TRS goes subscription only

Looks like Holla Forums was right again. Bunch of shekel-grabbing kikes smh

Other urls found in this thread:

Fake and gay

Don't they support faggots?

No u

Go listen to the newest episode starting at 00:31:00. They outline their plan of going full shekels

how? people can easily just share their content via filesharing websites… good luck getting copyright kikes to go after pirates

I did, that's how I know you're a faggot or sperg.
They outline their plan of doing 4 shows a week, 2 of which will be available to subscribers first before becoming free later.

No. I have not listened to TRS since the downfall. Their general position is:

1. Name the Jew at all times
2. Degenerates must be gassed
3. Pick your battles

How do you expect them to do it full time for no pay?

moshi moshi? gibu shekeru kudasai arigathanks gozaimuch!

The Mossad/ADL paycheck should be enough.

No its real still gay though

We should facilitate piracy of their shows with weekly threads containing links to subscriber early release shows as they are released. All we need is for one of us to purchase a subscription. Aut-Kike shekel grabbing Jew Kike Eunuch should not be allowed to exploit white nationalism for cyber shekels.

I'd rather not flood Holla Forums with free advertising for them. Probably a good idea to upload them to /trs/ though.

So they aren't doing it for ideological reasons? Making money is more important than spreading your message to widest audience possible?

we could use the threads to redpill TRS listeners on TRS and the Jew host of TDS

False dichotomy.

To put out 4 hours of shows a week they need some kind of income. Do you think food, mortgage and ammo is free?


Keep your trs faggotry off of here you goddamn sack of shit.

Who gives a fuck? The same shitposters going on about how TRS is irrelevant are the same ones trying to make them relevant.

The damage is done. Put your energy toward more constructive shit instead of kicking a dead horse.

There's no legit reason for anyone to kvetch about this.

Anyone who is truly so autistic that they don't like the show isn't affected because they can just not listen.

If TDS is really shit then adding subscription content will reduce the number of listeners.

If it's good content and you just don't want them to be successful enough to do it full time, then you're just a kike.

hahaha sven was begging for YT subs on twitter today. everyone unsub just to piss him off

Fuck off /polk/ikes
Fuck off Natt Danelaw
Fuck off Zionmarch

Why do you care what kike shills have to say?

I spend all day shitposting. It takes a lot of my energy and resources. Please give me your shekels, a man cannot live on hotpockets alone.

proof they are /polk/ikes

I would pay for FtN

And there are unironically people out there who would pay for this trash.

They are saying this is only because FTN left. But I don't quite believe that. Maybe partially.

This TRS shit is honestly rather fascinating. Excuse the blogpost shit and bear with me for a moment.

How is TRS a thing still? How?

How could the shit with their upper echelons be exposed, and yet they retain any sort of following? Mike Peinovich is a Jew, at the very least, a mischling - its not a question, its not an argument, its not a claim, its a fucking fact.

He's a fat, childless lolberg who was married to a Jewess - and, unless I've missed something coming from the TRS crew, he likely STILL IS married to that tranny-loving Jewess. Unless he's provided evidence of the contrary, why would anyone believe him, given his record in this context? I simply don't understand it, I can't envision these people who call themselves White Nationalists, who consider themselves ideological in that vein, being willing to accept this sort of thing so blindly, being able to be so sycophantically supportive of what is nothing more than an 'intellectual' partial-/Jew pushing right-wing narratives.

Its fucking amazing to me… Or it would be, if I bought it entirely, which I don't. I have a strong suspicion that they've lost a lot of support, and have done their best to maintain the appearance of (and a narrative to support such) continued functionality and success. Could it be this new subscription shit is less about making MORE shekels and more about attempting to recover from the loss of shekels they've experienced as a result of much of their audience leaving? I don't know…

One thing I do know however: Today's episode was very enlightening as regards two personalities in the TRS crew, namely, the fellows calling themselves Caerulus Rex and Sacco Vandal. It would appear Mike Enoch brought them to dinner with his mother, and if you know anything about his mother (at the very least a libshit, possibly an outright kike), that should be very strange to you.
Now think about this for a moment: Knowing, as we now do, who Mike Enoch is, knowing who his family is, doesn't it seem a bit strange that he's willing to expose them, and that they're willing to be exposed, to such people as these two? More importantly - does anyone find it, I dunno, somewhat strange how TRS has, albeit as gradually and subtley as they can, picked up what amounts to a contingent of former-military agents who're willing to run security ops for them and what have you?

