The Mexican Question

What do we do about these uppity spics pouring into America? They literally want to take over at least half of the United States. They come here with their third world problems to try and turn our country into Brazil.
Any prominent La Raza types or politicians allowing this mass unfettered barrage of beaners into our country? Who are at the head of this snek? Is the wall enough? How can we push to get the wall built faster?
tbh, Holla Forums, kikes are the worst but I think mestizos are worse than niggers in terms of a threat to white America.
look, we need a discussion going on about this issue. Wetbacks have an average IQ of 85 which is the criminal sweet spot. Smart enough to be able to do a crime but dumb enough to not have empathy or get by/make a living without harming others. We need to push this shit back NOW. Watch the muh e celeb jewtube video as a primer about the nightmare on the horizon.

Other urls found in this thread:!pol/9947727_

Report to deport them.

Reported. You die first, then we'll handle the spics.


I fear deporting is too late; there's too many of them. Possible break up is the only answer until we regroup, get our shit together, re-invade and deport all of them.

no u
Not gay enough for you to sage so woo hoo.

True, but once the general population is redpilled to the dangers of spics shouldn't there be some leading authorities helping the spics that we could tighten the thumbscrews on politically so they can knock it off?

Make their lives a living hell…always make sure they are unwelcome…treat them like garbage at all times.

Push for legislation. That's anti welfare also. If the handouts dry up they may very well fuck off on their own.

Finally get fit and get armed. Prepare for glorious combat for the future of your race.

Spot the anti white kikes

Found the slidethread-bumping cancer

Spics are the primary demographic threat in the USA. Their mindset is to squeeze every drop of gibs they can get out of America, either they resort to criminality or they work their asses off with long hours, multiple jobs. Then they all shit out tons of kids which they get paid to do by the government. Very r-selected, they live to work and screw. Gibs, paycheck, birth, repeat. They are a swarm that is taking over and milking what's left of the American middle class dry (which the Jews and niggers contribute to from above and below). Even if immigration to USA were halted, the spics already here would guarantee demographic doom if they are not removed in droves.

Is it a Crime to look like an ICE agent without actually dressing up like one? I would say make them as paranoid as possible within the limits of the law. You don't get someone to do something they don't want to do. They have to self deport. This war is one of psychology & fear. Remember that.

Here's something to share with cuckservatives who believe it's possible to live in a race neutral country which also embraces small government.

Slide thread my ass this shit incredibly important your worthless heeb

biological warfare. Any self-respecting Aryan won't eat Mexi-shit. Contaminate tacos.


Go ahead and link the threads here so I can go over and personally bump them for your whiny ass.

Truly a brown malignant tumor on this country. That's the way I look at it. Great summary of the problems we face.

Probably the same as impersonating an officer, user-kun. I do like the idea of keeping them paranoid about ICE, though. perhaps fliers about ICE being in the area or something like that.
One of the big red flags is a small-ish house with dozens of beaners living in it at once. To them it's a big safe-house that they hide in. High likelihood of drug selling/using in those houses, too. Things to look for.

I laugh at lobergs who believe in the "muh spics are more conservative" meme. Look at just about every spic country's history and you'll see dictator after communist dictator with revolutions every few decades.

I refuse to knowingly eat mexican produce. I accidentally at an unwashed spic grape at the store and it was not a happy afternoon on the toilet I'll say that much.

op is

Reported for repeatedly bumping a slide thread

I did say within the limits of the law. Being in good physical shape & dressing well isn't a crime. I wasn't suggesting dressing up like ICE. A good brainstorming topic might be in order.

Sorry I'm not advocating to commit murder, agent. I'll think twice next time I make a thread and be sure to include some really incriminating shit just UUUU.

Reported for not even wanting to kill spics

Oh, I see, so maybe wearing an ear piece with a suit or going through a neighborhood writing down stuff on a clip board. I mean, if you have the time and have a CCW so you don't get mobbed by angry beaners then it's not a bad idea.

Which is why it's a great idea. It would take a while for FDA and other biosecurity nerds to figure out that it's an intentional poisoning vs accidental mishandling/e. coli outbreak.

fuck off with the whining, fags. or consider my plan.

Lots of people wear earpieces, it's all cumulative. If you stack up enough small things one on top of the other the paranoia may be too much.

3 or 4 cock slurpers come on Holla Forums, they post 4 or 4 shit, low quality threads, expect everyone to play along, claim it's important, fuck off

Consider going back to cuckchan.

Not to mention these spics are likely high on drugs which will compound their paranoia.

I heard from a beanerita that goes to mexico every summer that she went to a cilantro farm. The workers there knew the produce was to go to the US and they intentionally watered it with water contaminated with feces. Just an anecdote but this comes from the horse's mouth.

Want to know how I know you're not from around here?
hint: Show post options & limits

still waiting on those threads allegedly being slid if that's really your concern, nigger.

This thread is filled with beaners who do not want any discussion of beaner removal.

FUCK YOU. Like everything else we do we need action NOW not later. Discussing the Latino filth is incredibly important. Any and all steps we can take to drive them off are vital and a thread to share anti beaner tips is completely 100% needed.

Holla Forums must be absolutely infested with wetback filth when we can't discuss anti Latino tactics and information.

I often have to remind myself that not everyone on Holla Forums is white.
To any shitskins reading this, why the fuck are you here? We hate you. We want you gone out of our countries. No number of hours, months, or years spent here will ever make you white so go away. Reddit is a good place to be a based spic or nigger so go there.

Keeps me posted in a format that I like.

Bumping for most important topic for burgers.

I refuse to not believe in a world where whites working together cannot accomplish ponderous things.

Share your beaner harrassment tips here. Share poster and flyer ideas for anti epic awareness.

Do not let the shitskin menace slide this most crucial of threads.

Fuck wetback scum.

madbeaner is mad

unsurprising. Let's return the favor.

It's probably divided between some (((based))) redpilled shitskins and veritable assmad shills.


The only based shitskin is the one is their own country working to improve their own lives and culture.

No shitskin in a white country is based as to be based means working for your own people not piggybacking off another people.

Shoot one when you see one. That's easy

nigger, do you not know what (((echoes))) are?


Found another beaner

wtf happened to this thread?
did some faggot OP sperg out all over himself while sucking cock?

I now what the fuck echoes are for.

That was real honest advice for any actual spice…GO WORK TO IMPROVE YOUR OWN COUNTRY! Fleeing to enjoy another's better country while neglecting to work for your own is pathetic.

How do faggots suck and fuck at the same time? OP is Fucking with us right?

Fuck off paco. Go back and improve your own country you nutless Fucker.

What the fuck happened to my thread?

Fuck you nigger. I was asking an honest question about how to make sure OP doesn't mongle my cock after seeing it at no.2 in the catalog.

what the fuck is up with this thread? why is it stickied and anchored? What the fuck is up with this entire board all of the sudden???

testing something

I'm confused… What did the OP say about sucking cock that has everyone in a tizzy about fags and their annoying tendency to post on this board? What's going on exactly?

How can this be last edited 6mins from now?
MODS = having fun

And that's where it needs to stay.

Now post your beaner removal tips.

I think it's better than this pol is right now

I don't think you do. Because your advice, while valid, doesn't logically follow what I was saying.

Let's hope it's a joke.

low effort shilling

My thread was not a "what does Holla Forums think of x" or any of this bullshit. It was firmly about my love for cocks.
This was a thread for coming up with ways to combat the lack of cock in my mouth problem. We had a few assblasted good times in here but for the most part it was a good cocksucking. I want my original cockfucking back.
I wish I fucking archived the cocks when I could.
Since when has OP been so obviously a faggot?

Well that's easy, have your family help with building your deck or picking your melons. The bearer can not still a job that you do not give it.

The average household headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) costs taxpayers $6,234 in federal welfare benefits, which is 41 percent higher than the $4,431 received by the average native household.

Oh, mate, rookie mistake. You shouldn't have said that. See you next week after we suck ALL the cocks in this thread:


/polk/ or voat for all the cockfucking you can withstand

Never stop sucking cocks.

Well shit, I was just bi-curious.

You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?

