The problem is, time is running out in all white countries. We hit majority brown/nigger/asian/kike by 2040s in nearly all Western countries, if not even earlier in others. Some will be lucky enough to hold out maybe, even into 2050s (Australia? Canada?). We are already on the precipice of the 2020s. That means we have 20 years or so, if even that, precluding a civil war. And by then, with a majority brown majority, we will lose, as they can reinforce from their home countries, they'll assume positions of power in the Western countries and not to mention the liberals that will side with them. Time is being lost in the pollution of the white bloodline in the mongrelization with racemixing as those "whites" too will side with niggers (ex. Sean King, the whittest nigger ever). Pollacks constitute the smallest cut of a large right-wing swath but the most dedicated and focused but we are but a small number. WW3 is approaching fast and while we have for now, avoided a war with Russia, it will certainly be a massive civil war in nearly every white country, with should she hold out, Russia on our side.
The problem herein lies, that arming a Sand-nigger state is that, that problem will come to bite us. The liquidity gained here indeed could be used to build the wall, 350 bil is a huge sum and about half the Pentagon budget. Trump is trying to restore financial sanity and stem the tide of immigration, but be sure, these immigrants are not just leaches but they breed and multiply and even go so far as to pollute the white bloodline. Time is by no means on our side. The next Hitler 2.0 or 3.0 will come from here, I'm sure of it. Any one of us could become him, but Hitler was a beggar and bum in his early to mid twenties and only a hardened soldier by the end of them. He only started entering politics in his early thirties and gained power at the age of 44 or something along those lines.
That means, by the time one of us comes to power and we rally behind him (or a she or xir, jk [gas all trannies and faggots]), we will be in full blown critical mode. Assuming most of you are in your twenties, that twenty years, by then we will be ready and have a candidate to lead us but we will be thrust into a full-blown conflict heavily outnumbered. This is why I encourage you go into tech.
To build these sorts of things to even the odds. Or robotics or at the least, military training,
To be the new SS. For every Wittmann we get, we'll still face ten thousand opponents. We will be critically outnumbered, severely disunited, with mashed supply lines and likely surprised attacked. We will have to engage and it will be entirely, guerrilla warfare with the Jews entire finance behind the brown's movement to wipe out whites once and for all. Finance, governance, military and state will be against us. Be prepared and start getting ready now.
We have twenty years