I don't have any solid evidence, but it certainly seemed strange to me that Enoch would be willing to bring folks such as this around his libshit mother, and more, that his libshit mother would be willing to let her son bring such folks around for dinner. It all seems very strange - there was even talk of 'white taqiyya' as regards the event, which is very… Strange, lets go with that.

In conclusion, I'll say outright: I used to listen to TRS. I used to be active in their disqus community (namefag forums are just too gay though, couldn't do it). I used to be willing to engage these people in an upright manner… And they subsequently banned my IP from posting on their disqus (as if that has any meaningful effect these days) simply for asking questions in the vein of those I've asked above - specfically, I believe, asking for evidence of Mike Enoch's divorce. After all that I've seen of these people, I cannot imagine what sort of sycophantic faggot would be willing to continue to support these people, would be willing to pay for access to their content, given these circumstances - namely, given how underhanded and fraudulent they've shown themselves willing to be if it suits their narrative/interests.
I quite simply cannot believe there are White Nationalists with an IQ about 90 who don't look at this and smell the taint of Jewry and, quite possibly, state-sanctioned propagandizing…

… On that note, an interesting reminder that just leapt to mind: In mid-2013, the US revoked the legislative ban on propagandizing to the US population… When did TRS emerge? About a year later, in August of 2014, The Daily Shoah launched on the TRS website… Just something to think about…

I don't think that's a bad thing, you wouldn't want those kikes reproducing.

It would be no surprise that viewer-ship increased up to the election. I was personally planning on taking a break from politics for awhile, but the media isn't letting me

Kike or not, a man of his age, married no less, with no children? Alarm bells should be ringing to anyone with some sense about them.

First, how the fuck could you marry such a creature? Second, how could you STAY married to such a creature? Third, how could you be married so long and have no children while living a comparatively-luxurious - by all accounts - lifestyle? And fourth, how could you stay married to such a creature without any CHILDREN?

I mean, Christ, if the faggot had at least banged a kid out of his kike wife, that'd explain some things - but he didn't. Not only did he stay married to a Jewish woman who represented the Platonic ideal of urban libshit degeneracy given physical form, not only did he get her to do a song for his White Nationalist podcast, but, somehow, he couldn't manage to get her to give him a son or daughter… It doesn't make sense.

Unless, of course, this is all a ruse of some sort, like she was his beard, or he actually is a full-blown kike and this TRS thing is all a honeypot, etc etc. Point being: The narrative TRS tries to run with as regards this whole escapade is, quite simply, laughably nonsensical, in almost every respect. It makes no sense - yet they don't even attempt to address it, they don't attempt to follow up on it, they just try to sweep it under the table and, at least it appears, they retain a following, a following such that they think they can justify a subscription service on their content.
Something fucking stinks about the whole thing, I tell you hwat.


But it IS a honeypot. How else could you explain the following:

When Enoch got outed as a kike I sort of expected them to purge him and claim they never knew, wash their hands over it and start anew in order to save face. Little did I knew they actually doubled down on their faggotry.

Well, here's the rub: This post is kind of full of shit.

The key here is #3.
Picking your battles to TRS is a funny sort of thing, in my experience - basically, it means use whoever you can as long as you view them as beneficial, and then drop them when you think they've gone too far off the rails of what you've been shilling.
For a long while, they were supportive of Milo, and there is no question there was significant acceptance of homosexuality amongst their ranks - if someone has the screenshots regarding that shit, feel free to post them (I didn't save any of that shit).

