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I paid for this game and you shits get it for free? Unnaceptable.
Thanks, fam. Downloading now.
That Eurogamer articles was just changed to say
So it's only Europe I suppose.
seems to require a european plus account.
But I am from Europe, it's still on the PS+ page but with a price tag.
visit the store page
Someone in that article's comment section said the same thing. In that case they might have fixed it already.
Do all the sonybabbies still live at home and have their mom and dad pay the bills?
its not $10 a month, and if that's a lot to you, you probably do live at home
you paid to have it before they did
More like a complimentary rental with your subscription.
Whens that PC port Sega?
Im tired of waiting.
hopefully never. Stay away from Yakuza, you leeches.
Never Ever meme is dead much like console exclusivity.
Welcome to the new age
until its announced for PC, it is PS exclusive. Keep begging however, it's funny watching you go after the scraps.
Yakuza is quite the literal case of NEVER EVER, because of the copious amount of licenses in those fucking games. You know how Berserk armor was missing in Dargon's Dogma PC? Think the same but times 10000.
It'll never happen.
Ive got plenty to play, doesnt mean I dont want more.
Stay salty though, it will keep happening either you want it or not.
Its not stopping Berserk, Attack on Titan and licensed DLC.
CapCom was a really rare case and they usually do it because they are kikes like they did by removing Into Free on the Dark Arisen rerelease.
Plus Yakuza is a niche title as it is.
Speaking of Berserk, what's with the recent popularity spoke? It seems that everyone who was pumped about fucking Sword Art Online now can't stop talking about how HARDCORE and MANLY it is. Did it just get animated or something?
yes, like all those great multiplats and console ports I've played years ago.
you aren't fooling anyone, we all know PC gamers have been suffering a drought of games for half a decade.
Those are big name franchises, mostly making the respective product to what it actually is. Compare that to some obscure liquor from some hick village deep in the mountains of nippon.
Holding onto that hope is fucking useless, shit'll never get ported to PC. Only thing I can see happening are ports of the new games, but I ain't holding my breath.
New shitty 3D animated show. The game announcement too I guess.
And while we're at it, Berserk is fucking shit nowadays. If Miura doesn't start killing of that fucking surrogate family in the next few chapters I'll fucking riot. Never in my life have I seen a series take that big a nosedive in quality, it's fucking horrifying.
Doesn't that happen relatively often with manga?
I think it has to do with the publishing model and authors milking their shit.
Ain't easy making a living by drawing comics.
Yeah, no fuck that, call me when it gets a physical.
I honestly wouldn't know. I never really got into Manga and Comics and if it weren't for the visuals of Berserk I probably wouldn't have bothered in the first place.
It's just hyperbole though, Berserk is just a sore spot for me.
What, games will keep getting ported to the steambox?
Overrated overmarketed AAAshit maybe
Lots of great medium sized games and indies you know nothing about.
Stay salty though
Obscure licenses cost less money.
Metal Gear Solid V had a shitton of licenses for example.
Its a non issue unless its shit like Sony owned music and if they are in bad spot they can just edit shit out so it can be added later by mods
AAA shit comes out on every platform, except the good ones like bloodborne ;) keep enjoying shit like depression quest and other sanfran clique garbage, I guess?
Have you ever played Yakuza? No matter where you look , everything is plastered with real life ads, hell there are actual fucking people in the games (hostess clubs and the like). The localizations are already missing licensed songs, I wouldn't even want to imagine how butchered the PC version would look.
Like they did in DD? You're fucking delusional.
hes a PC exclusive gamer post 2010, of course he's delusional.
I wouldn't say that
The only one and its still inferior to DS
Sure fam, stay salty and with no games
Like what happened with San Andreas and Crazy Taxi.
But keep using the only example.
Ive been an idort day one, sharing my timr between a Windows 3 computer and a Mega Drive
I stopped being an idort in 2006 when install times and later paid online/DLC became a thing.
