Ridley Scott says future 'Alien' movies will 'drift away from the alien stuff'

Ridley Scott says future 'Alien' movies will 'drift away from the alien stuff'

Sir Ridley Scott remains convinced he’ll get another shot at the Alien franchise, despite the box office struggles of Alien: Covenant. He also reaffirmed that future films will lean into artificial intelligence themes rather than, you know, aliens.

“We are [going to make another], we are,” Scott told Entertainment Weekly. “I think what we have to do is gradually drift away from the alien stuff.”

“People say, ‘You need more alien, you need more face pulling, need more chest bursting,’ so I put a lot of that in Covenant and it fitted nicely. But I think if you go again you need to start finding another solution that’s more interesting. I think AI is becoming much more dangerous and therefore more interesting.”

Ridley Scott told Yahoo back in May that he was planning two sequels to Covenant with screenwriter John Logan. Those plans later became doubtful after the film failed the set the box office alight.

Alien: Covenant took $240m (£179m), a sharp drop from the $403m (£300m) taken by its predecessor Prometheus in 2012. The Hollywood Reporter later revealed that Fox, the studio responsible for the Alien films, was reassessing plans for two proposed sequels following its lacklustre box office returns.


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For the love of all that is good and holy in this world, let Scott die a painful death before he can further ruin the Alien/Aliens legacy.

He's still mad about what happened with Prometheus, huh?


Someone needs to put this nutcase in an old folk's home right away

Am I the only one who think Ridley hasn't done much wrong at all?

Alien 3.5/4
Aliens 2.5/4
Alien3 2.5/4
AR 1/4
AvP 1/4
Prometheus 3/4
Alien Covenant 3/4

Unless you are trolling you are a fucking pleb.

what the fuck kind of scale is that
just rate it from 1 to 10 or from 1 to 5 like any normal fucking person you nigger

Mikael Åkerfeldt says future 'Opeth' albums will 'drift away from the metal stuff' and venture into jewified faggy pseudo progressive rock instead (((sweden)))

Is it right for artists to use the name and acclaim which their past works earned them in order to push new and different works under that same name?

manlets tend to come out a bit short


That's the right decision. He actually had the right idea with Prometheus, it just needed a better script. The xenomorph pretty much ran it's course after Aliens.

If the fans turn on them they'll either break up or go back to their roots. Either way we've still got the old albums.


The First 2 were ok everything else has dropped significantly in quality also I think one of the major hang ups of the alien series was the fact they held to Sigourney Weaver for so long as the MC, it made sense in the first one but after that it became sad & contrived especially on (alien 3 and 4) and also after they made Aliens ie alien space marines. They boxed themselves into a female lead because the director is a soyboy feminist who apparently likes seeing Stronk white womyn get blacked (Promethus).



What's the problem?

That's some of the worst, low energy bait I have seen in a while.

You'll understand when you're older

Everyone thinks this. Both movies are good. We just have some contrarian assholes in Holla Forums that think it's edgy to attack successful directors.

I'm old enough to recognize trolling a mile away.

Whent he movie came out, people were bitching that it had aliens in and wasn't more like Prometheus. Now they're bitching that Scott is doing what they want. Truth is they're just being contrarian. Both movies were really good for different reasons imo, and his prequels certainly don't need to focus on xenomorphs.

I was going to rate it out of 10 but I preemptively thought Id be called reddit so I rated out of 4 like the usual older critics and newspapers did and you called me a nigger

Alien 8.5/10
Aliens 6/10
Alien 3 6/10
AR 2/10
AvP 1/10
Prometheus 7/10
Alien Covenant 7/10

Tell yourself what you gotta tell yourself.


Noomi rapace the main character was with a white guy and was breeded by the goo via david

The dumb annoying cunt got blacked and killed and so did the nigger and so did mutitple women in Alien Covenant including a nigger woman. If you recall the women cant handle a quarantine and both kill themselves prettymuch because they are too emotional.

That's correct. Both movies were really good. Critics liked both movies, and so do most fans. However, some fags online took their cues from retarded YouTube ecelebs that invent shit to complain about (since that is their job) and pretended like they were bad until common sense took over and made a correction. No one bitches about Prometheus anymore, because everyone realized it was actually a pretty good film.

This is either some next level trolling, or you have actually managed to trick yourself into believing it
>it was real in my mind

O'Bannon & Giger are spinning in their graves.

Everyone complains here about everything, they end up praising garbage from the 80s or actually shit because everything that is good is shit and anything thats "bad" that they dont like is shit

We've had this convo here on Holla Forums in like 5 threads, the consensus was Covenant and Prometheus were good. Sorry, take your butt hurt back to reddit or 4cuck or wherever your pleb level opinions are validated. Not clicking on your shitty YouTube video either when I just got done saying retards like you are only parroting retard YouTube ecelebs who think they have to hate everything and nitpick it to death to make advertising revenue.