See, its less 'pick your battles', and its more 'attack only the people we deem acceptable to attack, when we deem it acceptable', with Milo being a prime example. They also have a narrative kind of slipped in there with that, in the vein of 'punching right', or 'purity spiraling'. Quite frankly, everything about their rhetoric as regards 'the alt-right movement' reeks of big-tent bullshit just waiting to be subverted (granted, one might argue its already subverted, but whatever).

It always comes back to that with them, "don't punch right"... Which usually comes up when someone is punching them, even when those people are to the right of TRS (and thus punching left - see: Holla Forums). Purity spiraling is nothing but an argument for the gradual acceptance of degeneracy like fags and drug-users and what have you - its very peculiar. Then you tie them in with Spencer, which isn't hard given Dicky often does guest spots on their podcasts, and is regularly in the company of Enoch these days, and, well... Dicky has openly suggested nationalist Jews are our potential allies. He's said that, it can't be erased... And here he is, suddenly very chummy - more chummy than before, it would seem - with this chubby partially-/Jewish guy. And that chubby Jewish guy has outright argued that, for partially-/Jewish people, what they've done should be enough (depending on what it is they've done) to justify their participation in such a 'movement' - in fact, that discussion is where Enoch exposed himself, to some degree, in that he associated HIMSELF with having to justify a presence via what he's done. And no surprise, TRS has really picked up on that narrative - open any 'alt-right' thread, especially one about TRS doing something, and watch how often that becomes a talking point on behalf of those defending the 'alt-right': "What have YOU done?", "Get back to me when YOU'VE led a march", etc.

I simply can't imagine what sort of cucked out faggot would look at this shit and say, "Yes, this is a path down which we should tread, this will provided good things for us". How can you call yourself a White Nationalist and still support - let alone PAY - people who outright argue that Jews should be allowed into White Nationalist movements if they do shit (helloooooo subversives!) and that Nationalist Jews are our allies, ESPECIALLY when one of the people pushing that narrative has, basically, admitted to being at least partially Jewish?
Its very fucking peculiar.

That certainly seems to be the case, in at least some context.

That's just it though! I can't imagine how the fuck that's a thing that happened and there are still people willing to follow this shit. Its fucking incredible to me.

I mean, are they simply sycophants, or are they just ideologically weak? Neither would surprise me, frankly, but it continues to perplex me the more I look at it - and, as implied, the more I look at it, the more I get a vibe of state-sanctioned propagandizing transpiring… Or at least, it was probably state-sanctioned when it started, but now? I don't know what the fuck we're dealing with here, but it gives me bad vibes. The vibes of Jewry afoot.

Except the BASED degenerates who host shows on their network

During the downtime, the same people who were shilling for /polk/osher were defending TRS.

If that were the case, there would have been a sharp drop right after they went dark, not the slow decline they're experiencing.

Everyone should get skeptical about kikes who start bragging about how much cash they make and how many people listen to them. This quantity>quality approach is a purely jewish mindset. Hollywood doesn't care for good art, they care about box office sales. MSM doesn't care for quality journalism, they care about views/clicks/reads. The only thing that seems to matter is how much money they're making and how many people their product reaches, regardless of WHAT it is that is reaching them. If anyone pulls this card you can always expect a kike behind it.

What going threw these peoples heads when they decide to do this dumb shit?

Good posts user, you captured my thoughts more or less. I was a namefag there once upon a time too. There always was this enigmatic shield around the higher ups, and after the jew wife and his own mischling status were revealed, watching all of the so-called higher ups simultaneously repeat the same script, exposing their position as bootlicking sycophants clarified this.

I suspect that TRS is in fact a honeytrap, specifically one to be used for deradicalization. Targets that can be deradicalized are forwarded to other actors/environments where it can happen gradually. Those that can't are shamed and mocked (purity spiralling, and so on), and likely tracked. Certain wedges are driven, especially the Christian/pagan divide. There is also an effort made by certain individuals to behave like 'Hollywood Nazis', cartoonish and exaggerated. The association with weev (and his past links to GNAA) who magically transformed from an anti-Semite hunter to an American history X style 'natsoc' is even more suspect than the Jew wife imo.

