What is Holla Forumss view on racial mixing?

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Totally against it.

For example, we reject those degenerate people from England, which are a strange mix between Saxons, Celts and Vikings. People like that should be eliminated.

we don't care and fuck off Holla Forums

The more snowniggers bred out of the world the better.

Sorry, but I just don't like blonde people. Fucking children of the corn looking motherfuckers.

it's pretty good tbh

I do it whenever I get the opportunity.

That is a polack whore with a huwite polish daughter.

Truly I am an abomination

I like some races, don#t like others. muslims are qt as fuck.

I'd do it.

Other than that I dont really care.


Frank pride worlwide.


I wouldn't personally do it due to the health risks associated with it, but I'm completely fine if others do as such.

the bone marrow transplant thing? Are there any other risks?

Well, your children will have inferior genes if you breed with cumskins.


Holla Forumsacks think that being bullied by racism which can cause emotional issues is a health risk, and not something that will happen regardless to your child ifyou are the type to browse chans.

gee I wonder who is behind this study

Ironically, they don't realise that people like themselves are the cause of these social issues.

Yeah, because there's tons of Capoids and Australoids in the USA, right?

apparently it is going by the cencus classifications

Does the Holla Forums boogeyman cause skin problems, headaches and aches too?

Inbreeding is demonstrably harmful. That's all you need to know about "racial purity".

see: brazil

that is what happens when people don't choose sexual partners based on race. Unless the united states outlaws it, we will suffer the same fate


You know, you don't have to marry your sister.

See wordfilter:
irrelevant shit

You do if the alternative is marrying outside your race. Or at least your cousin.

Incest is today mostly done by jews and moslems only.

That doesn't apply when the creature you are breeding with isn't even the same species. Niggers are far more different from Whites, than say wolves are from coyotes, or grizzlies are from polar bears. irrelevant shiting with inferior apes = genocide. "One race, the human race" is a lie spread by the Jews. Uncuck yourselves, and open your eyes.

And they obviously are already inbred as fuck.

hoy shit, i almost forgot about this

Koreans are one of the most inbred ethnicity groups yet they have an 106 IQ average, which is the third highest.

once again, Holla Forums proves it's understanding of biology is the equivalent of a middle schooler.

Race is only skindeep.


Holla Forums's law: the longer a conversation goes on, the probability that the Holla Forumsyp will try and defend their point based on >muh IQ approaches one.

There is a measurable genetic distance between races and populations called FST that essentially proves niggers have no right to even be called human. They may be hominids, but they are certainly not homo sapiens sapiens.

not an argument

how will Holla Forums's parents ever recover?

I got this one on Holla Forums, i shit you not.


do you mind linking the study where you got this from?

Marrying your own sister = marrying a member of your own species. Marrying a niggress = hybridization with a vastly inferior entirely separate hominid species. The Jews and the leftist academia lie about "one race the human race" because they want us to poison our blood so we will be easier to control.

To put things in perspective,
Marrying your sister is a crime worthy of exile, but marrying a niggress means you deserve to hang on the day of the rope.


I can see why you're an ancom.

Phenotypes and genotypes are heavily associated and you are intellectually dishonest to say otherwise.

nice weasel words fag
please, it's time to stop posting


Do anyone have the bingo chart?

Neanderthals are humans, so Africans definitely are humans.

t. pol


Also, you mean sapient, not sentient. This is why no one will ever take you seriously.


Nope, I meant sentient.

Are you actually a psychopath or are you just retarded? An animal literally cannot function if it cannot feel or perceive. Every slightly evolved animals, including all mammals, are sentient. Fish are debatable.

Notice the word "subjective".
Humans are the only beings able to abstractly think in any noticeable form.

If you talking about the ability to know that you know, then you're definitely talking about sapience.

And it's not about being absolutley the same, it's about observing similar patterns. Social creatures are shaped by their social interactions. That's just fact.

Sentience has nothing to do with thinking abstractly, you dumb fuck

>Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think (reason) from the ability to feel (sentience).



You know, for people who like to cite 1984 to denounce the nasty influence of Gultural Margism, they're quite prone to use one big trick of Novspeak: using less and less words until any subtility is kill.


Now i will ask you to do something so magical so out of your abilities, plz read you filthy denialists




Your friend over here debunked that idea:


It's a good thing.



every time

I can see why you're a Holla Forumsack.

Every time.

we're reaching levels of sophistry that shouldn't even be possible

I never said you were wrong, I was just directing you to your friend.