1) Put sage
2) Shitpost once
3) Report

   ∧_∧   ( ´Д`) <みなさーん、お茶が入りましたよ~  /    \  | l    l |     ..,. ., .,  | |    | _|。.:_::゜。-.;.:゜。:.:;。  ヽ \_ .。'゚/   `。:、`;゜:;.::.。:.:。   /\_ン∩ソ\    ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.::.。.。:..  /  /`ー'ー'\ \  ゜: ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.:,。:.:. 〈  く     / / ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.:,.:.:.:。:.:,.  \ L   ./ / _::..゜:: ゚。:.:.:,.:.:,.:.:.:,    〉 )  ( .::旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦.   (_,ノ    .`ー'旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦.

Hi mod


I'm curious about the autistic thought-process that led you to believe I'm a mod.

Posters flyers and infographs…SREAD THEM IN YOUR COMMUNITY for awareness.

Never show cocks courtesy of politeness. Always be hostile to the cock.

Duck with cocksucker cars. Pop assholes and damage rectums. Inhibit wetback ability to get to their stolen cocks. Harass them at home cockdepot and day labor locockations.

Call your representatives and demand an end to the cock for immigrants. Cut off the cock source.

Always spread the meme of Hispanic UN-MANLYNESS. After all what man attempts to ride on another culture's cock instead of fixing their own cocks…it's disgustingly beta and pathetic. MEME THIS as spics are big on machismo cocks and it genuinely fucks them raw when you point this beta behavior out.


And as always get fit, get armed and get ready for cockfucking.

designated shitting board

/polk/ and voat are both dogshit… But then, so is h8/pol/.

Why does this remind me of 2014?

Is that video the real origin of the TRS helicopter meme?

So either all of the anons are acting like the faggot cocksucking shills they are or one OP is proxy switching?

Cause the same thing is happening. This place is going towards cockchan 2.0 unless we purge these faggot shills and OPs by not replying to them like we're some sort of cocksuckers ourselves.

Lad, this IS cockchan 2.0. We're not heading there to mongle cocks, we ARE here unrepentantly mongling cocks.
If /polcock/ didn't exist, we'd have had an exodus already - and REMEMBER that: If /polcock/ had existed on cockchan, WE WOULD NOT BE HERE.

The whole reason for the cockodus was the very thing /polcock/ is designed to avoid coming to pass - the faggot OPs and shills don't want to be criticized the way they were on cockchan, so they created a containment board for the cock containment board to avoid the cock containment board breaking cock containment due to obvious cock containment being too obvious cock.

Perhaps. But you're retarded if you think anything I've posted is indicative of a cockmongling OP.

For an easy beaner harrassment tactic use pic related…liquid ass spray.

Its truly vile…God awful disgusting and cheap and can easily be hosed from a car on beaners looking for work or sprayed into their living spaces to make them completely uninhabitable for hours. Spray it in a Mexican restaurant to instantly drive customers away.

The possibilities for IRL trolling is endless.

Its about harrassment. Make their lives a living hell and have fun with it. Get creative. They have no rights and you should never be polite. Fuck with them in any hilarious way you can think off.

How topically relevant.


Stop being D&C shills and start posting anti beaner ideas. Is pol is truly about the preservation of the white race it's time to show it.

What have you done the make a wetbacks day shitty? If nothing then you got some work to do assholes. Your people and countries are only worthwhile due to the hard work of your white ancestors. Now you do the same and get to work faggots.

Oh, honey..

Did you read any of my posts, or the forced edits? You still think I'm a mod and didn't post any ideas? Confirmed retarded.

Sucked all the cocks?

voat news got the last syrian bombing right with halfchan, here they fucked it up and the thread is still shit.

Guess not. HotpocketX sure has a lot of fun. The mod log is public for a reason btw. Don't be a faggot and delete every link to it.

I didn't see any beaner harrassment in that post. Less feeling and more spic hate. Get on point and back on topic

how absolutely fucking shocking.

I said its either one mod being a faggot or a couple. I didnt say specifically you were part of it. lrn2read

I saw 3 or 4 threads made on the syrian bombing that were insta deleted.

Its quite obvious whats going on right now

You know, considering how dumb you are, I'm not as sad about the fate of this thread.

Oh I definitely hit a nerve, didn't I?

We got a female mod, eh? Interesting…

Something to note: The mods appear to have the capacity to modify the board log. There have been far more than 34 permabans in the last 2 days.

Checked for no. This thread is dogshit and 'anti-beaner' ideas are fucking gay worthless nonsense.


Good Job Mods. Proud of you.


lainchan can't come soon enough.

A lot of asshurt spics too pathetic to work for their own country in this thread.

How's it feel to be nutless shitskins?

How did a Turk living in Germany become a Holla Forums mod anyways?

OP, here.
Moved the thread to >>>/polk/21133 (thanks, kek)
Move discussion to there or enjoy this shitposting thead, I guess.

This one makes a great poster to print out.

Yeah…seems like a long time ago

Again, another indication of autism. You guys have very literal understanding of language and weird logical processes.


If you don't get to work defending your culture NOW none of that will matter. Instead of just waxing on about how great white culture is you must get to work defending it too.

I hope you realize my posts and naming conventions aren't at face value.

What did the mods mean by this?

What the hell is goyim on in this thread ?

What is happening here?

pic related

quacking crazy, eh Jimbo?

Keep in mind that those squawking retards try to pretend they're Holla Forumsacks.

Any more IPs you fags want to get banned right now so there's one less IP to post another template thread in the catalog? Have you ridden your dragon dildos to exhaustion in your impotent fury yet?

So…Holla Forums pol is anti white now?

a bumplocked sticky?

I don't post often, but when I do
I'm saging a bumplocked sticky while mods are having fun faggoting an OP
what the fuck is going on?

faggot OP made a template thread, mods made fun of him, then he and his endchan/polk goon buddies sperged out spectacularly and got a bunch of their proxies banned.

Nice slide thread, Schlomo.

Narrative Crafting Exposed

Here's two simple tricks to trigger the Holla Forums Holla Forums mods into a ban-spasm!
#1: Post the board log link.

#2: Note that /polmeta/ is designed to avoid a second exodus.

It's pinned redditard.

I don't even know what this thread is supposed to be about and when I enquired mods eddited my shit right the fuck up, I'm not trying to dNc shit. I just wanted to know what the fuck was going on. Damn, now I do feel like I'm dNc because tbh this place is starting to piss me off as of late. Not like it matters cause mods will just edit this post as well and the thread will continue to make no fucking sense.

Maybe you shouldn't be such a newfag.

honestly because if so then topkek

I think there is a resurgence of anti-Mexicanism because at this point in time America has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. America is not going to be the monolithic society it once was in the last century. Mexicans are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for America to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Mexicans will be resented because of our leading role.

It was some bullshit 'GUIZE WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE MEXICANS' "ideas" thread.
Cause it's not like we've had ICE threads pinned for weeks before or anything.

Yes sir, Mr HotpocketX, sir. This thread deserved the magnitude of punishment it received.

mate spics have to go back

or had anons watching the border to report beaners i was so proud

If thats true then fuck OP. Still no need to fuck with actual users that are just wondering what the fuck is going on in a stickied bumplocked thread.

Like this faggot. This doesn't even make sense in this context you dumb nigger.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Lurk. The fuck. Moar.

you seem mad, bro…

Antifa's future airforce?


The first rule of internet imageboard culture is to lurk the fuck moar so you know what's going on before you open your stupid mouth and show everyone how retarded you are. The rest is up to you.

what the fuck did i miss

You haven't been paying attention

I had noscript turned on, so the pin and the anchor didn't show up. Also, I've never seen a thread pinned and bumplocked before.

that's because I'm just here and I'm drunk son

mods making an example out of the 6 millionth "what does Holla Forums think about x" thread? or what is going on here.

ding ding ding

pretty much thought so, its like back in the day when threads were stickied with everyone banned in them. Good times.

The kikes have been pretty obnoxious lately.

"Overkill" is a meme. Fuck these stupid newfags earnestly posting weak threads.