What I still wonder is: who ultimately is driving this? Given the scope and sophistication of it, it has to be either state actors (domestic, foreign, or both; think JTRIG), or a very well connected private entity.

These are the lines of thought that I've been wandering around as of late. Just who the fuck is behind TRS? The narrative that its some grass-roots bunch of autiste former-lolberg White guys who gradually became 'redpilled' is laughable at this point - these people are getting funding and assistance from somewhere, not to mention direction.

Everything you said is pretty accurate based on my experience with that community.

Bingo. Yet, amazingly, so many seem to not be - too comfortable with sycophantic support and/or desperately trying to justify it to themselves ("fight with the army you have", etc).

The best part was when interviewed Enoch just after he got outed and he went full OY VEY I'M JUST A REGULAR LIBERTARIAN AND THERE'S LITERAL NAZIS TRYING TO KILL ME PLS HELP. I mean if anyone can still put any stock in TRS after reading that, then he's a certified retard.

I know they have a vast web of discord channels and forum chats they communicate in, previously it had been Twitter, Skype, and Facebook. I also know that information tends to be compartmentalized within the channels it is distributed. The shroud of secrecy and compartmentalization (along with the core inner group of higher ups) seems to intimate state sources, or at the very least former state sources. My best guess is it's likely a joint intel op. I'd be very surprised if Tricky Dicky Spencer, who lives in northern Virginia, isn't a CIANigger. Weev also comes to mind, as does Damigo, Johnny monoxide, and Grindr Greg.

The general rule that *should* be used by anons to evaluate groups is judge them by the fruits they bear. Does TRS encourage it's members to become stronger men, find worthy wives, raise a good family, and be beacons of traditional white values/ideals?

Spencer lives in Montana as far as I know. But he himself admitted he knows plenty of politicians and lobbyists in DC personally, so something really is fishy.

In his defense, he's autistic and part nigger.

Apparently he lives in both for half the year each. Something like that. Jewgle searches certainly show he has a residence in Arlington, VA.

When he was at Milo's Faggots for Trump event, he said he had "friends in high places" who got him credentials for the RNC.

>Nearby, Richard Spencer was thoroughly enjoying himself. Spencer — another formerly mainstream conservative who developed into a white nationalist and now runs a think tank called the National Policy Institute — said he had a credential for the convention but wouldn’t say how he’d gotten it, only saying he has “friends in high places.”

Probably some powerful kikes who took him up on his offer in 2010.

Do you know how much the jew-wise radio hosts on networks like RBN, who put out better, and significantly more content than TRS get paid? Nothing.

aren't most TRSfags lolbergs?

well they didnt knew the /polk/ BO was the one behind the TRS doxxing, that came out some days ago

It's been known for months. They keep pushing that /trs/ is a pro-trs board. Obviously never been there or just relying on newfaggot retardedness to not check and just subscribe to their shitty kike radio show.

Even if you're right about the /trs/ BO being involved with /polk/osher, that has nothing to do with the "doxxing". /baph/ doxed the TRSodomites after they raided us, and the /trs/ BO was actually defending the faggots from FtN and saying they didn't deserve to be doxed.

They're "fashy libertarians". They're entryists trying to deradicalize the far-right – replace Hitler with Pinochet, National Socialism and fascism with "authoritarian capitalism" with the goal of abolishing the state, etc.

Who is this faggot's audience there? Does he host a trs podcast too?

antifa doxed eunoch

last image should have been

They're lolbergs who hate niggers and like edgy humor, that's about it. They still love their BASED JEWS like Rothbard and Mises.

Eunoch's wife was b'nai b'rth president and they're connected to adl who has done shit like this for years.

He hosts "New Europe Radio" and has been a guest on a bunch of other shows.

He also runs "The Alternative Hypothesis" with TRS-affiliated philosemite Sean Last.