Unless you have been a vegan your entire life, then you have already demonstrated why intelligence is the most important factor by your own day-to-day behavior.

Pretty sure its having opposable thumbs and being bipedal in addition to intelligence. Otherwise the world would be dominated by elephants, dolphins and whales.

Basically admits that we're right, but blames nigger failure on "evil colonial White oppression".
Typical SJW bullshit. Surprise, surprise.


No there isn't, you are just delusional.

Even is we didn't have opposable thumbs or weren't bipedal, we would still consider ourselves superior due to our ability to abstract, which elephants, dolphins and wales can't.


you didn't even read did you ? and just want to pump this shit thread of yours but whatever.

you are now a bigger denialist for not only you deny that science destroyed racialism but also you deny any connection to material reality and wealth effects on any group

pic related

IF YOU ARE A WHITE MALE, YOU CAN'T irrelevant shit.

Present to me a single example of them doing as such through a means such as asking a question or something on those lines.
See the third reply at:




If you want to have children of same skin color, have you ever tried to, like, not fucking people with different pigments?

I've engaged in it multiple times. Can't wait to make half-brown babies

Perception is always subjective, regardless of the ability to reason abstractly about it. A mouse seeing cheese sees experiences a subjective experience of the cheese, not the objective reality of the cheese.

Learn how to basic words, snownigger.

If you want to get super-autismo about subjectivity, then I could just easily say that the definition of abstract and subjective is in itself subjective, therefore my view on the terms being just as valid as yours.

Thats now how words work. Words are references to abstract ideas which we use to communicate. They are like a codec to encode our thought, its not my fault your codec is corrupted and incomplete.

Still on the lines of super-autism, the terms corrupted and incomplete are subjective.



Not an argument


I always wish the left would purge the black/brown fetishist social-liberal scum form this world.
I will always believe that these people were the sole reason the left failed and were hated more than anyone by the poor in my country.


We're making sense of the material world trough abstract categories we arbitrarly defined. Since a good part of the success of our evolutionnary model rely on cooperation and communication, we have to settle collectively on the meaning and content of thoses abstract categories in order to understand each other, but a our conditions evolve, so are evlving our thoughts. Your concepts and my concepts have the same validity in themselves, i,e none, beause they can't exist in a vacuum. The validity of a concept is not a given, the meaning of words is not eternal.
It's just how our minds work.



…and you want to make white people like that too?

Irrelevant. People should be allowed to do what they want.

Excuse me? I want everybody ITT to die.

start with yourself

Good for outbreeding wh*tes

A bastardized and inbred people? Nope. Aryans shall be made into something better without a single trace of less evolved races.


It's pretty cool tbh fam.


Reminder to not respond.

there are no races to mix

irrelevant shiting causes identity issues to the irrelevant shited children but other than did there is nothing wrong with it.

Same species
same race
different color.
Open a biology book and If you don't trust them, become a biologist and study the dna of whites and blacks yourself.

I can't wait to make half-brown babies with a qt brown grill.


You realize that in order for two organisms to be considered one species they have to be able to have viable offspring together, something all humans can do with each other regardless of race. This is high school biology m8.

School tier 'knowledge'.




What's the point of arguing about the genetic relationships between honkies and niggers?
t. never posts in race threads

The only true humans are Africans. All others are filthy immigrants who've interbred with the local wildlife. For instance, the Brits have a long history of fucking sheep, hence their pale skin.

So you're willing to agree with genetic evidence that redefines species but not with the fact that literally no credible anthropologist or biologist would consider blacks and whites different species?

Who gives a fuck? I advocate fucking across all races, and masturbate to the sweet tears of purist faggots as the number of mixed people and couples increases and increases.

Good Lord; this is why no respectful person takes white nationalists seriously.

You missed a very important keyword: viable

Who says that? Strawmanning hard

because people have other identifiable features like eye color or nose shape that you normally sperg out about but have conveniently forgotten?

I'm half ukrainian and half english, would that be under similar ethnicity?


Say that to my face not on internet to see what happen your fuck.
t.HUE pride world wide

its pleasurable user, and you should do it frequently.

I think you mean Arabs.

It's the same as "different color".

This doesn't explain why irrelevant shiting is bad or even why race is a useful categorisation.

My ancestors fucked Neanderthals, are you saying that was a bad thing? if so all whites should probably mass suicide.

i don't really care do it all you want.

also im a mexican who likes blonde girls with blue eyes

what is dna?