Stay buttflustered famalam
please fuck off shill
Well if you're really into Japanese games Sony is still the logical choice.
A PlayStation is cheap as fuck and will play pretty much every Japanese game that will come out in the next 5-10 years.
I've played every stalker game, I used to be a PC gamer silly. They are all pretty mediocre, although I used to be really into shadow of chernobyl.
These games are very mediocre though. Horrible execution, such a shame because some of the ideas are really good. Oh well.
Since you haven't played consoles since 2006, it's safe to assume you don't know shit about video games. All I know is, you play shitty western indie games and I'm sure, given your track record already, you won't be surprising me.
Im into any games general.
Nips and modern consoles dont add enough diversity of genres and games for me to give a fuck about having one.
If it gets ported, good, if it doesnt, too bad.
I was thinking of buying a Wii U for the gimmick alone but CEMU is looking good so Id rather wait.
good luck with that tablet controller. He probably thinks PCSX2, PPSSPP, Dolphin and Project 64 are acceptable alternatives.
Still waiting for that Xbox emulator, right?
A new season of Berserk anime just started last friday. Also a new Berserk game is coming.
Also what the fuck are you talking about, people who read Berserk are definitely a different demographic than those who are into Sword Art Online.
Not to mention games like splatoon will be offline by then.
Man, Im just trying to get you back to earth. Yakuza is an incredibly niche series that has been horridly supported by Sega in the west. If it takes 4 years to get some of that shit localized then you're downright retarded if you believe it'll get PC ports before you can simply emulate that shit. The devs themselves certainly won't, Nagoshi said time and time again that he doesn't particularly care about western releases and tries to focus on new games instead.
I didn't know we were talking about old shit! Should've said so from the beginning! The mod support that GTA got is in no way comparable to the support the newest shitty Nip port gets. Crazy Taxi isn't all that hot an example either, switching sound files is hardly the world.
I would love nothing more than playing Yakuza 3 onwards in a decent framerate, it just pains me that this board is full of retards going 'Yakuza PC XDDDDD, Sega said high quality port ayyyyy' without using their fucking brain for a second.
Miura isn't milking the series though, he's been drawing like 3 chapters yearly for over 10 years now. He's just gone mad. He did use to say that Berserk is too depressing to draw because of all the suffering. I guess he just can't do it anymore and made the story suddenly so different.
How come nobody is making WEBMs of the parts in the episode that looked great? There was a lot more hand drawn animation than I originally expected. The part where Guts falls asleep and sees the Eclipse in a nightmare was pretty good.
Sure fam, keep sucking that yellow cock
Ill keep buying good games regardless of region.
Sure, I believe you
But how many times did you save Fox?
I guess World in Conflict, Crysis, Faces of War, Company of Heroes, Victoria 2, Medieval 2, Supreme Commander, Orange Box and Mount and Blade arent games now.
Guess Ill just emulate past Gen to get games.
You've never emulated Dolphin in your life, have you?
Great joke
We will see
I saw a port published by D3 and a Japan only release of RTKXIII so I can see it happening.
I guess Im just optimistic, but shit keeps swinging this way and doesnt seem to stop anytime soon.
Did you alreadu emulate the first two? Just asking is all.
Fuck, I just paid 40 bucks for it a few days ago.
Come on now, he part where Guts was eating the rabbit looked fine.
And nothing else
ah, to be a blind fanatic again. I guess when you're desperate to feel superior, anything will do. I prefer the realistic route through life, try different things, see what you like, and be open to new ideas. And if your old positions don't hold water? Drop 'em. Never fond of doubling down when you're obviously in the wrong.
you aren't very well versed in genres are you? No wonder you're desperate for Yakuza, anything that's not a strategy game or a first person game must seem like a whole new world.
Tell me about some of your amazing indie games too, while you're at it.
Not yet, Ive been binging Napoleonic Wars and Im halfway trough a Endless Space session and Megaman X4.
I remember playing the CD demo of the first one and just fucking around.
Good shit, too bad it was severely limited and was over in 15 minutes.
