Other urls found in this thread:
why is Isaac Clark a feminist
Before anyone spergs out, he says it aftet killing a female character a certain number of times.
and how does that make it less retarded?
That makes it a little bit better, but not enough to stop people from sperging out.
dubs thread?
but that STILL doesn't make any damn sense
is it a joke about including women into warfare?
is it just simple pandering to get the SJW crowd?
is it a "joke" where the character is trying to make up for the act?
I don't fucking understand
The Marker made him lose his mind.
the joke is a shoddy attempt to both pander to the sjw crowd, AND simultaneously to the anti-sjw crowd; by screaming "Feminism is awesome!" after killing this female character a certain number of times, it's essentially the same thing as "I can hit a woman now, because equality!"
The SJWs get their feminism drop, and the anti-SJWs get to talk about hitting women.
everyone wins!
oh wait
Blunderborn dubs thread
now that's what i call shitposting
Reminder that we will never get a conclusion through 4
Stillborn meme
It seem like the developers were a little less cucked since one Burch was not in the game pro tip, it was the less manly one.
But, looking at the game, I wonder if it could work better as an FPS/Musou hybrid style. Since every character is different, it would fit the formula.
Why they had to create some characters I do like but not a great game…
do you have autism?
how do you not understand
only edgy virgins think being a feminist is a bad thing.
The only cringe in this thread is that there are people who don't think Feminism is awesome.
What is up with his fucking anatomy, holy fuck.
edgy virgin detected
What, do you want to do something about the latter part?
gb2 >>>/r9k loser
Do you really want call of dead space 4 though?
feminism is cancer and women are property :)
daily reminder western society has a sub zero birthrate and will be replaced by patriarchal societies like china, india and muslims where women are basically fuck toys with no rights (unless they are smart/rich/ruthless)
daily reminder feminists are exclusively low status women and all the hot babes know their place
i kind of wish it werent 60 dollarys ded game. super monday night combat was fun. i wonder if this would have been something if it werent 60 fucking dollars
All hot babes get treated like royalty in our society. Most women do. With equal legal rights, women have nothing to complain about, but our biological urge to protect women still lingers, which gives them extra power over society that has dangerous consequences.
Other societies will be bent over the same knee, they are all beginning to suffer the ills of western progress. As technology lifts physical constraints, more freedom will be allowed even in the more traditionalist cultures, and the worst expressions in humanity will be allowed to run rampant.
Other societies are just as gynocentric as the US is, just they have a stronger traditionalist bent, but don't believe the hype that traditionalism will last. Any group of people who taste freedom and abundance won't allow reversion from that even within strong cultures and facing dangerous ideologies.
do those hot babes put out for/obey guys who fawn over them, or guys who treat them like their property?
i restate: hot babes know their place 8/10 times unless they were molested/otherwise raised EXTREMELY poorly
Feminism brought us low birthrates.
Well now that Evolved is going F2P how long till Stillborne goes the same way?
Hot babes put out for HOT DUDES and people with money, status, resources. Betas get pussy too if they are rich, have status, or resources even if they also get cucked. Obviously dominate guys are the most attractive to women, but women also desire security, and a 100% dominate guy without money/status/resources isn't always going to get the hottest babes just because he's violent.
Alright, ask someone that has over 300 hours in the game anything.
I will answer everything honestly, I ain't no shill and will shit on the game if it's at fault in something.
Checked. I hope that soon user, I stopped playing one week ago because I refuse to wait more than fucking thirty minutes in Comp matchmaking, and I refuse to play on CASUAL matchmaking. It's not fun to obliterate everyone because they don't even know what aiming is.
I don't think so as the west is literally dying, succumbing to decades of cultural poisoning. Try to find a white country with a birth rate of 2.1 or higher. The people being brought in to replace us are violently opposed to feminism so as an ideology it will be gone within 200 years.
Are you the same user who bought it because your fiancee wanted to play something othet than TF2?
does anyone have a picture of the guy in the forums talking about how he likes battleborn because the female characters aren't "sexualized"
Why didn't you guys just get overwatch? at least that game has some nice butts
good dubs btw
Pretty sure it's the sort of "now I can shoot women like I shoot men. Yay equality!" sort of thing
Did you at least get it for cheap after it dropped in price for being a fucking failure?