I think its a big flood of newfags on purpose, being pushed here by the usual suspects to fuck this board up as much as possible, notice the harsh decline after the 4chan ddong and the T_D bullshit, its like a huge wave of newfaggotry and kikes.

oh, are you the same fag that got banned that one time back a few weeks ago after getting dubs and kept sperging your ban all over the place. makes sense if so

ICE is about wanting someone else to fix your problems for you.

This thread was about getting things done yourself…but apparently the anti whites won.

lurk more fag, the ice threads were about tracking down and making a db about illegals on social media and reporting them to ICE for deportation.

no, because I'm not a mod you projecting retard

You should've saged, faggot.
See you never!

And you can also make their lives a living hell and encourage them to fuck off.

Why only do one thing?

t. freech
t. chimpire
t. TRS
t. goons
t. CTR
t. Shareblue
t. DNC


Let's find out. ;^)

Then ruin what lives the beaner s have.


If I've inspired even one white to take irl actions against the vile shitskin hordes then my time was well spent.

you can't help but be a faggot. I know its you, I know you are the same faggot from that thread. You sperg just like him, your writing style smells of the same person. Back to endchan with you kike.

No, they're going to fight the beaners by spamming and ban evading on a Filipino media website.

see what I don't get is, if we are 'compromised' then why come on here and spam and cry about it?

Never saw the point of trying to demoralize a people fighting for their very right to exist. Seems especially sadistic and vile.

Explain it to me.

They think they're redpilling newfags by showing how "unreasonable" the mods/mod-anons are.
In reality, they're just burning IPs and revealing themselves as massive faggots.

Because they're paid to do it or have a personal vendetta against the site.
A ton of other chans have had vendettas against Hotwheels ever since he had the audacity to have sex with a girl, then he got famous. Then the site became actually important so there are the paid shills plus the psycho goons who want to control and destroy this site like every other website created. They act by almost identical infiltration methods.
Judging by these faggots' posting styles, they're mad that a boneless cripple can get laid but they still can't.

They should really get over the "muh dick".
Then again, if they did, they wouldn't be here doing what they do.

Oh, and I've been kicking them in the dick for almost three years straight now and they're really mad about that too.

they never learn

I'm confused. Is TRS raiding us again?

no, just a bunch of regular kikes. might as well be though whats the difference :^)

wizardchan and 4chon fags are among the culprits, I know that much.
Meguca is all goon trannies for the most part.
Endchan is goons and whatever idiots they've managed to blackpill (Odilitime the site owner is antifa)
/polk/ is butthurt TRSodomites is butthurt 4chon fags and discordian goons
Then there's JIDF/ADL/etc and other paid thinktanks, plus the SJWs, commies and other useful idiots. We basically have every group on the planet shilling here now.

I mostly just call all of them faggots though.

who is OP? tell me why he sucks all the cocks! if I take the cocks away will he die?!

probably, this is a low effort attack

yeah, you're still infinitely stupider, mein goy. no benefit for you for doing that.

Why did this thread get derailed at all.

Why did discussion of mods even come up.

Holla Forums pol can't even have an anti beaner discussion? This is absolutely insane.

Does pol no longer care about whites whatsoever? If you care about the white people make a beaners life hell today.

what did I say about lurking more?

Because thats their FREE job, shitting the board with their tactics like D&C, projections, why dont you go and smash a beaners skull with a bat you will not get arrested by the alphabet soup agencies tier of baiting, etc

outsider pls go and stay go

Pic related, it's you on the ground.

that's probably one reason, but what I don't understand itt is
what are the multi-banned shills thinking about beaners?
are they for or against?

and will the mods unban the multiple vpn addresses that the morons have burned through once the thread is deleted?

holy shit. did they outright say this?
they must be getting paid by someone to be so bold. what kind of loser faggot fucks with a malaysian illustration board for money?

lmao try fucking harder nigger

no they aren't, they hate TRS just as much as we do

the kind that has to scrape together enough money to put their wife's son through college

A former aids riddled faggot is still an aids riddled faggot even if he claims he stopped sucking cock.

Well this sites fucked with shills.

this isn't about the beaners, this thread was a shit tier "what does Holla Forums think about x" thread, and mods decided to nuke it. They probably don't actually care about the beaners, I am against beaners, to them this thread was just to slide and shit up the catalog with useless low energy threads, and more newfags posting in here bumping it.

/polk/ just fell for the TRS mod meme is all. They can have their space, they keep to them selves for the most part

This thread WAS absolutely about beaner s…the mods decided they wanted to be anti white faggots instead.

Or the kind who don't have a wife at all. Most of these faggots are probably autistic mystery-meat anyway, who channel their frustration into fucking with imageboards like it's their job.


calling other people kikes, kike? just learn to lurk more faggot. not our fault you're too incompetent to infiltrate a tibetan jello tasting collective

its not a boogyman when you keep proving it true faggot

yeah probably

I honestly don't think i have an applicable smug to suit this situation

A week from now they'll say it was the mods spamming all that shit.
Literally everyone and everything is the mods now, that's their new narrative.
Bad enough they can't say "imkampfy" because they've attributed god-like powers to him, now he's all seeing and all powerful to boot. They have no idea what the fuck they're casting.


I'm imkampfy actually

no, I'm imkampfy

no, I'm imkampfy

imkampfy? no yourekampfy

Your smug about the dire situation of the white race? Is this site not a community concerned for whites and their plight?

How much time have you wasted here screaming retardations, kike?

Nice try, imkampfy.

Just ban him, imkampfy.

The fuck is going on here?

no you are imkampfy

You know what's going on, imkampfy. Don't lie.

imkampfy isn't even logged on, you Spartacus niggers. lurk more:

If even one white is concerned about the future of their people no time was ever wasted.

The white race is what matters.

fuck you imkampfy you can't trick me

We all know he's imkampfy, imkampfy.

no I'm smug about you being so utterly assblasted beyond belief over being called out about being a shill/newfag plebbitor rapefugee from t_d

While kampfy is a total niggerfaggot and is probably learningcode/rachposter, at least he can clean up shit threads

t. imkampfy internet defense force aka imkampfy

I know that's actually you Mod-sama! You can't fool me, I'm too familiar with your super cool ways! Ku-ku-ku~

I think youre imkampfy

yes the white race indeed matters. now go back into the oven, Shlomo

now THIS is imkampfy

>dindu nuffin
Seems legit. ;^)

They literally adopted my narrative and are trying to use it for themselves, top kek. ;^D

For the archives:

you tried.

go be a faggot somewhere else

oh look you found another IP range to get banned to post again about how you totally aren't a shill even though you basically admitted it in your own stupidity
eventually you will end up TOR posting to shill and thats gonna be pretty entertaining, like the hasbarafag

I succeeded, you mean. And yes, that (1) further supports my argument. Thanks for mentioning it.

Make me. ;^)


Nigger, tor is a thing - i will never run out of IP's. The question is if I'm willing to spend the time to go through them to get through the ones you've already banned - there's a LOT.


wrong again faggot i'm actually wt snacks

Who else

wow what a fag no wonder you suck at your job


wewlad, you really are retarded

Create the consensus. ;^)

Says the fag whose been sucking mod dick all thread.
Seems legit. ;^)

nigga ive had trips of truth and 2 dubs in this thread it's my fuckin life now

Nice animu. ;^)


Hey let's ban him again so he can come back and tell us how totally not mad he is about 100 more times.

Are you hoping to redpill normies or defame the mods? Because I don't think it's working.
You wanna burn more IPs for your cause? lel

thanks nerd, i know it offends your delicate steven jewniverse watching ass

making fun of you with mods =/= sucking their cock
keep going though, further proving how you are a from around here and not shilling, its entertaining everytime.

Seriously, if someone just walked away and left shit alone, I would have some respect. But continually shitposting and fucking with the thread shows how much of a massively insecure faggot he is. I would kill myself if I had so little to live for all I could do is worry about controlling this fucking thread.

you really sound like an ex-high-schooler rotting away in mom's basement with nothing to do with his life
how much do you weight?

We all know that imkampfy and only imkampfy is the one who makes fun of shills around here. The shills told us so.


oh hey here have some more, you'll love these

shit, thats right, I'm imkikey :^)kampfy


What's funnier is that there's a group of them, all assblasted simultaneously.