Guess its a good time as any to do it.
You really should play the first two games first, especially since many reoccuring characters, events, and gameplay elements are brought up in the sequels.
>Projects that I think S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a holy grail of vidya it is
Are you mentally ill or did Sony brainwash you?
I started this shit with some ironic banter, but you just went the extra mile.
You really are salty.
Aye, thanks, I will
Was it 2 or 3 that had shit localization?
go on, talk about your amazing pixel art indie games that are from san francisco. Tell me about them.
the CPU just assumes ~1 cycle per instruction (with a few exceptions), no OOE/dual-issue, no branch mispredictions, and no memory latency. It could be improved a lot at basically zero speed cost IMO (statically compute cycle types at compile-time and guess, maybe with heuristics, at branches/memory); it's mostly just a task that someone needs to pick up and do.
The GPU's cycle accuracy is even worse, bordering on nonexistence, partially because of the difficulty of the problem (accurately measuring the number of pixels written to by a draw call is incredibly difficult if you care about performance).
Why don't PC gamers know anything?
SAO is pretty good for what it is.
It's just most people here treat it as something it isn't.
Mr Sony man please stop making a fool out of yourself you're making me cringe
I think it was 3, but not so much translation reasons but because some minigames, quests, and hostess clubs were removed. It doesnt make a huge difference, just annoying some things were removed
Then again 3 is just okay after coming off the first two Yakuzas. Has some great moments and is really comfy though.
No, people treat it exactly for what it is
Kill yourself mate, you're not fooling anyone here
Thanks for the info my man
Bummer about the removed content
Nah man, it's a good no brain all action series.
You just hate fun or a hipster. Or both.
if you want cute girls+action there are much better options than 2 years of semen
go watch symphogear or something
Nah mate, I know school is over, but kindly fuckoff
Except symphogear is about love, friendship determination and building up character.
Good action and cute girls serve as a bonus there.
SAO it about action and cute girls. It doesn't have any bonuses.
So this is only for Europoors? Fuck that.
Though I honestly don't mind paying for Y5 if it means supporting the series. I probably should have picked it up when it was $30.
Its shit
I can't decipher what the fuck it is you are trying to say.
Are you saying you think Sword Art Online fans suddenly like Berserk instead? Why the fuck are you mentioning SAO fans specifically? Why do you think anyone who likes Berserk is a former SAO fan? How are they relevant to Berserk? Is there something wrong with being hardcore and manly?
Is like if I asked why Fallout 4 fans can't stop talking about how MAGNIFICENT and JAPANESE Yakuza 5 is.
I only play jrpgs and vn's these days.
I don't know shit about videogames anymore and I'm extremely pleased with that.
The industry has gone into a direction that I just don't care for, things like MMOs and MOBAs.
Berserk isn't particularly popular in Japan. I'm actually amzed it gets a new anime at all.
Sure it's CG but you know, the anime industry isn't swimming in yen anymore.
I wouldn't consider full games scraps.
Holla Forums, everyone.
embrace it
Im sorry, I shouldnt have replied to the triggered shitposter user, I would still like to know more about Yakuza, we can still salvage the thre…
Summer everyone
What did you just say one post ago user?
PSplus is a sheme made to fool kids into pouring more money and support into something, like "steam".
There is nothing free about it. You will need a subscription fee to play a game.
It's corruption almost worth killing over.
Yakuza is guaranteed degenerate too. Fuck off.
Yiff in hell and get better taste.
Supporting anything that issues liscences is treason.
i'm going to teach you some shit today
go into your playstation settings, go to playstation network, and go to wherever the cloud saves are. when you enable cloud saving, it'll ask you if you want to sign up for PS+, or do you just want a 2 day trial. i have personally done this like seven times every time a decent PS+ game comes out and i can also confirm you do not need to be subscribed to PS+ to play a game you got for free (unless it's online)
so calm down, do your homework, shut your fucking piehole and start shitposting about things that are facts, not made up retard-hooting