Lets have a cringe thread.
It must be video game related.
Lets have a cringe thread.
It must be video game related.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why does every faggot like this have the exact same voice?
Because all gimmick reviewers are trash.
What is it with leftists and their only insult being comparing their opposition to babies? Do they load folders with crying babies called "v.jpg", "gamers.png", "entitled shitlords.gif" like someone else would have condescending mongolian females?
Also, requesting that one No Man's Sky shill. You know the one.
it's the only insult they can use
faggot? no that's homophobic
retard? ablist
nigger? racist
so now they're left calling people children because ageism isn't enough of a social issue.
That's ageist as fuck though
it is but faggots, niggers and retards are all socially protected groups, kids aren't nearly as sacred as the rest of these special interest lambs.
I don't think I've cringed that hard in a long time
Did somebody say, cringe thread?
These reviews disappoints me.
I see you in almost every thread. Why do you do this?
He's making Holla Forums a better place, obviously.
How can you be so bad at vidya that you find NV hard?
How can you hate roleplaying so hard that you don't want to be gangraped by deathclaws out of town.
Need the Brote edit of this.
Jesus I forgot about this. Divulge and post more if you got it user, I barely remember this shit.
no you dont
It still amazes me they did this.
bonus fam
i'd cringe more if i understood what this is
Jesus Christ. Is this a shoop or is his body really like that?
iirc the kid who made these horrifying pieces of art was going through chemo or something and he was all skinny and shit, I think he died he hasn't posted a lot since, don't quote me on this though since I remember it vaguely
I've met a woman with the same bone structure.
It's lack of exercise and under eating and malnourishment that does it to you.
holy shit it's a human stick-bug
and there are people out there who just insist on convincing me that these """""games""""" are any good
but holy shit did this crap dissolve my fucking sides into quantum foam
There's another potential cause…
And nothing of value was lost
if Sensitive Joss Whedon had it his way, everyone would be so gay that kids would be eliminated forever by lack of reproducing parents
user, where did you find this?
Razorfist plz go.
I don't really get cringe vibes from this guy but he's fucking amazing and I don't know where else to post him
I can understand the individual words, but the overall impression is just white noise.
I watched for five minutes and I can't remember anything he talked about.
I find it really sad and also hilarious when leftist faggots have to grasp at straws to come up with insults whenever they're triggered but can't offend anybody
Its where shitty tumblr insults like "shitlord" come from
Why do autists do this and never think once that its not going to be cringeworthy as fuck?
they are releasing these things monthly now? whats next, undertale?
Nah. Toby's too protective of his creation to throw it to the wolves like that.
What pisses me the most about Razorfist (I don't dislike him that much as rest of Holla Forums), is that he constantly boasts about 80s, how they were awesome, how music was the shit back then, how metal was blasting in every arcade, despite being born in 1985. He's like those 90s kids that were born in 1998, and basically got no memories about that decade. Pretty sad.
You can't get any cringier than this.
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
OP: youtube.com
ED1: youtube.com
ED2: youtube.com
PV: youtube.com
EP 1: youtube.com
EP 13: youtube.com
The "why", "what has science done", "where is your god now", and "what" tags on e621 test the limits of human sanity. Enter if you dare.
Fucking Christ user, I thought they seriously made that into an animu for a minute. I never knew there was a name for the pasta.
I'm not really into romance anime but that's honestly pretty creative.
Most of his points are the result of Obsidian being rushed to ship the game, all his other points are that he's a fucking casual. It's like he actually picked up a real video game for once in his life that wasn't mainstream trite.
I think the worst part is how he act like Fallout has always been a Bethesda IP.
Also, take note of the Fable 3 poster in the back.
Fucking puns.
You guys want some tester?
part 2
It's a cesspool for all social media sites. I wouldn't expect anything less.
This is the last one I have, I dont know if there is a part 3, if anyone has it feel free to post it
Yeah there's a tester 3, ther series is called tester in a nutshell, its on youtube
The game is piss easy. It's like Fallout 3 difficulty, except NV actually has enemy and weapon variety. The hardest bit of NV was the Divide and that was a fun DLC to get through.
That actually sounds kind of fun
How many people sold their souls to Sony?
These fucking comments.
A CIA Agent falls in love with Bane.
Unable to confess, he is
gifted by a deus ex machina with the big guy's phone number. Never
minding the strange area code, he immediately calls him, and is
overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on him as well.
the next day, when he engages in banter with the masked terrorist and
asks what happens if he takes off his mask, he says it would be very
painful. The CIA agent says he's a big guy, then the big guy answers,
Confused by these turn of events, the CIA agent
investigates and finds out that the man he called is not the same man he
fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all.