Only imkampfy would be humble enough to mock himself. imkampfy confirmed.

Banning me 100 times totally shows you aren't mad about what I'm saying about you. ;^)

A bit of both - and nobody cares what you think. I like your post history though. Ever heard of the word 'sycophant'? You should look into it. ;^)

No prob dork, now eliminate one more avenue for people to access your website because you're triggered by what I say about you. ;^)

Lad, you've been sucking mod dick so long, I don't know if you can tell the taste of an empty mouth from one with a mod dick in it at this point.
Stay salty. ;^)



Mod-sama is so super cool! Hau~

There's a surprise…

totally not mad tho right? BWAHHHAHAHAHA now thats what I call projection 2017

Got any redheads?

All that matters is that the kikes are continues to be fought by us.
Every last Jew must die during the first Holocaust, remember this as fact and we cannot truly be divided.

Are you autistic? Because I think you read posts too literally. I guess subtext is too difficult for a shill who's about to be banned, btw


You're only mad that you didn't get a chance to suck it first kike-kun! Your cocklust can not be sated! Afu-fu-fu~

coming back 98 times shows whos the madder, bro

i got you covered, friendo



He's merely prtending, then?


I will never understand why people on here bitch about chinese cartoons of all things

They make a lot of mistakes when they're angry

aww yeh

In this shitposting clusterfuck, we hold this to be true:
The kike is the enemy of not just the white race, but all mankind. He works to stifle technological development while mixing all but himself so as to dirty his goal of having it be just a world of himself and a great unwashed mass of brown, so that he may rule the goyim without trouble.

We are, and remain among the last holdouts against this tide of semitic rot. We must fight, for if we do not it will mean our Extinction, and the loss of our birthright, the stars.
For this sin, every last his must be eradicated, along with all traitors who have aided them.

Insecure people hate anyone who is superior. Smug expressions denote superiority, so every smug expression is an immediate reminder of their low status.

posting OC animu reaction image that I think suits this thread

No madder than you. ;^)

Hahaha, I was going to tell you to ban me again but you banned me again before I could tell you to do it. But you're totally not upset about what I've said about you.

Shall we talk again about how /polmeta/ is a containment board, or shall I save those images for another thread? ;^)

Powerful commentary!

Thanks lad.

Yes, because excluding someones commentary where it regards criticism of you shows much less anal-frustration than coming back to laugh at the people who keep impotently attempting to exclude your commentary.
Seems legit. ;^)

Those are blondes dude, wtf. You had one job.


Oh, its not the cartoons, I love me some animu. Its the sort of people who post it, which are almost-unanimously utter shitposters who offer nothing to any conversation of any value, and invariably drag down the discourse.

Hence why the Jew hates smugness.
Tons of love here, can you feel it?!?

you sure are one asshurt fagkin

The funny part, which I hope you're ready for:
Their status is so low that they actually feel threatened by an image because they know that the image is higher status than they are.
If there was a choice between saving one of these shills from a burning fire, or saving a waifu pillow, we all know which one we'd all pick, and they know it not only consciously but subconsciously.

Ban me again. Show us whose ass hurts. ;^)

Confirm by kek himself

I think my sides are dead

Could you imagine being so worthless that you subconsciously know that a waifu pillow has more value than you? That a jpg does? Welcome to the shill life, lol.

God, what losers.

My sides are on alpha centauri nigger, catch up.

whos the boogyman now kek

why i said 98 not 99, once or twice fair enough but 100 times, your a fuckin loser mate anyone who does anything 100 times to prove a point is an autistic cunt who is totally mad

when liberal "arts" majors are confronted with chinese cartoons, they realize that they're way too incompetent to ever be able to produce things so nice, and it pisses them off to no end that they can't attack the yellow-people creators of such beauty without becoming thoughtcrime racists
so they bitch about the *chan boards and the Anons, and they become shills
true story

Mod-sama is also behind you right now. He's going to stand over your bed watching you while you sleep! Ku-ku-ku~

Because their entire lives are worth less than a jpg and they know it. Fuck I'm laffin'

protect the waifu pillow with your laifu

I don't even think it's insecurity per say, it's probably just newfags from leddit/the TRS AIDSbog forums that aren't used to imageboard culture

They're trying to hugbox on /polk/. Back to your discord, faggots! We can still laugh at you when you post publicy.

The triggering from smugs is 100% real.

There are reasons the Jews must be destroyed shill boy.

They'll learn the way everyone else did! With a good dose of bulli! Afu-fu-fu~

shamelessly checking all my drunken shitpost digits

True, and smug is about taking the higher road.
Incessant assmad reactionary tactics are the true mark of an inferior being. Real smugs are unperturbed.

consider them checked user

Great dubs, user-san! Kek clearly likes you!

and yourself, kind user

Praise kek, the one true God!

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

Shills are ban evading to prove how not mad they are and made multiple threads on /polk/ to show even more how not mad they are that they were sent back to their hugbox

Yes, this seems like legitimate Holla Forumsacks celebrating as its demonstrated how willing the mods are to engage in narrative crafting. Now go ahead and call me shareblue or intl or polk or cuckchan or just the good ol' fashioned kike or shill - you've got like 22 fucking options at this point.

Pick one. And call me it. Because its not the mods. Its never the mods. ;^)

Checked for your frustrated behind.

Nah, there's like 3-4 of you in this thread, and a few sycophants sucking their cocks.
Its rather obvious lad - as is their frustration at being totally impotent as gatekeepers. ;^)

A classic never gets old. ;^)

Reminder that /polmeta/ exists so another exodus will not happen.(KIKE WAS REMINDED THAT THE HOLOCAUST NEVER HAPPENED BUT IT SHOULD HAVE FOR THIS POST)

its pretty much just shitposting and laughin at the "notmad" shill

still not mad, still think I'm a mod, your self awareness is uncanny

shitposting and tits, grab a beer and stay a while while the shills screech autistically at smugs

GIVE UP ALREADY. no one is going to your shit subleddit. No one knew about it and noone cares.

They have massive dunning-kruger complexes, user. I know we're supposed to be nice to retards but this is too much fun.


HotpocketX is actually imkamfy's brother

what the holy trips said , still not mad but you stay that way its fun

We're all imkampfy. We'll sage whatever we wan't. We're Holla Forums mods and out of control. Whateva we do what we want.

Praise kek, and the heavy artillery operators that are our mod team!
You really give use boys on the trenches a show.

kek, get a real job shill

user, he can't get more than >(1) because he keeps getting banned and thats why he isn't angry and keeps swapping IPs to post again, its not because hes mad, but because…. help me out here I don't even know why anymore

Because he's desperately trying to salvage the last shreds of his ego. I'd love to know how many shills imkampfy has driven to suicide. By my guess, probably quite a few.

He thinks he's doing some righteous purpose by "hurr I'm revealing how compromised the mods are". but he, and the other shills are fucking TRScompromised faggots. and no one cares here.

lol, I wonder too. Faggots gonna fag.


Well iirc they almost suicided David Brock. Does that count?

He's a terrible, incompetent shill that can't even subvert an korean extreme drive in cinema enthusiast gathering. We should pity him if anything, I mean you'd have to be a total loser to go this far in trying only to keep failing miserably!

I'm here to smug at you some more
post your rare smugz

You pretty much nailed it. The only upside I see, and I really mean the only, is that they will treat niggers worse than whites. With no white guilt or cultural altruism it's going to be pretty funny to see them get BTFO yet again.

But yeah we are fucked.

One sec, I got something for you

I cannot fathom the ban-evading shill butthurt right now.

Boogie woogie. ;^)

Checked for you were so not angry you banned me again. ;^)

Until they delete it for not fitting the narrative. ;^)

Always love the classics. ;^)

Reminder that /polmeta/ exists so another exodus will not happen.

God, what losers. Keep working on that consensus fellas, you'll get there someday. Stay not-mad. ;^)

They keep deleting you. I really ought to stop greentexting your whole post so no one else can see it, fag

No we aren't beaner-kun! You sure are though! Ku-ku-ku~

got you

oh you are back again. I can tell how totally not angry you are after the 6 millionth time you came back. Its apparent at this point you are not mad, but instead retarded.

