The religion pill

I've been reading for a long time but ultimately, I come to you Holla Forums. I used to be a maximum fedorafag, probably still am to some extent but as I started improving my life and started to swallow the redpills, I started seeing a grander design in things rather than believe everything is random based on a small set of laws. I feel like a creator exists, but my inner self tells me that I must always look for the truth, but this isn't a truth I can proove or discover, and this is eating away at me.

I know there must be something to it that I'm not seeing, because I believe thousands of years of western progress can't be build on nothing. There were very wise people before us, and they believed in god, I want to believe it wasn't a mindless belief that they inherited from their parents, white people don't function like that, their actions and beliefs are based on rationalization.

To add up to my difficulty in searching for an answer, I understand that there are little religious institutions left that hold any legitimacy. The pope is cucked, most churches obey blindly, and if you'll ask many followers you'll get generic responses. If you buy a bible, you'll get an ((interpreted)) translated version of a book that's been rewritten more than anything else on earth.

Drop me with your christianity redpills. Why do you believe, Holla Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

ancient ideas of god aren't the same as all the bs that has been inserted into modern religions to control people. Lots of older religious texts seem to be talking about evolution and hereditary ideas.

My that's a lot of HotPocketX edits after the mods return from shul
Is it really that bad that the antisemitic posts need to be deleted leaving the paid shill jews to pretend arguing amongst themselves all pretending that Kushner isn't being investigated and Trump sold 350Bn in arms to the Saudis that Trump reckons did 9/11 is a good thing for Americans really, 1488D chess etc

Apologies to OP, just thought I'd dump this in here.

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Don't say that word, its plebbit speak.

Believing in a greater power should be separate from the church. As men we seek a cause, and if ones self restriction is one to please a greater force that isn't our own wicked will of pathological pragmatism that is the heart of many evils such as hedonism, materialism, and apathy, it shall be so, for the search of a close perfection already portrays your morality, although your male rationale naturally seeks an answer "why", "why" should you deny yourself of illicit pleasures if you are all, you are more or less your own god, and the god of others if you choose; believing in a god is a self imposed restriction so that our evils do not overwhelm us, and what religions were been from the beginning before infiltration - a life code for a better life.

There is no easy answer to that question. If you want faith, then start with believing that the rightouess will ultimately win against the unrighteouss. When you have that, then start believing that no wicked deed goes unpunished and no good deed goes unrewarded. This is as big of a leap of faith to believe in as with any god.

Good points, I started to believe two ideas with priority over others, either that a single creator entity exists, and has created this universe, which we happen to be a part of, or either a creator doesn't exist, but rather, it's formed by us, would explain many things such as the collective conscious, meme magic, the whole "god is in all of us" and whatnot. I guess the whole need to believe in god stems from our fear of death but you can't help but be fascinated by the implications of the existence of a god.

Christian is a strong word for it. It exists before and after the cross. Jesus was merely the man and point its essense was made clearest to the West.

Which is later seen as synchronicity, and now emerged as meme magic.

Look up Eastern Orthodox if you want a Western theology that at least bends the knee to truth still. It has had stirrings of taking the sword back up these past few years. All else is lost, and will be like so much manure to crops only now seeded.

That's what we call an egregore.

I'm too lazy to write the lengthy post necessary to spoonfeed you. so have some pointers.
creator- -> irrelevant
belief in god-> metaphors
purpose in life -> you and your family. carry on the legacy of your ancestors, expand it and teach your descendants to do the same.
you are welcome

Atheists are annoying because they lose sight of that there is an absolute logical absurdity at the root of everything, even if all religions are false and there's nothing to pray to. It's proof that there's more to everything than the natural universe. But going right to calling that idea "god" or "creator" is lazy too, because now you're thinking about those concepts instead of that single truth.

If god is real, then he is laughing at us. Every single religion on Earth is the corrupted vision of man. Every word in the Christian Bible has been heavily edited, sanitized, and politically chosen over the past 1500 years by the organized Church. The mere idea that man could understand god in any way is laughable. All you end up with are men in hats pretending they're better than the other men in the other hats.

I've seen a lot of approval of Jordan B Peterson on various boards around here. He's not quite /ourguy/ but he's more conservative than liberal. He's done a lot of lecturing about psychology and religion that I find interesting.

Well, for starters, many of the events of the New Testament can legitimately be confirmed; there are thousands of non-biblical texts that corroborate the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, including ancient posters advertising the execution of a man for crimes against the (((church))) at the behest of the Pharisees. Also, many of the strange or otherwise unexplained events can be scientifically explained, such as sweating blood (a girl in Germany sweat blood every time the Blitzkrieg came) and water/blood from being stabbed with the spear (long term crucifixion causes a small layer of water to build up around the heart, and in the language of the original text, words are not arranged chronologically but by severity; thus, blood and water instead of water then blood).

Do not take the (((Old Testament))) at face value, though. The best example is, of course, Moses and the flight of the Jews from Egypt; unearthed evidence shows that the Jews were not slaves, and were in fact expelled from the country.

Don't hold to ideas of "christianity" or religion, user. White greatness was built by blood, not by some creed or belief. You may believe in Christianity, you may believe in the european religion of our forefathers, white greatness would have existed, with differences, under both. Just don't be a degenerate fedora or a nihilist. There is a whole redpilling to be done on the real origins of christianity, but that doesn't matter right now for you, just focus on finding more about talmudic judaism and it's goals…

Obligatory "he puts the holocaust on a pedestal" comment.

