Do not challenge any of the zog machines puppets, DO as The Jews say Official line of Holla Forumss admin

So it looks like the rumours of Holla Forums being co-opted by kikes is now fact!

So I log on today, CTRL+F look for Lieberman, see the first 2 threads have been shut down.
I look around and notice the thread filled with kikes agitating for the jewish counter-jihad narrative when some spic rammed people in NY, spot my comments, made after it was reported as confirmed that the driver was a spic, asking why everyone is still shilling the
angle, see today that all 3 of my comments removed, all the obvious jews still there, shilling the jewish counter-jihad narrative even after it was shown to be a stoned spic.

Go through the few pointless threads being posted to, all of them meaningless, stumble on this thread.
The notice this post

Looks like a mod was showing off and bragging about his removal of perhaps the only jew in that thread, I say this mainly because it was the only comments I could see that wasn't sucking jew fraud Trumps dick.
Immediately my reply querying this was responded within seconds.

So is the official policy of Holla Forums that nobody criticises Trump then?
Wouldn;t it make more sense if the mods stickied some post explaining this policy of now only promoting jewish controlled opposition, like we'ver seen with the Gert Wilders, Le Pen and obviously the freemason and jew fraud Trump.
Just make a post stickied stating that you do not tolerate any criticism of zog, it would save your jewish mods a lot of time in banning folk.

There's been lots of talk across the net of being completely hijacked by jewish hasbara.

Looks like the MODS are so casual about their promotion of zog puppets they openly now boast of it.

What a fucking waste of years of my life posting on a honeypot kike run forum that this place is, remember when Holla Forums used to be the first to investigate and expose jewish infiltration and controlled opposition, it now openly boasts about promoting controlled opposition.

So is Hotpockets a kike behind the push and promotion of every zog controlled group in world politics while playing along with every MSM narrative and reacting like every jew in media is telling the truth?

Looks that way.

Other urls found in this thread:


First response is clearly a kike


Also, we all know that the mods just did a name change.


You need to take your pills dude. Not a shill but Jesus nigger you sound like you're in the midst of a schizo episode. Maybe take a break from the internet for a few minutes.

ease up on the monomaniacal posting you cock-gobbler.

Yet, wow, here's this whole thread.

That image is fantastic. Saved

You've been making this thread for months and you still haven't abandoned the "compromised" Holla Forums. lol. You either like getting banned or are paid to D&C. Either way you're a dumb fag who should choke on a dick.

Nice projection there (((you)))

Lol cry harder autistic endchan shitskin kike your tears are delicious

This whole thread proves 8/pol/ is getting closer every day to T_D, 180D chess.

Cry harder shitskin kike goon

Every one of the above responses highlights the sheer pointlessness of Holla Forums for any genuine white pol/ack, it's clear the owners of this board hates whites, now it only allows promotion of kosher conservatives, all real nationalist movements get trashed and the threads bumplocked, every wanky post sucking jew dicks and their agents like Gert Wilders or Tommy FUCKING Robinson FFS are talked about as if they are genuine resistance to zog.
Yet Tommy Robinson/Gert Wilders working for the state and jews was widely recorded and documented before Holla Forums ever existed, now Holla Forums champions these kike-alikes.

So after banning anyone actually red-pilled on the JQ during the Trump campaign, all we're left with is retarded children who literally gaslight Holla Forumsacks

What is the point of spending years investigating the tricks jews pull only to completely collapse when it counts and devote the website to promoting kikes who all work for international jewry.

Why does the hotpocket internet defense force always spring into such vitriolic action whenever anyone so much as questions the motives and actions we've seen from the mod staff over the past few months?

Is that why the lieberman thread is stickied then?

Keep trying lefty pol


Not sure whose side I should even pick but the fac that so many people are sperging out means something is up.

Just fuck off, goons.


Maybe people are tired of your autistic semitic screeching every time we try to have a rational discussion and measure the pros and cons of candidates. After the first 500 times whining about freemason hasbara neocohen kikes and promoting based shitskin muslims and niggers maybe get a clue. Go back to your shitskin containment dead site. Nobody cares schizo semitic shitskin

Get gassed.

Gonna leave this thread in the catalog just so anons can see what a gigantic faggot you are.

The lieberman thread is just saying that the wikileaks dropped. It's not a thread where the OP is criticizing the (possible/presumed) appointment of lieberman to replace comey. In fact, there was a thread that criticized Trump even entertaining the notion of appointing lieberman and saying he's surrounding himself with too many kikes, and that was, of course, deleted.

You know, just like every other thread that's even slightly critical of any of trump's actions. There's a difference between being an endchan goon who just wants you to be hopeless and cut yourself and being a fucking trump cheerleader operating on blind faith and patriotardism.

You seem very untrustworthy and ascerbic. Thats just my view of your commentary here.

Narrative crafting.



Nah, mods just admitted they engage in narrative crafting on Holla Forums.
The implocation in your admission is that you were otherwise not going to leave it in the catalog. Why not? Because it criticizes you.

Same reason you made /polmeta/ - mods dont like being criticized in front of the community.
If /polmeta/ existed on cuckchan, we would not be here.

You are literally spenidng 16 hours a day spamming this board you kike. Maybe if you posted on your shitskin loving honeypot board a little more it wouldn't be so dead.

Also everyone knows you are a mudslime/mudslime lover and nigger lover, Into the oven you go

1.How would you know?
2.Spamming? Get real faggot, I've never spammed anything except rach threads (which mods chose to leave up for hours) and one alt-right thread mods also left up for hours, despite it being rife with TRS.
3.There is nothing in your post that isn't a toothless fucking insult with nothing to back it up.
4."everyone knows"? Interesting - in my experience, those who claim to know what 'everyone knows' are full of shit, especially when they're a moderator trying to poorly conceal their identity to oppose someone talking about how the transparency those mods have abandoned is exactly what brought us to this site in the first place.

If /polmeta/ existed on cuckchan, we would not be here, because criticism of moot would have gotten buried/banned with 'go to polmeta' attached - and you know it.



By the way, I'm also quite confident the mods are modifying the log in some way, because yesterday I counted over 50 permabans in the previous 22 hours - yet, suddenly, the log is now going back 2 days and has less than 40.


Nigger, the mods can't force shit, tor exists an they are totally impotent - which is probably why they drop permabans like fucking rain.


Do you understand what the word shill even fucking means, you imbecile? I rather doubt it.

But, hey, its a great a silencing mechanism! Shill is basically the Holla Forums equivalent of a Jew on twitter calling someone racist. Sad.

And yes, the mods did do 'this', 'this' being banning of anyone who criticizes them in front of the community.
Again, we would not be here if /polmeta/ existed on cuckchan, because the mods would ban anyone who criticized them and then idiots (or mods in masks) would appear to push the narrative in a given direction.
The only reason h8/pol/ exists is because of the absence of the sort of activity we're presently seeing on behalf of the moderators.
Now quick, bring in another ID to create the appearance of consensus.

And before I switch IPs again, watch them delete these links.




Keep digging yourself deeper.

I forgot:

That and gay-ass anime waifu threads.

Good post

It's amazing and pathetic how small these jews really are.

Bump this site is owned by a datamining freemason and modd3d by kikes and funded by Jared Kushner

Reminder 8pol is the only real honeypot

This site is compromised

post the links faggot

Holla Forums mods are compromised undeniable proof






You goons truly are subhuman.


I thought the jewish thing was all satire. What the!?