Do burgers seriously clap and cheer at movie theaters?
Do burgers seriously clap and cheer at movie theaters?
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t. theatres cam screener viewer
Most of the leaked movies or short clips straight from movie theaters have burgers clapping during some scenes. Not every movie thought, but every single capeshit movie has clappers.
yes. sometimes they even laugh.
I don't really watch screeners, just wait for BD rips. Any webms?
I went to see the Godzilla kino with a large group of friends. None of them liked the franchise, they just wanted to go out for the evening.
I'm totally invested in the film with a couple close mates while the rest are acting like faggots on their phones, but quietly so whatever.
Credits roll, one of them starts clapping, then a couple others join it, and thinking of Holla Forums, I didn't want my country to become Burgerland, so I deepened my voice, turned my head towards the back of the theatre and shouted "Stop clapping you fucking faggots", and they thought it was someone else so they immediately stopped.
Only good thing about that film, honestly.
Actually, had a lot of potential, but the muto shit was just that, shit. Hopefully the sequel is better, but first I have to sit through King KAAAANG
burger here, I have never seen this, EVER.
perhaps its a regional thing? neither new england nor texas did this and neither does where I live now
Blacks have a tendency to commentate the whole fucking movie. I was watching paranormal activity and during a scene which was completely quiet, some nig yells out "This shits gay!"
No, he was simply telling you the truth and encouraging you to demand your money back.
Had you done this, Paranormal Activity wouldn't have done what it did to the genre.
Outsmarted by a nigger. How do you feel?
NJ burger here and although I never go to the movies I can say that some people actually clap for the screen. My whole life growing up I never seen it happen until I saw TFA. I only went because it was free and by then I wasn't in a theater in years but a group of people behind me clapped when it ended. Never seen it prior, and I have no idea where these people came from. The most memorable thing about the theater experience that day was this group of people clapping. I heard of a lot of shit but this made me immediately wonder about what kind of person actually claps at a screen. Seeing this mocking of us from time to time has made me realize it wasn't this select group of people and it's actually something that people do here. It must be relatively new because I never seen it growing up or I just have some odd transplants moving to my town.
Clapping – Americans clap at the movies whenever something good happens, and on planes whenever the plane lands. WHY! Thousands of planes land every day without incident, and given the idiocy of airport security, lines, delays and all the other crap that makes flying a more frustrating experience than it would otherwise have to be, what is there to clap about? If disaster were averted or someone gave birth or something I could understand it, but just for landing? So what about at the cinemas? I get being engaged in the film, but why feel the need to clap everytime a superhero beats down a villain or a criminal is found and brought to justice? Why stand up and clap at the end of the movie? Who do they think is listening? Is it to let other people in the cinema know? It doesn’t make any sense, and it can be quite annoying if you are not one of the movie clappers and are engrossed in the movie, only to have your concentration disrupted by idiotic clapping. Case in point I saw Avatar yesterday and was quite enjoying it, however some college aged girl decided to clap every time the humans took a hit. I instinctively looked each time to see what was going on, and it is quite annoying being taken out of the moment like that. At least it wasn’t the whole cinema.
Liar spotted and reported.
A few months back some cinema user was sharing nigger stories, he was talking about sheboons trying to argue with the characters on screen.
Amerifags being animals at the theatre ( Star Wars)
I've witnessed it personally at least three times, all of them during my mid-late teens. It was extremely painful to endure and all I wanted to do was shrivel up and die. Afterwards, the people I was with were talking about how weird it was and laughing, while all I could do was cringe and walk faster. I wanted more than anything to pretend it didn't happen. Don't talk about it, don't acknowledge it, just pretend that you couldn't even hear it. But we all heard it, and I can never undo what happened to me that night. I sometimes become melancholy and begin to remember things that have happened in my life, but then I remember the clapping and my veins run cold. I am immediately filled with shame and regret just for being born American.
Holy fucking shit
Also they shout at the screen as if the people in the movie can hear what they are saying. Then they get increasingly irate because the person in the movie isnt paying attention to what they are saying.
I've never seen this happen. It must be a damyankee thing.
t. Dixielander
Depends on the city, the state, the film, day of the week and the time of day.
Weekends and midday showings attract more clappers from my experience.
