Thousands of leftist Reddit scum in a meltdown due to that massive dox on antifa we posted...

Thousands of leftist Reddit scum in a meltdown due to that massive dox on antifa we posted. I love seeing the communists scared.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are they so hateful?

Big bullies


Oy vey, how dare you expose (((the chosen))). They are the unique antifa warriors, freeing workers from their fascist guns!

Where? I've been busy.

yeah where is dox? We have untermensch to fire

you are a modern day hero. keep it up lad

I wish someone would McVeigh Reddit HQ

where's the fucking dox

They are calling for ban of T_D subreddit when (from what I gathered) the things they are complaining about aren't even on reddit (but some other group).

Those dang nazi reddit mods trying to quash these counter-culture rybyls.


I wonder how much would banning t_d actually hurt reddit. Irregardless of this coordinated kikery, it's apparent admins already want it down.

How did Digg go? Guessing if they were hurt significantly from it that they would fall in a way similar to Digg.

"Centipede Central" is apparently a (((discord))) server. wew.


They really do live in a safe space bubble don't they?

I haven't heard "digg" in a good few years, so that tells me how well it went for them.

The last time I saw someone mention Digg was when Colbert name-dropped it when he was still on Comedy Central.

Looking at the current state of things, I'm not surprised that he would mention it.

Community voting always turns into shit. The thing that has surprised me the most is how the "create your own board" aspect of Holla Forums really has been under-utilized. I wonder if there's a threshold of users you need to cross before you get enough boards to make the feature really good.

Can I get a quick rundown on what happened? All I know is that it went down a couple days ago to protest… something, causing reddit refugees to shit everywhere else up, and I guess now it's back up again.

Some mods got banned, T_D was set to private for a few hours. Redditors went to voat and cuck/pol/ only to be horrified by all the "racism" and scampered back to reddit.

So basically nothing.

but what about muh free speech? haha god they're pathetic faggots.

People have been likening leddit to dig for the last 6 years, if its going that way it sure is taking its damn time. At this point I'm convinced Reddit isn't going anywhere in the next 5 -8 years or until the lefts power structures are seriously crippled or flat out destroyed. I'm also convinced 50% of leddit is literal botting and at least 20% paid shilling. The rest is spread out over different factions of actual retarded leftists, degens and other such filth.

Keep your cancer memes in your nigger houses.

Guess the kikes didn't count on the normalisation of sharing private information online being a double edged sword

Well I hope at least a small fraction had their eyes opened. I was spending all goddamn weekend on cuckchan talking about jews and the holohoax. I hope I at least planted a few seeds of doubt in their minds.

Is anything different on T_D after it came back up? Was the mod staff replaced by even more kosher ones? Mass censorship of CTR/sethrich/etc?

A few.

Can anyone help him change his password?

Why does no one outside of imageboards know how to spell "dox"?


All the shit they are saying

But we all know they compiled similar lists for the Sanders and Clinton campaigns. Obama actually had a facebook app that would profile your friends to be influenced.

Do they also think that saying hello to them on the street is harassment because you need to get permission before interacting with them in a real public place?

I mean, this comment of his is pretty insensitive.


Why is this so hard to find?


This triggers my jewdar.

holy fuck, you could land an airplane on that giant kike schnoz

I don't suppose anybody wants to link the pastebin huh?


i'm dying of laughter reading this shit.

They're beating the drums of 'please ban them all!'. Ehrrmegerd this is illigal in socialist europe, i have the right to remove my information.

Meanwhile i constantly have to put up with leftist crawling around my homebases talking bullshit and smashing their arguments. I even visit leftist area's just to dicuss shit if they don't outrightly ban my vpn. Reddit is a giant hugbox at this point. Even the Users themselves can self impose a custom made hugbox on reddit if they want to. If reddit does keep doing that they have been doing for some time now, eventually Voat will surpass them since it does allow free speech.

Screw having to hear varying opinion which is what happens in a Republic with democratic elements. It's a basic principle of any intellectual thought, the ability to entertain any idea, argument and discuss over it. But naah, Fuck that! I'm right, your wrong! We need to secure the means of production 'n shieeet Ban all the things!

Like seriously, it would help if just one person posted an archive link or something.
I could only find an outdated version at


Yes, i'd kill all of them without a second thought. I'd genocide them all with their marxian socialism. I'd would relish the moment i get to snuff out every single life but only when the State allows me to xD

Must be nice that the scariest thing to happen in that fags life was to be run off of a shitty forum.


