Are there any new picture of the best political catgirl, Situ-kitty?
Are there any new picture of the best political catgirl, Situ-kitty?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumping for best catgrill
Bumping for best catgrill
Gal Debord
You should have asked on the OC thread, there's no need to make a new thread just for it.
Catgrill drawfag hasn't done anything new in a while.
Good taste
Has catgilr user made anything new lately?
Unfortunately only porn…
Wow, where?
implying that prude would do anything remotely saucy
mods sticky pls
bump tbh
fuck off rebel, democratic confederalism is best catgirl
Gulags had AC. It was called the Siberian Winter
Just for you, user-kun.
alunya no that's a terrible thing to do
I agree but I like Rebel. Don't fuck off because I like you!
Splendid job, comrade!
Are actually huge proponents of the spectacle.
Pffft, is this all the left does? Crappy cartoon pictures? No wonder you guys are losing.
Good work.
Please, do not be rude.
Losing what? Who is the most serious in e-politics? What are you doing on this platform if you are not going to enjoy the fruits of chan culture?
I love you comrade
Gib us more of leninism catgrill pls.
Losing the actual war that's happening on both the physical and spiritual level, lol
Show us one thing you've actually created yourself. You probably can't.
please upload as png based comrade, a jpeg file loses quality everytime it is shared
She won't even show us her tits; maybe we should stop trying.
Try converting it yourself; it's especially quick with GIMP to hand.
That's not how JPEG compression works.
Satan-chan, when are you going to post tits again?