He is the big guy's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in
love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each
other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other
with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves.
While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they
begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of
I didn't knew papyrus mother had zika.
No wonder why deviant art is the cesspool it is.
You want to know what real horror looks like?
Pic related
I haven't been spoooked this hard in years.
No actually. Its some skin/bone disease and a friend of his had it and he actually gets off to it.
Cheese grater is easymode, faggot. Come back when you can show me something as mentally scarring as this.
He looks like Rocky after his fight with Apollo Creed.
Okay, this wins the thread.
Okey what.
Also someone built a fucking memorial for this dead pig in the next episode
Source: Brote streams
His body is like that
He suffered from some abnormalities of what I forgot
Also he played the goast in Conjuring 2
Well shit, forgive me for my double posts
Jesus Christ this is fucking horrifying
Why is that pig making dog noises? That is not the sound a dying pig makes
I finally understand Sonic lore
not even Kirkbride lore is this deep
I've never seen someone so bad at Reinhardt
Dragonbreak confirmed
Poease spoiler that, i feel pain on my anus when i look at that.
The weird thing is Razorfist isn't a leftist. He trashes feminists, SJWs, and liberals all the time. Why he made such a casual fucking whinefest video like that is anyone's guess.
Why do leftists do shit like this? Even the homofags would look disgusted at this.
Don't forget that they framed the dead pig's pork
There's a guy in an F-List chat room who keeps posting links to these pictures, I wonder if he's the artist or if he just really likes them.
What cringeworthy about pic 3?
I was there.
I watched this.
brothers, I have seen hell with my own two eyes,.
I don't see how this is cringe. It all seems like bait for normalfags made by /a/ to get excited over an anime that doesn't and never will exist.
downloading it now
Is that someone you know? He seems reddit-tier.
See the post above you.
More rage inducing then cringe but saw it just now and wanted to post it.
Not really sure myself. I imagine its to trigger Jurifags and the guy has a low Player Point score compared to his Battle Points which might mean he plays as Juri often but isn't very good at the game.
Nu-males are all the same
Man, when GG went sideways it fucking went sideways. Poor guys, they really didn't know how deep the kikes will bury them.
Is there even a "normal" for comics anymore? Or is it just constant pandering to people who never have nor never will buy them?
Wait… is that the actual in game voice acting? At firs I figured it was some youtube faggot speaking
He's just a troll, right? He's only pretending to be retarded?
Official commercial/trailer for the game.
probably. you just dont hear of them cause theyre not marvel or dc
Cape comics aren't what they used to be. A-lister heroes, and B-listers to an extent, are only used these days as agenda pushers.
See: Female Thor, black female Iron Man, Muslim Captain Britain, etc.
How the fuck would you eat solid food with dickteeth?
is there an English dub?
no kidding
Another question is does each dick have it's own testicles, or is there a megatesticle for each arch?
Marvel is going to plummet for pulling shit like this and I am fucking glad.
It wouldn't be hard to just make new, actually fucking original, heroes (and injecting whatever bullshit you want into them) instead of taking Stan Lees creative genius and trampling it in the name of forced trite progress.
Not to mention people love, grew up with, and (especially because of the popularity fo the MCU) are currently growing up with these set, developed, characters.
"Hey little jimmy you just saw the new civil war movie? You like Iron Man, dont you? Isnt Tony Stark cool? Well go fuck yourself you privileged shit lord he needs to be a stronk yung black woman. These comics arent for your entitled ass anymore."
What's even funnier is that in other episode you can see the pice of meat framed on a wall
I always read hipster alt-shit anyway
Its more cringey when you consider the fact that he has actually some experience with vidya, being a fan of of the first two Thief games and Deus Ex-, so he should honestly know better.
….what else am I suppose to do? JTHM doesnt have mass print special editions for collectors
They have become fucking parodies of themselves
You figure it out.
here is something in the news, matpat from game theory gave THE FUCKING POPE undertale.
reminds me of this.
How did comics became nothing more than Marxist propaganda?
No, I mean every scrawny nerd with long black or brown hair that I've ever seen has that exact same fucking voice.
Just you wait until you see Judge Dredd arresting Nigel Farage for Breixit
Wait… this is seriously a thing now too? Did these idiots learn nothing from Femthor? Lol what am I saying… its fucking Marvel, the most retarded and "hip" of all capeshit.
I hope you're just blowing smoke user.
He isn't joking. That shit actually happened.