And nice trips nigger.
I didnt want to give a single cent to Blizzard but I considered because of her, however, when she tried the game she said out loud
If we wanted porn, we can make our own or just watch something.
As I said before, I stopped playing one week ago till they re-vert this week (they announced they will) the changes they made on matchmaking. Same for her, however in an unrelated note, she's been playing lately Abe's Odysee and System Shock 2 she started playing games quite late, I'm trying to make her play good gems and she's enjoying it meanwhile I've been playing Torchlight 2 and Darkest Dungeon.
Oh user anon. Silly me, I bought it three times half price one week after release, a friend of mine wanted to play with us and got his copy for even less, which was painful in so little time
The game IS a failure thanks to the low playerbase, marketing was nonexistant and gearbox thought they could piggybank on Borderland's name alone and fight at the same time against Blizz instead of admitting defeat and releasing the game later with more content and cheaper. Not using as an excuse 60€ for having a singleplayer in a multiplayer main game.
Wait, does he say the line (only) after killing women? Because that would be quite funny, imagine the triggering.
Too bad nobody would find out, because nobody plays it.
I do, and yes he does.
I got him to say it in a match after killing Phoebe (a woman character) five times in a row if I remember correctly user.
It is for me, that's usually why I get hooked on mediocre multiplayer games. Because I'm so much better than the casuals who play it.
More quality writing from Anthony Burch, lord of Cuckhall, last of his name.
He wasn't on the game mate, not a lead writter.
Then this game is, currently, your thing. I can get 20-30 / 0 in a match without even trying and make them all ragequit.
However I do not find that fun, it's either you stomp hard or the opponents are a full premade with character's synergy to eliminate everything like this shit's a tournament or something and then you're 1vs5.
The first weeks were balanced and even against premades people knew how to aim and when to engage, nowadays it's either veterans that know their shit and are always on a premade to destroy everyone or people that got the game new cause lately its like 80% off on Key sites.
He did write for it, though. Just because he wasn't the lead writer doesn't mean his hand isn't in this game. He himself has said he wrote for it.
Did he? I didn't notice anything Burch related besides the annoying Ashley voicing Orendi. I do know that he is no longer from Gearbox and thus was not involved (or at least not mainly involved as you're implying, since I dont know about that shit) on the gayme.
I wonder if she will learn how to fucking act once, she only has two voices.
The game was in development before he left, I think.
Huh. Is that a real quote from Battleborn (or Overwatch, I don't care)?
Oh my, at least he wasn't the lead writer then.
I can tell you that it wasnt BL2-tier of writing, its far better but by no means great neither good.
It's a quote from a Battleborn character, Oscar Mike, when he kills a lot of times a female character.
How does the writing compare to the original Borderlands?
Israel :^)
I would say that the writing is like the original Borderlands.
Retarded with some unfunny jokes here and some surprisingly funny jokes there.
I mean, having a sociopath gentleman robot that sees everyone as hobos with lines of "Get a job! Get SEVERAL jobs!" its funny when you hear it in game, many lines are good.
Then you have retarded lines like "Target pacified. THAT MEANS KILLED, HAHAHA" or Donté tier "I'll get you motherfucker", keep in mind that the game for "extra fun" (I never liked it myself) it has beeping, making it even worse.
Why do I know where that pic is from?
Why have I read them multiple times?
more importantly, when it does will there will be an influx of porn?
Those character designs are among the worst I've ever seen outside of anime.
That sounds more like Borderlands 2 without the DLC's.
Borderlands 1 without the DLC's barely had any "lol so funny" dialogue (beyond Claptrap). It went full retard with the DLC's.
Borderlands 2 without the DLC's was an unholy mess of genuinely funny, utter cringe, mediocre bad jokes, proto-SJW virtue signalling and surprisingly decent lines.
The DLC's was more of the same, but made it worse with the inclusion of that god awful Mister Torgue character and those ridiculous seasonal dlcs.