I believe that God will preserve his word well enough that we can understand and seek clarification from him if necessary. The KJV is the most accurate translation. Embed is a documentary about the (((translations))) and why one should use KJV.

Find your answers there.

Just stick around
Eventually you will realize the truth

Opie, I recommend you look into Sacred Geometry if you really want to ponder on this sort of thing. Granted you'll likely never have the full picture, studying things such as Geometry with a capital G and old school alchemy will absolutely broaden your view tremendously.

Here are a few things you may or may not have already seen that will get you started: -Three hours of basic Geometry to get your feet wet -Alchemy presentation -All about Ed Leedskalnin's Coral Castle -Playlist related to all of this

There were a few podcasts floating around on here with Randall Carlson, I recommend you check those out when you have time. He gets into the nitty gritty of ancient history cataclysm and he has a site dedicated to Geometry;
I highly recommend hungrily devouring every little scrap of information you can find.


Progress in a society can be achieved through an attachment to a religious ideal, however misguided. Slave labor built western society, as approved by the bible, so, by all means consider western progress as a foundation of your belief in "God is real God is watching"

Surprised to see so many quality posts, but you should ask in /Christian/ anyway. There is no doubt a kike will shitpost here soon, they really hate the topic.




Friendly reminder that Jews fear and abhor pagan values.

Pagan/Gentile Reverence for Nature is Seen as a Direct Threat to Urbanite Jewish Spiritual Hegemony

I would like to invite discussion and criticism of this article which offers a Jewish critique of the pagan worldview:


The Jewish author writing for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs understandably criticizes several aspects of cheesy neo-paganism and modern superstition, but then he goes on to say some striking things which explicitly identify the traditional and organic pagan/gentile reverence for nature as a direct threat to urbanite Jewish spiritual hegemony (advocating instead the Noahide laws as the correct alternative for gentiles). Here are some key quotes from his polemic which struck me the most:
1.) "The ancient revulsion with regard to paganism felt by adherents of Judaism links up with the need to take stock of these contemporary phenomena…Nature is not sacred and its laws represent barbarity; the Noahide laws represent civil society. There are many reasons for Jewish observers to watch attentively which direction the powerful, renewed interest in nature will take, and what consequences this may have for world Jewry."
2.) "Few people realize — and contemporary German Greens prefer not to be reminded of it — that the first major nature-protection laws were issued, of all places, in Nazi Germany…"
3.) "So soon after Nazism, which proclaimed the same, one has again forgotten what dangers the elevation of nature as a norm brings with it for the handicapped, the sexual outsiders, the elderly and inter-racial societies."
4.) "Halakhah is the antithesis of the laws of nature. The latter are cruel: there is no charity in nature; there is no mercy. There is no safety net in nature for marginal beings….There is no equality in nature or anything resembling democracy. Nature should be feared." (Oy gevalt!)
5.) "Furthermore, I postulate that no nation in the twentieth century has lived as much 'in harmony with nature' as Hitler’s Germany."
6.) "Anybody who places nature as the central value in society must be suspect in the eyes of Jews. One should not lump together neo-Nazis, neo-pagans, and extreme environmentalists. Yet all should be watched carefully by Jews, even if the degree of worry they cause greatly differs."
7.) "So what does the return of paganism mean for Judaism? It forces us to focus on the importance of Jewish law and tradition, which proclaims that nature is not the dominant force in the world, nor is it sacred….Nature’s laws represent the world of the savage and barbarian; the Noahide laws represent civil society."
8.) "The Jewish agenda is a very long one. Many things assimilated Jews consider important should be pushed down the Jewish agenda. The new outside reality should help us understand that propagating the Noahide commandments to humanity should have had a higher place on this agenda a long time ago."
9.) "Nothing good for the Jews — nor for society at large — can come out of a worldwide strengthening of paganism."

I believe in the triune nature of God, that is God is in essence one, but composed of three equal yet distinct parts, Father, Son, Spirit. I believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the Messiah or anointed one and that he was God in the flesh, died on a cross for the sins of all mankind, was buried, rose from the grave and ascended into heaven.

I believe that the church is not a place you go, but who you are. From the Greek the word translated as "church" literally means "assembly" or "gathering." To be a Christian to belong to a group that excludes those in the world-not that we live monastic lives but our way of life must be different.

I believe that Christians must submit to the governments, whatever they may be, and pray for those who govern. The only time a Christian can spurn the laws of the land he lives in is when those laws are in direct violation of God's law and moral standard. Any one who calls themselves a Christian and despises the laws of the land, teaches others to do the same, and openly rebels against the law is no Christian. Again, a Christian may only disobey the law if said law is in direct violation of God's moral standard and must suffer the punishment for breaking the law.

I believe that no one who practices, adultery, immorality of any kind, homosexuality, idolatry, murder, lying, kidnapping, extortion, brawling, drunkenness or the practice of any other sinful thing will have a spot in a place of eternal damnation and torment. I believe that since Jesus died for our sins that all men, no matter their life, can repent, turn from sin, and follow God-and I believe that this may happen as they draw their very last breath.

And, eh, that's just the start.