Prepare thyself
At least they were prepared…
Brian the poodle sounds like a nice guy
Please tell me you're lying. Is there a Holla Forums thread about this? I refuse to go to their shit board.
At first I thought it was just some minor lolcow shit and then I actually scrolled the thread. Nice work user if it's legit. But with that post number even if it isn't I'm impressed.
I just checked to when he started posted and to the end which was only yesterday.
The fucker has been posting for a little under a month.
is that draskyl?
she looks like a blacksploitation version of Iron Man…
From memory, that looks a lot like that French-Canuck fag who shitposts here. The one who was a bisexual graphic designer. What was his name again?
That's nothing.
Did you see his computer screen? He went all out.
Jesus that's advanced autism.
This is disgusting
and why judge dredd of all characters?
I dont know much about him, but isnt he supposed to be a heavily right-winged character?
That wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Looking at the picture of Nano made me feel sad because we abandoned her as our mascot for some unknown reason. Also, what the fuck happened to the 404 images?
All he cares about is THE LAW as far as I know, and parodying authority figures from real life seems to be the norm for Judge Dredd.
Seriously these people think a sensible, sustainable immigration policy is racist.
I used to read Judge Dredd comics as a kid, he would always shoot some degenerate.
I wish I had someone to love that loves me back.
Nah, He's just what us RPG Fags call Extreme 'Lawful Neutral'.
no hes a parody of a right wing character, remember right wing characters VERY VERY rarely get a proper go, Watchmen is a notable exception in comics
And even then, the Comedian and Rorschach were supposed to be viewed as being incorrect about everything, symbols of the dying era, standing in the way of progress.
This is so stupid I lost sight in one eye.
Funny thing is, what will these dumb pieces of shit do if Trump wins?.
Ultimately proven to be the most self aware of the bunch.
Stood by his ideals until the very end and never wavered, unlike everyone else, and is the counter to Ozymandias. He's the other side of the coin, the one that you can't build a future with a foundation of corpses, and that truth will out.
Don't worry, user. I love you
You remember all those Anti-Bush related artwork and songs and shit during his presidency?
That only even worse.
Hopefully fuck off to Canada.
but then again that implies that they will stand by what they say and not be pussies
I love you too, puggo.
A classic.
Holy fuck, not sure if I can even click that
Do it.
That seems okay. If there is a logical escalation of things then maybe it'd be worth it.
Fucking why
A lot of it is because he's to retarded to understand that posts take a few moments to go through so he just spams his comments about 6 times each.
100% agree, the problem is Rorschach is supposedly written to be seen as an insane dogmatist to show what the dark side of vigilanteism looked like when taken to it's furthest logical conclusion.
Not, as we would interpret him as the last sane man in an insane world.
The most damning evidence against Alan Moore as supreme cuck of cucks is that Ozymandias' plan works. As far as Watchmen is concerned he was right, his false flag common enemy truly did unite the world and the warnings and declerations left in Rorschach's journal get tossed into the conspiracy theory page of history,a foot note to Ozymandias' greatness.
It'd be a wonderful river of butthurt.
Although Chillary might ruin any hope of that. I honestly don't care what future the candidates bring, I just want to see tumblr and those who threatened to leave if Trump won lose their shit. Is that too much to ask?
They've pretty much had ownership of the place since Adventure Time came along.
Didn't Dr. Manhattan outright told Ozy that his plan for peace wouldn't last and that he would have to make new sacrifices to keep people scared of the alien invasion?
Manhattan was far smarter than Ozymandias, and if I remember correctly after he hears that you can see him troubled and sitting lost in thought at the warning.
She's not even a woman, she's a fifteen year old girl. She's also smarter than Tony Stark.
Leftists tend to be too self absorbed to be able to tell when their strawmen actually start making sense. Pics related.
I interpreted it more as him just delaying the (likely) inevitable, with Rorschach's journal a possible thorn in his side that will continue to haunt him, and what he has wrought, for years to come.
At least I'll give Moore that he makes Ozymandias question himself in the end, asking if it was the right thing to do. He really comes across as a desperate man trying to prevent the inevitable by any means necessary, and if the story had had any continuation I can fully imagine him spiraling into an endless loop of atrocity after atrocity to keep his mountain of corpses standing.
You are not prepared.
Fresh off the presses
I just had a fucking conniption over that but hold the fucking phone there's also this
are they just trying to make some kind of black avengers or some shit? this is infuriating
I didn't listen.
see I don't really take much issue with it.