The Pre-Sequel was where Burch had completely lost it and went Full McIntosh with the script. Also overdone australian accents anywhere and that kid character manages somehow to be even worse than Tiny Tina.
Checking these dubs.
Checking out my sides
Why does your gf have such a good taste even if she likes tf2
Blogpost for you user:
Her first vidya was Serious Sam and her favourite game is STALKER SoC.
That should tell you a lot of her taste, however, she doesn't know about titles or anything, so when her friends come over she tries any mainstream shit, but I discovered that at least one of her friends its a Holla Forumsirgin or seems like one, he's the one who exposed her to Serious Sam and Stalker.
When I came over it was my time to show her about good games, next step is Deus Ex and Grim Fandango since she's in love with point and click adventures.
With all of this said, she has a guilty pleasure of multiplayer games like Team Fortress 2, she has the "need" to kill people online and she "needs" it to be a shooter, since her aim is better than mine when she's playing a sniper rifle but way fucking worse if she's using any other weapon. That's why we came along Battleborn, so we could stop TF2 as our multiplayer PvP game also our Coop games are quite finished and it's really hard to find anything worth playing together
Maybe? I'm sorry but I only played BL2 with my girl once just to have something coop, worry not, it was pirate.
That first image doesn't make any sense. It's like these are all rough drafts.
I'm fine with an exaggerated caricature of a macho military dude but that just takes it way too far and looks completely retarded.
This game is so bad it doesn't even have any r34, like at all.
So this is why /a/ banned fartposting.
Everyone keeps posting this guy as an example of Battleborns shitty character design but he isn't even the worst design in the game
Now compare that to Waifuwatch character design and it should be crystal clear why one failed and is about to kill its company and why the other sold 15 million units and is still going.
I'll never understand how anyone thought the first one's penis neck was a good idea
I think he is supposed to be a humanoid bull.
Holy shit did they miss the mark.
But anyway I was specifically talking about his neck.
Why would the designers make it a human penis shaft?
Why would the people above his green light it?
Who thought this was a good idea?
Why did noone stop him?
I like the design of those three
Okay I hate the penguin, but I like the Mech he drives
When is Randy going to kill himself?
f2p when ?
I could say not soon enough so Gear Box doesn't get money from game sales but no doubt they'd toss in microtransactions and paywalls if there aren't any in there already.
I could also say hopefully never and wait for the game to die off entirely but then the lulzcow goes with it.
Also, anyone have the pictures of this first guy's horribly painted figure?
They already did that a week ago.
Ur 2 slow grandpa.
That's fucking cute user. Keep her, you got a keeper.
Whenever someone asks about bad character design, Attikus will be the first thing I think of.
To each his own, I guess.
Nice flag, faggot. gotta be special and stand out eh?
I like flags.
Good for you, newfriend :)
There are already microtransactions for cosmetics, even though, it's kinda bullshit.
Server needs to stay alive and requires money yadda yadda, but it's quite dumb to have in one month microtransactions when the game at full price is 60€ and then it's selling a season pass for another 20€ which doesnt include the cosmetics. They did this just to milk what was left of the playerbase because 2K is desperate.
If they want to maintain Battleborn alive, their next step is going free to play. They have been trying, for weeks, with different kinds of patches and hotfixes see what would work to get more players, and what they got was the opposite: players leaving.
Well, I personally dislike Mellka because it's a bland copy of Jack from Jack N Daxter with tits. Some designs are bad indeed, but those three are okay in my opinion, except for Toby, why the fuck it had to be a "cute" penguing? At least his voice lines are quite good, a shy unconfident guy saying things like "Sorry, please don't get mad" when killing or "I deserved that" when he dies.
Thanks man, it's what I'm trying to do. I thought I'd stop having relationship cause all women I met were either crazy or stupid, this one actually uses reason and admit when she's wrong if there is proof or she can notice that she was the one who fucked something up but this is both ways I guess, it's how our relationship works truth and communication.
Not liquid enough. Fartposting at most.
I can't tell what the fuck is going on with that crystal skele-man
is he doing a rip&tear pose?