I meant out of the TRSodomites doxed here on 8ch. None were done by /trs/.

Because people were willing to forgive him for marrying her prior to redpilling. He was in a difficult situation, and alot of people on Holla Forums either can't wrap their minds around it or don't bother to think about it.
>start going down the lolbertarian path which leads you to Holla Forums like ideas Holla Forums used to be just as libertarian as natsoc, you fags who disagree don't even remember 2011 and 2012

He could have divorced her, but what would he tell his friends and family? I divorced her because she's a kike? That's how you get disowned by your family, and most people don't want that. Especially someone who is nationalistic, even if your family is full of libshits, they are still family. They ended up disowning him somewhat anyway, as they specifically asked him to stop using Peinovich as his last name (his interview with that academic a while back). I think he should have said something before it came out, and he definitely didn't handle it correctly. But no one is perfect. Holla Forums holds people's feet to the fire in order to make them swing harder to the right, which is what seems to have happened in his case. He was at the Pikeville and Charlottesville rallies, both of which Holla Forums supported.

Yeah, we call it hiding our power level. We do it as well.
I think the subscription is stupid, (there is still a free show and the sub episodes will be released at a later date) and will bite them in the ass, but we'll see what happens with it.

It fascinates me how much infighting TRS and other groups outside of Holla Forums cause here. These are the only threads people can actually D&C, which you can usually see because there will be one or two posters with (56) and nothing but memes and infographs on why everyone doing shit IRL is stupid, shouldn't be trusted, and generally should be attacked and ignored. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed this false consensus being pushed. Holla Forums is a rabid dog, and shills are turning us on people who claim to believe and actually work towards the same things we want. There is a time and place for purity spiraling, and we only weaken ourselves if we do it prior to winning.

this will give you context on why they hated TRS

Maybe if you want to "hide your power level" you shouldn't start a radio show and ask NatSocs and WNs to give you your money, faggot.

Was he jerking off in that vid?

This sums things up nicely, since then autists and shills have turned WN on our own

I had been listening to one of their podcasts, the Southern Nationalism, and I noted there was a strange acceptance of Jewry going on in their narrative. I commented that "There are no good Jews", and the response I got was pic related.
I went back and capped it during the dox shit - which appears to have been about 2 months later - because it had really stood out to me when it was posted, and upon revelation of what was actually going on, it deserved capping and reposting.

Fact is, these people are not ideological as regards the JQ - they just realize their potential target audience IS ideological in that regard, and so they try to subtley work their narratives to that end. The person above who stated they thought TRS was a honeypot for deradicalization had me thinking at first, because I immediately thought of shit like The War Room, which feels more like something aimed at radicalizing people (in the worst, Spielbergian manner), but upon contemplation, that poster was right - they play both sides of the aisle, appealing to the extremists with one show and appealing to the moderates with another.

They've also, it would seem, taken note of the nigger-rap tactic of creating 'beef' to spur more activity between podcasts. It seems that's become one of their tactics now - make it appear as though one podcast is 'starting beef' with the other, and as a result, the listeners are more-likely to listen to the other podcast to be up-to-date on the 'beef' between the two groups. In the last 2 months, I'd say I've seen that tactic employed in their content no less than half a dozen times, likely more.


…and then he stayed with her and brought her onto his totally sincere WN podcast.

Was it because Bulbasaur is one of the few so-called WNs who are willing to stand up for the Talmud and BASED Israel?

Yes, whoever uploaded it to jewtube cropped it out. He apparently uploaded it to some tube site as an audition for gay porn, he was also a gay prostitute.