They even clap at trailers
I've noticed this before, not just on Reddit but other sites, and especially with alot of the recent comments about Captain America: The Winter Soldier (awesome btw), that it seems quite a few comments are along the lines of - 'At 'X' part of the movie, I clapped and cheered along with the rest of the audience', or 'When so-and-so character did 'this-and-that' thing I shouted Woo Hoo!!'
Now as a UK movie-goer, I have never, ever in my life been to a film where this has happened, ever. I go to the cinema probably once or twice a month, and the most I've ever heard is an involuntary gasp at a particularly nasty shock (think the fingers bit in Grand Budapest Hotel) or laughing at the appropriately funny bits.
Is this mid-movie cheering and egging along of the characters simply an america-centred culture thing, or have I just had the luck/misfortune (depending on your viewpoint) of simply always being at a quiet showing?
JUST TO CLARIFY - This is not having a pop, I'm genuinely curious!
Disgusting animals, only in theatres filled with niggers and arabs is such thing possible in Europe.
people on here seriously believe Star Wars is going to die and normalfags are over the hype. The other day I was at Suburbicon with someone and we were talking through the trailers and as soon as the episode 8 trailer came on he did this obnoxious thing "oh! I have to see this" like it's so momentous seeing the trailer for the 5th time in the cinema demands absolute silence. Literally it's the second time he's cut me off like that and I just called him a fucking retard.
Really? I have never heard about that. WOO-HOO, good job plane!
what's even worse is when people clap and cheer at the pilot after he lands an airplane
like, what do you think he's paid 30 grand a month to do?
The Star Wars fandom is one of the worst in the world. I feel more respect for furries.
t. Gater
This is what happens when the only culture you have is pop culture.
They clap so the air hostesses and the pilots know that they are glad for not getting hijacked and sending them into a skyscraper a FEMA blacksite.
I would disagree I remember seeing a video of some guys dressed in stormtrooper costumes fucking, so they're at the very least on the same level as furries.
It is a well known phenomenon with primitive people.
it's amazing how reddit manages to make you cringe in one sentence that isn't even a part of the main thing they're about to write
Source? I want to make sure you're not lying.
I still have more respect for the degenerate furries. Star Wars fandom is the worst with Star Trek, Apple fanboys and capeshit homosexuals.
I've never heard of this before, that's so bizarre.
Don't lie; you want to fap to it.
I think you can find it on xvideos.
I think Americlaps are trained to clap in their public school system. When I was in school, we had these things called "pep rallies" which we were forced to attend. I always hated them and would just read a book during them. Our school would host a pep rally every Friday afternoon before a game and we could not leave school until it was over. during these pep rallies, the cheer leaders would perform their chants and the mascot would jump through hoops and shit. We were forced clap our fucking hands off or else we would not get to leave early. A cheerleader would name a grade level and after that everyone in that grade was forced to clap. She would go up through the grades and whoever clapped the loudest got to leave first. All of my normie classmates would get pissed at me because I would never partake in the idiocy and they blamed me for never being able to "win". There is some really fucked up shit that goes on over here.
You sound like a bitter asshole
you can count on burgers doing 3 things:
What the fuck man
Burger here, sometimes I've seen this happen once, I think it was "The Force Awakens" of all fucking things.
usually we'll laugh.
Pretty tame.
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
what do you expect from the most reddit-friendly franchise in the history of humanity
That wasn't even it.
I cannot believe there are multiple videos of people having sex in Stormtrooper outfits.
Sometimes all at once
I did it. Just a single-board imageboard.
It's called Starcraft Discussion, but all I see is porn and slavs.
Hasidic Jews cheering as they cover the screen in the plane with a blanket.
Oy vey
Why wouldn't there be?
This one won't embed.
You sound like you love the cock.
Is this copypasta or master shitposting?
What is wrong with Americlaps
It's a post from reddit.
This one?
Ah, yes. Fucking pep rallies. I fucking hated that useless fucking bullshit.
Tell me about it. Did you know they would cut off parts of hanged niggers for superstitions back in the days? A living niggers isn't worth anything, but apparently a dead one replenishes your mana.
Do they clap because they recognize things?
I think the guy was sincere as it is from reddit.