His lower jaw is in front, his right arm is really big and in the picture you can't see the left cause it's cut.
It's suppossed to be an ice/crystal golem with disproportions. The heart or core is inside his mouth and thus he has a big jaw to protect it, besides of biting.
Feminism is a very generic word that describe a million of different movements that all want to have the same name.
But there are two significant ones:
Sex negative and sex positive feminisms.
Sex negs are the crazy awful screaming pitysexaudience that only do shit, and sex positives are the ones that were created when the sex negs tried to attack the pornographic industry and got dicked so hard they changed their minds.
The sex positive ones actually did several good advances and changes, but they did all they needed to do and went to sleep forever.
All that is left now are the sexnegs, squandering the rest of the goodwill the sexposi created to try to undo everything and force their lunacy.
Which means we need the porn to fix it again.
There is one kind of feminist: the kind that is a soulless wealthy sociopath who likes to cash in on fake controversy. All other self-proclaimed feminists are merely thralls of the rich shit head.
Wealth don't exactly define the level of insanity and man hating of a person.
You must have both to be one of those things.
Because Locon is god tier.
This is a guy, isn't it?
Nah, that's just posting a fetish. I wouldn't call that anything more than hot air.
nobody wins
what's so great about overwatch's character design
all of the characters and backstories are extremely generic
a lot of them can just be described as "like this other character but with ____" and usually it's "but with boobs"
They forgot what that word means after making borderlands 2.
Thats the thing, it isnt great, its simple and therefore likeable.
One primary color and simple not overdesigned look is what is so good and memorable about them even if the game happened to blow dicks.
Compare that to the battleborn shit posted here.
But the the flying rocketeer in Overwatch is a shitskin.
But i have to admit, Id masturbate on that armor and helmet
I think you just have a fetish for brown animals.
stop fucking birds
Ugh, it's 2016 and she's just mildly brown.
Ugh, it's 2016 and he's just mildly bird.
Maybe you are just bridtitsexual
Pick one and only one.
Shes and Egyptian, you retard.
As far as i know she´s based on Cleopatra and Cleopatra was fucking greek.
I just realized how fucking rad it would be if egyptians went full third reich, started romanticizing the ancient egyptian culture, drove out kebap while investing in technological progress. The new Eternal Egyptian Kingdom
Wow, what a racis. :^)
Are you a Greekfag? I'm almost certain you're a Europoor, or you're using one of Microsoft's virtual keyboards.
So instead of being shoehorned SJW garbage with no purpose, it's shoehorned SJW garbage with the veneer of a really shitty joke. What an improvement.
just like how alexander the great was macedonian right?
Feminism lets him kill her many times apparently. He likes that.
People seem to forget that the royal family of macedonia was considered greek even by the other greeks themselves. Otherwise they hardly would have been allowed to participate in the olympic games.
wew sure is summer
i should have put macedonian in quotes
Interpretation: in textbook definition, feminism is about gender equality. He gets to kill women without any moral implications, thus for him feminism is awesome.
Meta-interpretation: they knew it would generate buzz, giving the game more visibility.
The 1960s Speed Racer is the extent of my knowledge on Jap shit. I've purposefully avoided all of it.
Checked your dubs privilege.
I know just the special chick for you.
Why is she a bird? Would it be too disturbing without the fairytale-elements?
That's not how bird penises work.
I'm not sure of the why, but maybe you'd be interested in the how? You are perhaps, intrigued by her charms, and would like to know more about her?
Wow, you have shit taste. Read more doujins, faggot.
And they say that we have bad taste in music.
I think it's pretty clear, I took it to be purely a jab at women wanting "equality", but backing down when faced with the same danger and standards of men. I don't see how it could construed as pandering to the eternally triggered when it's not hard at all to twist the line to be against them.
I'm almost jealous
I haven't given up 3d entirely but I am very cautious about the whole thing and don't need it, since I'd rather play vidja and work out than do much else
Wish you guys goodluck user
Horray for communication
Excuse me, I would like to take this bait for a moment.