In context he asked other WN not to be full 14/88 gas the kikes race war now when his mom treated them to dinner. I don't understand how this isn't understandable. Is Holla Forums really this full of autistic people who can't into interpersonal relationships?

wasn't most of 4chan libertarian back then along with /new/? I wonder what caused the change to natsoc

And again, it is one individual attacking a pro-white group.

sage because drama bullshit

Fuck off already shill. And speaking of D&C, TRSodomites were the biggest perpetrators of that. Kike Enoch commonly fooled around about the Irish and the Italians not being white on his show, Sven actively shat on everyone who wasn't sucking his cock (including Holla Forums) regardless of conviction, they had some retard called Simon Elliot whose entire job was to bash Slavs and blame them for communism and telling white people not to breed, and then they topped it all off with the "purity spiraling" shit. They are the biggest dividers of them all.

No, I've thought about it deeply and can infact wrap my mind around it - but the problem is, that narrative is total bullshit. Let me explain.

See, a few things put some serious holes in that reasoning.
First, he never had kids with her, so there was really nothing to inhibit his getting a divorce - and if he'd ACTUALLY become redpilled, there's no way he could continue to love this creature he had married, no way at all.
Second, he got her to come on the show and sing a song - and not just a song, mind you, a VERY explicit song. I'll embed here if able, but if not, here's the link:

Let's look at your breakdown:
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that's kinda bullshit. Holla Forums had a much more vocal lolberg minority, I'll grant you that.
Lad, he didn't start the podcast until 2014… You expect us to buy that this guy didn't get the JQ until 2014? Really? Because that's ridiculous given the context.
Suddenly realizes?
Divorce her immediately and make it known that you're getting a divorce because your wife - who is Jewish, something you felt it appropriate to keep a concealed fact, despite bringing her on your WN show to sing a song at Christmas - is batshit crazy AND A JEW.

He doesn't have to tell them anything but that he wanted to divorce her.
He already did, by his account, as a result of this coming to light in the way it did.
Considering his family is libshit cancer, the idea that he'd be hesitant to be disowned by them is highly dubious - also irrelevant, because you don't have to say anything about it, as previously noted.
So don't say you divorced your wife because she was a kike, say irreconcilable differences. Done, your narrative is now dead.
Full stop: That's what he SAYS they've said… And you believe him, why?
No shit.
Nobody is asking for perfection here, and that you're trying to spin it that was is highly suspect.
Except it hasn't, has it? No, it hasn't. Dude hasn't 'swung further to the right', not in any appreciable sense - and what's more, there is no proof whatsoever that I have seen that Mike Peinovich divorced his wife. NONE.
You'd think that'd be something he'd be quick to bandy about, but no, no mention of it whatsoever, we're just supposed to take his word - which you obviously did, being a sycophant or a dimwit - and there's no reason for us to do that at this point.

Now you're just lying outright - I was in that thread, and Holla Forums DID NOT support that shit, not in the least, expressly because of Peinovich being there. Well, him and Spencer.

You're engaging in context denial.

I bet it does, given your commentary - though why you'd be surprised by a group led by a Jew who wants to present himself as a White man, and has lied to his audience via omission repeatedly, would not create hostility. I don't think you can even call it 'infighting' at this point - Holla Forums opposes TRS, openly and widely, and so its more like TRS comes to shill and Holla Forums calls them faggots, than it is 'infighting'.
Typically those are the people arguing in defense of TRS.
Ah, well, you've now blown your cover… Well, you've blown it MORE.
You engaged in it in this very post.
Your cover is now totally gone - you are arguing in defense of subversives on the basis of 'no punching right'.
Full-on TRS. I even called out this line of argumentation earlier.
Pure pottery.

There is no excuse in the vein you have argued for this shit.

Hal Turner went to lots of events too, including the Knoxville rally for Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. I guess it doesn't matter that he was an FBI informant then…

Not an argument. If marrying his wife was just a pre-redpilled blunder, why did he stay with her and bring her on the show to read a poem that she wrote, but clearly didn't really agree with? Why should we believe someone who brought a kike on his podcast to LARP as a WN was sincere himself?

That user who suggested it was yours truly. Once one knows about this deradicalization tactic, it becomes plain as day to see in specific podcasts and forum posters. Some are clearly fools who parrot this behavior so they can fit in, which only further obfuscates the driving actors. Nevertheless, I have a pretty good idea of who they are individually, and some guesses as to the groups from which they originate.

