to mention future job losses due to automation.

Go shill somewhere else you jack-booted freak.


That's completely unworkable in reality.
I love it when idiots here cheer for policies that cannot be implemented so you all masturbate to tankie fantasies.

Either you support Zizek in identifying a society's weak point, push for reasonably sounding reforms using the establishments rhetoric against it, causing the establishment to panic.

Or you can join anarchist teenagers with their shitty protests, throwing bricks at cafes, then masturbating on Reddit and Leftypol about how "revolutionary" your autism is.

It can be both. Weakening free trade laws strengthen the national state, which gives it more power to restrict the activities of cosmopolitan porkies. The ideology of nationalism certainly works in their favour much of the time, however globalism is in their interests, and nationalism has be potential to be an obstacle to globalism.

economic "nationalism" is certainly a major obstacle to neoliberalism

and you want to know why the oligarchs aren't supporting him