No one here except massive Holla Forumsacks thinks feminism is a bad thing, what we're annoyed about is this shit being shoved everywhere. Even with the context of the line being "I can hit women and men equally, yay feminism!" the fact they inserted it into the game is a utter mess of political involvement, which no one in their right mind wants to touch with a ten foot pole.
I get it. It's not funny, but I get it.
You're playing with fire, user.
C'mon now faggot
Kill yourself fam.
Really now?
Yeah sorry, I'm kind of a moderate and don't share the views with most of the board. I should've known I would've been pic related.
Thing is, Feminism on it's own isn't a bad thing. It's just the SJW clique that uses it as a weapon. Don't hate the tool, hate the user etc etc.
Good bait, could use a bit more edge. Insert something about diversity and fags too.
It seems like that some classes are too similar, and both companies had similar ideas, like, let's have rocket rocketeers, edgy male assassin, sultry female assassin, tech savvy lady, ninja thing…
I think Blattleborn just need a better art director. The cartoon-like idea could work really well, but not like they did. It was it's biggest problem in the end, since the rest wasn't worse than the competition.
Wew, he's going all out~!
C'mon, I was even baited and everything.
Genuine views here. No intentional bait.
Sorry to disappoint you all.
I really should think twice before posting honestly.
They are archetypes.
I suffered enough of Boredlands 2 to know that they had enemies called "Hyperion Hawks" or something and they were jetpacked dudes with rocket launchers.
Feminism is literally about giving equal meritocratic opportunities to all individuals despite gender. Though feminism doesn't technically reject the recognition of general gender differences. Thinking that tumblrite SJWs represent all of feminism is like thinking that all nationalist patriotism is as cynical and cruel as Holla Forumstards are, you misogynist cuck.
This guy has it right tbh fa-
Holy shit no.
You realise that a decent chuck of this site believes women shouldn't even be allowed to vote, right?
I'm not telling you to change your opinions, but you really should realise what kind of opinions people here have as well.
Shameful, they didn't even make his as sexy as Bastion.
Those bliz drawings looks pretty good for what it is though, something designed to appeal to mass audience, and can sell as a toy or higher end collectible.
Those Battleborn characters on the other hand, they need a lotta fixins. Lady swords-woman (is that a sword?) is the least terrible out of the bunch of pix there. French male future samurai is second. Then it slides down real fast. That robot thing looks like a urinal with a holographic slutty skull. Fan 'lady' looks like a french mime tranny. Mushroom monk ninja is, I dunno it feels wacky yet not wacky enough somehow. Half wacked.
Notice how this doesn't work for any other ideology?
They're Arabs. IIRC the closest thing to ancient Egyptians nowadays are the Copts.
People who live in modern Macedonia are Slavs. The kingdom of Macedonia was Greek.
That's egalitarianism. Feminism is "the advocacy of womens' rights" t. Oxford English. Not really necessary in the west since our laws don't favor women.
That's a exaggeration, I honestly doubt there are many people that believe this. Right?
Of course not, it's all just an act. In truth we all believe in diversity, equality and liberty and I'm gonna throw up
Check out what anons think about women on Holla Forums sometime, if anything I'm understanding it.
Driving women's rights doesn't have to be anything away from men. In a way, I wouldn't mind there being private organizations that handle "feminist" issues as long as they do it in reasonable and constructive way. There could even be an organization for men's rights to make sure it balances all out.
though it would still go to shitter, not because ideology, but because greed. People would perch into those organizations and start funneling resources for themselves by inventing excuses with problems that don't exist.
Really nigga? the developers fucking blew it, we know, this shit's old, and you can only laugh at dumb niggers so many times before you think to yourself, "Fuck these niggers, I've got more interesting things to do." There's intellectual discussion to be had, but instead you chose to pretend to laugh at one little game to feel like you're hanging out with your best buddies, guess what faggot, no one is legitemately laughing about this anymore, this shit is old and you're a fucking slowpoke. I bet you'll make another thread like this, but this time about Mighty No. 9. Guess what, shit ain't fresh anymore, and no one wants to smell shit that isn't fresh; no one but you. Faggot.