No whooping, please – we’re British
The restrained hush of UK cinemas is in stark contrast to the default modes of behaviour at US and Canadian cinemas
See a film with critics in London and, scratchy biros aside, you’d barely know they were there. Even if the movie is ever so funny or sad, a collective vow of silence is taken: half cultural, half professional. The only loophole comes when it’s very bad. Then, extravagant sighs are de rigueur.
To some extent, such behaviour is replicated in cinemas nationally. Brits aren’t whoopers; neither are we groaners. If a film is simply mediocre, we’ll grit our teeth and stick it out.
Watch one in north America, and it’s different. At the two film festivals I’ve been to, Telluride in Colorado and Toronto – both of which have screenings attended by a mix of public and press – it is, in general, incredibly noisy. The audience clap and cheer, gasp and giggle. When amused, they give it some welly. They trash freely, praise liberally.
So, all well and good. Such interaction is a bracing continuation of Renaissance-era tradition. Except that, outside the cinemas, it’s flipped. Attempt to tell a joke in the UK and people will, if tickled, giggle. Do so in the US and, nine times out of 10, they just say: “Oh, that’s hilarious.” Or, in exceptional cases: “Oh, that’s hysterical.” Such a response, especially in lieu of laughter, is really unnerving. In a room of many, people are, it seems, happy to express themselves. One on one, they just offer commentary.
During award ceremonies or speaking events, they clap whenever there is a shift in tone. If the speaker pauses for a second, clapping. Every time someone is mentioned for an award, clapping. Whenever they step on or off stage, clapping. They clap before, after, and during every type of event you can imagine. They clap during fights and brawls, and they clap when someone gets arrested.
You mean on a street?
I guess it's the inevitable result of a snowflake culture. Everyone is well done, clap for everything to make everyone feel good.
They are called Americlaps for a reason y'know
They are retarded but as I said before the same barbarian culture is taking hold in Europe through fucking immigration.
I've never heard that term. Is it specifically referring to that?
you don't fit in
You even have Chads looking around in the crowd to make sure everyone is clapping. If you don't clap, they will bully you. It's like a fucking cult.
scary movie was based
Projecting Eurocuck, we have the second amendment, someone bullies you you have legal right to shoot them.
Sound aweful ;_;
I'm talking about in school. They would force you to clap in pep rallies and award ceremonies. I remember one time the principal walked on stage and scolded us all for not clapping loud enough.
Triggered Burgerlard. You have the second-degree diabetes.
Jeb was your principal?
Oooh, tell me what country you're from, I want to bully you.
Show me your gun if you know what I mean.
I'm a proud Kenyan blackman.
All talks
Kenyan's only run fast because their coach tells them there's a watermelon if they reach the end of the track.
Fight me.
No, it refers to their love of barebacking in the streets and spreading STIs.
That's an old image, user.
I'd say 10 years, if not older. Lolcats had barely spread to Ebaum/Funnyjunk/Digg back then, and reddit was a literal who then.
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know there were SJWs in discount Somalia
OK I kinda get the Americans clapping in movie theatres and Americans clapping when a plane lands.
But why do Americans clap when your computer boots up?
That is just odd.
Extra exercise. These muscles don't support themselves.
Now you've advanced to "edgy retard being contrarian to parents" humour.
Ever had Ethiopian food?
Neither have they.
You won't hear me coming.
Americans don't support themselves, either.
Neither have your women
You couldn't even pick up your arm to swipe an EBT card, at least Americans don't blow away in the winds of progress
They recognize their capeshit desktop wallpaper
At least our national motto isn't a fucking gorilla
Yeah, they blow away in the winds of diarrhea
Pussy, our shits are solid and compact. Your shits are what you call "food"
did you mistake your shits with your penises
Why's every fucking criticism on this website have to somehow shoehorn furry sympathy into it?
Just because you cucks fill yourselves with processed meat, veg and (((soy))) replacements doesn't mean it's good for you.
The fact your shit is solid indicates you're getting too much fibre and/or your body isn't digesting it to get nutrients.
Since Americans are known globally to be allergic to real vegetables, I'll go with the latter, and your bodies can't process the disgusting things you eat, until it eventually adapts when you are 100KG+ and just wants to store anything it can as fat.
Furry subversion
Then you really know nothing about furries.
Being able to digest garbage that you call food is not a feat, it's medical curiosity
Being unable to process a hamburger is not an achievement, its a genetic dead end
Do it for Disney
Believe me I know everything there is to know about those degenerates.