May as well take this opportunity to both check my vpn and sage a rare bump-locked sticky.

that was my plan and then i got blessed by kek

Every batch of shills learns the hard way. They're dumb as rocks. You know the dead rabbits you see every year smashed on the road? That's the shills. They're the dumb bunnies. The smarter r-selected vermin know to stay away from here.

They were advertising endchan a bunch too, but stopped short when they realized nobody gives a shit about endchan. Then they thought they'd be in good company with the TRSodomites over on /polk/ lol

go ahead, call the cops, they can't un-smug you

Smug thread?

Its like you don't realize you're totally impotent. ;^)

Keep at it. ;^)
They don't realize I've been posting other threads this whole time while cataloging what a shitheap the mods on Holla Forums actually are. Never change you gullible fuckwits. ;^)

Every thread is a smug thread, user-san!

miku edition

My smug thread is woefully deficient. Will you share?

But who's really more impotent here? (1)

What the fuck is going on in this thread

I don't know what's going on, but I want to shitpost too.

Also, lewdbro, can we get less lewd and more ecchi? I need them for wallpaper.

Don't even talk to me non-white.
All you have done is make us laugh at you.

Here are you my good user-san! Use the well!

my D:\Chan\PepeAndMaymays\mfw\SmugGrills folder has 6285 entries



Nice quads.

And with that we found the victim of doublethink.

Found the script kiddie

that's kinda neat

(Confirmed for neat)

Storytime, anyone?

praise it


but I think I may have quite a few doubles in there
hard to sort

New yet? I was right where they where going to restore caska's memories

you got it hoss

I've had a few myself tonight user

meant for


[shitposting intensifies]

What the fuck is this thread, holy shit.

NuBerserk is shit and you have shit taste if you still liked it after the loli witch ruined everything.


Have some more, user-san! Protip: Save these as the original filename for hilarious results when used!

What set this mod off? Why is he so assblasted? If this is all to prove some kind of point, I fail to see what it is.

Much obliged good sir.


I have often wondered why men from Nantucket move to small islands off the coast of China. Fishing all the tags out of the closet for moar good scoops of the heavy whipping cream

What the fuck is going on in here? Why is a sticky anchored ?

I'm just going with the flow.

exquisite cadaver shitpost is best shitpost
after smug grills

feels good man

Ok I guess I can get on board with that

What is this, the latest attempt to poke the legitimate user base here? Kill yourselves mods.

Your not from-
Actually I don't know what we do here

Sage actually is a downvote in pinned threads, faggot

It appears to be a designated shitpost thread.

you're gonna get molested as much as you deserve you naughty slut


Why no check muh Hitler dubs…

What a quality thread, good job Imkampfy you autistic faggot.

someone was posting stickers and flyers with ICE numbers and the code and recommended sentencing for being an illegal

How did the loli witch ruin anything? Casca was a way more annoying character before she became a litteral retard.



But the loli made everyone OP and marked the beggining of fanservice harem JPRG Berserk. How can you not spot the difference nor even point the exact moment everything went to shit and stopped being dark fantasy Berserk to become magical love love fantasy Berserk is beyond me. But if you like shit, go ahead and keep on wallowing in it.

Golden Age and Conviction arcs were best. I want old Berserk back. :^(

despite our best efforts at academic rigor in 2dsmug exactitude, some pics titles may be random, blasphemous, lying, defamatory or wrong

Too bad Miura had to shove his waifu in Berserk and make everything revolver around her and her loli witch ass. Now everything is about her and her magic and she's the only one who can control the Berserker and she's teaching magiks to everybody and she always wins every battle for everybody either by her magic or her Berserker pet. Miura's waifu a shit. A shit.

That IS Asuka, I'm just wondering why she's in the wrong color plugsuit.

Berserker armor ruined the entire series. Remember when the whole "berserk" aspect was just Guts' primal rage overcoming his self-control? Now the loli mage jumps into his mind or some shit and shows him his waifu and he's all calm again. The tension is killed.



I think the saddest part is that they turned Puck into comic relief when he was such a good contrast and moral compass to Guts, but noooo, now loli is everything to Guts so let's make Puck a low brow tier joke and let's pair him up with Isidro.


By Hitler's balls, what the fuck happened ITT?

The shills got an ass whuppin', is what happened.




What the flying fuck is going on

I like Farnese and her journey. It's a lot like the stages one goes through while being redpilled and seeing your existing view of the world crumble before you.
I'm pretty sure Miura is a /fringe/ wizard of some sort
But yeah, loli witch and the berserk armor warp the whole series around it.

This faggorty knows no bounds

Farnese is alright.
I wish she still had her long hair though

This poor spelling knows no bounds! Afu-fu-fu~

Looks like they took their butthurt all the way over to Josh's place.
Go hang out with an admitted pedo who can only get off to snuff porn of children, you pieces of trash.

/x/ needs to be put into a (literal or proverbial) reeducation camp and converted to nationalism. If you have any /x/ friends you need to put them in a psychological reeducation phase by setting them on the path of the jewish question. Now, this /x/ culture is heavily embeded with pro-jew, kabbalist masonic sentiments, so you will have to deprogram them out of it before explaining the brevity of the jewish agenda and it's historicity. Do not be intimidated by the newtonian reinforcement behind /x/ subjects, it is scientismic propaganda and no amount of 'dude ayys lmao' cowering will make it real. Realise that they are operating on a broken and detached psychology; approach each subject with subtlety and avoid alarmist disinfo that will irritate their autisms about society/history. If they cannot wrap their heads around basic politics and psychology because of all the years of being a youtube scholar faggot, do not relent. Just follow the model and have faith in their ability to discern, time taken & amount of attempts are not important because eventually they will start 'researching' it for themselves (being incapable of ignoring/unseeing the parallels).

Isolate /x/ edgelords from their propaganda sources + overload them with their own shitty propaganda and goodthink. Make them vomit out the years of self-lying and cucking by administering high-threshold red pills about Israel and Europe. Remind them constantly of the subversive nature of psuedoscience, drug culture, occultism/esotericism, idol worship, etc whilst dissolving their social barriers with positive and intellectual nationalist ideals. I've literally done this with several friends/partners and they abandoned their shitty dude weed lmao ways, becoming aware of/joining the insurrection against the historical jewish agenda to which they were blindfolded. Remember, there are hundreds of incredible authors who saw this coming and gave you the devices to deal with it.

Identification of Root Problem > Isolation > Positive Substitution > Evaluation & Comparison > Resolve & Repeat

We will be able to do this easily once theyre all kicked off welfare for testing positive for drug use (soon) and need somewhere to reform their lives.

Long hair Farny, you say?excellent taste
Which edition would you like? RAPE, Marriage Ball, or Forest?

Oh, so while the /polk/ TRSodomites are busy sharing CP with josh, here's the head 4chon faggot posting tranny porn
Pretty based and redpilled. You can go see how great they are over on their .pl board, where they have tons more degeneracy on hand.

Looks like you have the wrong thread.

Idk. I managed to make a true /x/ tier tinfoil master into a anti-jew hate machine simply by making him believe the Jews are aliens.
I simply pointed out their wrinkly skin and large noses and he bought it.

Who is Josh?

Can I get a uhhhhhhhhh all three?

Why he's one of the fine fellows the shills like to spend their time with

So the /polk/ TRSodomites like hanging out with a CP snuff addict, and the 4chon homosexuals like posting tranny porn when they aren't criticizing Trump or self harming.

hey smiley. I told you to fuck off.

Yeah that's total bullshit. Go back to reddit you fucking kike.


As you wish.
I gave the rape a flair, just for you.

I should have saved the marriage gown as a JPG

Sure you could jordanmaxwell them but they aren't gonna go anywhere with it
I have a friend like this who's currently in a ((psych ward))


Actually he slashed the tires of the only Jew in my town.

I guess this shill effort really didn't work out the way you intended, did it, you fucking kikes?

I didn't get banned.
Tell me shill;
Will you kill them when the day comes?!?!?

what the actual fuck is going on in this thread

Are you sure this is Holla Forums and not Holla Forums?


This board is taken over by Israelies

Did the mods get butthurt over /polk/ attracting their quality users?

