As a Frenchman...

As a Frenchman, I need to introduce to you one of our best comedy show ever made in 2005 if you niggers dindn't hear about it.

Here's the streaming link of first season if you want a taste of it:
Don't bother to buy the DVD, the money goes to the jews of M6, who's responsible now for most of the cancer who's shown on French TV along with TF1 and the Vivendi group.
The rest of the season can be easily found in one of the many mirrors webs of regretted TBP.
And here's the wiki if you want to learn more about the lore before getting started:

Give it a try user before you scroll my thread out and sage it, you can spend 6 min of your life watching the first episode.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm a big fan of Kaamelott but given the writing style and the comedy I'm not sure if the show can be translated in other languages.

Ça va bientôt faire 10 ans que la série s'est terminée. La troupe d'acteurs a pris de l'âge. Il ne faut pas se voiler la face, on ne verra jamais la trilogie de films qu'il avait prévu.

Je suis tombé sur une actualité datant d'y ly'a pas longtemps, 27 septembre, disant que certaines acteurs ont déjà confirmé leur participation. Je pense que c'est Astier qui est trop perfectionniste en ce moment, c'est tout


Holy shit you frogs are faggots lmao

I think you missed the point fella.
They're not French, they're Bretons.
Learn European medieval history before talking shit you race mixed mud.

Same shit, all faggots. The french deserve islamic invasion.

You deserve your future racewar, your antifas, your lefty caner, your niggers, your arabs, your jews and hopefully the nuke that kim jon un will eventually launch upon your mud face your nigger faggot.

this is why Britain has always been superior

Thanks Churchill for Israël.

No problem, couldn't have done it without you goy :')

I agree with this guy 100%

Why's there fuck all french fags on the internet, is it to do with the french being to gay to learn english?



oh look ANOTHER white supremacist propaganda trash claiming arthur (& the british isles for that matter) were composed only of whites, LOL, just… just LOL @ you fucking retarded nazis ignorant about history & geography & genetics & evolution, fucking LOL, i'm reporting this TRASH and i hope all inteligent people left on this forum (prolly around 10, most of them on /leftypol) aka everyone with more then 10 IQ will do the same.

MUUAHH the French have always been celebrated for their pretentious faggotry.

Mostly yes and also because most shitlords usually hang out on the forum of a big vidya website I know that some of them made a board here >>>/1825/. Every year some unknown french feminist create a fake controversy with the help of the tech press to force the website to close its forums but they always fail.


Are frenchmen Armenians now? Disgusting.

Nice b8 M8

Referee to 2nd pic my dude.

It's not about pretentious faggotry, it's about a nice comedy show.

I spoke 4 languages fluently including english, what language can you speak to survive outside an anglophone country?

What the fauck are you talking about?

I posted here to share some comedy and it end up but distributing more redpills that I have bullets.

The Perfidious Anglos arent a race you unwashed snail-eating weakling, they are a curse upon this earth. If you do not realize this yet you are abetting the enemy baguetteboy, dont make us come over there again

Seriously tho, many of us are waiting for a german comeback to finish the work more quickly than the last time.
This time, with internet, providing redpill and the truth will be more easy to get more allies.


It's sad to be you, really.

Va te faire foutre, fils de pute à bourqua.

Shouldn't at least one of your pics be the white flag of surrender?

sounds like Monty Python/Mel Brooks tier garbage

Good to see kikess are stirring up inter European conflict by having you fuck's fall for this blatent d&c shit.
French Europeans and American Europeans should be comrades not enemies as all Europeans should against our common Jewish enemy.



Americans aren't European. I'm not even saying that's a bad thing, I just really wish American nationalists would take pride in their own country's history rather than Europe's, and stop identifying as being from a continent that most of them have probably never been to.
Polite sage.

Sure thing Amhed I am not redirecting, I am naming all the targets.


doesn't look like there's much correlation between circumcision prevalence and shittiness of people

Amerifag spotted and reported

Only Jews and Muslims are circumcised in Europe. So deporting all circumcised people would mean deporting Jews AND Muslims.

See the red part in Europe, it is because of the Albanian scum.

They must be put to death


Fucking kek. Truly the kikes of the orient.

American influence (Judaizers)
Virtually no circumcision was performed before the year 1945 as it is against Korea's long and strong tradition of preserving the body as a gift from parents.[31] A 2001 study of 20-year-old South Korean men found that 78% were circumcised.[32] At the time, the authors commented that "South Korea has possibly the largest absolute number of teenage or adult circumcisions anywhere in the world. Because circumcision started through contact with the American military during the Korean War, South Korea has an unusual history of circumcision."


Ethnically we are Europeans and we all share common European ancestry and European customs. Of course Americans should seek their own unique nationalistic feelings and pride for their nation but it's important to remember that just because there's a sea between us we're not still connected in European brotherhood.



It is called an Ocean.

Amerikkkucks aren't white. Just one drop makes you a shitskin.

Most American Whites are 100% European.

Fuck off Jew.


sounds familiar

100 ep per seson,3 min long each?

t. bill mestizowitz, direct descendant of charlemagne