Foreign Aggression in a Communist Society

For those of you smart mother fuckers who seem to know how to build a structured communist state already, how would a Commie/socialist state deal with foreign aggression, from a capitalist or communist state? would it be different from the USSR? Armed conflict or proxy wars? just want to know how you would deal with stuff like pic.

Well, do you mean aggression, or dickwaving? Not the same thing.

both, why not.


we "non-linear warfare" now bois

There will be no states under Communism. If a nation still exists on the globe, Communism has not yet been achieved.

that fucking guy. it's like a child's understanding of what a cool guy looks like

was thinking of inb4'ing that because it derails the thread, but you understand what im saying. Communist countries can war too. Just answer the question ya spoilsport.

1. Communism in America would help
2. Communism/socialism would also be more safe from imperialism if it was democratically legitimate and allied/friendly with capitalist powers/not funding international revolutionary subversion
3. If capitalist powers were headed by left socdems and not rightists or pseudo left corporatists like Obama
4. If capitalist powers were bankrupt by economic crisis and debt crisis

Davis "on paper" Aurini is a national treasure

This was viable before we had nukes tbh.

Maybe you should learn what communism actually is before jumping into these larger questions.

There will be no countries in communism.

Off to a good start

Use any means necessary to stop them and secure your position and sovereignty.

Try to secure yourself as an industrail and trade partner where they rely on, this grants you leverage over them and allows you to make them do your dirty work or at the very least dont fuck with you. Use a military to secure physical power within your sphere of influence. Avoid a top-down structure of organisation, as this lends itself to coups.

Only in as much that the interests of the proletariat would be considered before those of the parasites living off them like in the ussr, otherwise yes.

Your autism really adds to the discussion.

We solved the question. Your autism doesn't like the answer.

Well, they are correct from semantic point of view, so I'll rephrase OP's question in a way that doesn't trigger this board

For those of you smart mother fuckers who seem to know how to build a structured socialist state already, how would such state deal with foreign aggression, from a capitalist or socialist state? would it be different from the USSR? Armed conflict or proxy wars? just want to know how you would deal with stuff like pic.

Give a specific example of aggression if you want a detailed question. Your question is too vague.

When dealing with a nuclear armed capitalist country, proxy wars in countries within their sphere of influence and trading countries would be good as it isn't a direct attack and so there is a less justification to get into a nuclear war. Make them economic reliant on you or making their trading partners become friendly and cutting ties with the enemy is good as well.

It's rather all the same as it is currently, the problem is more with at home. Conscription for example, could be enforced if you were believed in vanguard or something, but Anarchism it's volunteer and you can leave anytime. Also how the economy will be managed when it comes to war. Vanguard government would just also deal with centralized commanding of resources for the war effort, etc.

Well, removing some of the confusion, let's assume some sort of transitional 'socialist state' of any flavor.
You can't win an arms race against USA/China/Russia (or whoever they're backing if it's a proxy war), and a standing army is calling for state consolidation / reactionary backsliding.
The least worse option would be arming the Soviets (or equivalent) and gearing the grand strategy towards an optional first phase of elastic defense, if there are the resources for that, and a main phase of guerilla warfare by decentralized militia groups.
Porky can't fight guerilla warfare for shit, and if he goes for a draft, which is his only option considering the abysmal failures of Iraq/Afghanistan and the middling results in Chechnya among others, this ties in with the aggressive strategy of fomenting and helping insurrections in the homefronts of imperialist states.

Officer cadres up to battalion level could be some sort of academy/council, while NCOs would be drawn from the structure of the council-centered militia.

Airforce and navy would be small and geared towards air defense / area denial.

Great power politics, if a large enough state is captured ( per the assumptions) would be supporting parties and movements and fomenting insurrections in hostile states.

The assumptions are kinda leaky and this is just larping though.

Socialism is a stage of communism. Thus, there will be no countries in the global socialist society.

don't they only have like two carriers?

very politically correct answers my friends :)

Yeah… No.