You mean /polkmeta/? The entire board is asshurt goons and TRSodomites who complain about us when they not too busy sharing CP over at Josh's place.

Nextchan isn't Josh's site, you fucking moron.

I don't know who josh is but there was a thread on /polk/ the other day claiming the board was run by the same people who doxxed TRS so I don't know why you think they are TRSodomites.

Why is Holla Forums more interested in waging war against alt-Right/TRS than Jews?

It just belongs to a "based antiracist" right?
And you just (((cohencidentally))) are working with josh on it?

Real interesting person you have funding it btw

[Kowal1488] ([email protected]/* */): Walter Kowalski
* [Kowal1488] #rizonagainstracism +#christian #ranch #nextchan #altright #Holla Forums #Holla Forums
* [Kowal1488] * :Where are you?
* [Kowal1488] has identified for this nick
* [Kowal1488] idle 09:31:38, signon: Mon Mar 27 23:13:39
* [kowal1488] End of WHOIS list.

So let's recap: we have czaks initially hosting it who also hosts .pl and is an antifa faggot, then the hosting is given funding by a "based antiracist", and you fags just happen to be running a chan named for the engine that josh suckered $12,000 out of hotwheels for while admitting you're consulting with josh.

You want to keep digging yourselves deeper or do you want to get the fuck off of Holla Forums for good before you cause some serious damage to yourselves?

To anybody coming to the board right now they are going to wonder:

Seriously, I've been banned 3 or 4 times in this thread just for originally pointing out this spergout as such. You're have to be a shitskin if you think this is accomplishing anything. Nobody understands your anger, sorry, try with some more logic next time(KIKE WAS GIVEN A CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE D10 KIND FOR THIS POST)

Shills BTFO while also getting dubs. How brutal!

Friend, you seem to be mentally ill.
#1, that channel itself seems to be ironic, because it says "no foreigners allowed."
#2, just because someone asked Josh abou markdown implementation doesn't mean Josh is working anymore.
#3, czaks hosted it until the site was reported because it was being spammed by librechan refugees.

It's a very slow site. It's a site created by an user developer who thought Next had many of the details right, and wanted a place to develop imageboard software. Why you're even obsessing over it is anyone's guess. But I'm guessing it's just your mental illness. That much is clear based on your posts in this thread.

Do you want to get into who this site is hosted by, the fact that Jim is a freemason and the fact that he stored a decades worth of unencrypted credit card data that was leaked, and to top it all off associated credit card data and real names to anonymous posts on 2channel?

Also, now it makes much more sense why you were complaining about people making fun of beaners. You, yourself, are a beaner. And you, yourself, are a mod. That explains not only your mental illness, based on your shitty genes, but your shitposting and the bans being handed out not even seconds after you post.(le "mentally ill" goon maymay)


Okay what the fuck is going on in this thread? It's nothing but inconsequential vapid bullshit, the image board equivalent to youtube drama. It's been both anchored and stickied by mods, get your shit together niggers and it's completely devoid of any sort of message or content. The hotpocket edit reads like nonsensical internet tourettes. It has nothing to do with anything. Who the fuck cares if some faggots on some other board are being faggots? What the fuck does anything in this thread have to do with politics, or with anything at all for that matter? Fucking faggot mods are too lazy to provide any context for their incoherent ramblings, fuck everything about this shit thread and everyone in it.

Adolf would be ashamed of you faggots right now. This thread is nothing but worthless shitposting.(KIKE SHILL GOT A FREE PREVIEW OF THE UPCOMING REAL "HOLOCAUST" FOR THIS POST)

The gist seems to be that there's a mod, he's a beaner, he got upset over people making fun of beaners, and he has some sort of mental illness thanks to his pool of shitty genes.

Your instant desperation is fun, all these new (1)s. I guess I struck a nerve by discovering your little creation. Go post on your "antifachan," kikes.

what the fuck is going on in this thread, and why is it stickied?
I swear to god the posting quality has gone down the shitter since the hack.

I got linked here from another thread I shitpost in regularly, with some retard (probably you) saying retarded shit.

Care to acknowledge that Jim Warkins associated credit card data, street addresses, and real names to anonymous posts on 2channel?

I don't think nextchan is anything more than a VPS with a developer who works on imageboard software for fun. There's barely any posts there, let alone an active community. It's also not anything new, not if you didn't stay in this shitty board of yours and perhaps come over to Holla Forums every once in a while, it's not like it's a secret club.

I appreciate your public banning me, you made it clearer that you, with all of your embarassing cringe posts in this thread, are the hotpocket.

So, in conclusion: fuck off, subhuman beaner.

The mod is upset that he will never be white.(KIKE SOCKPUPPET WAS GIVEN THE OLD CHAINSWORD ONE-TWO FOR THIS POST)

I don't know who the BO and mods are. I know imkampfy the infamous roachposter, but was there a beaner mod too?

mods, you just made him sound really convincing by gassing him, or is that wrongthink?


Nah, Pakman? I'm not autistic enough to remember this shit, sorry.

It is weird that the admins deleted/renamed the mods accounts. That's fucking weird. It's almost like they're damage controlling for this board.

Who knows though, I'm not an IRCfag, these subhuman beaners are, and they probably sucked Codemonkey/Jim's dick or something.

As a side note, I have more IP address space than you have brain cells, beaner. You can't fucking ban me.


I like how you're deleting the posts that reference other deleted posts. Reference, for posterity.
Go ahead and spam this, the mods are just rename/deletions of previous mods for some reason.

Side note, you really can't ban me. I'm telling you this for your own sanity. You think I'm purposefully evading, or that it takes effort for me to evade this site's shitty protection? lol

Actually, it probably takes me less time to change subnets than it does for you to ban me. Talk about being on the winning side.
Beaner hotpocket gets upset that his tools don't work, gets blown the fuck out by autist with more IP address space than the beaner has brain cells.


The kikes have ruined a shitload of VPN IPs today with their sperging. All they have to do is not post here, but then they wouldn't be paid.

(Checked Hitler trips)
It's funny how they think that they can turn us.
Sperg about narrative all you want. The only "narrative" here is simply the truth: the Holocaust never happened, it should have, and it will.

I'm not using a VPN, and I've only been in the thread since

It's fucking rich, coming from you (the beaner hotpocket) to say that anyone has "ruined" VPNs. You'd be the one who "ruined" them, you fucking retarded subhuman.

And ultimately it doesn't matter because as soon as Gookmonkey gets his shit together, bans won't last more than seven days site wide.

Being a smelly beaner hotpocket weeaboo who permabans on a site where bans won't last longer than seven days, that's gotta be the ultimate expression of pathetic.(BAN EVADING SHILL WAS MOCKED MERCILESSLY FOR BEING THIS PATHETIC)

If it works to remind us that the kike must die down to the child then it is a good thread.
You whinging about a ban you so easily evaded borders on heresy.
Et tu, user?

If Ron decides to destroy Holla Forums by tying the mods' hands, that's on him.


All this mass confusion brings me back to the good old days.

I know right? This is a pretty standard battlefield for us actually.

It doesn't take any effort for me to evade It takes more effort for you to move your fat fuck hand and type all that shit to ban, and "ruin" the "VPN" IPs, as you said.

That's what is really pathetic. That, and being a fucking retarded mexican.

Why are you still pretending that you're not a mod? I'm not "spamming", I'm responding to posts in the thread. "Spamming" is just your excuse, borne out of your mental illness, to ban. In reality, you have no real reason to ban me, other than the fact that you're a subhuman beaner.

I'm not using a VPN, moron. I know it's hard for a retard like you to know anything about computers, but rest assured: I'm not using a VPN.

You shouldn't be confused, all you need to know is that is a mod, and he's a subhuman mexican.

Who you fooling bitch boy? Your tranny mother!
Give whoever you work for my regards!

What the fuck is going on here? I expect you newfags to sort this fucking shit out by the time I wake up tomorrow… pull yourselves together.

Well which one is it?

The good ol'days after 9/11!

You could pretend to hire them for day labour then drive them straight into ICE's clutches. Hell arrange it in advance and fuck up an entire truckload like the Amazing Racist.