There's nothing really wrong with feminism as a concept honestly it's just the fucking retards who use it as an excuse to whine and indulge in self-pity about how "oppressed" they are
He hasn't got Bastion's sexy hips
Not much of an exaggeration in current year for me. I wouldn't go as far as no woman should be allowed to vote. But I'm now more amenable to the idea of civics test to get voting license. A woman with a degree in STEM, or owns and operates her own business, and is a concealed carry weapons permit holder, they can get extra points towards getting that voting license, but because of what she can do, not because of what's between her legs. Same shit applies to males, or nu-males. If they're crying over how loud a virtual gun is in a vidya, that's a yuuuge negative points for their test score.
Third one isn't so bad, but that first one is fucking absurd. They could have given him a more extravagant and vertically oriented head piece that could compliment the head and also removed those overly large horns and it'd be mostly fine. His mechanized arm is too fucking large for its own good and lacks any practicality. What the fuck is it meant to be used for? It looks far too heavy to punch and slash at foes with, not to mention its sheer size in relation to the rest of the body would prevent it from being used efficiently in close quarters.
I can't make heads or tails of that second one.
gratz user, from me and my gf. She's in pain at the moment because i fell asleep on top of her.
btw what do you guys do when your hand hurts? it's red and swollen
Were you just exhausted from the act of being polite?
That was a lot better than that cringe Mario Kart flash.
Prowl is now my favorite Autobot.
No it's not.
Everyone is speaking of "human right" but the original coinage of the sentence is "Droit de l'Homme" in French… which the "man right". And not humanity or human right.
And yes it was already debated at the time, And some notorious french revolutionaries were women, and yes it was decided that sex equality was retarded. And therefore the coinage is "All men are born equal in rights". Not "Men and Women", not "Humanity is". Because the differences are biological in nature and from those different biology arose social roles that are different and therefore men and women CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT be equal in rights.
And this is perpetuated by our modern justice system that afford extra-protection and various advantages to… women (as it should).
Women's right was a fringe movement since the 18th century, until it was heavily funded in the 60's. Why?
To sink workers market with 100% more workers, you can cut the real value of your wages by 50% (basic offer/demand).
Which is exactly what happened and the cause of the social collapse of the western societies.
From tanking birthrates, to failing moral compasses, to the stratospheric ascendency of the 1%.
Because today you CANNOT raise a household on a single partner wages.
Where do you think that wage value went? Answer: to the guys that funded feminists.
Feminism is literally the fight for women to be exploited just like the men for the 1%.
So if you're for "women rights" and you're not George Soros, you're a moron.
Well, i sleep oddly and my hand kinda ended up under my pecs
only those who serve should get the vote, and since women in large are cowardly that would effectively force them to either overcome their nature or abstain from the greater world.
they'll conquer their emotions or be ruled by them, but either way their weakness will not be tolerated because it clearly cannot be tolerated and maintain an effective fighting force.
Thus now forcing that every family has two working adults to sustain themselves at the same levels of before, creating the daycare generation that we see today.
The first Feminist movement was perhaps the biggest mistake of the contemporary West, and giving them the right to vote has us now locked into this situation that cannot be changed without a revolution.
"No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one." – Simone de Beauvoir, "Sex, Society, and the Female Dilemma"
…Aaaand another thread falls to feminist/antifeminist shit.
Well, at least i don't have to mourn this thread. It was a trainwreck to begin with.
I swear to god i am starting to not wanting to come to this place anymore. Not like i have anywhere else to go.
Oh, no! People want to talk about polarizing topics! Why do I even bother going to places where this is allowed and not censored?
Thanks mates, that actually warms my heart.
Why would you sleep on top of her like that mate
Thats looking into it way too much man.
They don't have nearly anything alike, what you're saying are just stereotypes.
What the fuck were they thinking?
That minigun guy is pretty interesting design. I usually like all kinds of extreme charicaturizations, but something about that just doesn't click. It's aeshtetically extremely unpleasant. Where stylized should give an exaggerately dynamic feeling that looks like its fighting itself, it feels extremely clumsy.
