I like this game despite its (many) flaws. Anyone else?
I like this game despite its (many) flaws. Anyone else?
No shill. No one likes that shit, monotonous game. There is basically no other way to sacrifice, there is no other way for the survivors then to escape, the invisible monster is the cripple one that have a useless power and he perks completely brake the balance of the game. Fuck off (((mister)))
What's this game about?
its fun yeah
If evolve wasn't terrible cash grab garbage. 4v1 hide and seek, matches take 5~10 mins. Its pretty good for what it is.
da joos shillin da indie games what a shoah
100% resolution.
Situation A. You want to talk about a game.
Now using what you just said, make a thread, if it is a shill thread according to you, you lose.
Be aware if you give any opinion on it (good or bad) you are now a shill, "baiting" people to talk about it (Which you wanted in the first place, the point of the thread) is also considered shilling.
Uh oh, paradox! Everythread is a shill thread!!!
Maybe you just don't like the game and instead of ignoring it your autism forces you to shitpost.
You will reply to this, your autism will not not let you.
My first refund of 2016. Got bored after 43 minutes after i figured out pretty much the full scope of the game.
How can anyone play it for more than a week and not get bored to death is beyond me.
no regrets
No. There are shill thread that make low effort on their post, and bring up shitty game that have been pushed all around Internet in recent time, lurking people to talk about it without any real argument beside "is fun" or "is entertaining" or "story driven" much like this one or the hundreds of fallout4 or Jesus help me, the gone homo ones mr shlomo.
And there are thread where people actually want to talk about the game, like the splattoon, GSG, overwatch ones, undertale or the dominions ones
You can see how they are properly written, how they have an idea to what discuss about them
We talk about fun, you talk about (((fun))
Well, congratulation I got myself caught. And you know what's the next step of my master plan?
I won you replied, nice meme btw! :)
The Friday the 13th game looks better.
Played the beta and it's bretty gud with friends but it gets boring after a few matches.
Just go away, try next time and hope no one spot your hooked nose
I refunded shortly after a little bit too, the RPG elements dont have enough grasp to give replayability
Yeah, Dead by Day one left out a crucial element of slasher films. Those brootal as fuck kills. And Friday the 13th is gonna have a ton of em.
I was going to get this game because I thought I remembered gameplay of it looking like potential fun.
Turns out what I remembered was Friday The 13TH gameplay.
I'd rather play The Hidden.
This game actually has a lot of talent and passion behind it. I really hope it works out well for the creators, I'll be genuinely saddened if its shit.
It seems like they really care about actually making a decent game, retarded youtube comments or not.
I hate how people shit on it because
dead by daylight is going to be dead by the time this game comes out. And it's gonna get absolutely shat on by friday the fucking 13th.
I don't even know how people can shit on it because dbd did it first, you've got comments like "So its just a shitty version of dead by daylight, alright.", even though the game's animations, graphics, and features all look far superior to that pile of shit.
Go back to 4chan if you don't want to talk about video games.
It's flavor of the month, which is both good and bad. Would prefer that it were a couple bux cheaper, given that it's not going to have a long lifespan
If these retards got what they wanted we would end up with Friday the 13th: Call of Jason. All counselors get their own loadouts. I'm talking full mlg360 noscope. Fear meter completely removed and everybody hunting down jason. Jason running through the fucking woods with a gun that shoots machetes. People calling in airstrikes on fucking cabins and the lake. This would be seen as less ridiculous than jason teleporting.
Yeah, sure, it would do well, but it wouldn't even be the same game that the creators envisioned.
Friday the 13th is easily one of the most famous brands in existence and has likely grossed over a billion dollars. Why the fuck was this, Shaq Fu 2, and other games that don't require backing on kikestarter?
Dubs thread? Dubs thread.
Seriously though; if you have to make a paint by numbers FPS game why don't you pick elements of games that are actually fun? there's a reason zombie mode in call of duty is so good, despite there being "zombie" FPS games for years before it. The first game to successfully make a satisfying FPS/TPS zombie/L4d hybrid will be a fucking smash hit. nobody has got the formula right yet, and this is a particularly pathetic attempt. I want to say it has promise, but it really doesn't. the fact they are pushing this shit out as an unfinished product is because they are out of ideas, and it shows.
This is the one I'm looking forward to.
Same here
Shut the fuck up and lurk more you fucking shill, there is a select list of games you are allowed to talk about on here and you are ESPECIALLY not allowed to talk about any new games or else you rub your hands fucking kike jew shill faggot nigger.
That shit better be in the fucking full game.
faggots like you are using shill to shut down discussion rather than actually having an argument. Maybe some of us are tired of this fucking board being nothing but endless butthurt threads about the industry being bags of shit, and maybe we want to talk about a game that wasn't made in the fucking 90s. Maybe some of us want to talk about new shit that may or may not appeal to you and see if it's worth buying, that includes talking about specific issues related to the game, the dev team, and the community.
so how about you go fuck right the hell off with your whining about shills and let people who actually want to talk about fucking games talk about fucking games
Stop shitposting. You'll make retards think posting like that is acceptable.
Stop shitting up thread/board quality.
Yep. I'm getting tired of seeing shit about SJW/shill/cucks/etc
I just came here during the 2014 exodus to have some culture and talk about vidya, man.
yeah let's (((all))) talk about the new game of the month, lets all share 10 things we didn't know we needed in the game and let's all share it on our FB.
We talked about his game not even a week before it came out of the beta. And suddenly every 3 days there is a thread about it. Jee I wonder why this indie game with flaws is so talked and praised. Well, I'm sure isn't anything dodgy
fucking halfchan fags
Shame on you
Subtle, shill.
It need a shill to spot a shill, shill.
fuck off underage
Is ok user. We are all shill here
Well, if (((people))) want to talk about this game then wouldn't hurt bump it up on shitposting right :^>
>>>Holla Forums
At this point, the definition of shilling might as well be simply talking about a game somebody else doesn't like. It had a useful definition for a while, but like every potentially useful buzzword that ever comes up around here, it's been overused and watered down to near uselessness.
Why would anyone in his right mind pay for the development of a game, if you can get mindless rl npc's to pay for it? Game was gonna be made either way, So why turn down free money retards throw at you?
Yep. It's quickly turning into the left's version of rasyss. A meaningless word you throw at people you disagree with.
I think the same thing's happened to cuck as well. And normalfag, well that's just fucking dead. I wonder what the next buzzword insult will be.
thats not true though
how about suicide shill