Proves you're a retard. Giger worked on Prometheus before he died, stupid. His art is in the movie. O'Bannon would have been involved too if he was alive, and considering O'Bannon was reponsible for a Night of the Living Dead ripoff he got sued over, it's not like he was some kind ultra snob over movie making. He was good buddies with Ridley Scott. His main problem was with the producers who rewrote his script for Aline (to make it better).

We are breaking the conditioning!

The only person on Holla Forums who likes the two newest movies are you. Fuck off back to your hole

Ridley Scott would have brought O'Bannon on board since they had a good relationship and Scott went to bat with him in court. Saying O'Bannon would have been rolling in his grave is fucking stupid.

But I liked them also I think

Someone else in this thread said they were better than Aliens. Try again. Your opinion is no longer the majority.

I'mma post some Covenant webms now

O'Bannon is on record saying he would have liked to see the entire series come to a stop - that was one of the last interviews he did before he died. Unless you can find one interview he made where he says otherwise, you are in the wrong.


He's talking about me see

Oh, yes! That 'other' user. I get it now.

(You) are the only one

Scott wasn't brought back onto the franchise after he died, so he was talking about bullshit in recent history to that point like AvP. If you think he would have talked shit about Scott, you're a fucking moron. Just stop talking already. You have no authority whatsoever.

You mean like they already have? Akerfeldt is a noted fan of old prog rock and their last couple albums have been prog and they that one prog rock album years ago

Are you this much of a pretentious faggot you think people have to samefag about liking a movie to retort you?


its a big webm

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. t. James Cameron lover89



Back to reddit


Name one (1) thing wrong.

nice shoop




Why are you posting Varg when he has the exact opinion you're kvetching about?

Name one thing wrong

Covenant is a thinking man's movie. You'll only get it if you study things like Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Theosophy, etc.
Whenever you complain about it not triggering your flight or fight response you're essentially just making incessant sheep noises.

Why are his movies like this with retarded stronk womyn angle does he have mommy/women issues like ((Paul fag))?

Besides the amazing sound design in that scene, everything seems like Loony Toons cartoon.

Holy shit, the movie had so much wasted potential, it was actually depressing.

Oh no nobody ever slips on things 0/10

Don't give me that, you and I both know that shit was retarded.

It wasn't. I'm not the other person btw. Stop trying to invent flaws that don't exist.

How much are they paying you to shill like a retard?

Also, anyone else find it odd they added covenant into a compilation collection so early?

How autistic are you? Again, you're such a flaming retarded faggot, you came in here and expected everyone to kiss your anus for your plebeian reddit-tier opinions, and got so butt hurt over being contradicted you are resorting to conspiracy theories as an explanation. Yes, Captain Autism, the idea that other people think slipping on blood in a spaceship allowable in a scifi horror movie must mean I'm being paid by 20th Century Fox to post on an obscure image owned by a fat white guy the Philippines. Oh wait, no that's retarded and you're just a butt hurt fag. Where did Ridley Scott touch you?

Wow you're a big faggot

He had only one job: expand on the origin of humans, the engineers motives and the fucking Space Jockey.

Also Prometheus for all its shortcomings was way better than Covenant


they were both good but for different reasons, Covenant has some awesome scenes

He's turning the whole thing into a space opera. I can get behind that. If nothing else, his movies look amazing in the big screen.

He's going to throw the Predator in next.

AVP was easily 3.25/4

I bet you are just some weebcuck that hates capekino on principle.


AvP is a really fun film.

True but I still preferred Prometheus, granted of course that poor crews decisions can't be the settling factor between the two.
I just hope that we will have no more retarded unscientific crews in the next film.

The past previous 4 movies before Riddles came back were absolute trash. The series only got good again because Scott came back.

he's too stuck up his own ass to realize the problem isn't with the source material bu with him.

but that would require admitting he was wrong, and these Hollywood fucks would never do that.

Ridley Scott made Prometheus and Covenant good and added a ton of class back into every individual frame, fuck off, I don't want your pleb level directors touching these films. We already got that with Resurrection, Alien 3, and AvP.

wew redditier famalam

How so? He's a director. Those films were beautifully directed. The scripts were bad.

Why don't he write the scripts himself?

