Time to talk lads, talk about Corbyee and how much hes starting to piss you off. Hes certainley driving me up the wall. When elected, he was touted as en enemy to national security, dangerous for the country and a commie on steroids after the money of the poor. Now, as a member o the establishment, hes weak, unelectable and downright useless. And i feel its ENTIRELY his fault. This isnt socialism, its a shambles.
ITT: Corbyn rant
kys OP
he surely cant still have based status.
kys if you think jez is still based.
Jeremy the Corbyn is not my comrade. Never forget the annexation of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Turkey by Premier Blair, President for Life of the EUSSR. Anyone who votes for the Communist Labour Party of the United Kingdom of England and Wales is not my famalam or my m8, and probably a snide and a tory too.
He took a seat in parlament, which means he gets a vote and some extra muh privileges since he's the leader of the opposition. He's not the dictator on behalf of the proliteriat
true, i dont feel him being an MP makes him a part of the establishment, but his actions as leader of the opposition have. He ACTS like hes the voice of the proles, but he very clearly isnt (rise of ukip, brexit etc.). But the real kicker is he has barely any policies. Its all rhetoric and slogans. Placard slogans. Hes more happy to be leader of the opposition than he is with tying to get power. Its all he has ever been, a protester, and in hindsight, it was a bad idea to have elected him.
worst trips i've ever seen
i didnt want it to be, believe me
If you were a Labour member you would have been informed of his policies, so I doubt you feel any regret electing him (because you didn't).
i AM a labour member, couldnt vote for him in the election because 1. not old enough and 2.only a recent member, and i recognize that he does has "policies" but as far as i can see, theyre slogans. When he actually comes up with something that cant be put on a t-shirt, then ill consider him a serious politician, but hes just a protester in a suit in the commons atm
Not this meme again…
not a meme, not a bait, not shitpost. Im just seriously frustrated at the situation hes left our democratically elected opposition in. Have been seriously paying attention to libdems thanks to his ineptitude. Also, its kinda true. as much as i hate it too, you cant deny the fact that not only does he not reflect the electorate, he also doesnt want to win anything. The channel 4 interview where Snow asked him to say he wanted to be prim minister was such a struggle to watch, because he asked him about 5 times, and Corbyn just couldnt say it. Hes perfectly content with opposition, and im starting to feel its all hell ever be.
Stop reading newspapers and listening to people on social media. Even if he loses the election it doesn't mean that the lies the majority of people peddled were true.
Corbyn is just subject to bourgeois parlimentarianism. He was also a Trot.
i read every single one of those inked policies, and theres dogshit there. Nothing on how thye are going to be done, just the same repeated slogans over and over. the only thing i say there was the investment scheme, didnt care to read it because my interest in capitalist economics is non-existent, just going to be book-balancing with cuts from other fields, likely trident which is ALSO a stupid "policy".
this is true, but i, like many others, put faith in him. Theres no revolution (yet) comrade, hes seen as a viable alternative to parliamentarian-ism. I dont actually think hed be the first person on the barricades i there were a revoloution though tbh. seems like a wuss to me.
i'm not even suprised by people like you being suprised
the ride never ends
you never listen, you'll never learn
reformism that isn't directed to aid preperation for revolution isn't getting you anywhere
but of course retards like you wouldn't understand nuance
Im young, corbyn was my first "lefty" in modern politics, grew up with blair, brown cameron and may. Never got to live through Kinnock, Benn, Atlee or any other labour leaders. As far as i see it, hes the first. And hes shite. Im on the fence as to the reform>revoloution (or vice-versa) debate, as i see be sides as right AND wrong. I dont want to wait for the revoloution to at least try and seek change. As far as i see it, its not coming anytime soon, tell me when were near, and ill abandon my shit, for now ill re engage with "teh normans."
The reason you're not seeing how he's going to do it is because you're not reading any of the parts to do with economics.
He was arrested protesting apartheid.
This is why I want Britain to slide to East Europe levels. For years people crow about wanting a politician with principles, any principles, and they'll vote for them. Then they get one and they tl;dr the policies and complain about his principles.
If you're a young person voting for lib dems you know far less about politics in the UK than you like to think. The only reason the Tories are in is because they knew if there was a hung parliament in 2010 they'd lose seats to Labour, so they went into coalition with the Tories and broke every pledge. This is why their polling dropped 20 points.
The fact you'd vote libdem rather than Corbyn because of literally no sane reason is everything wrong with this country.
it's a short one, please read, it's on the topic of parliamentarism
i aint that young bucko, i fully remember 2010, and i acknowledged the almost judas levels of treachery the libdems committed, but its often cited that one of reasons why the privatization and march to right o the tories didnt get as far was because of clegg and the dems holding them back, the hung parliament worked as much for them.
why did i even link that short comment on some dumb shits article
“Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder
Should We Participate in Bourgeois Parliaments?
bretty good on first read, will read a few more times to get the full gist and impact, but i will point out its relevancy in terms of time, that arguement is always dismissed for some reason but i do think its relevent to this. cant seem to figure out why people dont like that point.
How old are you? It's doing me a rustle trying to figure out how old you'd have to be to both remember 2010 politics and be excluded from party elections. Did you tune in half way through the lib dems fucking everyone over? Ignore the "lib dems kept them in check" shit, it's literally lib dem propaganda. They privatised the Royal Mail for fuck's sake!
You're in for a ride anyway. The best the left can hope to do is to repeatedly drag Labour to the left no matter how much harm it does in order to shift the overton window. You're never getting a house or a decent job thanks to the course the neoliberals are on so you can only really make their position increasingly uncomfortable.