On consoles is doing better than in PC user, it's what I've seen so far.
Using the design of Montana to show how "stupid" the game is a strawman, it's like using a charicature and say that it's not realistic. It's dumb and pointless user.
Also the game is no SJW, it has violence to begin with.
With your first picture, you're not showing very well the amount of players in PC. I played the game a lot, and I'm waiting for it to get more players to go back myself.
What I mean with this last thing is that, by no means the game gets 1.687 peak on the last month, it totally feels like there are only 400 players worldwide everyday. Now you have to take into account that from those 400, a lot are not from the same zone, others are playing singleplayer, others are being autistic and grinding lore challenges with a full team in the official Discord… In short, the game is in dire need of players, it's in comma and waiting for someone to unplug it.
I've been, so far, watching the husk of the game hoping for it to get out of the "hospital", right now I'm with my fiance grabbing a shovel and waiting to bury it unless they make a miracle, like going F2P.
I don't see what is interesting about it.
All of the characters look hideous to me. It's like they went out of their way to make something not just ugly but repulsive and deformed.
It's not a mystery. The proportions are deranged. If you asked someone to draw a person as part of psychological testing you would suspect severe mental illness or dementia if they produced something like this.
As most of the staff are SJWs that diagnosis would be correct.
I'm not a reddit user so I don't believe this narrative.
I think i heard it somewhere….
Me neither user, but I am on the official Discord of Battleborn. There are people there playing on consoles and they tell us that they don't have to wait for a match meanwhile PC users are either whinning about what 2K should do to help the game out or going tryhard looking for people on discord to have their own private pvp so they can play.
Again, the game is like a cartoon, and thus should not have realistic proportions neither realistic shit it's a videogame for fucks sake it's neither trying to take itself seriously at all.
If you're going to shit on the game, shit on what it does poorly, not on something dumb user. I shit on it DAILY and I still like to play it, well I liked to play it when I had the chance to find opponents without needing to wait 30 minutes or more.
mate, there's a difference between cartoon-y exaggeration and this. This guy makes the Dragon's Crown fighter look mundanely proportioned.
Pretty much anyone who isn't blind or stupid can see the character designs are terrible. It's also bugged, slow as shit and has absolutely awful gameplay.
You are clearly a redditor.
Needs work.
Look. Kamitani is an artist, don't compare them, it's an insult to Kamitani man.
Gearbox went for a cartoony setting, but they don't have talent, they just got lucky with Battleborn and made something decent gameplay wise. But since it doesn't have Borderlands as a title, they put all their efforts into killing it, or so it seems.
Okay user, whatever you think its ok is for whatever postiive trait you want and whatever you think it's not ok it's for whatever negative trait you want.
Clearly whoever doesn't think like you must be from another place.
OK I edited it a bit.
No one is fooled you dumb nigger.
Read what I wrote. It's interesting because it's looks bad. There's that certain feeling of natural look that good drawings have, no matter what the style is. They may even look ugly, but they look ugly in a good way. In Battleborn, multiple characters very bad in a bad way. It fascinates me how they could've fucked up so bad and in a way that feels so much like it was intentionally made that way, not through accident or ignorance.
You have this feeling because they didn't stick to ONE style.
They merged a lot of styles in one, therefore looking messy in your eyes.
Their excuse for this are: Factions. However, I do not think it's a good excuse because inside the very same factions we have totally different things. A good example would be the UPR: Montana, Galilea, Oscar Mike, Ghalt, Benedict. Only Oscar Mike and Ghalt would make sense, maybe Galilea too, but the others are way too different in style.
tl;dr: I see your point.
That's a good edit. Want to make it battleborn level great? Reduce the feet smaller, shrink the head smaller, maybe give one giant shoulder pad. And you are fucking gold. I'm talking next lead art director for Battleborn-2 gold gnomesayan.
Except yes, there is. It's a fundamentally deconstructive ideology rooted in critical theory.
The entire idea of "women are equal to men," the foundation of the ruse, is untrue. We excel at different things, think differently, act differently, are wired differently and are only alike in that we are human. That's why the concept of male and female exist.
But I digress. Video games.