What the fuckin shit was that?
who the fuck do they think still buys comics? black girls?
what are they thinking pulling shit like this? it's like target losing 10b and then doubling down on the stupid
they're pandering to demographics that a) didn't buy their product to begin with and b) aren't going to start buying it just because
user no please!
What were those posts deleted just now
Because they triggered the mods.
Why did the hotpocketers ruin my act? I want an explanation.
You don't want to know.
some furry autistic fetish comic
Triggered mods.
Artist of these go by the name of "mot." It's a name he basically shares everywhere, and he's too easy to recognize because his works tend to be really fetishistic.
Because they can…
One day we'll overcome this oppression.
Anybody got the final resort?
I assume because one of the posts had a dude's tail unspoilered, but then the next fully spoilered post got deleted so who knows
Reminder that globalists and leftist are so bumblasted about Brexit they have to strawman Farage in a comic book. Reminder that Farage br un ed the EU so bad Juncker had to kiss the booboo all better. Reminder that the asshurt is going to be even worse when Trump wins
I once got 3 whole days for posting that one sonic comic spoilered on an undertale thread so; god knows.
Why do they have to taint beloved and memorable characters to get their point across? Can't they just make some original shitty content?
Nobody reads the OC they make because they are talentless hacks and everything they make is fucking awful, so they hijack popular IPs in the hopes that their strength will boost sales.
Juncker also shot himself in the foot like a retard by publically announcing that there would be no negotiations if Britain were to remain
He's a massive fag but at least he had the sense to buy what look like decent curtains.
doesn't this guy run a cult?
why does he sound like he's going to kill himself at any moment?
How many of the kids who wrote Mary Sue fanfiction years ago got hired by Marvel?
Best one so far.
Marvel pools from tumblr.
Every one of the ones that still do.
What an insecure faggot with a superiority complex
How do you develop this high level of douche
I am seriously in awe at how this level of faggotry can develop
I never saw this video posted in a cringe thread. It's disgraceful.
i knew a guy like this in highschool. kept going on about muh intelligence and sperged about zombie apocalypses
i really wonder what happened to him. he ended up having some kind of attentionwhoring breakdown stage in the last year of high school and kept on having moodswings.
You just need to raise your intellectual intelligence to a level such as his
….s-stuff you did as a kid counts as cringe
someone had one with the actual music and sfx from the game, back in the long long ago
thank you for posting this user, i had a good laugh.
I wanna fuck this faggot's edge outta his asshole.
wew lads
The girl on the left is not bad compared to the other two chubs
Yaoi ruins everything good.
what? Do I want context?
I knew a girl in HS who was a furry and wore a baseball cap that said Yaoi on the front.
Razorfist is a Trump supporter.
Where you're going, you won't need eyes.
everybody watch dragon ball z
He was intending to be funny though
Reminds me of a time i was at a LAN party and some kid plugged in his usb flash drive, he didnt realize that the computers were working on some sort of shared network and we all saw his folder with countless DBZ lewd pics.
Good, that bitch deserved it.
This is really badly drawn. She deserves that.
And she was so embarrassed she told everyone on Twitter about it, totally not asking for attention or anything.
Fuck, i didn't even think about it.
She probably posts user on twitter, none of her friends know her account most likely.
It does.
That's not that bad.
I wrote an essay on brony culture on high school
It was me talking about how grown men were drawn to this for unknown reasons; I even went to some brony cons for the sake of sociological research.
Everyone believed I was a brony
Boy do I got some cringe for you.
lol every time
think about this way, cwc's local news clip from when he was a kid, that's just a sorta cute awkward child talking about childish shit. cwc in his adolescence is cringe.
playing like that with your friends as children is one thing, as teenagers or older, and video taping it as a larping sort of project is a whole different ball park.
Like, I know it's an easy target, but it still hurts.
I mean, my house can get a bit untidy sometimes, but never anything like that first pic. That's a fucking disaster area.
Are you new to the internet
what the fuck is that hedgehog
no, just in denial
The duck one is hilarious though, no cringe there.
have some more
Is that kill la kill?
No it's Dragon Ball Z you fucking newfag.
more sonic
I know I just have it in that folder. Someone started a cringe thread with it once and it became an alpha thread.
me too
It's always the edgy ones that turn into the biggest queers
it was a genuine reaction.
More cute light brown boys?
I have a friend that looks like this. Too bad he's 15.
I wanna find these guys and give them stands and run Italy surreptitiously in a totally hetero manner.
He really is pretty tho.
You just wanted an excuse to go to brony cons amd watch the show. Don't lie to us user
I met him, he's actually pretty cool, still, the MS Paint Porn is fucking WEIRD.