Furry convention ends with massive diaperfetishes, people shitting in public tub, running around in wet diapers
lol your school trolled the fuck out of you getting all them little burgers and niggers to stand there clapping like retards until their hands go red
Lots of "research" right Common Filth?
Just being an antediluvianfag and them being so invasive back in the days.
over here that is something associated with basic bitch middle class girls, the kind with no personality of their own
that's hilarious
t.riggered burger
hey fuck you Chloe, this is a boys-only zone
You can post on Holla Forums about American theatres when you make enough money to afford going to a Polish theatre
I've only witnessed it twice, the second time it was being done ironically.
The first time was when I was dating this religious girl, she and my mother dragged me to see God's Not Dead. The entire audience gave it a standing ovation. I felt like I was on another planet.
The second time was during Captain America: Civil War. There was some kind of field trip with a lot of teenagers, I think it was a church group because of what I'll mention in a minute. In the front row were six hispanic teenagers. When the movie ended, they started clapping. They did it in an intentionally loud and annoying way and would not stop. They kept clapping all through the credits. People started getting annoyed because they were probably planning to clap through the after credits scenes. Irritated murmuring filled the theater. These two adorable teenage girls stood up. They were both wearing dresses like they were going to church. One was a curvy redhead, the other was a surprisingly tall Asian girl, more petite. Both were exceptionally pretty. They felt like they were from another time. They went down there and the white girl lectured the boys that they were rude and ruining the experience for everyone. The asian girl stood there in support of her, but holding her hands together silently like she was embarrassed. The boys clapped louder, right in the girl's face. A bunch of guys -myself included- stood up in our seats at that point. No one had to go down, as they turned around and saw this and immediately stopped clapping.
This tingling in your ass.
nigga they do that in every country because they have retards in every country
Who first invented clapping?
your mom when she saw my dick
Spoken like a true pole. Go steal some hubcaps so you can afford enough rope to tie yourself a noose.
George Washington
Relativism much?
No there are different cultures it is a fact, read the thread before commenting next time.
I am on my smartphone shitlord, it seems that you use "Yo Mama" type level insults when I use real data and articles.
things that have nothing to do with one another
Fixed your pic.
things that have nothing to do with one another
burgers with high iq? it's more likely than you think
You know the "europe" girl is actually an American girl, right?
The tipping is because waiters and waitresses get paid $4 an hour here, which is legal because they are forced to claim their tips as part of their pay
Even better version
What's a vegetable?
They clap and cheer whenever they shart in their motorised scooter in the middle of Walmart.
So yes, they do it at grander occasions too.
Pizza is a vegetable, Thanks Obama.
Burgers still lose, sorry. You can put on a condom and not racemix with a hot sandnigress. You can't even get an erection with a typical amerimutt sloth.
Kill all burgers. Not joking, you subhumans have to go.
If we killed all jews masquerading as hwite burgers there would be mostly just Israel left to deal with.
Jews have strongholds in London, Belgium, France, Georgia and Russia.
hwat? ain't no jews over here. this is redneck country.
The country in middle east silly billy.
I like some Star Wars but I don't give a shit about the new ones
The prequels were the best. Hating the prequels is just a Reddit normalfag meme.
There were furries claiming that this was deliberate sabatoge with proof. I believe this was a fursecution
The only time I've personally seen it happen was at the premiere of Revenge of the Sith.
Fucking burgers
I've only seen it happen once in my entire life, during Fellowship of the Ring when Aragorn cuts off the Uruk who killed Boromirs head, everybody in the packed theater started cheering and clapping. So I suppose I can confirm, but it's not exactly common.
I've never seen it happen
Only the niggers.
I don't think someone would go the the trouble of shitting themselves just to troll furfags. They 100% did it on their own.
Neither of those are what I saw either, how fucking many of these are there?
The video I saw was two guys fully dressed up humping on a bed.
Holy fuck was this the only thing that came close to being as embarrassing as penis inspection day?
Americlaps were so butthurt that they took down the original which had millions of views and funny annotations.
Just fingers, toes, and occasionally ears. With the fingers or toes you would put them in your compost heap and the bugs would eat them clean. They you make amulets our of the knuckle joints. Rarely you would get some superstitious motherfucks that would pickle the ears in moonshine along with herbs and shit because it was supposed to prevent Rickets or something.