/r/privacy is calling him a piece of shit who deserved it.

They're reaching levels of delusion not thought possible.

This is the state of the Left.

Wow you can actually see the descent into mental illness through those pics. Pretty sad to look at.

only fooling herself tbh.

years ago i used a pic of myself as an avatar on some shitty vb forum. got into an argument with some dude and he used it as a cum tribute.


ANTIFA not so good at computer, tbh.

Wut? If only.
*teleports behind you*
Meanwhile I guarantee he would shit his pants if he was put in any sort of situation where he was being sprayed with automatic fire


Please anons, I beseech thee, grant me the list and if I find any in the Maryland area I will personally hunt down their places of work and inform their bosses in-person of their actions!


I'd shit mine too user.

Ever since i heard Adam's "there's no such thing as -fake- gamer girl" I knew he was a cuck.

Moral crusade is a hell of a drug.

I can't find shit; the leftists are all paranoid and /r/the_donald is busy discussing Seth Rich's murder.

Kek, I miss when the internet was just apolitical shitposting.


Do it anyway. You got ID dubs at least.


Anyone got tips on how NOT to be doxxed? I can't use a VPN, proxy or my neighbor's wifi.

Don't post personal information on the internet. That's all you have to do.

Oh, and use different usernames on any websites you DO log into. Never use the same username across platforms.

What said. If you really want to go the extra mile, get a Protonmail account and always encrypt emails you send out (just tell whoever you email in person the password to decrypt each individual email beforehand).

Never used social media and always used temp 24 hour email accounts for any accounts I've ever made but I do have a criminal record. Does that fuck me over?

Nice to see them feign victimhood, their kike masters taught them well.

I don't understand the mental gymnastics required of leftists to rationalize railing against guns all the time, yet having no problem with fleeing behind one when they feel personally threatened.
Buttfeed has written an article.
They even try to write off the clayton shit as (((accusations)))

Still, it seems like lefties are afraid as fuck because of our doxing.
I think we should continue as this really hurts them.

comments are pretty funny though

Probably not.

Most of these reddit fags post pictures of themselves, talk about what school they go to and what town they live in all the time. 5 minutes later they're talking about how much white genocide excites them. That's why they get doxxed.

If you ever talked about where you live, what sports teams you like, or posted a picture of yourself on any social media account, delete it. That's 90% of kikebook content, so that should go first.

If you're going to talk about that stuff don't do it on the same account where you're talking about how much you love 1488.

That really depends.

If you're a felon then you're fucked for the rest of your life unless you move to a country that has severed ties to the US (assuming you live in the US) like russia. The Bill of Rights doesn't even apply to you anymore since you can't own a gun or vote in certain scenarios.

If it's a misdemenor like brewing your own vodka, public intoxication, or even assault then most employers won't care but that won't stop leftists from rubbing it your face all the time if they ever find out. The Southern Poverty Cocksucking Center is especially fund of petty shit like this in order to paint anyone who doesn't 100% agree with them as a dangerous rogue element of society.

If you committed a major felony as a juvenile usually that's automatically expunged once you turn either 18 or 21, depends on the state.


that retard probably doesn't even know where anonymous originated from

We literally are Anonymous. In it's final evolutionary form.

Expect Us Commies.

The only accounts I have is accounts I use for full 1488, but they use throwaway emails and fake names.

It was juvenile. Apparently using a pocket in self-defense is not self defense.

you should visit the "moms demand action" and "coalition to stop gun violence" facebook groups sometime.

i cant say anything about the american way of handling criminal records, but a dox always consists of information the target has put on the internet on their own.
Reddit allows you to list all comments an account made, so to dox i look through them to find posts like "How to i find a good barber in X" or "There is a demonstration here in X"
Then you just puzzle together the tiny bits of information.

So if you dont A) use the same account for everything or B) dont shitpost on that account, you should be fine.

Most sites also offer privacy settings that make doxing hard/impossible such as Kikebook on wich you can hide your profile from anybody who is not on your friendlist.

Everything that you post may be used against you so just keep that in mind and you are going to be fine.

what's the link to the discord again?

Liberal boomers are the worst.


oh that's too bad.

Holy shit.

Hmm no wonder the shill posting slowed down for a while.

Well at least now they will be preoccupied with damage control.


I'm just waiting for the pastebin. I'm going to print out that cuckporn from halfchan and forcefeed it to the nearest leftist before I pull the trigger and blow his brains into the next county.


