Was it kiño, Holla Forums?

Was it kiño, Holla Forums?

I ain't watching that shit

It's really good

The protagonist looks annoying

Another overrated pixar shit

even the illegal alien style "artwork" looks obnoxious..

of course

you mean ugly

Fuck spics and fuck pro spic propaganda

It was okay. In terms of pixar movies it’s in thr middle of the pack. The Frozen short was crappy.

like it means something

I think it was almost as good as the Incredibles, it was more cohesive and had better art direction than many of their other movies but the characters were merely "good", which by pixar standards isn't much. I saw the twist coming at least partially, but I still thought the plot was pretty great.

It wasn't just crappy it was awful, any of the dialogue that wasn't in a song felt like they just took random samples of the actresses from the original film's production and tried to duct tape them into a story.

So was the dog looking kinda mangey intentional?

Yes, its animated to be really sloppy and someone describes it in the movie as a sausage that fell in a barber shop.

I wouldn't see any Disney animated films in theaters. I did see Beauty and the Beast because it was live action, and I liked it sue me

It was terrible. You have no taste.

You just wanted to fug Emma
the visuals were good

The entire thing was entertaining for a musical

I have taste and it wasn't terrible in one bit, you live by your shitty memes and praise things that are worse.

Back to >>>/reddit/ faggot

That's for you >>>Holla Forums

Back to >>>/reddit/ faggot

dubs confirm

reddit is for Holla Forumsfags like u bro UMAD? go watch your 80s B flicks

Disney BTFO Holla Forums

dubs of truth confirm reddipol needs to back to their containment board that is less relevant then Holla Forums

Back to >>>/reddit/ faggot

M80 you're the one talking like some pol/edditor

What did reddit mean by this?

I don't believe you

Coco sounds like a movie made by and for emotional millennials with a high estrogen level in their body. Pretty much every modern Pixar movie is like this

Also the movie is likely being praised because it's progressive (ie: not white people in it) and 'cultural'

Book of Life is superior in every way.

I don't remember there being any kind of progressive agenda in the movie, in fact the entire main theme is that your family is more important than fame and popularity and that you should respect your elders. There were no gay characters, no political references, and there weren't even any characters that deviated greatly from traditional gender roles (as in no stronk wymyn or soyboys).

In fact there's even a recurring joke where a guy tries to dress up as Frida Kahlo with a fake unibrow and dress to illegally get past the border police guarding the world of the living, making fun of both illegal immigrants and trannies at the same time. I can't believe it hasn't gotten more hate from socjus types.

You fags only hate it because you're contrarian hipsters.

No, I just hate modern Disney

Can Pixar be even more cliche?

Because it was for spics. (((They))) want them cranking out babies.

I bet you use the term trope unironically too

¡ Esta película fue excelente! Me encanta especialmente la parte donde Donald Trump es colgado y la pared es destruida y el oeste americano se transfiere de nuevo a México, donde luego criar a los angloamericanos a la extinción.

It seems Pixar has adopted the venerable dreamworks tradition of giving animal characters 'that' face.

New Carlos?

As a latino kid, I always felt over-represented in jewish-burger media.

Behead yourself, retarded spic sympathizer.