Alien 8/10
Aliens 5/10
Alien3 9/10
AR 6/10
AvP 2/10
Prometheus 8/10
Alien Covenant 7/10

t. Kinophile

True Alien fan here. Here are my rankings:
Alien: 8/9
Aliens: 2.3/3
Alien3: 4/6
AR: 3/7
AvP: .5/1
Prometheus: 5.6/9
Covenant: 2.7/5

Imagine how much better Prometheus would have done if it hadn't been butchered in editing. The good things in these prequels have been the OC. The engineers, David and the exploration of the mysteries of the unknown. It's no wonder Covenant did poorly as it jumped the xenomorph shark. What annoys me is how the good stuff always lies in the future for Ridley these days. With Alien and Blade Runner he made films that were pretty much perfect and didn't need sequels at all. Both got god tier sequels anyway but even if they hadn't they would have done just fine. Now he's always looking towards the horizon and never focuses on what he's doing now. Why didn't he just make that exciting film without dumb xenomorphs with the budget he had to make Covenant? You just need one excellent film to leave a mark, not a franchise.

Ridley was really wasted on Covenant, it's a beautiful film just like everything else he has directed but the plot was so stale and the script in general was just lazy. It's no wonder it did poorly at the box office.

Congratulations, you're officially more reddit than reddit.com/fullblownreddit

It doubled it's budget. It didn't really do poorly. It just didn't make as much as Prometheus. That's why they're letting him make a sequel.

I didn't really find it stale at all. The stuff with David was really good, and I liked its take on the evolution of the xenos. The next one needs to get back to the engineers however.

In general, he same amount that is spent on the budget is also spent on the marketing. And since so much was put in this movie, it did do poorly by only the net being 50 million

David was what saved the film for me, he was excellent. The whole crew lands on planet, sticks head in rape alien dick and gets eaten is just so dull for me at this point however. At least there was a twist to the going to sleep in cryo ending but other than that I've really started to hate the formula and I think the series needs to break out of it. Now that's pretty much was Ridley also thinks but the premise of a sequel to Prometheus was perfect to move away from it but instead it took a step backwards.

I want to know what he was thinking while reading this…

Why do you poledditors complain about everything?

I saw it in theaters it was shit

AvP is Entertainkino

Also with the little they had, they expanded the lore with the introduction of Charles Bishop Weyland.
This alone is clever writing as it ties pretty well the movie with the rest of the franchise.


Really good point user, I wholeheartedly agree.

This is what it looks like when a director with unlimited money is surrounded by yes men.
There are a million things for which one of the designers/assistants would say
in a diplomatic and intelligent manner like they did in the original movie.
But no every bullshit concocted by the director gets in becouse he's a special boy that gets stuff. It's like watching Prequels.
Let's make a benny hill sequence in a horror movie.

If you think Covenant is in any way the result of too many yes men, I don't know what to say. It's clear there was pressure to make more of a franchise sequel Alien movie after Prometheus was met with a lot of negativity.

No it was the menchildren over at redditrash and the fucking (((journalists))) who created this backlash.

That's $50 million profit plus what it made on home video. Alien movies make a lot money on home video. Saying it did poorly is inaccurate.

It's one of the poorest looking Scott films in terms of visuals and it's cinematography and set design were huge steps back compared to Prometheus which was a truly gorgeous film despite any other flaws. Even the CGI in Covenant looked cheap as shit in comparison to Prometheus.

prometheus was dogshit awful and you should know your taste is too

t. redditrash manchild.

To be honest, both Covenant and Prometheus were excellent movies.

I loved the cinematography in Covenant and the set design. That court yard full of engineer bodies ala Pompei was pretty bad ass.

reddittrash confirmed

t. soyboy

Exactly but we would have loved to know the Engineers ways David was speaking about. I think they could have done a flashback exposing it. Not satisfied with Ridley short podcast explanation.

t. meatcuck with carcinogen filled veins hampering proper thought processes

t. incel

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Prometheus and Covenant…

The problem is that at the same time the director is arrogant, wants to do something different and doesn't back off from BAD ideas that he throws at the wall in hope anything sticks.
While at the same time pressured for the things to be familiar enough for the franchise to hold.

Who gives a shit what people want. But the investors fund the movie on the demand of being a run of the mill schlock so it is a secure investment.
Make your own damn movie withouth looking at the pools or focus groups and make it good so you represent your experience, inspirations and personal messages.

I think this is the message that Ridley wants to convey.
Get away from xenos so it's something entirely fresh.
The main problems are:
A.) He's old aka unresourceful and not capable to adopt and adapt new ideas.
B.) Investors won't fund anything and he isn't ready or used to do low budget movies.

I wish that was lingered on more and that most of the shenanigans before that had been cut. The sweet spot was the middle part of the film and the very end.

She looks like Lena Dunham

Is this Ridley Scott admitting that now he's just going to make BLACKED flicks?

fuck off with your cuck spam

Little cuckboy mad because I'm making fun of his little pornos.

Film was so bad I didnt even remember he was in it