Why does imkampfy want me to pay attention to this kind of bullshit? I mean, I've got to finish my studies, get fit, a woman, a house and organize my life with my comrades, nothing more.

Mike Enoch: She wrote this and read it herself. I was really proud of it.

Mike Enoch's Wife:
Twas a TRS Christmas, and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse.
The cucks were all prepped for the ovens with care,
just waiting for morning to pop em in there.
A nation of teachers were tucked in their beds,
while visions of vibrancy danced in their heads.
I with my reason and my mom with her cats,
had just settled in for our usual spats.
When out on the street there arose such a clatter,
I rose to the bait to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a fash,
resolved with an iron will to go full fash.
The moon shone so bright on the newfallen snow,
like the glare of the media on objects below.
And what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but 8 Episcopal priests, and all of them queer!
I'm a seasoned old troller so lively and quick,
I knew in a flash I could rally my hicks.
More rapid than eagles my edgelords they came,
to drive out interlopers and call them by name:
Out Communists, out socialists, out left-libertarians!
Out betas, out allies, SJW-contrarians!
Out beaners and dindus and Muslim jihadists,
spare us your Syrian refugee problems.
Just fash away, fash away, fash away all!

Like the dry heaves we feel with SJWs nearby,
when faced with well-reasoned arguments they cry:
Ad hominem attacks have no attacks on us trolls,
we obey the TOS because that's how we rolls.
And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof,
the prancing and preening of each little poof.

As I drew in my head and was turning around,
like a Standard Pool Party they came with a bound.
On the left came a standard bearer on foot,
and his foot were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
As though he had been to the ovens and back,
and he looked like a merchant, just opening his pack.

His eyes, how euphoric, his fedora, how merry,
his cheeks were all pockmarked, his nose like a cherry.
His virginal mouth was drawn up like a bow,
and the beard on his neck unruly as slow.
The stem of a pipe he held in his teeth,
a signal that he really was cool underneath.
He had a round face and a littel round belly,
that shook as he raged like a bowl full of jelly.
There by the chimney he sat with a scotch,
certain it would raise his status a notch.
He was chubby and plumb, a right surly old elf,
and I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself.
The dull look in his eye and the crap in his head,
made me see just how easily this guy could be led.
Then laying a finger inside of his nose and digging for gold,
up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to his Prius, 'I'll dox you!' he begs,
yet away he still fled with his tail tween his legs.
But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
"i'll see you online bitches where we'll fight the good fight!".
So what have we learned at the end of this Yule?
To be right is right, its a simple enough rule.
To all of our goys, who hold TRS tight,
a White Christmas to all, and to all, a White night.


Who the fuck cares?

I care. These are subversives attempting to poison and control your brethren - why would you NOT care?
Doesn't make any sense.

Thread is anchored, so there's no reason to sage either. You seem legit.

Given the fact that she's a faghag, the anti-gay lines are the most damning.

If she went on the air and said things she didn't really believe in, why should we think her husband is doing anything different?

Certainly not have her on your "antisemitic" podcast to sing fashy Christmas songs, oh wait.

Indeed. The terminology is very interesting in many ways, when you know its a Jew saying it.

This was his biggest mistake, because without that song, emotionally-derived sob story narratives as that fag above tried to pull out might have actually worked. As it stands, they fall pathetically flat almost-instantly.

I often hear about women having cock envy and wishing they were men, but this was the first one I've seen who wanted to be a tranny. Why are all kikes so degenerate?


Don't forget them shitting up Holla Forums and then tried to get us to attack IronMarch.

The thread is bumplocked you degenerate TRSFAGGOT.

>Defending a TRSodomite jew
Not a battle you can win, user.


no, it was because the fags on TRS banned some other fags from Iromarch, and then the fags on ironmarch were butthurt about it


Subscription is the last step before pulling the plug. Why on earth would anyone get a subscription to that nonsense when there are far better patriots doing it for free?
Kys already