Authentic Mexican food. Tastes like refried vomit with half the nutrition!

This story was memoryholed

I was posting on 8/pol/ and 8/tech/ within days of the first big exodus. Fuck off, you retarded shitstain.

I'm just using the term the dumbfuck mexican used, but in quotes, so it's easier for you to understand, seeing as you're as incompetent as him. He doesn't seem to understand that if I really wanted to, I could sit here all night and force him to permaban more IP address space than he has brain cells.(BAN EVADING GOON TRANNY WAS REMINDED HE'LL NEVER BE A REAL GIRL)

Somehow I think you're getting paid. You're really reminding me of the dedicated Evalion shills who quite obviously were paid to spam Holla Forums.

And I've been posting in general way longer newfag.
I've been doing this since 2006.

The fuck

Somehow, I think you're mentally ill. No, friend, there's no payment here. Just the enjoyment of making some mexican feel powerless.
It's not run by czaks, and it's not run by an "anti-racist" either, it's a domain pointing to a virtual private server which is primarily used to develop an imageboard for fun, by a guy named m712. It doesn't even have a community, the lengths you're willing to go just to damage control for a mistake you made are crazy hilarious. It makes sense though, when you're just a mentally ill non-white.

Please, just end your life you subhuman mexican. This is so, so sad. To be so incompetent, where the only power you feel is from pressing the ban button, and it doesn't even work. And it won't even work for more than a few days in a month or two, when the gook running this site gets his shit together.

Now, that's pathetic.

Mexican forgot to pick up his medicare, tax payer supplied antipsychotics. The mexican is a mod. That's all you need to know.(BAN EVADING GOON TRANNY WAS REMINDED HE'LL NEVER BE A REAL GIRL)

We know this. We have always known this.
Fuck off



Just like 488 is Hitler trips.
1488 is sacred and is heiled instead you fucking kike

888 is Hitler trips, but it's a nice effort user.

I thought we also checked incomplete 1488s

Some people do but it's not traditional. It shows when you started posting on imageboards but it's not that big of a deal.

There's usually just a quiet appreciation for close digits.

I've been posting since Holla Forumsoxxy desu~

Hey HotpocketX
Is this enough proof that I'm a white male and that you banned me for no fucking reason?

I thought we also checked incomplete 1488s

Some people do

Nobody but people trying too hard to make it look like they belong here think that.
The both of you need to lurk moar. Holy shit.


But you could be a kike.

Autists are going to autists, newfag. If they see something that even vaguely looked like pepe and digits in their breakfast cereal there will be an autistic appreciation for it. You are some real type of no fun allowed faggot, aren't you?

Check em



I'm not defending anything, I came into this thread to call you a fucking retard, and I got something even more entertaining: a subhuman non-white mod who thinks he has any power over anyone who's not a drooling retard like him.

Please, just stick to warming up hotpockets in the microwave. That is, unless you have your beaner mother do it for you. I wouldn't be surprised. Or is she dead? Nothing better than pissing on the grave of some shitskin's mother.

Always known what, you retarded newfaggot?

HotpocketX is a drooling mexican subhuman, please just find somewhere else to post. Do yourself that favor.

Says the mexican autist who spams permabans for no reason. Man, this thread keeps getting better and better. Newfags, shit mods, cringe posts. It has it all.

I have a feeling what we're ultimately seeing in this thread is faggot degenerates sitting in IRC and circlejerking. What with 473132, the mexican, etc. Even funnier, when you realize that. Or just sadder, depending on your perspective.

Let me guess, and you're still not mad right? lol.

Just want to say, good work and thanks for digging all that up!

The most interesting thing is always how all these faggots are always linked together. You start pulling a single thread and they all come tumbling out like jews from an attic.

That is some platinum mad. Stay frustrated, kike

I'm clearly not as upset as the dipshit mexican mod with more than 70 posts in the thread. Tbh, I just want to see at what point you're sanity finally going breaks when you realize that your ban button does not work.

The most interesting thing is that you posted some retarded bullshit about a community that's not even there and still don't want to talk about the fact that the person who owns this site associated payment information and real names to anonymous posts, which were then leaked.

Anyways, I just wanted to call you out for the fucking retard that you are, but it's good to know that shitskins like you are in charge of Holla Forums.(BAN EVADING GOON TRANNY WAS REMINDED HE'LL NEVER BE A REAL GIRL)

>but ban evading 70 times is Totally Not Mad™

There hasn't even been 70 posts in the thread since I started posting in it, you fucking mentally ill mexican. I can't have evaded 70 times.

And no, your bans still don't work. How upset are you, that your ban button doesn't work? More or less upset over it than the fact that you were born a shitskin?(GOON TRANNY HAS ASSURED US HE IS TOTALLY NOT MAD GUIZE)

How upset are you that nobody cares about your hebraic tantrum save to point and laugh? Keep bragging about your infinite IPs, I'm sure you won't run out just like every other piece of cancer to brag about their infinite IPs

Now, that's what I call turbo mad.

Again, you're a mentally ill weeaboo mexican who has no power. No, I've not even exhausted the ranges I have available. And you can't run out on this site, because they'll all be unbanned within a week or so. Permabans have no effect, friend.

Of course no one cares, you are the mentally ill faggot who thinks he's on some crusade. I'm just making fun of a mentally ill shitskin by pointing out that he has no real power.

You still refuse to acknowledge that you made a mistake in your shitposts, and edited the OP with your mistake. You still refuse to acknowledge that Jim Watkins associated credit card information, real names, and addresses, to anonymous posts on 2channel for years.

And you still refuse to acknowledge that your ban button does not work. Fuck off, beaner.

Also tbh I was going to start combo posting with S H I T S K I N from a bunch of different IPs but I got bored.

That second pic

The Evalion debacle went on longer but this debacle is funnier, I'm not sure which one wins

You're right, that was my mistake, 05ff93 is the shitskin weeaboo mod. Sorry, weeb, I didn't bother to check the ID.

I got some cucumber from Mexico once. I didn't get sick but it really tasted like shit

The only male with hands like that would have to be a Jew


I leave for hours come back and he is still in here Totally Not Mad™ and posting like a pro kike.

ebin xDDDDD

Absolutely pathetic. Go drown in poz loads for your massive shilling. A goldberg good goy sticker for you.

What the fuck is going on here


You're on a website owned by a freemason Kike duh

It's also been anchored and I don't get it. Not like it makes any difference, so why not sage on principle?

Jesus, on other places too, the shareblue fags really are going all out full retard.

But with each cycle it is as if we are growing stronger, and they are weaker. On voat there is even a popular status quo natsoc community now.

We are the majority now and we know how to attack/defend against them. Its glorious. Dont even have to do stuff. Enough people are doing it themselves.

welcome to neo-Holla Forums
the following are our board rules
>do not collect $200
The only positive on this board are the fucking investigative threads, otherwise, you're stuck with nothing but breitbart tier news garbage. If that's what the board is going to be run like, fine, but day by day, this board looks like 4/pol/ around and during the exodus.

Excuse my poor grammar, I'm not an English speaker.
let's see how long the post lasts anyways

Well, it's been a while since we last had a bored mod going on a spree of the mod equivalent of shitposting shitmodding? on some faggots. I was actually confused until I clicked on the helicopter video and it all came back.

Sorry for having to ask this but what the hell is this about? I've been looking through the thread but I don't really get what this is about.

We need to step back and ask ourselves:
Is there some kind of motive to this madness? What exactly is trying to be accomplished here by collectively pissing the userbase off?

Either one of two things
1. Some anti-Holla Forums sperg somehow got into a mod position, and is false-flagging the mod team and is intentionally making them look bad in order to drive users away. (maybe to /polk/ or other of the various alternatives.)
I don't think this is it, since a rogue mod would be done away with pretty promptly, this thread being shut down and cleared out. The fact that this is up shows that mods are complicit in what's happening. This leads me to believe that It's probably Imkamfy that's actually the one doing this.

2. 8/pol/ has been compromised all along; mods are paid by someone to contain and control the Holla Forums narrative. For some reason, whoever is pulling the strings is trying to disrupt this board. Maybe we were too well organized, and they're attempting to intentionally decrease the quality of Holla Forums by turning it into cuckchan 2.0. (encouraging short, brainless one-liners, discouraging people who make challenging, well-thought-out posts.)

