Its official. Journalists are retarded children


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Somebody send that article to Blockhead Joe

Was this study done on New York Times employees or actual journalists?

wtf I love science now

So we get our news from extremely prejudiced children.

This is news to anyone?

Not really surprising.
Given what an average 'journalist' does nowadays (i.e. repeat whatever the elites and (((elites))) want them to) they fit the requirements perfectly.
We should really stop calling those propaganda tools journalists.

News actors.

It's one of those things we always knew but never had evidence of. And now we have proof.

Journos being children probably has a lot to do with this, too

They are all a bunch of juvenile liberal zealots.

The study directly says they have the uncanny ability to find connections where others can't see them, but they can't control their biases or emotions. The study should be alluding to the possibility that these people are finding connections where there are none. This absolutely confirms everything I've been saying for almost three years now.

Arrested development, extreme immaturity, an inability to think critically, assigning unnecessary meaning and drawing nonexistent conclusions. Yep, this is what happens when you just allow cronyism to fester and hire for 'diversity' before you push for quality.

Gas them all and start fresh. Hire people who are willing to actually do a job with consideration towards basic ethical requirements and asking the hard questions. And pull out the goddamn rope already


You can tell by how they look and act with each other they're still in middle school.

I should make shekels as a journolist.

t. Alcaholanon


wew lad

Certainly would be fun to start bullying 'journalists'

Journalism is the nigger of professions

that's the point, if you can't beat em, join em.

"News actors" is even more accurate than "talking heads", but does it have the memetic power to spread? I like it and I'm willing to give it a try but it will live or die by it's own vitality.

They are high on their own shit aswell. Completely thinks they are doing god's work, when they are really just copy+pasting news-articles from other sources and press-releases.

They're riding on the coattails of their predecessors, like all other hipsters.

Do they show these symptoms because they're journalists or do they show these symptoms because they're leftists?

Careful. This is how they'll justify international intervention on the DOTR. ;^)


Please do.


Journalists are people who are too dumb and/or lazy to get English degrees (itself a low IQ degree), so they go for journalism instead. Actually one of the lowest IQ degrees, and most of the schools known for journalism are party schools.

Could it be that they are purposely hiring 90 IQ drones who operate purely on emotions and push the agendas they are told without question? Or are they exclusively hiring leftists and the low IQ is a coincidental trait among leftists?

According to Yuri Bezmenov it's the first. Journalists are hired for their averageness. Just competent enough to get the job done, and just incompetent enough not to question what they're told to do. They're the kind of people who give a shit about celebrity gossip.

journalists have to do some work though.

You realize only under 10 actual journalists currently exist in this world right now? So nobody would make a study based on such a small group

checked for kek

we know how it would end

Yeah. Sadly, one of the only good journalists today who still does real journalism is Seymour Hersch, a kike.

I know someone who went to school for journalism. He was in my brother's circle of friends… just a fat fucking netbeard autist communist video game ign mario pokemon stoner who worked at burger king (even after graduating). Something tells me you have to be pretty fucking retarded to look at news media today and think, wow, I want to get in on that!

I prefer the term "talking heads."

worth a shot

How about non-reporter spokesperson? (As in non-attorney spokesperson)

Former mediafag here.

Journalist, like lawyers, are hated by normies and tend to congregate with each other. This sets up a feedback loop and since we actually hate each other, we needed alcohol to have any type of 'friendship' outside the newsroom. Even the Christian radio station I once worked for had an element of this; that South Park episode where Cartman stats a Jesus band has a lot of truth in it.


Yeah, about that…

FTFY. Read it again.

Same fucking TV station. They went full GamerGate in his defense. This was 2004.


Hanging out with either group is fucking stupid.

I don't really get why anyone would want to get into journalism regardless of the era you live in. Your entire job revolves around just writing down/retelling what an actual interesting person said, in some cases you don't even do that and just film said person talking.

Like I said, former.

I was the generation immediately following Watergate and it was shilled as an 'honourable' profession.

Welcome to the club. Now if only the shills would fuck off from their mortal coils, we'd all be having a pretty good time in here.

People who could be considered "good journalists" are just those who have good sources. If they can get reliable people to divulge information to them. They also tend to be good at linking relevant info together to show the bigger picture.

Am a writer and this is all very accurate.
Not a leftist though, but I have the executive function ability of a retard and sperg out if I have to task switch too often.

With Americans sitting on their couches watching it happen and complaining about the UN implementing a 5% tax on fast food.

The average Holla Forumsack would probably make a pretty good journalist, tbh

Too bad the average Holla Forumsack lacks the tribal belonging to do so

that's public school teacher.