Have you watched Adam Curtis? Very strenuously related but as you're new you'll learn quite a bit of interesting history from him.
turning 18 in 2 weeks, at the time of Corbs election i was 15, joined a little after he got re-elected. been politically active since gordon brown took over in 06/08 (?).It was my understanding a majority of dem MPs voted against selling off the royal mail, might be wrong though. And yes, ima huge fan of adam curtis' films (hes a libertarian irl so not so much of him) , im still deciding whether hypernormalisation beats bitter lake in my personal standings, would need to watch that 3hr epic again to really see.
No, Lib Dems voted overwhelmingly for the privatisation of the Royal Mail from my understanding (liberalise the markets wewlad) just like they did with tuition fees.
It's quite sad you were let down by parlimentarianism but that's the bitter story and the truth about it. Reformism won't get us anywhere, it will simply sugar coat the system we are in or give you a false hope. I'm British myself but have never batted an eyelid for Jezzer, he's just generic Liberal slush that seems Leftist but isn't. I wouldn't waste my vote on him as much as I would for Blair. We'll see how it goes but he comes across as weak and incapable.
Revolution, fam.
thats fair enough, i just dont want to wait for this revoloution, which might never come, especially not here in the UK. The last one we had was replacing a king with a parliament. Nice revoloution we had eh, replacing an aristocrat with the bourgeoisie. Its funny, that was the most sotly war we ever fought, 20% of the british population died in that civil war, and for what?
Well that's fair enough but I don't think reformism is the answer at all. I do a lot of party work with the CPGB-ML (hahaha larpers lmfao haha funny meme) even though it feels like it's pointless now, revolution isn't really fixing things right now more-so getting ready for the eventual collapse of Capitalism.
We're not gonna get anything done now, the only thing we can do is wait for the system to fail (which it is) and any conclusive evidence points towards another huge crash coming soon. People aren't ready for revoltuion by any means, most people just want to go out and buy cheap crap but at the end of the day we're in a constant ideological struggle against Fascism and Capitalism and when the system does fall we're up against the Fascist hoard.
I know this just sounds like a gay ass glorification but looking at things realisitically bourgeois democracy won't get you anywhere, it just hampers class conciousness. Get organised with some comrades, start doing something and get smashed down the pub is my only advice.
How would a UK revoloution go? we dont have the luxury of a 2nd amendment, and i have no faith in the government to be merciful in the red brigade trying to take power, they would enjoy massacring the proles imo. brun down parliament and buckingham? Ive thought about this alot, and as a rural lad my job is fairly simple, take over local spheres of influence (local market, churhc, town square.) but on a national scale, how can we all make britain great again (nicc meem :^) )
Like I said, get organised and get involved. We need more people than the Fascists have, simply put. Yes, we will have a harder time getting weapons and such but it certainly isn't impossible. Hell, I'm a country lad myself and it's simply enough to get a gun round here. We don't have fully automatics but we've got rifles and shotguns, enough to start an uprising with.
Our biggest problem is class conciousness and 1st world muh privilege. People don't feel the need to fight anymore (thanks social-democracy), they are extremely apathetic and even when they're on the breadline they don't think they're being exploited, just down on their luck. They're certainly eating from the trashcan of ideology, our job is to change that.
Revolution will be hard and it certainly won't be on a mass scale and hell, I'm pretty sure the Fascists will win if it ever happens but just giving up isn't the answer, we have to address this in what time we have to prepare.
The apathy was something i was very worried abut aswell, so much so that people might not want to risk their comfy lives for the good of the revoloution. When it comes, ill certainly get stuck in, for now, well, who knows anymore.
Can't knock you for not being that involved, maybe I'm just grasping at loose straws but I'd feel guilty doing nothing.
In the meantime, just stock up on theory and enjoy life as much as you can. Always remember, the pub is your friend.
the pubs always our friend. Unless its a whetherspoons, then fuck it.
I go down there on a regular basis with my grandad. I actually don't mind the food or the drink there, it's cheap enough, plus the only decent one in our town other than few dotted around. Most have been bankrupted from shitty superstores. Only a few good locals now.
thankfully im in an area of the country where our largest export is cider, so theres an abundance of locally run pubs, with the tastiest of local ciders. oh-arr (remember that oatybars add from a while back that had that farmer couple who only said oh-ar and then found love over a shitty cereal bar? madness. UK ads are some of the worst imo. johnny rotten selling countrylife? fuck off)
I was skimming this thread and read your post as
I feel you, comrade. There ain't half some shit on our telly. Anyway, yeah, we have some pretty good pubs dotted around but it's sorta becoming rare now, either prices have went through the roof or there is just a bunch of clubs wehre young 'ens go. Not my cup of tea at all. Not that big of a fan of cider, like a Thatchers now and then (how ironic) but mostly a lager man mysef.
That made me laugh. Be careful, it's stuff like that which can really ruin my reputation, I can't have anyone finding out my fetish.
i know a certain old man who would be happy to take you up on that.
interesting point and kinda relates to the convesation following, When the revoloution comes, who is your comrade? What celebes might you see on the barricades? how will they be welcomed? is this man your comrade?
Hello tankie
You lost your chance when most people voted against the RCV referendum.
Brits of leftypol - how will we organise? The insidious nature of the internet is causing our own left to become obsessed with idpol. We'd honestly have a better chance turning the local fash to commies in this country than get the idpol LARPers to do anything.
Leftypol brit vanguard when?
Someone should do something, something fresh that isn't tainted.
Good job, retard.
Question to brits: between the 'muh housing ladder' Guardian-reading shits and the vulgar prole-hate on the Murdoch press and so on, where exactly in your rigid class system will a class conscious proletariat arise, especially now that they're labelled 'racist Brexiteer scum' as well?
any substance, or example of this uselessnes, of course not, because its bollocks, fam
here are ALL of Jez's policies - fucking judge it for yourselves youtube.com