I have some more here.
I would say Battleborn ninja is by far the better one because it does not look like a MGR ripoff, and it's quite original.
But, yeah, I can't really understand what they were aiming at with those designs. I mean, if they wanted something like 80's cartoons, they had so many good examples to follow, and yet.
But that's the thing, the stereotype is a huge part of characters in these type of games. But each game decided to use them in different ways.
I know, it's terrible.
Goddamn, Gearbox seriously don't know how to make a good robutt.
Being original -can- be important in art. But in commercial art, which IMO this would fall under. Appeal takes precedence from what I've seen. Magestaffwoman there actually has some elements that can work, but again it needs a loooooot of tweaking and fine tuning. That face and overall proportion goes past svelte or lissome, it's now into gaunt and gangly territory. That character can make a great enemy boss or villain or something, but it's going to be a harder sell for a player hero type. The staff design is actually ok. I mean even for an anti-hero design, if that's what they're going for. It still gotta have some sort of appeal or visual pull.
Sheeeit, I mean it's almost unfair that it's cgi model vs bliz drawing, because IMO drawings can actually look better than 3d models sometimes. Anyway back to the ninja, I disagree mang. Yeah OWatch ninja is basically bliz version of MGR \ jap cyber ninja, but that type of shit sells. Penguin bot does not have a strong or interesting silhouette. D-Va Meka in that drawing does. Penguin bot has details but it's not arranged well and just becomes visual noise, Dva meka drawing has big simple shapes in combination with details where it makes sense, like where the joints and robot gun arms are.
I mean I fucking hate bliz WoW art style, but other than that most of their art direction is actually good, and good for a reason. They look for commercial artists that can do mass appeal, and not that interested in the out there stuff. Nothing really wrong with out there stuff, but they know their recipe and what works for their brand of sauce.
It's the final tuning and fine tweaking that last 5% that can take up to 40-60% of the remaining time alloted, that separates the wheat from the chaff IMO. They have some raw potential in some of the design, but many of them comes off as unfinished at best. I think you named one of the larger possible problem actually. The design is a bit aimless.
I must agree that Overwatch is a 101 guide to a comercial game. All the good guys are Disney standard, and the "bad" are Edgycool in the acceptable amount. This is a product so well craft to be well received to any and all that it's a course in design to any company from years to come.
It's literally the Frozen of AAA games.
He shouldn't have to mention something like that just so he shoot female enemies. Gender politics don't have a place in combat.
I think this is a judgement based on the popular attractive women, ones who have a notable social media presence.
Personally, I've seen an assload of women I'd have gone, "holy shit, she's fucking hot!" in high school, who are now spending the rest of their lives with guys who look like they're on the verge of vagrancy. A few on social media I KNEW in high school, which makes it that much sillier.
This fucking gay boy
Now we've got bait pretending to be the fish that took the bait.
it moves it from "hamfisted SJW shit" to "hamfisted SJW shit that is trying to be a joke. I think. maybe?"
the fartposter never made me crack a smile, this busted my sides
they remind me of 90s knockoff toys, the ones that didn't try hard enough
now just imagine him talking in a high pitched voice
I don't think the first one would be that bad if they focused his whole design on the idea of him having a tiny head. As it is, it looks like the head was normal-sized at first, then scaled down.
It's a comical battlefield. And I must say, the lines delivered by Not-Isaac are good, since he is supposed to be the stupid soldier.
I never though I'd say it, but you're a fucking cuck, holy shit.
Okay, that was fucking hilarious
Megatrans got clangworthy tits. Shame about the voice pretty good soundalike, unless you dig the Dr. Girlfriend type.
That's actually bretty good.
Marquis is better in my opinion.
I think 2 ended at a decent spot if you pretend Isaac got killed at the very end.
I never played 3
I like you. If everyone realized this, maybe the west wouldn't be fucked. But no, we're racists, sexists, xenophobes…the list goes on. Let it burn.
German Robot Killing Butler vs. Russian Archer Naturalistic Elf
English Augmented Fencer Inventor
Are you saying he's into ryona and snuff? I know I am