So what? Get at it faggot, I would, and I have
Stay on topic, we're making fun of autists, not BEING the autists.
e-mail me though
Could have sworn it was Minions.
I'm an UK migrant, should I apply and shit up their feed?
So? The pope is already degenerate enough, its fitting to give him this game.
Do it
Does the pope even play video games?
Holy fuck, just when I thought Minions couldn't get any more autistic
did you hit that shit or what?
I'm pretty sure he doesn't. Though after a few more popes, if the church survives I'm sure there will be the "hip" pope who does do that.
I just took a look at his youtube channel.
Jesus fucking christ, the titles and thumbnails on his videos is BEYOND clickbait and some videos he actually just flat-out charges money for.
He also had a long video that I didn't watch, or well, I started watching, but got immediate cancer from his absolutely horrible numale voice, but it was obvious it talked about how Youtube Red was so good and he was just going to (((explain))) it to his subscribers.
His subscribtion count is also passed 6mil.
I just feel like there is no justice left in the world at this point.
He gets away with bullshit theories, hissy-fits and extreme kikery, because 6mil rabid autismos will defend anything their one reason to live does. It's beyond cringe at this point, it's just dissapointment and quiet anger.
I'm pretty sure if he did he still wouldn't be able to get rid of the smell.
This guy and Elliot Rodger, they've made me realize that anime is actually pretty realistic.
Speaking of halfchan, they don't even know alot about the medium.
Which is absolutely repulsive.
This guy's channel's pretty fucking based on what I've seen. I remember him talking about how he's helped other youtubers boost their numbers and shit with his underhanded tactics (Clickbait titles, thumbnails, etc.). You think he believes his own bullshit or is it all just an act?
Fuck I meant bad, shit.
He probably believes his own bullshit but if he ever gets called out he'll scream "it's satire bro lmao"
Like that leafy faggot
i know, what a rare obscure indie gem
He's so big-headed and removed from reality I think he's that guy who takes credit for someone elses work because he told him that one thing one time.
I don't understand how ANYONE could find this guy likable. He strikes me as a guy very similar to Liam from SBFP, extremely smug about the smallest hint of a win in an argument, and doesn't understand that he won because it was so retarded nobody bothered to go on.
not cringy in and of itself, but I did have to listen to a drunk guy repeat this almost word for word when he told me knew kung fu. tending bar is not always so fun.
their EP is the shit though
I thought that was pretty sick, especially the drumming
Do I have autism?
that video was from fuckin 2009
they re-recorded their EP last year (embed related
Oh wait, after looking up their music I found out I'm out of the loop with the trend of posting this in cringe threads
I kinda get it though because the name and thumbnail makes it look like it could be a shit band but then it turns out to be awesome.
To be fair, this is Marvel we're talking about here. All their characters are poorly written and always have been.
Gotta balance it out with some classic band cringe
band cringe?
Holy shit, this guy really believes that Undertale is bringing peace to the world? That's even more stupid than all his theories
I don't know if it's cringe or one of those "so bad that it is funny"
Remember DoubleSwee?
age is a cruel mistress
What kind of migrant? A kebab rapefugee or a Europoor escaping the EU?
Bubba Goes #2 was and still is 'The-Greatest-Yet-Most-Unheard' memegame of its time, being manufacture purely out of a video game stream.
It even has it's own mememovie! (Bubba Goes #2 Hell)
Dealing with people like that is why it's fun. I had a friend who worked fast food who always had to deal with stoners. I would usually come to pick him up late at night when these fuckers would order their food so I would sit there and listen to him fuck with them through the drive through microphone.
He would basically re-read their orders wrong whenever they asked for food and when they tried to correct him he would tell them that wasn't what they said originally. Eventually he would do this to the stoners over and over again so they ended up with a completely different (and usually more expensive) meal by the time they were done ordering.
Was good times.
That is a lot better, thanks for showing it to me.
What song?
I've never really got a sincere explanation for this shit. Is he brain dead from some chemicals or something?
How could anyone ever forget Sweeven Hawking?
Are you asking for me to bully. I will bully
Marfan syndrome, fucks up with your joints and growth. Dude is probably in a wheel chair now.
He's a severely depressed german man who makes really sad "cooking" shows on youtube from really crappy food.
German ancestry or from Germany?
He doesn't seem to have any noticeable accent.
He used to when he still saw himself as the saviour of philosophy
See you, space cowboy
There is the question of if you can even call it that seeing as how it is his own stand.
The blue green circle Forced Meme actually turned out to be real. Praise Kek
wew lad
He's going to Mars too
i think he actually believes this