I recognize that cat
Thanks for the seizure.
t. furries bar association
Furries are the commies of sexuality.
Every time furries act autistic other furries claim they're "not real furries".
There is just one solution, a final one.
absolutely disgusting
nuke them, Kim
Oy Vey
where were you when furries got weaponized against mudshit refugees?
I'd remove her kebab if you know what I'm sayin
turks rarely wear headscarfs. she's probably indonesian or something.
You can tell by the hair colour they aren't
fucking amerimutts
indonesias don't have brown hair?
niggers don't clap, they cap
porud t be americlap
Don't you mean burgerclap?
stupid burgers
When king goblin Yakub is finally resurrected not a single corner of the Earth will be a safe haven for you clapless devils.
Trust me, kid. If someone is less than 1/8th of a certain race, it's not going to show. Maybe you get something like a tiny hint of redness in the hair from an Irish ancestry, but it's not going to be very pronounced over everything else. Let me let you in on a little secret: "White" is what you get when you mix up all the other races. The more you mix them up, the more "white" you appear. Oh sure, if it's something dramatic like half Asian and half European, or half Negro and half European, you can surely tell. But if you start throwing in a lot of them together, you get an American.
See, Americans are like junkyard mutts. All the variety of breeds all thrown together in a generic thing best described as "a dog". The funny part is how it's well known that purebred dogs always have a host of diseases and disorders and are only good at one particular thing, while a mutt is practically indestructible. That's what scientists call "hybrid vigor". Yet people have the arrogance to assume that humans are somehow exempt to this biological principal? That a thoroughly hybridized human is made weaker? It's madness.
America owes its strength from being a so-called melting-pot of cultures, histories, and yes, races. Denying all that just because someone told you niggers are stupid is idiocy.
t. The Whitest Kid You Know
good pasta, kek'd
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Are you going to make a thread about Jenny, post Margaret, screencap it and then flee to another board and claim Holla Forums is a Margaret board?
Goblins really are the dumbest little cucks.
Rabbi Silvergoldenstein we are waiting for you at the Yeshiva.
This is actually true, its why germans are Übermenschen and genetically superior to pretty much everyone else and also why we have a massive identitarian chip on our shoulder. People dont realize that germany was a fucking melting pot of like 20 different tribes of nordniggers, the prussians kinda beat everyone into submission and we aligned around them to form stronk germany
anyhow this is a trend in all semi-successful empires, even the burger one. The most recent example is actually the russians, they are a nation of mutts as well stamped into existence from well over 20 tribes. Interestingly the one thing that really holds them together and gave them their identity is when the autistic austrian anglo agent got everyone riled up to go and invade those goddamned snowniggers. Not only did we teach them how to fight like us, we gave them purpose
ok we also slaughtered like 30 million civilians but hey it is what it is, the student of 3gw became the master in june44, thanks in part to the Wehrmacht the russians are still the most competent fighting forcce in the world despite being a bunch of drunken barbarians
With rome it was the same, the real trick to a thousand year Reich is not genetic supremacy, its ruthlessly incorporating everyone whether they like it or not
Part of going to the theater is sharing an experience with other people. You don't go there to stay silent all the way through. If you want to silently critique a movie, do it at home.
What? Are you fucking retarded? You go to a theater to watch a movie on a big fucking screen with good fucking sound. Period. The last thing I want is a bunch of low IQ, ignorant amerimutts starting clapping and cheering like autistic manchildren they are midway through the film because they recognized something. Kys.
Does it matter? I tell people I'm white, and they believe it, because of the color of my skin makes me look "American". Nothing else matters, you see. If you're not a negro, latinx, asian, or Jew, you're WHITE. If you look white, you're WHITE. If you're a mutt, you're WHITE. That's why the statistics are bullshit. Because most people don't know what there ancestry is anymore, three generations or more after coming to America, but it always defaults to WHITE, because that's how you'll end up looking.
A meetup of pollacks would just be asking for trouble from the feds, sure you can meet up but it's your ass on the line.
How pathethic
Only at shit tier Disney produced flicks, they've turned films into social events and not even the slightly passable type, like roadshows where you wouldn't clap you would just go out of the theater and discuss the film seriously.
Basically Holla Forums claps at films.