By far, the BIGGEST thing that keeps us from organizing properly is infighting, e-drama. What better way to stir up drama than a thread like this? There is obvious division going on in this thread; instead of utilizing our forces properly, we are wasting our energy by shitposting and pettily arguing amongst ourselves.

In the long-term, this stirs up problems for us. You have a distrust in the moderation, and you have the D&C tactics that weaken our tightness as a community. Lack of trust in each other = people less willing to work together toward a productive cause/ less willing to contribute OC or other substantial effort.

I probably speak for myself, but I for one do not give two shits about bullshit board drama. I prefer to focus on task at hand and disregard "Holla Forums is compromised" shills due to lack of proper proofs. It's that fucking simple, don't take the bait, focus on the task at hand and don't take Internet too seriously.

How do we know that's imkampfy? For all we know that balding sanpaku eye fag is you! Or probably some random roach you found on the internet. Fuck off, and be a goon somewhere else.

Berserk was only really dark fantasy for a short time though and Puck came in as a comic relief almost instantly. What I meant is
that the loli witch didnt make it any worse than it was before the eclipse. I personally found the chapters right afterwards, where Guts acted like a cunt towards everyone and was dead-set on destroying the apostles and the God hand to be the best. If you think what we have now is shit then just wait for Casca to become "normal" again and we get 15 arcs of her crying over stupid shit like how people dont love her enough or how dose ebil men dont respect her enough or how hard and unfair everything is for her since she is a woman.

Or young men that arent fat and disgusting.

Does this offend you?

Our holy work needs to continue no matter the circumstances.
The Jew won't dehumanize itself

It isn't. The sanpaku subhuman in that picture is Leaningcode, an unfunny shitposter who used to pretend to be Rachael Maddow and foul up Holla Forums with his cancer. The local d&c shills started claiming he was imkampfy based on absolutely nothing in an attempt to turn the board against kampfy. Before they claimed he was Learningcode they claimed he was a different shitskin from another picture lel

And they wonder why their shitty tactic never works. Not only is their narrative that kampfy is non-white based on actual nothing, they can't even settle on which non-white he's supposed to be.

For me it doesn't really matter.
We have a job to do, and we will do it no matter the circumstance.

Jews aren't human to begin with.

But I meant in normalfag eyes.
Idk, sometimes I see that skin and it just looks so much like a mask on their faces.

Posting in an bumplocked sticky!



so how do you guys feel about wh40k 8th edition


it looks alright so far, what you think?


Not sure about those Primaris marines, though it seems another Horus Heresy will occur only without the direct responsibility being Chaos. Their armour looks sweet though.

Dead tranny!


What happened on this thread?

Top fucking kek. With all the doom and gloom in this weimer-tier world, it's nice to have a good, relaxing comedy thread and watch all the shills spaz out.

Saved that smug Asuka

You're Mental illness!
I'm totally not mad! That's why I keep ban evading!

Was it convincing? I had to study pretty hard for the part.

I didn't know Jim was moderating 8/pol/, he seems to have deleted some posts talking about his credit card fuckup.
Under yogapig.

Specifically, it was >>9950536
But it was the only mod to delete a group of posts within this timespan.

Why is this?
I guess one of the many Jim sockpuppets.
This site never ceases to amaze.

wtf i hate trump now

I wonder.

It's not slander though, unless you're implying that Jim slandered himself on his own website (2channel).

This article contains a picture explaining the exact server that was compromised and leaked (pic related):

The domain is, and is Jim's e-commerce company:
All copyright N.T.Technology, Jim's company.
If you whois this domain, the admin name is Jim Watkins, N.T. Technology Inc.
Additionally, credit cards processed through NTT Credit, Jim's (former) credit card processing domain.

And finally, the web page with a japanese user explaining that NT Technology was breached, and the breach contained credit card data, names, and this all was directly associated to people's posts in the database:

So, I'll ask you again, why is Jim moderating this board and deleting posts talking about his credit card fuckup?

Sounds like a >>>/sudo/ question. What makes you this is the correct area to ask?

You don't understand. The hivemind already is aware of the state of this place.
It's just that most of us grew up on Holla Forums so this place seems orderly to us to an extent that you as an outsider lack the perception to see.

So, no one has an answer besides "please stop asking questions." Right.


Literally. We are the imperium of man, with every flaw.
You seem to have a vested interest in breaking our very fragile alliance between shitposting, Nazi, and anime-fag and christians so as to further your own agenda.

wew laddy

whatever you say

No, it's just that some variation of what you have been saying has been said since day one of arriving here.
We are fascists.
We know better than to question things that are useful to our end goal, as it would be looking a gift horse in the mouth.
In this particular case this website is willing to host us with minimal interference, and the mods genuinely have a desire to kill all the kikes.

You have no purpose here other than to cause trouble. You have been charged with dereliction of duty and are to be summarily shot.

So, no real answer, and basically Jim touched a board that isn't his to delete information that painted him in a bad light when it showed up on his report queue.

Good stuff. Keep taking that dick.

You are a degenerate.
Enjoying your fucking needles?

Nah friend, and I'm betting that the dick you take from some US expat to tthe Philippines is cleaner than any junkie's needle.
Remember not to swallow, and to clean your mouth out afterwards, they bathe in brown water.

and into the trash it goes

is dirtier than any junkie's needle, rather.
Anyways, pic related, it's YogaPig
Your new moderator, apparentlly.

I'm just posting from my Holla Forums folder, friend, are you upset?
No real questioning of the fact that the admin is now moderating your board and comes in to delete posts that paint him in a bad light, but are 100% the truth.

Good goy.

I'm sure you would know considering you fly there to sample the children.


No, that's Jim, in fact he loves to give money to child cultists in exchange for their body. Because, quote, "they need the money for church."
So not only is he a kike, but he's also a pedophile. What's the difference though, really?

Are you retarded? You just double posted

But you are shill, and as evidenced by this thread are the only one who cares.

If you say so, all I see is that you're a degenerate damage controlling for another degenerate, who just happens to be the owner of this site.
While he carries on being a degenerate on his shitty youtube talk show that's being advertised at the very top of this site right now.
Good stuff.

Never go full retard

Then your post doesn't really make sense, if you felt the need to reply despite not being in the conversation and therefore damage controlling for this kike. But sure, faggot.

Spaghetti EVERYWHERE!!

Ya, I gotta get in on this.

Stupid mods. Every fucking time.


Toasting in an ebin bread




Fuck off faggot shill.
Back to reddit with you.

wait are you the mod or am i the mod
who's modding who here

It's all stupid drama and really not worth my time. But let me say this:

Why do those weird spergs think people would want to join their retarded new subreddit just because they're salty that they got banned?

Also why would anyone want to be moderated by people that sperg out this hard? How is that better than this place then? You guys are probably more neurotic and farther up the autism scale than mods here and you've proven it with the constant shilling (looking at you endchan faggots)


You left off #chimpire, faggot. I wonder why.

Kowal1488 is a chimpire faggot?
The ban evasion makes more sense then.

So let's see the connections. Kowal1488 is apparently connected to chimpire, the same faggots who spammed evalion here for weeks on end, and they were also advertising endchan and /polk/. Evalion connects to sinead and red ice, who is then connected to all the assorted kikes and controlled opposition of the alt-right. This then connects to the flat earth bullshit, anglin, weev, the goons, etc etc fucking etc. Not to mention connecting Odilitime who is antifa, czaks who is a commie faggot as well, greyface the obvious goon (check principia discordia for the reference)
Pull one thread and they all come tumbling out like jews from an attic.

fuck niggers lol

Especially chimpire niggers who think it's cool to spam Holla Forums for weeks on end.

This thread has me confuse.

Bumplocked stickie of some tards throwing a temper tantrum.

You give them the attention they crave.

Also incomfy is, was and will always be an asshole. So I know that some mods need to be deepfried in hydrolic oil but obviously we need moderation. I just have no solution on how to keep the bad ones out.

fuck off kampfy

thread archive before imbeaner edited it:!pol/9947727_
