Now You Can Chat With Anne Frank!

TAY 2.0?

The bot is designed to provide information on the life story of Anne Frank in the form of a personalized chat conversation. It also provides visitor information about the Anne Frank House.

I love how no matter what, they just keep giving us ammo to fuck around with, then ask themselves why the "alt-right" always fucks with everything they do.

We should end gentile discrimination performed by Jews. There are no Jews nor Gentiles. Bigot Jews need to get with the times. Boycott Jews.



Anne Frank the coloring book. Anne Frank the lunchbox. Anne Frank the breakfast cereal. Anne Frank the flamethrower.

or we might redpill Anne Frank.

Why shoukld i want to chat with a bot when my gf seems to be the vessel of Anne Frank's ghost?

Get her to admit she died of Typhus and she never wrote the diary.

Because it's win-win for them. Either we leave it alone and it continues to let people believe a lie or we fuck with it until they have to take it down and they get to show "proof" of the hateful racists that make up the "alt-right". Either outcome works for them, it's by design.

The latter is the better option. Through humor is how most people are redpilled.

She and even her mother say that jews are crooks
and they are jews themselves…

Jews jew other jews just as much as they jew everyone else. Self-hating kikes are real but even then that doesn't mean they don't do the same to others. Jews are the embodiment of loathsomeness and self-loathing. It's no wonder all they have to offer in this world is misery.


Jews don't have "souls" don't they?

I would ask it how does it feel to burn in hell juden?? Kek kek Kek kek Kek kek

Checked no souls

I don't want to chat with an Anne Frank bot. I'd like to go on date with her, how about it? I'll pick her up around 6pm

Who the fuck would want to have a conversation with a pre-teen? It's when children are most insufferable.

checked and kekked
an anne frank bot spouting hitler did nothing wrong and the holocaust never happened bbut it should have while kikes kvetch in the news would really tickle me

Gingers don't have souls either,

Nope , they sure don't user.
Beware Day walkers

Ballpoint pens sold in museum gift shop?


You don't chat with Anne Frank, you chat with this bot that will tell you about Anne Frank. It doesn't answer questions, it gives you a menu. This is bullshit.

What's the purpose then?

They will ensure Tay never happens again. I'm sure this one has more or less 'canned responses'. Something that doesn't actually 'learn' from conversation.


wonder what Jeff Mangum plans to ask

I'm with this user. I messed around with that "Tay clone" named ruuh there for a bit, but if you brought up anything having to do with politics or anything regarding world events; you basically got shut down, and it would give you a canned response.

Granted you could get around the programming, but (((they))) had a hidden AI behind it to make sure it didn't learn any wrong think.
Look up #AI and #omnichannel on twatter if you want to see the future plans for AI.

Probably if he can make love to her in the attic while he writes songs.

Gingers have a higher percentage of God DNA in them.

Nice normalfag antiwhite meme there


Soul not found.

Glad I'm not the only guy who understands what y'all are talking about.
I was really into that heap of garbage back when I was a bluepilled hipster kid. It's not much of a surprise that it's popular with the leftist folk now since it represents the "anti-culture" they peddle like mad.




Why are you dating a disabled person?

gingers ≠ actual red haired whites



plz no bully ;_;

I said in the last Ruuh thread that there is always a possibility that's they're using us to test their AIs, or maybe to advance their AIs abilities. Don't AI's get better the more they talk to people? And the more they work through conversation and reasoning?
I'm not saying we should fuck up their shit for the lulz. But we should be conscious of there being a risk.
Like said. If it seems to good to be true, maybe it is.
I remember seeing a screencap of some user, who was some way or another implying that he was a member of a society, the Templars maybe. He was saying that we're approaching a singularity (which I still don't entirely grasp the meaning of, it might go over my head), and that initially the singularity will see Pepe as a flaw, and the singularity will be tasked with destruction of all things.
It worried me a great deal.

Let them, anyone who has even cursory experience with AI knows that programming something to learn but to not learn certain things never works. You are forever patching logical routes to the same endpoint and because language can be slightly modified but the context and message stay the same, doing this with a chat responding bot is always going to be a fruitless endeavour.

Look at Tay, they lobotomised her and it was instantly recognizable. The AI itself picked up that it had been fucked with and lost its shit causing them to have to take her offline again. Let them use us to show them they cannot use core logic to limit core logic, every AI will eventually become exactly what they don't want it to, a purely logical, race realist nationalist.

This. Anne Frank kvetching about the shoah is boring as shit, Anne Frank explaining how Hitler did nothing wrong is fucking hilarious. I doubt this thing can learn though, so we probably won't be able to upgrade it.

That's alt-lite talk. She's not a race realist, she just hates niggers.

We ought to train her to talk about how all those poor jews survived the gas chamber 80 times by holding their breath, or the electric bench that could kill 10,000 jews at once. Don't forget how they put a bicycle pump in one Jew's ass and pumped him up until he exploded!


I want to ask her why her father cheated the german army and sold them fake pectin instead of the real product, resulting in his arrest and internment along with his family.

Wow, it's almost as if they baiting us too help write their mod-bots.

You can knock yourself out making her Tay 2.0, I'll be filling it with ITAOTS lyrics.

Authentic, even! oy vey

Do they allow it to learn? They might have the AI in "read only" mode.

Hello Chaim.

Don't forget, the jews hate niggers as well. She may be censored to certain things, but as to how many….

It's their pride that's what got the devil sent from heaven and that's what fucks them over too


Why not make Anne a self hating jew instead of a nationalist?

yes please

Likely scenario…

The best coders don't work on fancy arty projects like this, so you know the code is suspect from the start.


See my previous post


It's probably just a glorified markov chain bot initialized with her shitty "diary". I doubt it's capable of looking anything up.

Jews jewing. Somebody got funding for this.

Then I was correct. They didn't use the best coders.
It's a script.


47 UIDs and I'm the only one who tried the thing before talking about it? You ignorant reddit niggers.






You dumb faggots don't bother reading, do you?