It's in 3 different places at least, google can find it rather easily, but the link wont be posted on here or nigger tits because there are probably goons desperately looking to report all the copies. Just keep searching and you will find one of them eventually.

what a faggot.


Sometime between the fifth and sixth photo she fucked up

OK- I think I found it boys:

I'm not sure if this is the right one but it seems to match the cuckfeed screenshots and some of the names on it match the whole petition thingy. Have fun ;)

Wait, I thought this is what they wanted? What about muh resistance? What about muh revolution? :^)

Mmm, yeah, sure, you're (((White))).

About time. Thanks, user.


They only want a revolution if the niggers and the spics are fighting for them.



Thankfully, they're about as good at motivating groids and wetbacks to revolution while welfare and weed is available as we are at motivating cucks and numales to ethnonationalism while niggerball and suburbs are available.

Anonymous was stolen from 4chan Holla Forums and Holla Forums by a bunch of virtue signaling cancers where it suddenly became leftism and other geo-political garbage. We used to ddos shit for fun when there was no retort or pressing of charges for that sort of mischievous shit. We used to make stressers for everyone and then nuke a target at a specific time just to see the website go down for 10 min or so. The most famous would become the ION CANNON as a homage back to the good old Command & Conquer series. Then the whole defacement and SQL injection campaign started ramping up and then it got placated by a bunch of retards not on chans whipping up people to do their bidding. The left truly destroyed Anonymous original intent of trolling. Eventually the FBI got involved who would infiltrate the leadership primarely SABU and then direct attacks to certain institutions. This would eventually become reasons for a huge expanding cyber crime budget in the government. After that the US government even started using Anonymous as a cover for themselves.

... dox:

AntifaDOX 15 may

Thank you, user. That is my new verb of the week. is still up. They didn't even bother to take down the page that the names come from in the first place. Absolutely retarded.

I bet his name ends with (((stein))).

i'm guessing they're keeping it up either out of pure negligence or they feel like they would "lose" by taking it down and caving to the ebil nazi pressures. either way, these fuckers have such terrible opsec that i'm surprised they didn't enter their social security numbers as well when they donated


I'm not sure your autism is powerful enough to post here anons.we should spay them all the same

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expoct us commies

Honestly it was stolen from us by CIAniggers and Soros.

Don't let your memes be dreams fam.

There are no terrorist watch lists for welders and welding accessories yet.

You think that's funny, but there's a pro-MAGA group of permanent normalfags that started an Anonymous America or something that's trying to out leejun the sjw Anonymous faggots.

McVeigh's bomb didn't damage that federal building, the charges placed inside did.

Bless your heart child. You didn't even open the Jewtube link did you? Ever see what happens when Acetylene and Oxygen tanks are mishandled?

kys fam

an oxidiser and a fuel source combined with Anfo? Holy shit.

An air blast is retarded unless you are just looking for attention. Strategically placed charges are on orders of magnitude more effective at destruction.

Leftists have no sense of humor unless it's at someone else's expense.

Do you have a non-FBI source? Was getting captured part of your plan the whole time?

Old car batteries at a junkyard, or left outside of a car mechanics for industrial recycling. Oil drums bought off craig's list and gas bought with cash in a rental car with swapped plates.


I'm just letting people know what's effective and what is essentially useless. Even giant charges create minimal damage when air has to transfer the energy.

That's a funny way of spelling internationalist bolshevik Jews.

He is right though. You only need to blow the supporting columns of a building to make it go down. Smallish charges in the load bearing supports of many structures will give you more coverage than a single bomb pound for pound of explosive.
Besides, the area of the explosion hitting nothing but air is higher in big explosions. The trick would be setting them all and then detonating them before anyone found them so that you could do all of them unmolested and still get your shock and awe from hitting many targets at once.

Antifa dox and bombs in the same thread?


The salt on faggit is incredible.

Many places also banned araps with european citizenship

holy fuck, they make it sound like the hwndu faggotry unlocked some forbidden ancient alien technology or some shit.

American corrupt DNC establshment calling themselves "anonymous" to pretend that aren't them and pretend that people who are smart, hackers, have information, videos, evidences, leaks, emails, everything outside of democrats party and deep state manipulation box, they want to pretend that these people will be dumb to not know about Hillary Clinton, about cnn, about american media, industries, lobby, corporations, establshment, control of DNC, pretend that they don't know about wikileaks, about DNC, they want to pretend that people who are hackers will be brain dead people for democrats party for free instead of being paid to be corrupt for DNC.

