Post your picture and I will draw it

Post your picture and I will draw it

Here is an example of myself


This is me

:p thanks sweetie


>>>Holla Forums


the thread is only ruind for you if you're from Holla Forums tbh.

This comrade, 100x this!

Stay mad lib


>>>Holla Forums

Not even a leftist, i'm just getting sick of every fucking thread being ruined by Holla Forums bringing up Jews and blacks every five seconds and accusing everybody that isn't a literal nazi of being from Holla Forums. I'm honestly confused why Holla Forums is even a thing on Holla Forums, considering how obviously engrained they are onto the website in general, as opposed to 4cuck where Holla Forums serves as a containment board.

Christ, you sound like a shitskin. Filtered.

Something doesn't seem right here, nigger…


Yeah, sure poleddit, you're totally not just a triggered commie who can't take a fucking joke, we get it.

Sure faggot


Thanks for proving how fragile and easily buttblasted Holla Forumstards are anons. Seriously, can you guys just admit you are right-wing SJWs already?


I can assure you, the only feelings that where felt where of a smug superiority for unmasking your lying ass.




Forgot to remove the white bar at the bottom.

Never change sudocuck :p


It's like you spergs never went to a party or casual gathering in your life. When somebody brings up politics, religion, identity etc. in more than a passing sense it's uncomfortable for everyone because the discussion becomes more serious and everyone is there to have a good time, not a serious debate or discussion.

No other boards do it, if they did it would be called out as raiding. It's not too much to ask that you move yourself to one of the politics boards if you want to talk about politics. I feel much the same about anime and vidyaposting, it's obnoxious.

>>>Holla Forums

Oh, yes, thank you Schlomo, now that you've used your feminist logic of "youll never have a girlfriend like that" I will definitely stop posting this image and let trannypol ruin this board on their own.

Were you on 7chan a few years ago?

I guess you can try and draw me. Don't know how it will turn out though.

this thread is LAME

Fuck off, mason.

but i didn't say 33 i said 32
are you retarded?


>>>Holla Forums

You're not cuckime you just want OP to give you some gay weeb drawfaggotry.
Go away, dipshit.


pls draw OP, this is me

shut up nigger

Happens in every fucking thread

Please, draw me a Maisie!



Naw brah, me on left

>muh (((good time)))