It's sufocating all this disgusting lobby, monopoly in industries and media, corruption and manipulation of DNC, democrats party, deep state, establshment, every day of manipulation in every industry in media or anything who they have control and lobby.

Anonymous is now a garbage who any government can call themselves this but people aren't dumb and learned this so they lose their value since 2011 and 2012 but were already being killed and hijacked since 2009, 2010 and 2011


pick one

where do you think you are?

Are you retarded or what ?

Most you guys would do with explosive charge is to blow windows out.

If you want to collapse a building you need to weaken it first and then place charges in holes in walls.

Blasting building away requires hell of a lot of explosives.

You will have better success with torching it down.

Throw a couple molotovs and it is done.

Idk where reddit hosts their servers but Id rather not have redditfugees here. No one better fucking do this. If you have a problem with Spez doxx him and do the business away from those damn servers.

it's because you're better than them son. And they know it. They're afraid of you. And they should be.

That's hilarious, and as said, that was a good time.

I still don't get all the internet tough guys who act like we're going to start having gun battles in the streets like it the last days of the war and Berlin is being pounded into dust. Everyone's still too fat and docile. People on both sides would go into fits if their phones became paperweights and they couldn't get their lattes.

Where have you been? The group calling themselves "Anonymous" have been leftists for years; they loathe Holla Forums.

speculating they don't know how to take it down.

Same reason they respect private property when it suits their needs of throwing out "nazis", they have a maleable view of the reality. Leftism is very self serving.

In other word the left is in the business of blurring lines while the right is in the business of drawing them. They blur the lines so there are no definite rules, that's why many are nhilists and moral relativists. Nothing is right or wrong so anything goes.

thanks for this post. i love the idea of them reaching out to user for help. Obviously, they'd need to share some information they didn't want doxxed to give user something to work with

These crybabies are having an even bigger hissy fit.

Suppose someone on this list lives where I live.
Suppose, furthermore, that they work where I work.
Suppose even further that I'm in the IT department, and have the means to, well, y'know.
Where do these names come from? Is it all off the Refuse Fascism "petition" or whatever the fuck it was?

Is this one of those subreddits that had a hostile takeover?

Fucking kill yourself or whoever this gay faggot is.

Don't forget the primary reason Digg went down wasn't the power-user abuse, it was the fact that Reddit was just better.

Reddit has already far surpassed the bullshit Digg was pulling, the only difference is there is no better venue open and waiting for the refugees. Voat is a ghost town. The lack of a user-profile on imageboards frightens and confuses normalfags (not to mention they are hostile to newcomers, as they should be). I am assuming Facebook isn't a good interface for news, but I don't know for sure because I've never had a Facebook account.

It is my belief that as soon as a new Reddit-like site opens up the rats will desert the sinking ship.

Why is (((SPLC))) in this thread trying to talk about blowing up buildings? f&i

Who is he? I bet it's a fat tranny



As well it should.

What are the chances he's the one to blame for brainwashing that girl?

Why do all low test beta faggots type like this?

The Republicans only pay attention to Sowell because he's their based nigger in a suit who hates le democrats, but he actually is brilliant. Remember, IQ exists on a bell curve, it had to happen eventually.

This guy is a faggot for the anime pics and other shit, plus thinking that owning a copy of the book will give him internet natzee street cred.

As long as you don't get dox'd on the chans you don't really have to worry about it much.
SRS dox'd me back when /r/niggers still was alive. I got like 30 angry PMs I didn't read and some poor guy in australia with the same name got a few phonecalls. They couldn't even get him fired because he was self employed.

placing explosives its useless, better crash 2 planes into it

I posted a rebuttal in the comments with a dummy account, let's see how long it takes to get banned.

I bet my meme folder that's some kind of weird mason shit.

Went to your profile to upboat it, apparently they have automod set up to automatically remove comments by new accounts.


Ya I saw that, fucking cucks

Richard Kyanka aka Lowtax aka Head Goon avatarfagged with that for ages.

Holla Forums wasn't around when anonymous was on 4chan. learn your history that was over a decade agoo

oh you should be

The lack of humanity still impresses me.

literally an echo chamber

nazis watch out

Made some shitty OC



nu-males spotted




It looks like it was the list from arrests from the inaguration. See http:// for the article



Thank you !

yes, having short hair and wearing clothes marketed at males makes you a boy

Note the wording. If it was one of us, that person would had straight up been accused of trying to go back in time to kill the parents of the antifa.


Why does this kike's face irk me so much god damn it.

because that is a demon.

It never ceases to amaze me just how pathetic they are.